City of Modesto FY11-12 12-13 Proposed Proposed Budget FY Budget Finance Committee/City Council Workshop Presentation Police Department Proposed Budget Fiscal Year 2012-13 Michael G. Harden Chief of Police May 14, 2012 City of Modesto FY Budget FY12-13 11-12Proposed Proposed Budget Police Department Department Overview The Police Department is charged with the maintenance of law and order and the protection of life and property. The Department accomplishes this by 24-hour response through three divisions: Operations, Investigations and Administration/Support Services. The Chief of Police provides for the Department’s management and with the assistance of three Division Police Captains oversees daily operations. City of Modesto FY Budget FY12-13 11-12Proposed Proposed Budget Police Department Significant Achievements in 2011-12 are: Response to Priority 1P calls for service remains under 5 minutes 4% reduction in Part - One Crimes 6% reduction in injury collisions 27% reduction in non-injury collisions 1.5% reduction in DUI collisions City of Modesto FY Budget FY12-13 11-12Proposed Proposed Budget Police Department Significant Achievements in 2011-12 continued: The Traffic Unit arrested 1,038 DUI offenders 12.6% reduction in auto theft when compared to 2010 Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) The Crime Reduction Team (CRT) investigated 339 drug hotline calls (196 more than in 2010), served 43 search warrants, completed 337 probation/parole searches (59 more than in the previous year) City of Modesto FY 12-13 FY 11-12Proposed ProposedBudget Budget Police Department Significant Achievements in 2011-12 continued: Street Gang Unit arrested 1,028 individuals and issued 441 citations Violent crime unit solved 12 of 14 homicide cases in 2011 CRT conducted 188 graffiti investigations, served 14 search warrants and made 21 arrests. 35 criminal taggers were identified City of Modesto FY Budget FY12-13 11-12Proposed Proposed Budget Police Department Significant Achievements in 2011-12 continued: Conducted special enforcement ops in area parks resulting in 167 misdemeanor arrests and 25 felony arrests ranging from illegal camping to weapons and stolen copper wire Street Gang Unit, MNET, CRT and SDEA collectively confiscated a total of 258 firearms off the streets Implemented Crime Mapping which allows residents to access information on crime in their neighborhood City of Modesto FYFY 12-13 Proposed Budget 11-12 Proposed Budget Police Department Significant Achievements in 2011-12 continued: Crime Prevention Unit coordinated 181 active Neighborhood Watch groups, monitored 114 CrimeFree Multi-Housing properties in Modesto, conducted 80 crime prevention meetings, and coordinated the 2011 National Night Out activities, which resulted in Modesto being awarded 2nd place in California and 6th place in the USA City of Modesto FY 12-13 FY 11-12Proposed ProposedBudget Budget Police Department Significant Achievements in 2011-12 continued: SDEA seized 2 lbs of heroin, 89 lbs of cocaine, ½ lb of methamphetamine powder, 76 lbs of methamphetamine crystal, 1,706 lbs of processed marijuana, 37,956 marijuana plants City of Modesto FY11-12 12-13 Proposed Proposed Budget FY Budget Police Department Overview Divisions The Police Department is comprised of three (3) divisions: • Administration/Police Support Services • Investigative Services • Field Operations Staffing 311 FTE’s 232 Sworn 79 Non-Sworn General Fund – 286 allocations - 