U.S. ANTIMONY CORPORATION (USAC) ANNUAL SHAREHOLDERS MEETING 2014 ASM 12-13-14 1 AGENDA INTRODUCTION (John Lawrence, President and CEO) STRATEGY 2014 ACCOMPLISHMENTS WHERE WE ARE NOW WHERE WE ARE GOING IN 2015 (John Lawrence) ANTIMONY MARKET AND SALES (Matt Keane, Vice-President) FINANCIAL CONDITION (Dan Parks, CFO) ANTIMONY PROCESSING OPERATIONS MINING Wadley, San Luis Potosi, Mexico (Gus Gustavsen, Vice-President)) Soyatal, Queretaro, Mexico (John Lawrence) Guadalupana, Queretaro, Mexico (John Lawrence) Miscellaneous Mines, Mexico (Russ Lawrence, Vice-President)) Los Juarez Silver-Antimony-Gold Mine, Queretaro, Mexico (Hart Baitis, Director) Guadalupe, Zacatecas, Mexico (Hart Baitis) Canada Off-Take (Gus Gustavsen) MILLING Wadley Oxide Mill, San Luis Potosi (Gus Gustavsen) Puerto Blanco Oxide Mill, Guanajuato, Mexico (Gus Gustavsen) Puerto Blanco Flotation Mill, Guanajuato, Mexico (John Lawrence) SMELTING Madero Smelter, Coahuila, Mexico (Russ Lawrence) Precious Metal Plant, Montana (Gus Gustavsen) Montana Smelter (Marilyn Sink, Plant Manager) BEAR RIVER ZEOLITE MARKET FOR UAMY (Bert Denton, Providence Capital, Inc) 2 INTRODUCTION NYSE: UAMY 1. Welcome 2. The USAC mission is to capture 50% or more of the domestic market for antimony, which is approximately 55,000,000 pounds. If we are successful, we will have sales of $110 million per year at $4.00 per pound of contained metal. 3. I will present a quick overview of: • Our strategy • Our accomplishments • Our present status • Where we are going 4. Thereafter, we will ask our Directors and Staff to report details 5. Feel free to ask questions after each topic 3 STRATEGY 1. To be in the antimony business, a Company must own or control their source of raw materials. 2. Historically, three countries were able to do this: Bolivia, Mexico and China. 3. Bolivia and Mexico dropped out of the picture due to low prices and China has assumed more than 90% of the world supply. 4. USAC was familiar with all of the Mexican antimony mines that had placed Mexico as the world’s second largest producer prior to their shutdown. 5. First, USAC tied up all the significant properties. 6. Second, USAC upgraded its old smelter at Mexico. 7. Third, USAC constructed a flotation and oxide mill at Puerto Blanco and an oxide mill at Wadley, Mexico. 4 ACCOMPLISHMENTS IN 2014 1. The Company achieved an all time 9-month record production of 1,358,518 pounds with an estimated 1.8 million pounds for the full year. 2. From Q2 until Q3, antimony sales increased 59% from 332,106 pounds to 529,129 pounds due to an increase in the Canadian off-take contract. 3. Mexican production increased by more than 61% during this same time period from 96,724 pounds to 156,348 pounds due to additional furnace capacity. 4. Four new furnaces were added to the Madero smelter by early Q4 at a cost of $600,000. They will increase our Mexican production by 50%. 5. The natural gas line at our Madero smelter was connected during the later part of Q3 at a cost of approximately $1,800,000. This will reduce our costs for fuel by approximately $.70 per pound for the Mexico production, and approximately $.25 per pound for our total company wide production. 5 PRESENT STATUS 1. We have entered an agreement with Hillgrove Mines of Australia to purchase, process and sell a 60% antimony concentrate that contains 20 grams of gold. This would amount to 3,000,000 pounds of antimony and 1,500 ounces of gold per year. There is a provision in the contract that will allow Hillgrove to triple their off-take to USAC. 2. We have developed a process to make a high recovery of the silver and gold from Los Juarez concentrates. 3. We are negotiating an Agreement to supply the oil and gas industry more than 12,000 tons minimum per year of BRZ zeolite which will double production. 