BSK implementeringsguide ISO 20022 PAIN 001.001.03 Customer Credit Transfer Bankenes felles implementasjonsguide Basert på Common Global Implementation “CGI" Common Industry Agreement: As of October 14, 2010 APPROVED BY CGI PLENARY: May 11, 2011 januar 2012 BSK Bank IG ver 1 av pain 001.001.03 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation 201201 Side 1 av 45 Innhold Endringskatalog Dato Ver 1.0 15.01.2012 Utført av Morten Holter endringer Første versjon. Innhold Side 1. Innledning 1.1 Funksjonell beskrivelse 1.1.1 Omfang av meldingssettet 1.1.2 Meldingsflyt 1.1.3 Betalingstyper 1.2 Kvalitet 2. Eksempler 2.1 Enkel betaler debtor initiert CCT melding 2.2 Betaling på grunnlag av mottatt faktura Papir eller eFaktura 2.3 Enkeltbetaling kontohaver initierer en betaling på vegne av 3.part. 2.4 På vegne av 3.part ved bruk av servicesenter 3. Teknisk beskrivelse 3.1 Bruk av melding 3.1.1 Identifikasjon av kunderoller 3.1.2 Betalingsinformasjon 3.1.3 Myndighetsrapportering 3.2 Meldingsoppbygging 4 Struktur 4.1 Forklaring til tabellene 4.1.2 Formatspesifikasjon 5. Message Functionality 5.1 Group Header 5.1.1 Information Structure Group Header 5 2 Payment Information 5.2.1 Information Structure Payment Information 5 3 Credit Transfer Transaction Information 5.3.1 Information Structure Credit Transfer Transaction Information 5.4 Key elements describing parties and instructions Descriptions. 5.4.1 Payment Information PaymentTypeInformation 5.4.2 Payment Information – Debtor 5.4.3 Payment Information – DebtorAccount 5.4.4 Payment Information – DebtorAgent 5.4.5 Payment Information – UltimateDebtor 5.4.6 Credit Transfer Transaction Information – PaymentIdentification 5.4.7 Credit Transfer Transaction Information – Amount 5.4.8 Credit Transfer Transaction Information – UltimateDebtor 5.4.9 Credit Transfer Transaction Information – IntermediaryAgent1 5.4.10 Credit Transfer Transaction Information –CreditorAgent 5.4.11 Credit Transfer Transaction Information –Creditor 5.4.12 Credit Transfer Transaction Information –CreditorAccount 5.4.13 Credit Transfer Transaction Information –UltimateCreditor 5.4.14 Credit Transfer Transaction Information –RegulatoryReporting 5.4.15 Credit Transfer Transaction Information –RemittanceInformation BSK Bank IG ver 1 av pain 001.001.03 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation 201201 3 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 10 11 11 12 12 12 14 15 16 17 18 21 25 30 30 31 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 41 42 43 44 Side 2 av 45 1. Introduction 1. Innledning Implementasjonsguiden er utarbeidet i regi av BSK. Denne implementasjonsguiden for CustomerCreditTransfer melding er basert på “ISO 20022 Message Definition Report” (MDR) og Common Global Implementation “CGI Guide for ISO 20022 CustomerCreditTransfer Initiation” (CCT) of June 2011 Implementasjonsguiden beskriver hvordan XML ISO 20022 format skal benyttes for formidling av betalingsoppdrag inn mot norske banker., og definerer hvilke informasjonselementer som må være med i et betalingsoppdrag, og som bankene kan formidle videre til betalingsmottakers bank. Implementasjonsguiden kan også være til nytte i planlegging og oppbygging av ERP - systemer som vil benytte xml-formater for utveksling av informasjon. ISO 20022 Message Definition Report (MDR) og Message Usage Guideline (MUG) kan lastes ned fra: Common Global Implementation initiative (ISO 20022 – CGI Initiative) er et "SWIFT comunity" hvis hovedoppgave er å definere én felles standard for implementering av ISO 20022 meldinger til bruk mellom banker og bankenes bedriftskunder. CGI Implementasjons MIG av 13 juni 2011 er tilgjengelig på Swift Comunity nets hjemmeside. Målgruppe CustomerCreditTransfer- meldingen er betalingsinstruksjoner til betalers bank som inneholder informasjon beregnet på de finansielle institusjonene som er involvert i betalingen, samt informasjon rettet til betalingsmottakeren. Første del av implementasjonsguiden gir en oversikt på generelt grunnlag om bruk av CCTmeldinger, med fokus på funksjonalitet og omfang. Denne delen er på norsk Meldingen skal nyttes av oppdragsgiver til å instruere betalers bank om å foreta