210 – Sworn - 76 – Non-Sworn - 269 – Filled - 17 – Vacant (12 Police Officers; 1 Sgt; 2 Detectives; 1 Admin Analyst II; 1 Police Clerk II) Non-General Fund – 25 allocations - 22 – Sworn 3 – Non-Sworn - 23 – Filled 2 – Vacant (2 Police Officers) City of Modesto FY11-12 12-13 Proposed Proposed Budget FY Budget Police Department Overview 6-Year Staffing History Including FY 12-13 Proposed 400 287 200 251 238 300 113.75 95 237 95 232 84 79 100 0 -08 Y 08-09 Y 09-10 Y 10-11 -12 Y 12-13 FY 0 7 F F F FY 1 1 F Sworn Non-Sworn 232 79 City of Modesto FY Budget FY12-13 11-12Proposed Proposed Budget Police Department Funding Sources Funding sources for the Police Department include: General Fund Traffic Offender Fund Traffic Safety Fund Various grants and fees City of Modesto FY11-12 12-13 Proposed Proposed Budget FY Budget Police Department Overview 6-Year Expense History Including FY 12-13 Proposed Budget $53,000,000 , 1 37 , 2 $5 $43,000,000 $33,000,000 5 5 5 6 8 5 5 7 3 al u t al u t al u t , , 4 8 84 72 , , 2 1 $5 $5 7 4 4 9 0 6 6 3 6 , , , , 0 2 6 5 76 98 36 75 , , , , 7 5 7 8 $4 $4 $4 $4 $23,000,000 $13,000,000 $3,000,000 al u t 07 / 06 Ac 08 / 07 Ac 09 / 08 Ac 10 / 09 Ac al u t 11 / 10 Ac 12 / 11 ed t e g d Bu 13 / 12 P ed s po o r 2 0 5 City of Modesto FY Budget FY12-13 11-12Proposed Proposed Budget Police Department Proposed FY 2012/13 Budget Department Starting Point Less Proposed Reductions Proposed Budget: $ 49,921,190 ($ 1,165,688) $48,755,502 City of Modesto FY Budget FY12-13 11-12Proposed Proposed Budget Police Department Proposed FY 12/13 Expense by Division Police Administration/ Support Services Division Investigative Services Division $13,096,264 $12,202,361 Proposed GF Budget for FY 2012-13 = $48,755,502 Field Operations Division $23,456,877 Total FTE’s = 311 City of Modesto FY Budget FY12-13 11-12Proposed Proposed Budget Police Department Proposed FY 12/13 Expense by Program Police Administration/Support Services Division - $13,096,264 Department Administration 61 FTE’s Internal Investigations Department Accreditation (CALEA) Records Training Payroll and Purchasing Property and Evidence MPD Building Services 9-1-1 Communications Animal Control Citation Processing Franchise Tow Abandoned Vehicle Abatement Parking Enforcement Juvenile Programs Tactical Training Center Information Technology Court Liaison School Police Officers City of Modesto FY Budget FY12-13 11-12Proposed Proposed Budget Police Department Proposed FY 12/13 Expense by Program Police Admin/Support Services Division - $13,096,264 Police Administration - $1,986,384 911 Communications Ctr - $3,066,332 MPD Building Svcs - $471,812 Records & Support Svcs - $5,997,610 Training Center - $42,613 Citation Processing - $553,030 Animal Control - $760,743 Abandoned Vehicle Abate - $113,130 City of Modesto FY Budget FY12-13 11-12Proposed Proposed Budget Police Department Proposed FY 12/13 Expense by Program Investigative Services Division - $12,202,361 Crimes Against Persons Special Victims Unit (SVU) Economic Crimes Property Crimes Street Gang Unit Fugitive Detail Crime Analysis Identification Unit Stanislaus Drug Enforcement Agency (SDEA) Central Valley Gang Intelligence Task Force (CVGIT) Modesto Narcotics Enforcement Team (MNET) Stanislaus County Auto Theft Task Force (StanCATT) 80 FTE’s City of Modesto FY Budget FY12-13 11-12Proposed Proposed Budget Police Department Proposed FY 12/13 Expense by Program Investigative Services Division - $12,202,361 SDEA