Tecumseh Variable Speed kits for condenser fans Decrease the sound level, maintain condensing pressure. Less than 3 years pay back Vaulx-Milieu, Septembre 2012 Agenda 1. 2. Tecumseh product offer • • • • Tecumseh product offer Tecumseh fans description Variable speed fans availability The variable speed kits • AC solution EC 250/300mm solution EC solution Key benefits of the Variable Speed fan kits Products benefits • • • • 3. Condensing pressure control Saving energy Improve sound perception From the wholesalers to the end user Press release of the Kits Technical features 1. Tecumseh product offer « READY TO INSTALL » for new installation and adaptable for the retrofit systems A specific solution for all fan technologies offer by Tecumseh. An all-in-one solution. A pre-set kit: 16 Bars for R-404A, an 10 Bars for R-134a. Tecumseh fans description AC: alternative current EC: Electronically commutated AC fans all diameters - All Condensing units except AJ silence and Wintsys panels 1 and 2 - One cable (power supply) EC Ø 250/300mm fans - For AJ silence and Wintsys panels 1 - One cable (power supply) EC Ø 350mm fans - For AJ silence 4517, 4519 and Wintsys panels 2 - Two cable (power supply and control) Tecumseh introduces variable speed on all its fan motors Variable Speed fan availability The “variable speed” stickers on the fan indicate the opportunity to install a Tecumseh variable speed kit. A specific logo sticker will be applied: • When the condensing unit is able to handle the variable speed kits • one of the fans assembly spare parts Specific logos and stickers : Easy identification for wholesalers and installers AC solution description The fan speed controller adjusts the fan speed Only one operation for the wiring AC single phase fan An easy plug on the fan speed controller No impact on the existing power supply line Existing power supply Pressure information coming from liquid line A complete and proven solution. AC kit content « READY TO INSTALL » AC kit content: Two preset fan speed controllers for commercial application : R-404A or R-134a Specific brass tees with screw connection and Schrader valve Specific cable for fan speed controller Installation instruction and a quick start manuals EC Ø 250/300mm solution ESM+ plug The fan speed controller adjusts the fan speed Remove the power supply cable by the specific ESM+ plug An easy plug on the fan speed controller The condensing pressure is directly connected to the fan by the module. Power supply 230V 50Hz Pressure information coming from liquid line A quick and innovative solution EC Ø 250/300mm kit content « READY TO INSTALL » EC Ø 250/300 mm kit content: Two preset fan speed controllers for commercial application: R-404A or R-134a Specific brass tees with screw connection and Schrader valve. Specific cable with ESM+ module Installation instruction and a quick start manuals for ESM+ module and controller EC Ø350mm solution No power supply modification The fan speed controller adjusts the fan speed An easy plug on the fan speed controller The condensing pressure is directly connected to the fan by the module. Power supply 230V 50Hz Pressure information coming from liquid line Simplest solution on the market EC Ø 250/300mm kit content The « READY TO INSTALL » EC kit content: Two preset fan speed controllers for commercial application: R-404A or R-134a Specific brass tees with screw connection and Schrader valve. Installation instruction and quick start manuals Easy quick reference AC fans EC EC All diam. Ø 250/300 mm Ø 350mm 1 cable 1 cable 2 cables R-134a R-404A R-134a R-404A R-134a R-404A Tecumseh Ref. : 8587000 Tecumseh Ref. : 8587001 Tecumseh Ref. : 8687300 Tecumseh Ref. : 8687301 Tecumseh Ref. : 8587002 Tecumseh Ref. : 8587003 Your reference: Your reference: Your reference: Your reference: Your Your reference: reference: Key benefits of the Variable Speed fan kits Key benefits Three key benefits for the end user Condensing pressure control The benefits of the condensing pressure stabilization are: Tr/min 1400 40 T°C 1200 30 34,3°C 33,8°C 1000 1000rpm 20 800 760 rpm 10 600 Stable evaporating temperature Avoid flash gas A better evaporator optimization during full year 0 400 -10 200 -10,8°C -10,5°C 0 -20 -10 -5 Vit. ventilateur 0 T°ext 5 T°cond 10 T° évap The kit « READY TO INSTALL » optimize the Tecumseh condensing units. Saving energy for a year round example the « READY TO INSTALL » EC fans kits can save up to 8% of the energy consumption of the Condensing unit. As an example in a positive application the end user save up to 107 € per year. Comparison between electrical consumption of an electronically commutated (EC: blue line) and a standard shaded poles fans (AC: red line) both equipped with variable speed controller. Details on the appendix 24 The Tecumseh solution saves the end user money ! Decrease the sound impact Speed