en betalingsoverføring fra en angitt konto, samt gi grunnlag for å gi betalingsmottaker nødvendig informasjon om hva betalingen gjelder. Denne implementasjonsguiden gir flere eksempler på hvordan dette kan gjøres (se kapitlet Meldingsflyt). Andre del er en veiledning i hvordan meldingstypen skal implementeres, og er rettet mot teknisk personell som vil ha det som oppgave. Den er bygget opp i tabellform med detaljert beskrivelse av meldingsstruktur og krav til meldingsinnhold, samt eventuelle tilleggs forklaringer for å tydeliggjøre bruken av feltene. Denne delen er skrevet på engelsk, for å gjøre det enklere å samholde detaljinformasjon mellom ISO20022- MDR, CGI-MIG og BSK-IG, og se hvor det er lokalt avvik/presisering. BSK Bank IG ver 1 av pain 001.001.03 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation 201201 Side 3 av 45 1. Introduction 1.1 Funksjonell beskrivelse CCT-meldingen inneholder all den informasjonen de finansielle institusjonene trenger for å utføre en betaling. En CCT melding gir finansinstitusjonen en instruks om å overføre et bestemt beløp i en spesifisert valuta fra en bestemt konto til en bestemt mottakskonto. Det er mulig å overføre flere slike bestillinger i den samme meldingen. CCT-meldingen kan inneholde nødvendig informasjon som gir betalingsmottakeren mulighet til enkelt å matche inngående betalinger mot, for eksempel, utestående kundefordringer eget system, ved at Fakturanummer, eller KID kan følge med som strukturert informasjon. - En CCT-melding kan referere til en eller flere fakturaer og kreditt notater, eller andre grunner for betaling. 1.1.1 Omfang av meldingssettet CCT-meldinger utveksles mellom en oppdragsgiver Initiating Party (InitiatingParty) og betalers bank Debtor Agent (DebtorAgent) eventuelt via en formidler (ForwardingAgent Meldingssettet dekker betalers behov for å initiere betalinger, overvåke og administrere de. Meldingstypene er: CustomerCreditTransferInitiationV03: brukes til å initiere et betalingsoppdrag. Den sendes fra betaler til betalers bank, eventuelt via en formidler. CustomerPaymentStatusReportV03: brukes til å rapportere status på betalingsoppdraget. Den blir sendt fra betalers bank eller via formidler tilbake til betaler. Bruk av denne meldingstypen avtales mellom betaler og bank/formidler. CustomerPaymentCancelationRequestV01: brukes til å sende en stoppordre på et tidligere innsendt betalingsoppdrag. Den sendes fra betaler til betalers bank, eventuelt via en formidler. Bruk av denne meldingstypen avtales mellom betaler og bank/formidler. Denne implementasjonsguide dekker Customer Credit TransferInitiation V03. 1.1.2 Meldingsflyt CCT-meldingen sendes fra Oppdragsgiver/betaler (InitiatingParty) til betalers bank (Debtor Agent), eventuelt via en formidler (ForwardingAgent). Scenariene som er beskrevet,viser forskjellige kunderoller på betalersiden av et betalingsoppdrag, og tilsvarende på betalingsmottakersiden. På oppdragssiden, kan inntil tre roller spesifiseres: “InitiatingParty” , dvs. den som sender meldingen, “Debtor”, dvs. eier av konto som skal belastes, og “UltimateDebtor” , dvs. den som skylder penger til kreditor som følge av mottak av varer eller tjenester. Disse tre rollene kan dekkes av én og samme aktør, eller de kan dekkes av ulike aktører. CCT-meldingen gjør det mulig å inkludere alle tre roller i en melding. På betalingsmottakssiden, kan inntil to roller spesifiseres: “Creditor”, dvs. eieren av kontoen som skal godskrives, og “UltimateCreditor”, dvs. den som er fordringshaver / den som skal motta pengene. Disse to rollene kan dekkes av én og samme aktør, eller de kan dekkes av ulike aktører. CCT-meldingen gjør det mulig å inkludere begge roller i en melding. BSK Bank IG ver 1 av pain 001.001.03 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation 201201 Side 4 av 45 1. Introduction 1.1.3 Betalingstyper CCT-meldinger vil i hovedsak bli brukt for å dekke innenlandske- og grensekryssende betalinger: Betalingsinstruksjonen dekker informasjonsbehovet ved betaling av en eller flere fakturaer hvor det skal være en spesifikasjon i form av en referanse m.m. til underliggende handelstransaksjon. Masseutbetalinger omfatter normalt lønns- eller pensjonsutbetalinger eller 1 til mange regningsbetalinger. 