Discussions on Flagship Programmes Development of Horticulture in Andhra Pradesh Commissioner of Horticulture Andhra Pradesh HORTICULTURE PROFILE OF ANDHRA PRADESH The total geographical area Net area sown Agro-climatic Zones Cultivable waste Area Under Horticulture Crops Additional area proposed to be brought under Horticulture - 275.04 Lakh Ha. 102.39 Lakh Ha. 9 Nos. 6.95 Lakh Ha. 19.89 Lakh Ha. - 2.50 Lakh Ha. AREA & PRODUCTION OF HORTICULTURE CROPS 2008-09 Sl. No. Crop Category Area (in Lakh Ha.) Production (in Lakh MTs.) 1 Fresh Fruits 9.36 131.65 2 Plantation Crops 3.86 6.76 3 Vegetables & Tuber Crops 3.25 52.67 4 Flowers 0.19 1.25 5 Spices 3.03 11.51 6 Medicinal & Aromatic Plants 0.20 0.77 19.89 204.61 TOTAL Percentage of Horticulture crops against cropped area in various Agro-climatic zones of A.P. North coastal zone Mango,Banana,cashew 26% Godavari zone Banana,Cashew,Mango 20% Krishna zone Chillies,Mango,citrus 28% Southern zone Mango,citrus,Banana 25% Scarce rainfall zone Citrus,Papaya,Banana,Chillies 20% Southern Telanagana zone Northern Telangana zone Citrus,Mango,Chillies,Grapes 35% Mango,Chillies,Citrus 07% Central Telangana zone Chillies,Mango,Banana 26% In A.P. Chilles,Mango,Citrus and Banana constitute 21.5% of the total value of state Agriculture production. Source : WTO Cell, ANGRAU. Status of A.P. Horticulture Sl. No. Production ( in OOO’MTs) Sector / Crop INDIA A.P. Rank SECTOR 1 Spices 4102.7 1235.2 1 2 Fruits 63503 10722.3 2 3 Flowers (Loose) 654.08 88.81 3 CROP 4 Mango 13792.1 3865.2 1 5 Citrus 7574.4 2997.9 1 6 Papaya 2685.9 1123.4 1 7 Tomato 10260.6 1579 1 Source : NHB Database 2007-08 SHARE OF ANDHRA PRADESH IN TOTAL PRODUCTION SHARE OF ANDHRA PRADESH IN TOTAL PRODUCTION STRENGTHS Diverse Agro Climatic Zones & Abundant sub-soil water resources. High production in Mango, Sweet Orange, Spices, Papaya, Tomato. Large Network of Nurseries / Seed Agencies – both in Private & Public Sector Enterprising & Progressing farming community. Horticulture being treated as Focus Area by Govt. Emphasis on Irrigation Projects. WEAKNESSES • Lack of regulation on quality of Plant Material. • Inadequate Post Harvest Management & Marketing Facilities in Production clusters. • Erratic monsoon & inadequate power supply. • Small land holdings & not so strong co-operative ethos. • Weak extension systems – Gap between the potential & actual productivity. OPPORTUNITIES • Availability of vast extents of dry / waste / rain fed lands suitable for Area Expansion • Rejuvenation – A promising proposition to increase productivity in crops like Cashew, Mango, Guava, Pomegranate. • Converting tribal belts into Organic clusters. • Creation of State of Art Post Harvest facilities at Mango clusters by APEDA. • Export potential for Mango, Banana, Vegetables & Flowers – International Airport – Potential to became export Hub. • Blooming of Retail Fresh Chains in Hyderabad – Can provide impetus to production & ensuring better price realization to grower. • Agro based industries can spur generation of employment CHALLENGES Increase in Soil & Water Salinity limiting productivity. Virus affected Plant Material – especially for Sweet Orange Real Estate Boom – Affecting Commercial Horticulture in the surrounding districts of Hyderabad. Drought & Cyclone. Tradition of using high Pesticides – Residual issues affecting Overseas Trade. Long chain of middle men between producer & OUTCOME OF THE PAST FOUR YEARS 2004-05 Sl. No. 1 Crop Area (Ha.) 