Winning the War with Yourself Webinar Presentation, January 16, 2013 Joe Tye, CEO and Head Coach Values Coach Inc. Copyright © 2013, Values Coach Inc. If you have questions that I did not address in this webinar, send me an email and I’ll respond: 2 “I count him braver who overcomes [himself] than him who overcomes his enemies; for the hardest victory is the victory over self.” Aristotle “Know the enemy, know yourself; your victory will never be endangered.” Sun Tzu: The Art of War 4 “Know the weather, know the terrain; your victory will be total” Sun Tzu: The Art of War 5 “Those who are determined to die with glory will live, while those who merely hope to escape with their lives will die.” Wu Ch’i: The Art of War 6 Key goals of this webinar*…. *And all in 60 minutes! 14 1. Recognize Your Own Worst Enemy (YOWE) when it shows up 2. Prevent YOWE from causing you to act in ways that are not in your own best interest 3. Share practical strategies for more positive attitude and behaviors 15 Have you ever… 16 Said or done something you later regretted? 17 Procrastinated – put off doing something important? 18 Given in to a poor selfimage or low self-esteem? 19 Given up on a dream? 20 Had buyers’ remorse 21 If your answers to these questions is “no” then watch for our remedial course on honesty 22 But if you answered yes, then bring your two hands together… 23 And shake hands with your own worst enemy (YOWE) 24 YOWE: When lesser self runs the show and best self stands in the shadow 25 It’s the eternal struggle between Ego and Soul 26 Ego wants things, Soul wants time. Ego wants fame, Soul wants friends. 27 Ego is insecure yet arrogant, Soul is centered yet humble. 28 Ego is concerned about what other people think, Soul is concerned about how others feel. 29 When things go wrong, Ego points a finger, Soul looks in the mirror. 30 Ego complains, Soul gives thanks. The voice of Ego is loud and demanding, the voice of Soul is soft and accepting. 31 Symptoms that YOWE is in charge 32 Wishful thinking replaces positive thinking 33 Wishful thinking is hoping for something and waiting for someone else to make it happen 34 Positive thinking is expecting something and working to make it happen 35 Short-term focus: Having fun vs. being happy 36 Hanging out in your comfort zone 37 Procrastination and Rationalization 38 Focus on self-interest 39 “When Napoleon stopped fighting for France and started fighting for Napoleon, France fall.” Dwight Eisenhower 40 Toxic Emotional Negativity 41 The Victim Spiral 42 Starts with Learned Helplessness 43 Degenerates into Blame Game 44 And descends into Victim Syndrome 45 YOWE makes decisions for the “You” of right now – never for the “You” of the future. 46 No one on then deathbed ever says “I wish I’d watched more television” or “I wish I’d spent more time in the office – or in bars” 47 The four universal end-oflife regrets… 48 Relationships I wish I’d spent more time with family and friends 49 Experiences I wish I’d (started the business, written the book, traveled the world, etc.) 50 Finances I wish I’d spent less and saved more 51 Health If I’d known I was going to live this long I’d have taken better care of myself 52 The Pyramid of Self-Belief 53 54 55 56 57 21 Actions for Winning the War with Yourself 58 Action #1 Learn to recognize the voice of YOWE and the lies it will tell 59 Challenge self-limiting assumption about yourself and what is possible 60 You never “can’t” You just can’t yet 61 Confront the malignant echo of negative self-talk – it’s nothing more than mental graffiti 62 63 Employ The Janitor in Your Attic™ to erase the mental graffiti of negative self-talk. 65 You can rewire the hardware by reprogramming the software! Action #2 Replace self-diminishing labels with accurate descriptions 67 You are not lazy (a selfdestructive label – not to mention being a character defect) 68 You have a hard time getting started (a problem that can be solved) 69 Action #3 Replace self-sabotaging metaphors with those that affirm 70 71 72 73 Action #4 Play the Reporter Game 74 Playing Reporter will help you to… See the world as it is: not as it used to be, as you think it should be, as you wish it were, or as you fear it might become – and… 76 You never have to defend or apologize for things that you didn’t say. 77 Action #5 Don’t pick fights you don’t need 78 Action #6 Focus your dissatisfaction 79 Dissatisfaction can be a great source of energy if you aren’t promiscuous in how you throw it around. 80 Any time you catch yourself whining or complaining, redirect that unhappiness onto the one dissatisfaction that really matters to you. 81 Action #7 Change your trajectory with DDQs (Direction Deflection Question™) DDQ 82 Will what I’m about to do or say help me be my best self? 83 A DDQ is really three questions… 84 Question #1 Who am I when I’m being my best self in any situation? 