6 WHERE WE ARE GOING IN 2015 1. The poor commodities market presents huge opportunities for USAC to economically purchase antimony reserves, and mining and milling equipment. 2. Our Canadian off-take agreement should provide approximately 1,200,000 pounds of contained antimony during 2015. 3. Mexican production should provide 1,000,000 pounds per year and is growing fast due to increased production and higher grade furnace feed. 4. The Los Juarez leach plant is expected to be permitted, installed and operating by the second half of 2015, and will mark the beginning of precious metal (PM) production . 5. Once the leach plant is smooth and the 150 tpd mill reaches capacity, the 500 tpd mill will be completed at Puerto Blanco. 6. Hillgrove production should start in Q1 2015 and reach annualized production of 3,000,000 tpy with 1500 ounces of gold. This could triple by the end of the year. 7. During 2015 we are planning to produce 4,500,000 to 5,000,000 pounds of antimony versus 1.8 million pounds this year. Another record of antimony production is anticipated in 2016. 8. BRZ should double production in 2015 by making sales to the oil and gas industry. 7 Corporate Offices and Plant, Thompson Falls, Montana 8 Corporate Offices, Thompson Falls, Montana 9 ANTIMONY MARKET AND SALES (Matt Keane) 10 SALES OF ANTIMONY 11 SALES OF ZEOLITE 12 MEXICO MINING OPERATIONS 13 ANTIMONY FLOW DIAGRAM 14 Wadley Mine, San Luis Potosi, Mexico: General Labor Buscones 15 Wadley aerial tramway 16 Wadley Mine Ore Truck, SLP 17 Soyatal Mine DSO (direct shipping ore) Queretaro, Mexico 18 SOYATAL MLL REPORT, QUERETARO, MEXICO 19 Guadalupana Mine, QRO, Mexico Crew 20 GUADALUPANA CONCENTRATES, ZACETECAS, MEXICO 21 GUADALUPANA MILLING REORT, ZACETECAS, MEXICO 22 Los Juarez From Below, Queretaro, Mexico 23 Concesiones del Grupo Los Juarez Concessions, Queretaro, Mexico 24 West End, Los Juarez, Queretaro, Mexico 25 Miners, Mina Grande, Los Juarez, Queretaro, Mexico 26 Los Juarez Mine, Reynaldo Pit, Queretaro, Mexico 27 Grupo, Mexico, Los Juarez, Queretaro, Mexico 28 Folding in Limestone, Guadalupe, Zacetecas, Mexico 29 Santa Monica Mine, Guadalupe, Zacetecas, Mexico 30 Guadalupe Mine, Zacetecas, Mexico 31 Guadalupe Stopes, Zacetecas, Mexico 32 Guadalupe Stopes, Zacetecas, Mexico 33 Miner, Guadalupe, Zacetecas, Mexico 34 Wadley Mill, San Luis Potosi, Mexico 35 Wadley Concentration Tables, SPP, Mexico 36 Wadley Oxide Mill, San Luis Potosi, Mexico, Mexico 37 Primary Crusher, Puerto Blanco Mill, Guanajuato, Mexico 38 Puerto Blanco Mill, Oxide Concentration Table, Guanajuato, Mexico 39 Puerto Blanco Mill, Aerial View, Guanajuato, Mexico 40 150 Ton Ball Mill, Puerto Blanco Mill, Guanajuato, Mexico 41 Puerto Blanco Flotation Mill Froth, Guanajuato, Mexico 42 Natural Gas City Gate, Madero Smelter, Coahuila, Mexico 43 Madero Smelter 2013, Coahuila, Mexico 44 2014 Madero Smelter, Coahuila, Mexico 45 150’ High Stack, Madero Smelter, Coahuila, Mexico 46 Scrubber, Madero Smelter, Coahuila, Mexico 47 Mixing Furnace Charges, Madero Smelter, Coahuila, Mexico 48 USAC Precious Metals Plant, Thompson Falls, Montana 49 ZEOLITE SALES BY CATEGORY Animal Feed 41.46% Water Filtration 18.34% Soil Amendment 14.85% Traction 9.02% Air Filtration 8.68% Synthetic Turf 0..83% Odor Control 1.38% Absorption 0..65% Pest Control 0.25% Litter 0.35% Pigment 0.08% Distribution 0.33% Home and Misc. 1.41% Oil Well 2.06% Remediation 0.50% 50 ZEOLITE PROCESS FACILITY 51 BRZ Pit, Preston, Idaho 52 BRZ Pit, Preston, Idaho 53 BRZ Raymond Mill, Preston, Idaho 54 Triple Derrick, Killdeer, North Dakota 55 Invest Mud Bakken, North Dakota 56 BRZ On Invest Drill Mud Bakken, North Dakota 57 Reclaimed tailings area, Thompson Falls, Montana. USAC is environmentally conscientious. 58 59 47