Unit $1,012,178 Investigative Svcs - $11,190,183 City of Modesto FY Budget FY12-13 11-12Proposed Proposed Budget Police Department Proposed FY 12/13 Expense by Program Field Operations Division - $23,456,877 Patrol Traffic Crime Reduction Team (CRT) Crime-Free Multi-Housing Restorative Policing DED Enforcement Special Weapons and Tactics Team (SWAT) Critical Incident Team (CIT) Canine (K-9) Unit 170 FTE’s Equestrian Unit Bicycle Patrol Crime Prevention & Neighborhood Watch Modesto Community Emergency Response Team (MCERT) City of Modesto FY Budget FY12-13 11-12Proposed Proposed Budget Police Department Proposed FY 12/13 Expense by Program Field Operations Division - $23,456,877 Traffic Unit - $2,124,990 Patrol Operations - $21,132,987 Outside Police Services - $198,900 City of Modesto FY Budget FY12-13 11-12Proposed Proposed Budget Police Department Strategic Commitments The Police Department supports the following Council Strategic Commitments: Build and promote partnerships that engage neighborhoods and create a sense of community Neighborhood Watch National Night Out Crime Mapping Crime-Free Multi-Housing Modesto DED Cooperative City of Modesto FY Budget FY12-13 11-12Proposed Proposed Budget Police Department Strategic Commitments Continued Provide a safe and inviting community in which to live, work and visit. Community Policing efforts Provide an innovative and accountable city government that embraces a standard of excellence through adaptive leadership and responsive public service. CALEA • Internal Audits • Staff Inspections Leadership Training City of Modesto FY Budget FY12-13 11-12Proposed Proposed Budget Police Department Strategic Commitments Continued Champion education partnerships. School Police Officers Junior Traffic Safety Patrol Junior Cadet Program Police Activities League (PAL) Wake-Up Program Youth Leadership Academy Explorer Program City of Modesto FY Budget FY12-13 11-12Proposed Proposed Budget Police Department Challenges: As staffing levels decrease the following challenges occur: Meeting minimum staffing levels for everyday patrol functions, let alone when an emergency situation occurs that requires the deployment of multiple units to a scene Impacts the Department’s ability to continue to be a proactive rather than reactive Police Department Results in an increased span of control for Sergeants and Lieutenants City of Modesto FY Budget FY12-13 11-12Proposed Proposed Budget Police Department Challenges Continued… Results in making the Department more reliant on outside sources to continue to fund police officers – without this revenue, positions either have to be absorbed by the General Fund or lost Decreased staffing in Investigative Services results in redeployment of staffing to focus on violent crimes vs. economic crimes Results in merging of job functions which continues to increase employee responsibilities and scope of work City of Modesto FY Budget FY12-13 11-12Proposed Proposed Budget Police Department Challenges Continued… Makes it difficult to maintain involvement in regional law enforcement task forces Results in reduced hours available to serve public at Customer Service windows at the Police Department City of Modesto FY Budget FY12-13 11-12Proposed Proposed Budget Police Department Unmet Needs: Need to begin growing the Department back at a reasonable rate 6 – Police Officers 1 – Sergeant 2 – Police Community Services Officers 1 – Police Clerk II 1 – Police Civilian Supervisor $634,092 $139,252 $116,848 $ 50,186 $ 92,432 Total Request : $1,032,810 City of Modesto FY 11-12 Proposed Budget Comparable Crime Stats City/Population Rank Population Number of Officers Officers Per 1,000 Residents Bakersfield #11 333,458 349 1 Riverside #12 297,863 361 1.21 Stockton #13 292,047 342 1.17 Chula Vista #14 229,060 230 1 Irvine #15 217,193 200 0.92 Fremont #16 205,521 178 0.86 Modesto #17 203,890 229 1.12 San Bernardino #18 199,214 319 1.58 Glendale #19 196,882 254 1.29 Huntington Beach #20 193,369 215 1.11 City of Modesto FY 11-12 Proposed Budget Comparable Crime Stats City/Population Rank Population Number of Officers Officers Per 1,000 Residents Fresno 484,734 793 1.63 Sacramento 472,469 696 1.47 Oakland 409,723 674 1.64 Modesto #17 203,890 229 1.12 Hayward 144,509 199 1.37 Turlock 69,961 81 1.15 City of Modesto FY 11-12 Proposed Budget Comparable Crime Stats City/Population Rank Violent Crimes Homicide Rape Robbery Aggravated Assault Victims of Violent Crimes (Per 1000 Residents) Bakersfield #11 2,104 33 34 641 1,396 6.3/1,000 Riverside #12 1,448 9 78 502 859 4.9/1,000 Stockton #13 4,033 49 107 1,413 2,464 13.8/1,000 Chula Vista #14 663 2 54 254 353 2.9/1,000 Irvine #15 120 0 24 40 56 0.5/1,000 Fremont #16 488 3 40 189 256 2.3/1,000 Modesto #17 1,398 10 62 427 899 6.8/1,000 San Bernardino #18 1,624 31 66 632 895 8.1/1,000 Glendale #19 277 0 17 119 141 1.4/1,000 Huntington Bch #20 449 2 32 109 306 2.3/1,000 City of Modesto FY 11-12 Proposed Budget Comparable Crime Stats City/Population Rank Violent Crimes Homicide Rape Robbery Aggravated Assault Victims of Violent Crimes (Per 1000 Residents) Fresno 3,304 45 70 1,021 1,898 6.2/1,000 Sacramento 4,112 33 165 1,491 2,423 8.7/1,000 Oakland 6,267 90 318 2,917 2,942 15.2/1,000 Modesto #17 1,398 10 62 427 899 6.8/1,000 Hayward 652 13 48 391 200 4.5/1,000 Turlock 466 1 21 124 320 6.6/1,000 City of Modesto FY 11-12 Proposed Budget Comparable Crime Stats City/Population Rank Number of Property Crimes Burglary Larceny Auto Theft Victims of Property Crimes Bakersfield #11 15,197 4,235 8,507 2,455 45/1,000 Riverside #12 9,963 2,068 6,434 1,461 33/1,000 Stockton #13 16,177 4,482 9,654 2,041 55/1,000 Chula Vista #14 5,124 760 3,255 1 22/1,000 Irvine #15 2,798 480 2,197 121 13/1,000 Fremont #16 4,414 1,167 2,757 490 21/1,000 Modesto #17 9,383 2,171 5,786 1,426 46/1,000 San Bernardino #18 8,967 2,318 4,928 1,721 45/1,000 Glendale #19 3,717 642 2,747 328 19/1,000 Huntington Bch #20 4,673 767 3,621 285 24/1,000 (Per 1,000 Residents) City of Modesto FY 11-12 Proposed Budget Comparable Crime Stats City/Population Rank Number of Property Crimes Burglary Larceny Auto Theft Victims of Property Crimes Fresno 24,460 5,262 14,645 4,553 50/1,000 Sacramento 20,200 5,027 11,179 3,994 43/1,000 Oakland 17,325 4,961 7,720 4,644 42/1,000 Modesto #17 9,383 2,171 5,786 1,426 46/1,000 Hayward 3,753 1,097 1,649 1,007 26/1,000 Turlock 2,881 686 1,730 465 41/1,000 (Per 1,000 Residents) City of Modesto FY 11-12 Proposed Budget MPD Crime Stats THIS YEAR TO DATE LAST YEAR TO DATE % OF CHANGE Homicide 7 4 Rape 14 11 27.3% Robbery 120 93 29.0% Aggravated Assault 242 174 39.1% Burglary 638 499 27.9% Larceny 1604 1351 18.7% Auto Theft 390 347 12.4% Subtotal 3015 2479 22% Non–Aggravated Assault 335 330 2% Part I Crime as Reported to U.S. Department of Justice Uniform Crime Reporting Total Part I 3350 2809 19% City of Modesto FY Budget FY12-13 11-12Proposed Proposed Budget Police Department Questions?