2004 - 05 2008-09 Area Production Productivit Upto Production Productivity y (Lakh (Lakh 2008-09 (M.T/Ha.) M.Tons) (M.T/Ha.) M.Tons) (Ha.) 42.80 497701 (Estimated) 28.53 211341 (Estimated) 391896 31.35 8 2 Mango Sweet Orange 8.6 109316 14.21 13 3 Banana 53465 12.3 23 80115 28.04 35 4 Sapota 13973 1.38 9.87 20593 2.05 10 5 Acid Lime 50791 6.6 13 59966 8.99 15 6 Pomegranate 5761 0.48 8.3 6470 7 Cashew 150352 0.75 0.5 8 Vegetables 266904 43.74 16.38 13.5 0.64 1.15 169163 (Estimated) 0.68 324552 16.53 52.67 10 STATE HORTICULTURE MISSION Achievements since inception ( 2005-06 to 2008-09) COMPONENTS Units Physical Achievement Financial Achievement (Rs. in lakhs) ESTABLISHMENT OF NURSERIES ESTABLISHMENT OF NEW GARDENS / AREA EXPANSION REJUVENATION No 133.00 1,060.10 Ha. 179,854.82 18,786.14 Ha. 44,361.77 4,143.61 IPM / INM Ha. 69,266.72 1,239.66 ORGANIC FARMING Ha. 7,109.00 486.76 VERMICOMPOST UNITS No 3,657.00 669.64 Training to the Farmers No. 131,586.04 193.13 Exposure visits No. 3,782.00 110.15 POST HARVEST MANAGEMENT No. 1,658.00 1,486.95 DEVELOPMENT OF MARKET YARDS No. 14.00 47.82 0.00 1,873.34 17.00 241.43 HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT FARM MECHANIZATION & POST HARVEST TOOLS AWARENESS PROGRAMMES No. Progress at a Glance AREA EXPANSION - PERENIALS SWEET ORANGE MANGO AREA EXPANSION – NON PERENIALS AREA EXPANSION – FLORICULTURE REJUVENATION REJUVENATION - MANGO VERMI COMPOST UNITS TRAININGS REGIONAL HORTICULTURE TRAINING INSTITUTE FARMERS TRAINED AT RHTI, KADAPA. FARM PONDS PROTECTED CULTIVATION POST HARVEST MANAGEMENT HERITAGE COLD STORAGES – CHITTOOR DURGA COLD STORAGES - GUNTUR Progress under RKVY for the year 2008-09 Achievement SI. No Name of the component Unit . Financial Physical (in Lakhs) I Production improvement in various Horticulture crops Ha. 2083 116.48 II Integrated vegetable production techniques 1 Hybrid Vegetable Seed Distribution Programme Ha. 52317 1569.52 2 Permanent Pandals Acres 285 171 3 Semi Permanent Pandals Acres 1515 454 4 Cultivation with Trellis Acres 402 30.15 5 Shade Houses for Cultivation of high value vegetables No. 20 16.5 6 Shade Net Houses for raising of seedlings (1000 sq.mtrs) No. 33 12.5 7 Poly Houses for cultivation of high value vegetables (in 2000 sq.mtrs) No. 1 6.5 8 Vegetable Minikits No. 135000 121.5 TOTAL: 2381.67 III Integrated Pest Management Ha. IV Human Resource Development (Training & Exposure visits) No. V Integrated pack house with VHT during 2007-08 No. GRAND TOTAL: 182 1.82 15.00 2 355.5 2870.5 INTEGRATED VEGETABLE PRODUCTION TECHNIQUES RAISING OF CUCURBITS ON SEMIPERMANENT PANDALS Name of the farmer: J.L. Lakshmipathi Village : Sogadapalli, Mandal : Shantipuram Dist: Chittoor RAISING VEGETABLE SEEDLINGS UNDER SHADENET HOUSES Name of the farmer: G. Ramana Reddy Village : Papireddypalli, Mandal : Baireddypalli Dist: Chittoor OILPALM DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME ( ISOPOM ) Andhra Pradesh stands first in production and productivity in oil palm in the country Oil palm development programme mainly aims to increase the productivity of the oil palm. It is planned to cover an area of 1,00,375 Ha. In 279 potential mandals during the 11th five year plan As against an identified potential area of 4,20,000 Ha. in 10 districts, an area of 94,377 Ha. has been covered since inception Additional area brought under Oilpalm from 2006-07 to 2008-09 -41,006 Ha. Year Area in Ha. 2006-07 11,883 2007-08 12,074 2008-09 17,049 A.P. MICRO