1.2 Kvalitet I forbindelse med elektronisk utveksling av meldinger, vil meldingene bli lest maskinelt av system hos mottaker av meldingen. Man bør derfor legge opp til strenge rutiner rundt meldingsutveksling, herunder bl.a.: - Nummerering av meldinger for å sikre at meldinger ikke går tapt under overføring Rutiner for å sikre at meldinger ikke sendes flere ganger Sikre at meldingsinnhold ikke kan manipuleres under overføring Sikre at avsender faktisk er den han gir seg ut for å være Sikre at meldingen inneholder tilstrekkelig informasjon for ende til ende betaling Sikre at informasjon i meldingen ikke kan leses av uvedkommende Statusrapport fra bank bekrefter at bank har overtatt ansvar Ovennevnte går i stor grad på forhold rundt utveksling av meldinger og dekkes ikke av denne MIG. Krav til utveksling avtales med den enkelte bank. BSK Bank IG ver 1 av pain 001.001.03 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation 201201 Side 5 av 45 2. Eksempel 2. Eksempler på bruk av CustomerCreditTransfer-meldinger 2.1 Enkel betaling (debtor) initiert CCT-melding I dette eksemplet er det kontoeier (Debtor) som initierer betalingsoppdraget. Betalers konto er i Bank A (DebtorAgent). Betalingsmottaker (Creditor) har sin konto i Bank B (CreditorAgent). (Eksempelvis lønn, pensjon) Betaler genererer i sitt system en CCT-melding som sendes til betalers bank (Bank B) med instruksjon om overføring av beløp til kreditors konto i Bank B. Betaling utføres, og transaksjon med informasjon fra CCT-melding sendes bank B for godskrift av kreditors konto og utsending av informasjon om kreditering til betalingsmottaker. BSK Bank IG ver 1 av pain 001.001.03 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation 201201 Side 6 av 45 2. Eksempel 2.2 Betaling på grunnlag av mottatt faktura Papir eller eFaktura) Kreditor sender faktura til Betaler på papir eller som eFaktura (avhengig av betaler kan motta eFaktura. Hvis eFaktura går den via Access punkt som videreformidler til betaler. Betaler mottar efaktura og leser denne inn i sitt ERP system. Tilrettelagt for elektronisk fakturahåndtering. Autorisert efaktura vil generere en CCT-melding med informasjon fra efakturaen. Denne sendes til Bank A som betalingsinstruksjon. Betaling utføres, og transaksjon med informasjon fra CCT-melding sendes bank B for godskrift av kreditors konto og utsending av informasjon om kreditering til betalingsmottaker. BSK Bank IG ver 1 av pain 001.001.03 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation 201201 Side 7 av 45 2. Eksempel 2.3 Enkeltbetaling kontohaver initierer en betaling på vegne av 3.part. I dette eksemplet har vi tatt utgangspunkt i et konsern, hvor “mor” er kontoeier, også for alle datterselskap. Mor initierer betalingsoppdrag på vegne av et datterselskap som er skyldner, og mottaker av faktura. På fakturautsteder siden har vi en tilsvarende konstellasjon, hvor “mor” er eier av kreditkonto oppgitt i fakturaen, men hvor datterselskap er den egentlige fordringshaver. BSK Bank IG ver 1 av pain 001.001.03 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation 201201 Side 8 av 45 2. Eksempel 2.4 På vegne av 3.part ved bruk av servicesenter I dette eksemplet er Kunde A både kontohaver og skyldner (mottaker av faktura), så derfor er det kun nødvendig å angi Betaler (Debtor) rollen i meldingen. Kunde a benytter seg av et SharedServiceCenter (SSC), som f.eks kan være et regnskapskontor, for å foreta betalinger. Siden SSC kun opererer på vegne av Kunde A, vil SSC kun være en operatør som lager meldingen, og fungere som en Gateway for Kunde A for elektronisk utveksling mot banken. SSC trenger derfor ikke å være identifisert i CCT-meldingen. BSK Bank IG ver 1 av pain 001.001.03 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation 201201 Side 9 av 45 3. Teknisk beskrivelse 3. Teknisk beskrivelse Melding Pain.001.001.03 CustomerCreditTransferInitiation V03 3.1 Bruk av melding CCT-meldingen kan benyttes både for innlandsbetalinger og for grensekryssende betalinger. CCT-meldingen identifiseres i xml-skjemaet på følgende måte: urn: iso: std: iso: 20022: tech: xsd: pain.001.001.03 En CCT-melding kan inneholde: - En eller flere betalingsoppdrag - Et betalingsoppdrag kan inneholde en eller flere betalingstransaksjoner - En betalingstransaksjon kan resulterer i en kontooverføring eller utstedelse av bankanvisning / Sjekk. Meldingen kan benyttes til enkeltbetalinger, da vil “Paymentinformation”-komponenten gjentas pr “Credit transaction”-komponent. Meldingen kan også brukes til å gruppere betalinger, da vil Payment information”-komponenten (debitsiden) forekomme en gang, med flere etterfølgende CreditTrasnferTransactionInformation (kreditsiden). For innenlandsbetalinger vil det da normalt genereres en sumpost på betalers konto. For grensekryssende betalinger vil det være avhengig a v den enkelte banks tjenester og bokføringsprinsipper. 3.1.1 Identifikasjon av kunderoller I CCT-meldingen kan man angi flere kunderoller. På oppdragssiden, kan inntil tre roller spesifiseres: “Initiating Party”, dvs. den som sender meldingen, “Debtor”, dvs. eier av konto som skal belastes, og “UltimateDebtor”, dvs. den som skylder penger til kreditor som følge av mottak av varer eller tjenester. Disse tre rollene kan dekkes av én og samme aktør, eller de kan dekkes av ulike aktører.Oppbyggingen av CCT-meldingen gjør det mulig å inkludere alle tre roller i en melding. På betlingsmottakssiden, kan inntil to roller spesifiseres: “Creditor”, dvs. eieren av kontoen som skal godskrives, og “UltimateCreditor”, dvs. den som er fordringshaver / den som skal motta pengene. Disse to rollene kan dekkes av én og samme aktør, eller de kan dekkes av ulike aktører. Oppbyggingen av CCTmeldingen gjør det mulig å inkludere begge roller i en melding. 3.1.2 Betalingsinformasjon CCT-meldingen kan inneholde grunnleggende betalingsinformasjon. Den kan også inneholde strukturert referanseinformasjon som henviser til betalingsinformasjon som er sendt separat fra betaler. BSK Bank IG ver 1 av pain 001.001.03 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation 201201 Side 10 av 45 3. Teknisk beskrivelse 3.1.3 Myndighetsrapportering For betalingstyper som krever spesiell myndighetsrapportering, gir CCT-meldinger mulighet for å angi nødvendig informasjon i tilknytning til transaksjoner hvor rapportering er nødvendig. 3.2 Meldingsoppbygging CCT-melding basert på ISO20022 PAIN.001.001.03 er bygd opp av tre nivåer, vist i figur under, og alle må være med i en melding. BSK Bank IG ver 1 av pain 001.001.03 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation 201201 Side 11 av 45 4. Struktur 4 4.1 Struktur Forklaring til tabellene GENERELLE PRINSIPPER FOR TABELLEN SOM ER BENYTTET FOR Å BESKRIVE FORMAT OG STRUKTUR FOR CCT-MELDING Alle elementer som må være med (Mandatory) i ISO20022. PAIN 001.001.03, er med i den norske MIG, det samme gjelder for elementer som kan være med eller er avhengige av gitte kriterier. Elementer som ikke benyttes i norsk betalingsformidling er ikke tatt med i denne MIG. Dette gjelder selv om de er tatt med i “ISO 20022 Message Definition Report” eller i “CGI Implementation Guide for ISO 20022 CustomerCreditTransfer Initiation”. Dette er gjort for å forenkle bruken MIG’en 4.1.2 Formatspesifikasjon Under er en forklaring til kolonnene i tabellene Krav til karaktersett er ISO UTF8. Ønskes det brukt annet karaktersett fra kunde til bank, må dette avtales med bank. ISO Index No. Referansenummer som henviser til relatert feltbeskrivelse i ISO 20022 Message Definition Report” Message Item refererer til det faktiske tagnavn i XML. Som angis i kolonnen XML Tag Name. Det kan være et Meldingselement (som kan sammenlignes med “felt” i en tradisjonell melding), eller en Meldings Komponent (det vil si en bunt med informasjon bestående av flere forskjellige meldingselement). Hvert meldingselement komplementeres med hva slags type element det er (angis i kolonnen Type). Tag Name, Den spesifikke koden knyttet til et XML-element, og som vil inngå i XML Schema for å identifisere et XML-element. “Tag Name” vil starte strengen med informasjon som skal inngå i elementet (f.eks. <Dbtr>) og strengen avsluttes med den samme tagen med en forutgående slash (f.eks. </Dbtr>). Structural Sequence: Angir hvor i meldingsstrukturen