85 Question #2 Is what I’m about to do or say right now going to help me be that person? 86 Question #3 If not, what would my best self do? 87 The DDQ is infinitely adoptable… 88 DDQ for time Is what I am about to do with my time going to help me achieve my most important goals? DDQ for parenting Will what I’m about to say to my child reflect the parent I want to be? 90 DDQ for money Will what I’m about to spend my hard-earned cash on help me achieve my goal of being debt-free and financially independent? 91 DDQ for health and fitness Will what I’m about to put in my mouth help me achieve my desired physical goals? 92 Two Hints 93 Hint #1 If you don’t hear “No” a lot more than you hear “Yes,” you are probably not being honest with yourself… 94 Hint #2 If the answer to “what would I do?” is more difficult than what you were about to do, it’s almost certainly the right answer 95 Action #8 Change your emotional station with EDQs (Emotion Deflection Questions™) EDQ 96 Is the emotion I’m feeling helpful – if not, what emotion would I want to experience? 97 Visualize yourself changing the station 98 Action #9 Get your body into the act 99 When your body is strong, it will bend to your commands. When your body is weak, you must submit to its demands. Research by Amy Cuddy described in this TED talk shows how body posture has a physiological impact on the mind. Cuddy says don’t just fake it till you make it… Fake it till you become it! The other way that your mouth talks to your mind 104 Action #10 Double time yourself 105 Speed and momentum are emotional first, physical second 106 Action #11 Create energy rituals 107 Action #12 Reframe, Rescript, and Rewrite 109 Reframe how you interpret your circumstances 110 Rescript the story of your life 111 Personal Pervasive Permanent Rewrite unhelpful memories from the past 113 The past is what you choose to remember – and how you choose to remember it 114 What do you suppose Mr. Smith meant by this: You will never amount to… 115 What you can learn from the genius prodigies studied of James Hillman 116 Action #13 Dare to not compare 117 You are often comparing your at your worst against someone else at their best… 118 Action #14 Practice the two detachments that earn you two freedoms 119 Detachment from things earns you freedom of movement 120 Detachment from opinions earns you freedom of conscience 121 You will worry a lot less about what other people think of you if you will admit how infrequently they think of you! 122 Action #15 Use Metaphorical Visualization™ to create early warning mechanisms 123 Preventing temper tantrums 124 Heading off panic attacks 125 Action #16 Be a Dionarap 126 Assume the best. Expect the best. 127 Action #17 Focus your time, energy and resources on things that really matter 128 129 Keep two lists – your daily to-do list and your Big Ticket Items list 130 Action #18 Take the Pickle Challenge™ 131 Action #19 Take to heart the seven simple promise of The SelfEmpowerment Pledge™ 133 Joe’s slide show on The Self-Empowerment Pledge The first 3 promises are the foundation of personal character strength… 135 Monday’s Promise I will take complete responsibility for my health, my happiness, my success, and my life, and will not blame others for my problems or predicaments. 136 Tuesday’s Promise I will not allow low self-esteem, self-limiting beliefs, or the negativity of others to prevent me from achieving my authentic goals and becoming the person I am meant to be. 137 Wednesday’s Promise I will do the things I’m afraid to do but which I know should be done. Sometimes this will mean asking for help to do that which I cannot do by myself. 138 Action #20 Don’t give up on your dreams 140 “Brick walls are not there to stop you, they are there to make you prove how much you want something.” Randy Pausch: The Last Lecture Action #21 Carry on an imaginary conversation with the person you will be at age 65 142 Ask that future “you” what the you of today can do to make his or her life more comfortable and secure. 143 You will probably hear a very clear answer that is almost certain to include… 144 Spend less and save more 145 Watch less TV and get more exercise 146 Spend less time with email and more time with real people 147 Follow your dreams wherever they lead 148 And a Bonus Strategy Turn Pro 149 Coming up next… 150 Next webinar – Thursday, February 7 Included in Bundle #2 Free Bonus Item: eBook edition of Designing the Invisible Architecture of Your Organization 151 Next webinar – March (Date TBD) Included in Bundle #1 Free Bonus Items: The Janitor in Your Attic Audios: Morning Motivation and Evening Meditation 152 Two Values Coach webinar bundles – one for you and one for your organization. Webinar Bundle Website 153