IRRIGATION – ACHIEVEMENTS SINCE INCEPTION Area in ha., Rs. In Crores Drip Financial Sprinkler Financial Total Financial S. No Period 1 Nov.,03 to March,04 3780 11.34 5.67 20770 20.80 10.40 24550 32.14 16.07 2 April,04 to March,05 24905 99.60 49.80 40020 50.00 25.00 64925 149.60 74.80 3 April,05 to March’06 51811 207.00 103.50 25000 31.30 15.60 76811 238.30 119.10 4 April,06 to March’07 66258 288.90 182.90 23750 38.80 21.00 90008 327.70 203.90 5 April,07 to March’08 90000 364.40 265.70 30000 41.58 30.14 120000 405.98 295.84 6 April,08 to March’09 95641 356.29 281.47 36202 50.00 39.50 131843 406.28 320.96 Total Physica l Total Cost 332395 1327.53 Physic Subsidy al 889.04 Total Cost Subsi Physical dy 175742 232.48 141.64 508137 Total Cost 1560.00 Subsidy 1030.67 Achievements under A.P. Micro Irrigation Project (CSS) during 2005-06, 2006-07, 2007-08 & 2008-09 Area in ha., Rs. In Crores Drip Period Physical Target Sprinkler Financial Physical Financial Total Physical Achiev Achiev Achiev Achiev Achiev Achiev Target Target Target Target Target ement ement ement ement ement ement 200545521 6775 61.29 9.33 45521 6775 06 200661814 60873 143.26 97.4 23750 23750 17.10 14.25 85564 84623 07 200784800 84846 159.64 128.56 30000 30000 18.00 17.03 114800 114846 08 2008102000 87381 131.14 133.89 37500 36200 22.72 20.20 139500 123581 09 Total Financial 61.29 9.33 160.36 111.65 177.64 145.59 153.86 154.08 294135 239875 495.33 369.18 91250 89950 57.82 51.48 385385 329825 553.15 420.66 STATUS SURVEY & IMPACT ANALYSIS BY A.P.PRODUCTIVITY COUNCIL Survey period(Nov’2003 to Mar’2007) Area Surveyed - 2.56 lakh ha No. of farmers - 1.64 lakh Nos. Status of survey - 96% of the MI systems existing and performing - 3% of the systems existing and non-performing - 1% of the systems non –existing All 3% Non-performing converted as performing by providing proper training and service Survey period (2007-08) Area Surveyed - 1.20 lakh ha & Analysis under progress Results of Impact Analysis Survey on A.P.M.I.P. 1. 1.57 lakh farmers (96%) informed -saving of water with 2550% 2. 1.54 lakh farmers (94%) opined- achieved increased yield with 25-50% in case of Drip and 50% in case of sprinkler. 3. 1.31 lakh farmers (80%) indicated -savings in labour cost by more than Rs.2000/- per acre per annum 4. 1.48 lakh farmers (90%) claimed - increased of income from. Rs.10,000/- to 25,000/- per acre per annum. 5. 100% additional yield in case of Sugar cane 6. 1.31 lakh farmers felt - incidence of pests reduced Productivity increased, Water & Electricity saved by adopting Micro Irrigation Crop Increase in Yield, % Water saved in hactare.metres Energy saved, Lakh units 1 3 4 5 Sugarcane 40-60 16333 189.51 Banana 32-50 17010 197.29 Citrus 35-45 68986 800.25 Papaya 35-45 8013 92.94 Sapota 20-30 4609 53.46 Promegranate 15-25 2703 31.36 Mango 50-70 34388 398.93 Coconut 15-25 1677 19.46 Grapes 20-30 1204 13.97 Vegetables 20-40 9435 109.46 Oil palm 20-40 12335 143.07 Other (Drip) crops 20-40 26610 308.70 Sprinkler crops 20-30 34886 404.68 238189 2763.08 Total Vision and Strategy Road Map for 3 Years GSDP Contribution Increase the contribution of Horticulture sector from 5.77 to 6.0 Strategies Sustained effort to increase production and productivity of marketable Horticultural produce Additional area of 2.50 lakh Ha. proposed to be brought under Horticulture High density plantation in all crops with intensive package of practices. Supply of quality plant material Vertical enhancement in production & productivity through MicroIrrigation. Rejuvenation of Old & Senile Orchards to improve production & productivity. Crop Present productivity per Ha. (MTs) Maximum productivity per Ha.