elementet er plassert BSK Bank IG ver 1 av pain 001.001.03 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation 201201 Side 12 av 45 4. Struktur Multiplicity, angir hvor mange ganger et elementet kan/skal være med. Max antall styres avrammene i NIBE-formatet. Type, angir den type verdi som skal overføres for det aktuelle elementet i XML-notasjon. Det er 7 forskjellige Data Type representasjoner som kan benyttesi en CCT-melding: Identifier, Code, Text, Rate, Date Time, Amount, Indicator. Use in IG, Her angir BSK klassifisering som er fastsatt i BSK CCT-melding MIG. ISO 20022 benytter klassifiseringene 1..n for mandatory, og 0..n for optional. BSK MIG har en mer gradert klassifisering. Følgende klassifiseringer benyttes i denne kolonnen: Definitions / Special comments, angir definisjon av det aktuelle elementet, regler for utfylling, lovlige verdier mm, i henhold til ISO 20022 I kursiv vil det stå forklaringer på bruken av elementet i det norske markedet BSK Bank IG ver 1 av pain 001.001.03 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation 201201 Side 13 av 45 5. Message Functionality 5. Message Functionality The message starts with the element “Document” that identifies what iso standard is used, and what message type it is. In this case it is: “urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:pain.001.001.03” This message is built up by three building blocks: GroupHeader, PaymentInformation and CreditTransferTransactionInformation. BSK Bank IG ver 1 av pain 001.001.03 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation 201201 Side 14 av 45 5.1 Group Header 5.1 Group Header This building block is mandatory and present once. It contains elements such as MessageIdentification, CreationDateAndTime, Grouping indicator. And identifies the initiator of the message. Elements presented in this figure is the elements used in the Norwegian MIG. BSK Bank IG ver 1 av pain 001.001.03 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation 201201 Side 15 av 45 5.1.1 Information Structure 5.1.1 Information Structure Group Header ISO Index No. Or Message Item Tag Name Structural Mult. Sequence Type <CstmrCdtTrfInitn> 1.0 GroupHeader <GrpHdr> 1.1 MessageIdentification <MsgId> Use Defenitions / Spesial comments in IG M Message root, identifying message type + [1..1] M Set of characteristics shared by all individual transactions included in the message. ++ [1..1] Max 35 Text M Point to point reference, as assigned by the instructing party, and sent to the next party in the chain to unambiguously identify the message. Unique for each customer min. 3 month Will be used in status reports (PSR) initiated by this message 1.2 CreationDateTime <CreDtTm> ++ [1..1] 1.6 NumberOfTransaction <NbOfTxs> s ++ 1.7 ControlSum ++ [1..1] Max15 Numeric Text [0..1] Decimal Number <CtrlSum> DateTime M Date and time at which the message was created. M Number of individual transactions contained in the message. BD Total of all individual amounts included in the message, irrespective of currencies. To be agreed with the debtors bank 1.8 InitiatingParty <InitgPty> ++ [1..1] Party Identification 32 Component [0..1] Max 140 Text M Party that initiates the payment. This can either be the debtor or the party that initiates the credit transfer on behalf of the debtor 9.1.0 Name <Nm> +++ R Name by which a party is known and which is usually used to identify that party. 9.1.12 Identification <Id> +++ [0..1] Choice Componenet R Unique and unambiguous identification of a party. 9.1.13 {Or OrganisationIdentificat <OrgId> ion ++++ [1..1] Organisation Identification 4 M Unique and unambiguous way to identify an organisation. 9.1.14 BICOrBEI +++++ [0..1] AnyBIC Identifier BD Code allocated to organisations by the ISO 9362 Registration Authority, under an international identification scheme, as described in the latest version of the standard ISO 9362 Banking (Banking telecommunication messages, Bank Identifier Codes). <BICOrBEI> Only a valid BIC or BEI is allowed. Valid BEI and BIC are registered with the ISO 9362 Registration Authority, and consists of eight (8) or eleven (11) contiguous characters comprising the first three or all four of the following components: BANK CODE, COUNTRY CODE, LOCATION CODE, BRANCH CODE. The bank code, country code and location code are mandatory, while the branch code is optional. 