rotation Min 25% 50% 75% 100% LW(A) EC Diam. 250mm 30 33 38 47 52 dB(A) EC Diam. 300mm 29 29 47 48 60 dB(A) EC diam. 350mm 18 21 42 53 70 dB(A) On the appendix 25 please find an example with a condensing unit. More than a soft start, EC technology offers a significant sound reduction From the wholesalers to the end user Benefits for the installer Maintain the condensing pressure = Constant evaporating temperature A fans “soft start” • • • Less short cycle for the fan and the compressor Avoid flash gas Expend the life time of your refrigeration complete system Benefits for the end user • • • Less maintenance The evaporator is always used on its optimum position Improved food preservation (hygrometry control) Expend the life time of your complete refrigeration system Decrease the noise perception during winter and low consumption needs periods A direct gain below 25°C • • • Low start up and stop noise • Lower power consumption • A significant gain of energy • Less than 3 year pay back Easy to mount • Simple supply chain with the all in one kits. (no risk of missing parts) • Quick installation Press release of the kits Chillventa : Official launch Press release: during October 2012 on major European media. Technical features Give a response to the winter evaporator degradation When the ambiant temperature decrease the evaporating temperature dropt also. This lead: • Icing the evaporator • Flash gas • Decrease the global lifetime • Decrease the global COP • Expansion valve not well adapted Insure a smoother running condition C.U. Variable Speed fan kits easy selection AC fans Shaded poles or PSC 1 cable Ec Ø 250/300mm fans Diam. 250 or 300mm 1 cable AC Tecumseh references 8587000 AJ Silence - without CAJN / TAJN 4517 et 4519 AJ Silence - CAJN / TAJN 4517 et 4519 Wintsys - Panels 1 Wintsys - Panels 2 Standards C.U.* and other Wintsys panels 3 O * : Family TH / AE / AJ standard / FH / AG / VS R-134a EC 250/300 8687300 O O - EC Ø350mm fans Diam. 350mm 2 cables R-404A EC 350mm 8587002 O O - AC 8587001 O EC 250/300 8687301 O O - EC 350mm 8587003 O O - Variables Fan Speed kits description R-134a R134a AC ESM EC R-404A R404A AC ESM EC 8587000 8687300 8587002 8587001 8687301 8587003 Notice de montage Noticerapide de montage rapide Manuel d'utilisation Manuel d'utilisation ou or O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Capteur de pression Capteur de pression Té Té O O O O O O Câble d’alimentation Câble d’alimentation O - - O - - Clip-box Clip-box - O - - O - Yearly energy saving simulation Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Ambiant Temp. (°C) Condensing Temp. (°C) -1,3 1,9 5,2 9,5 14 16,8 18,7 18,2 14,7 9,7 4,7 1,4 30,59 30,69 31,11 32,11 33,73 35,03 36,04 35,76 34,03 32,17 31,02 30,66 Fan speed (%) 72 76 80 85 89 92 93 93 90 85 80 76 Working hours 510 461 527 548 622 668 739 739 654 598 538 519 Current AC (A) 0,91 0,87 0,83 0,80 0,73 0,71 0,70 0,70 0,73 0,80 0,83 0,87 Current EC (A) Power input saving (Kwh) 0,19 0,22 0,25 0,30 0,34 0,37 0,39 0,38 0,35 0,30 0,25 0,22 80,73 65,83 66,84 60,66 53,07 50,00 50,71 51,49 54,80 65,92 68,82 74,67 Euro gain Power input AC fan (Kwh) 12 10 10 9 8 7 7 7 8 10 10 11 200,20 191,40 182,60 176,00 160,60 156,20 154,00 154,00 160,60 176,00 182,60 191,40 Pric AC 14,79 12,79 13,94 13,98 14,47 15,12 16,49 16,49 15,22 15,25 14,23 24,22 Power consomption for AC fan 187,00 € Money Safed Average gains 107,74 € 57,62% Example for a positive application (R404A) at Strasbourg average temperature and a comparison between a 90W AC standard fan and a Tecumseh EC fans. (Calculated with U.K. V.A.T. electricity price, 2010 ) Sound power reduction EC motor benefits: Full speed fan: 61.3dB(A) Fans speed at 50% : 42 dB(A) Compressor : 65dB(A) Compressor: 65dB(A) C.U. sound power at full speed:71dB(A) C.U. sound power at 50% 65dB(A) CAJN4517ZHR example: -6 dB(A) EC Spare parts references Fan assembly technologies EC EC 35 250/300 0m mm m C.U. AJ Silence without CAJN / TAJN 4517 et 4519 Wintsys - Panels 2 Tecumseh Diamètre 250mm : 230V 855 1106 New fans assembly references Introduction date Diamètre 250mm : 230V=8551117 O C.U. AJ Silence CAJN / TAJN 4517 et 4519 Wintsys - Panels 1 Previous fans assembly references Sept .2012 O O O Diamètre 300mm : 230V 855 1108 Diamètre 300mm : 230V=8551119 Diamètre 350mm 230V 855 1112 Diamètre 350mm : 8551113 Sept .2012 Diamètre 300mm : 230V 855 1108 Diamètre 300mm : 230V=8551119 Sept .2012 Diamètre 350mm 230V 855 1112 Diamètre 350mm : 8551113 Sept. 2012 Stickers availability Other AC solution alternatives Two controllers are requested to insure the variable speed solution Tri phases fans assembly Wiring on the control panel to be added Two types of wiring are needed: • Control • Power supply Power supply 3 ~ 400V 50Hz Pressure information coming from liquid line No all-in-one solution available on the market Thank you for your attention