(MTs) Target productivity per Ha.(MTs) Mango 8.6 12.20 (Uttar Pradesh) 9.00 Cashew 0.68 1.26 (Maharastra) 0.75 Pomegranate 10.00 11.40 (Karnatka) 10.80 Banana 35.00 62.00 (Maharastra) 40.00 Vegetables 16.80 30.40 (Tamilnadu) 20.00 Self Sufficiency Self sufficiency in vegetable production @ 15% increase in area and production. Strategies Increase in production & productivity through supply of hybrid vegetable seed. Promoting cultivation of high value vegetables under shade houses & poly houses. Encouraging cultivation of Cucurbits on pendals to reduce losses. Raising of seedlings under shade houses to reduce seed cost Tomato cultivation with trellis to improve quality of produce. Post Harvest Reduce Post Harvest losses from the present 30-35% to 25% Strategies Promotion of establishment of Post Harvest infrastructure HRD of the growers & field staff Tie-up between production clusters & Private players Export Revenues Enhance export revenues from Rs.816 crores during 2008-09 to Rs.1000 crores by 2012. Strategies Produce – Mango Pulp, Spices (Chillies & Turmeric) Pomegranate, Banana and Cashew. Value addition of horticulture produce through integrated radiation processing facility and aseptic packing unit. Focus Self Sustaining Production To meet the challenges of sustainability & competitiveness Strategies Organic cultivation of high value horticulture crops in an area of 36,000 Ha. Awareness on cultural & Mechanical method of pest control and optimum utilization of inorganic inputs. Oilpalm Development To attain self sufficiency in palm oil production Strategies To cover an area of 71,250 Ha. in the next 3 years. Promote research to evolve high yielding dwarf varieties Technology Transfer Effective transfer of technology through knowledge base farmer centric strategies Strategies Imparting trainings to 1.50 lakh farmers on the latest developments in horticulture. Exposure Visits and interaction with progressive farmers of other States. Awareness through mass media. Dissemination of Technology through CDs & films on GMP in focus crops. Effective utilization of extension system for addressing the farmers concerns. Market Linkages Initiatives for the linkages between production clusters & private sector Strategies Encouraging formation of Growers Co-operatives / SHG for Focus Crops Mango, Sweet Orange, Banana. Market exposure given to the Co-operatives. Interaction between bulk Traders & Growers in Production clusters Adoption of Organic Farming – tie-up with exporters Opening of Organic Outlets in Rythu Bazar for marketing of Organic Vegetables. Direct Marketing facility for the Tribal’s to sell their Horticulture produce to consumers. 3 Years - Road Map (2009-2012) PROJECTED AREA UNDER HORTICULTURE BY 2012 – THROUGH CONVERGENCE APPROACH - RKVY, NHM, NREGS, WATERSHED & CLDP SL.No. COMPONENT PRESENT AREA 200809 (Ha.) (Estimated) PROJECTED AREA (Ha.) PROPOSED ADDITIONAL AREA (Ha.) % OF INCREASE 1 FRESH FRUITS 935913 1059956 114043 12.19 2 PLANTATION CROPS 385599 408258 22659 5.88 3 VEGETABLES & TUBER CROPS 324522 373252 48730 15.02 4 SPICES 303244 366190 62946 20.76 5 FLOWERS 19807 21338 1531 7.73 3 Years - Road Map (2009-2012) Contd... Projected 3 Years - Road Map (2009-2012) STATE HORTICULTURE MISSION COMPONENT WISE