State Level Kharif Workshop Technologies for Package of Practices By MPUAT, Udaipur University Service Area 3 Agro-climatic Regions(10) 83 Panchayat Samitis (237) 2998 Gram Panchayat (9187) 15076 Villages (43,541) BHILWARA BUNDI BARAN KOTA SIROHI UDAIPUR MPUAT Service Area Particulars Zone IV a SubhumidSouthern Plain and Aravali Hills Zone IV b Humid Souther n Plain Zone V Humid South Eastern Plain Geographical area(7.78 m ha) 3.36 1.72 2.70 Net cropped area (2.76 m ha) * GCA (3.78 mha) 0.89 0.59 1.28 (1.16)* (0.84)* (1.81)* Cropping Intensity (%) 136.73 131 143 141 Rainfall (mm) 500-900 500-1000 650-1100 65.9 38.3 52.1 Pop. (lakhs) 156 lakhs 27.7% of total population (156 Lakh) 62% of forest area 16.3 Lakh ha) Major crops - maize 9.12 lakh ha (90.63%), soybean 7.42 lakh ha (99.8%), coriander 1.36 lakh ha (99.2%), wheat 6.40 lakh ha (30%), mustard 7.73 lakh ha (22%), garlic 0.20 lakh ha (74.9%). Low vegetable cultivation area 16000 ha (13.5%) Tomato, Brinjal, Pea Major fruits area 12000 ha mango (65.5%), guava (75.6%), orange (99.8%) and custard- apple (98.6%) Irrigation 19.1 lakh ha (canal 26,1 tank 2.5, Tube wells& wells 68 Percent) Fertilizer use is 71.81 kg/ha as against 38.96 kg/ha in the state. Livestock 161 lakhs44% of cattle, 30% of Goat & 28.4% of buffalo and 36.5% poultry population ZONE-IV A Varieties Notified Pratap Makka Chari-6 (EC-3135) • Maturity - 59 days to silking • Green Fodder yield – 350-360 q/ha • Dry fodder yield – 70-75 q/ha Pratap Hybrid Maize-2 (EH-1389) •Maturity - 80-85 days •Grain yield – 55-56 q/ha Maize Zone IV A Name of Variety Days to maturity (days) Yield Potential (q ha-1) Remarks PHM-1 (2003) 80 35-38 Tolerant to Downey mildew and stem borer PM-3 (2005) 75-78 45-50 Tolerant to major pest, insect and disease PM-4 85-92 45-50 PM-5 85-90 40-42 Tolerant to Downey mildew and stem borer Pratap Kanchan-2 85-90 56.03 Moderately resistant to major disease like ESR, PFSR, MLB, TLB and BLSB and stem borer PM chari-6 58 350-390 Green 73-88 dry PHM-2 (2010) 80 50-56 Tolerant to major pest, insect and disease Varieties released Sorghum Pratap Chari -1080 • Early single cut (60-65 days) • Fodder yield potential 350-400 q/ha of green fodder and 125-135 q/ha of dry fodder. • Superior quality fodder is having protein 6.8% with in vitro digestible dry matter (IVDMD) of 54.8%. Sorghum Zone IV A Name of Variety Days to maturity (days) Yield Potential (q ha-1) Reaction to insect, pest and disease Remarks SPH-837 85-90 35-40 High degree of multiple disease resistance and tolerant to shoot fly and midge 2002 Csv-17 85-88 25-30 tolerant to shoot fly, stem borer and ear head bug, resistance to anthracnose, leaf blight, grey leaf spot, rust and moderately resistance to zonate leaf spot 2003 Pratap Jowar 1430 90-95 30-35 multiple disease resistance and tolerant to stem borer, ear head bug and midge 2004 Pratap Chari 1080 60-65 single cut 350-450 green 125135 dry Soybean Pratap Raj 24 (RKS -24) • High yielding variety (30-35 q/ha). • Matures in 95-100 days. • Cremish yellow colour of seed. • 21% oil and 40-41% protein content. • Moderate resistance to collar rot, girdle beetle, stem fly and defoliators. Soybean Zone IV A Name of Variety Days to maturity (days) Yield Potential (q ha-1) Reaction to insect, pest and disease Remarks Pratap Soya 1 90-95 25-30 Tolerant to girdle beetle, moderate tolerant to tobacco caterpillar and other leafy