ACTION PLAN – 2009-10 SNO. 1 COMPONENTS PLANTATION INFRASTRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT (Nos.) MAJOR PHYSICAL TARGET PROPOSED Model Nurseries - Public 3 Small Nurseries (Private) 5 Mango Sweet Orange 2 3 4 5 6 7 8.00 61.50 18,325.00 1,935.60 - 30,633.39 1,950.19 - 43,253.71 1,764.51 8,600.00 984.10 301.35 402.75 3,138.00 311.49 6,000.00 4,275.00 ESTABLISHMENT OF NEW GARDENS/ AREA EXPANSION (Ha.) Banana 1105.00 Papaya 1170.00 MAINTENANCE OF THE GARDEN III Year (Ha.) MAINTENANCE OF THE GARDEN II Year (Ha.) Mango REJUVENATION (Ha.) Citrus Cashew Green Houses PROTECTED CULTIVATION (Ha.) Mulching Shade Nets Chillies/ Ginger IPM/ INM TARGET PHYSICAL FINANCIAL (Rs. in Lakhs) (Ha./ Nos.) 4,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 10.4 220.5 70.45 3,132.00 Bio control lab (public) 2.00 Bio control lab (private) 2.00 Plant health clinic (private) 2.00 SNO. 8 9 10 11 12 COMPONENTS ORGANIC FARMING HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT (No.) CREATION OF WATER RESOURCES (No.) POST HARVEST MANAGEMENT (No.) DEVELOPMENT OF MARKET YARDS MAJOR PHYSICAL TARGET PROPOSED Vermi Compost Units (No.) O.F. - Fruits 4,000.00 Training of Farmers 44000 Exposure Visits 2195 - - Pack Houses Cold Storage Ripening chambers 48 10 22 Refer Van 4 Drying Platforms (Turmeric/ Cocoa/ Chillies) Perishable Cargo facilities at Rajiv Gandhi International Airport - 1000 TARGET PHYSICAL FINANCIAL (Ha./ Nos.) (Rs. In Lakhs) 9,000.00 1,000.00 46,536.00 380.60 500.00 100.00 1,303.00 1,837.38 2.00 1,043.00 1195 1 - TARGET SNO. 13 COMPONENTS INNOVATIVE SCHEMES (No.) MAJOR PHYSICAL TARGET PROPOSED Tractor Mounted Sprayers 218 Imported Power-Weeder and Smart Cultivators 632 Plastic Crates 194050 Onion Storage Structures 110 Poly Dryers for Chillies 23 PHYSICAL (Ha./ Nos.) FINANCIAL (Rs. In Lakhs) 195,256.00 521.63 14 FRONTLINE DEMONSTRATION PUBLIC - - 1.00 13.00 15 AWARENESS PROGRAMME - - 91.00 163.25 16 MISSION MANAGEMENT - - Grand Total 763.58 13,232.57 PROPOSED ACTION PLAN OF SHM– 2010-11 Sl. NO. 1 2 COMPONENTS/ CROPS PLANTATION INFRASTRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT ESTABLISHMENT OF NEW GARDENS/ AREA EXPANSION UNIT Model Nurseries (Public) 3 NO. Small Nurseries (Private) 5 Ha. Mango Ha. Sweet Orange NO. FINANCIAL TARGET (Rs. In Lakh) PHYSICAL TARGET MAJOR PHYSICAL TARGET PROPOSED 8 61.5 45812.5 4838.99 15000 10687.5 Ha. Banana 2762.5 Ha. Papaya 2925 3 MAINTENANCE OF THE GARDEN – III YEAR Ha. - - 33588.56 1838.52 4 MAINTENANCE OF THE GARDEN – II YEAR Ha. - - 17040 682.27 Sl. NO COMPONENTS/ CROPS UNIT . 5 6 7 REJUVENATION PROTECTED CULTIVATION IPM/ INM MAJOR PHYSICAL TARGET PROPOSED Ha. Mango 6000 Ha. Citrus 3000 Ha. Cashew 3000 Green Houses 15.6 PHYSICAL TARGET FINANCIAL TARGET (Rs. In Lakh) 12900 1476.15 452.025 604.13 6270 342.81 Ha. Mulching 330.75 Ha. Shade Nets 105.675 Ha. Chillies/ Ginger 6264 NO. BIO CONTROL LAB (PUBLIC) 2.00 NO. BIO CONTROL LAB (PRIVATE) 2.00 NO. PLANT HEALTH CLINIC (PRIVATE) 2.00 Fruits 8000 18000 2000.00 8 ORGANIC FARMING Ha. 9 HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT NO. - - 79499 441.20 CREATION OF WATER RESOURCES NO. - - 700 900.00 10 Sl. NO. 11 12 13 COMPONENTS/ CROPS POST HARVEST MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT OF MARKET YARDS UNIT PHYSICAL TARGET MAJOR PHYSICAL TARGET PROPOSED NO. Pack Houses 53.00 NO. Cold Storage 11.00 NO. Refers vans/ Containers NO. Ripening chambers NO. Turmeric/ Chillies drying platforms NO. Tractor mounted sprayers NO. Power Weeder Cum Smart Cultivator NO. Onion Storage Structure NO. ANGRAU Poly Dryer for Chillies 1433.3 989.31 2 1430.00 327.00 292884 782.45 1,092.00 327 64.53 165.00 285 38.53 35.00 156 32.45 30.00 1,200.00 - NO. INNOVATIVE SCHEMES 5.00 FINANCIAL TARGET (Rs. In Lakh) - 14 FRONTLINE DEMONSTRATION - PUBLIC NO. - - 1 13.00 15 AWARENESS PROGRAMME NO. - - 105.00 201.25 16 MISSION MANAGEMENT - - - Grand Total 1016.00 18833.60 PROPOSED ACTION PLAN UNDER RKVY 2009-10 S. No Name of the scheme Unit 2010-11 2011-12 SUB SIDY PHY FIN PHY FIN PHY FIN 18.00 96.00 17.00 75.00 5,365.00 500.40 5,365.00 763.50 3,365.00 112.11 4,000.00 133.04 2,800.00 133.98 1 Infrastructure Development (Production of Plant material in Nurseries of Govt & Pvt Sectors Nos 31.50 2 Production Improvement in Various Horticulture Crops Ha 2.72 3 Maintenance of Area expansion Of 2nd year Ha 0.27 4 Maintenance of Area expansion Of 3rd Year Ha 0.24 5 Rejuvenation Ha 0.18 5,000.00 480.78 5,000.00 443.50 4,000.00 354.80 6 Integrated Vegetable Production Techniques Ha./No. 8.63 271,840.00 3,137.49 296,620.00 3,285.00 296,420.00 3,165.00 8 5,004.50 81.00 439.44 Contd… S.No 7 Name of the scheme a. Post Harvest Structures Nos b. Farm Mechanization (50% of unit cost max of Rs.40000 ) Nos 8 Organic Farming 9 IPM / INM 10 Unit Ha/No Ha 8.Awareness programmes Nos 9.Construction of Additional infrastructure at APHTI 11 Special Projects 12 Development of Horticulture in hilly and tribal areas of Seethampeta, Rampachodavaram special reference to vegetables with convergence of NREGS 13 Extension needs Grand Total Nos 2010-11 2011-12 PHY FIN PHY FIN PHY FIN 50.00 367.57 119.00 454.49 119.00 454.49 3,165.00 1,266.00 5,000.00 2,000.00 5,000.00 2,000.00 1,886.00 370.60 3,800.00 650.00 3,800.00 650.00 7,150.00 71.50 10,500.00 105.00 10,500.00 105.00 525.00 275.90 625.00 104.50 625.00 104.50 115.00 3.00 60.00 3.00 100.00 - - - 3.00 68.50 - - - - 873.73 3.00 2,200.00 3.00 886.00 3.00 873.73 100.00 108.20 2.00 200.00 2.00 200.00 90.00 90.00 113.66 0.40 5.90 0.03 4.45 Human Resource Development 2009-10 SUB SIDY 1,346.70 294,637.50 9,016.98 90.00 330,420.00 9,026.99 90.00 332,651.00 9,103.04 OIL PALM DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME (ISOPOM) PROPOSED PHYSICAL AND FINANCIAL TARGETS FOR 2009- 10; 2010-11 & 2011-12 Target Physical Financial Sl. Component Unit (Rs. in Lakhs) No 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 1 Area expansion Ha 20,500 23750 27000 1537.5 1781.25 2025.00 2 Area expansion cultivation assistance Ha 62275 73373 88299 2262 2729.98 3318.36 3 Inter Crops Ha 230 250 300 5.75 6.25 7.5 4 VermiCompost units No’s 135 175 225 40.5 52.5 67.5 5 Harvesting Tools No’s 360 400 450 6.12 6.8 7.65 6 Supply of chaff cutters No’s 5 10 15 1 2 3 7 Trainings No’s 50 100 150 2.5 5 7.5 8 Seed Garden/Esst .of new seed garden No. Seed sprouts 5.00 lakhs 5.50 lakhs 6.00 lakhs 21 23.1 25.2 9 Staff & Salaries 256.6 260 260 Action Plan under Micro-Irrigation for the balance period of 11th - five year plan Area in ha., Rs. In Crores Sl. Plan period No. Target 3 Area Drip 4 Unit cost Sprinkler Total 5 6 Drip 7 Sprinkler Total 8 1 2 1 2009-10 (Projected) 150000 112500 37500 150000 506.25 56.25 562.50 393.75 2 2010-11 (Projected) 150000 112500 37500 150000 506.25 56.25 562.50 393.75 3 2011-12 (Projected) 150000 112500 37500 150000 506.25 56.25 562.50 393.75 TOTAL 450000 337500 112500 450000 1518.8 168.75 9 Subsidy 10 1688 1181.3 Thank You