insect, various leaf spot, root rot and other diseases 18-20% oil 40-42% protein Nonshatteing type Pratap Soya 2 90-95 25-30 Tolerant to tobacco caterpillar, girdle beetle and leaf minor, moderately resistant to bacterial pustules and soybean mosaic virus 18-20% oil Clusterbean Zone IV A Name of Variety Yield Potential (q ha-1) Chief characteristics Remarks RGC-936 15-18 Branched, early maturing 1994 RGC-986 12-18 Un-branched, medium maturing 1986 RGC-1003 15-18 Branched, early maturing 1999 Fodder- FS 277 225-250 Un- branched, pubescent and deeply serrated leaves, late maturing 1974 ZONE-IV B Maize Zone IV B Name of Variety Variety/ hybrid/ composite Days to maturity (days) Yield Potential (q ha-1) HQPM-1 Hybrid 95-105 40-45 HQPM-5 Hybrid 95-100 30-40 Ganga-11 Hybrid 95-115 45-50 Mahi Dhawal Composite 95-100 45-50 PEHM-1 Hybrid 80-85 45 PEHM-2 Hybrid 80-85 45 PHM-1 Hybrid 80-82 35-38 GM-6 Composite 80-85 25-30 Mahi Kanchan Composite 75-80 32-38 Blackgram Zone IV B Name of Variety Days to maturity (days) Yield Potential (q ha-1) T-9 80-90 8-10 PU-31 80-85 10-13 Barkha 80-85 10-12 Soyabean Zone IV B Name of Variety Days to maturity (days) Yield Potential (q ha-1) PK-472 100-115 12 JS- 335 110 18-20 Pratap Soya-1 90-93 25-30 JS-93-05 90-95 20-25 NRC-37 96-102 35-40 Pratap RAj Soya-3 95-100 26 Sorghum Fodder Zone IV B Name of Variety Days to maturity (days) Yield Potential (q ha-1) Remarks SSG-59-3 55-60 400 - 500 Multi cut MP Chari 55-60 350-400 Multi cut Raj Chari-1 85-90 400-500 Single cut Raj Chari-2 90 300-350 Single cut Pratap Chari 1080 60-65 350-400 Single cut Pratap Makka chari-6 88-92 300-400 Single cut African Tall Makka 90-95 300-350 Single cut ZONE-V Soyabean Zone V Name of Variety Days to maturity (days) Yield Potential (q ha-1) Reaction to insect, pest and disease JS 335 95-102 25-30 Resistant to bacterial pustule, becterial blight and alternaria blight, tolerant to green mosaic and stem fly NRC 12 95-100 25-30 Resistant to bacterial pustule, leaf spot, becterial blight, yellow green mosaic virus, Rhizoctonia aerial blight, moderately resistant to stem fly and leaf minors RAUS 5 (Pratap Soya 1) 93 25-30 moderately resistant to bacterial pustule, leaf spot, green mosaic virus, moderately resistant to girdle beetle, tobacco cater pillar and other leaf defoliators RKS 18 (Pratap Soya 1) 90-95 25-30 moderately resistant to bacterial pustule, leaf spot, green mosaic virus, moderately resistant to girdle beetle, tobacco cater pillar and other leaf defoliators RKS 24 (Pratap Raj 24 90-95 25-30 moderately resistant to bacterial pustule, leaf spot, green mosaic virus, moderately resistant to girdle beetle, tobacco cater pillar and other leaf defoliators Soyabean Name of Variety Zone V Yield Potential (q ha-1) Reaction to insect, pest and disease JS -95-60 18-20 Tolerant to leaf insect JS-97-52 25-30 Tolerant to leaf insect RKS-45 25-30 Tolerant to leaf insect AND YMV Pipe line varieties of Soyabean Blackgram Zone V Name of Variety Days to maturity (days) Yield Potential (q ha-1) Reaction to insect, pest and disease KU 96-3 68-70 8 Resistant to mung bean yellow mosaic virus PU 31 68-70 8-10 Resistant to mung bean yellow mosaic virus Pipe line varieties of Urdbean KPU 07-08 70-72 10 Resistant to mung bean yellow mosaic virus KPU 07-06 70 8-10 Resistant to mung bean yellow mosaic virus Crop Production MAIZE Plant Protection MAIZE SOYABEAN SOYABEAN •THANK YOU