9.1.15 Other <Othr> +++++ [0..n] Organisation BD Unique identification of an organisation, as assigned by Identification an institution, using an identification scheme. 1 9.1.16 Identification <Id> ++++++ [1..1] Text Max35 9.1.17 SchemeName <SchmeNm> ++++++ [0..n] rganisationId BD Name of the identification scheme. entificationSc hemeName1 Choice 9.1.18 Code <Cd> +++++++ [1..1] Code M M Identification assigned by an institution. In Norway this may be the customer-id in the debtor bank, which may be based on “Brønnøysundregistrene” and their Central Coordinating Register of Legal Entities, or another identification agreed with the bank BANK = Agreement-id CUST = Sublevel-id customer This message item is part of choice 9.1.17 SchemeName BSK Bank IG ver 1 av pain 001.001.03 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation 201201 Side 16 av 45 5.2 Payment Information 5,2 Payment Information This building block is mandatory and repetitive. It contains, elements related to the debit side of the transaction. BSK Bank IG ver 1 av pain 001.001.03 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation 201201 Side 17 av 45 5.2.1 Information Structure 5.2.1 Information Structure Payment Information ISO Index No. Or Message Item Tag Name Structural Sequence Mult. 2.0 PaymentInformation <PmtInf> + [1..n] 2.1 PaymentInformationIdentification <PmtInfId> ++ [1..1] Type Max35Text Use in IG Defenitions / Spesial comments M Set of characteristics that applies to the debit side of the payment transactions included in the credit transfer initiation M Unique identification, as assigned by a sending party, to unambiguously identify the payment information group within the message. Unique for each customer min. 3 month M Specifies the means of payment that will be used to move the amount of money. Batch Booking Indicator BD Identifies whether a single entry per individual transaction or a batch entry for the sum of the amounts of all transactions within the group of a message is requested. Usage: Batch booking is used to request and not order a possible batch booking. If used: True : Identifies that a batch entry for the sum of the amounts of all transactions in the message is requested. False: Identifies that a single entry for each of the transactions in the message is requested. Decimal Number fraction Digits: 17 total Digits: 18 BD General definition: Total of all individual amounts included in the group, irrespective of currencies. 2.2 PaymentMethod <PmtMtd> ++ [1..1] Code 2.3 BatchBooking <BtchBookg> ++ [0..1] 2.5 ControlSum <CtrlSum> ++ [0..1] In Norway: All individual amounts must be in the same currency 2.6 PaymentTypeInformation <PmtTpInf> ++ [0..1] Payment Type Information 19 2.7 InstructionPriority <InstrPrty> +++ [0..1] Code 2.8 ServiceLevel <SvcLvl> +++ [0..1] Service Level8 Choice Code <Cd> ++++ [1..1] Code maxLength: 4 minLength: 1 CategoryPurpose <CtgyPurp> +++ [0..1] CategoryPurpose1 Choice 2.9 {Or 2.14 C Set of elements used to further specify the type of transaction. Required at either Payment or Transaction Level, but should not be present at both levels. Recommnded usage is at Payment level. BD Based on whether priority processing vs. normal processing is offered by the bank. Valid codes: HIGH - High priority processing NORM - Normal processing C Agreement/rule under which the transaction should be processed. M Specifies a pre-agreed service or level of service between the parties, as published in an external service level code list. C Specifies the high level purpose of the instruction based on a set of pre-defined categories. Usage: This is used by the initiating party to provide information concerning the processing of the payment. It is likely to trigger special processing by any of the agents involved in the payment chain. In absence of this element, the payment will be prosessed as a supplier payment 2.15 {Or Code <Cd> ++++ [1..1] ExternalCategory Purpose1 Code maxLength: 4 minLength: 1 2.17 RequestedExecutionDate <ReqdExctnDt> ++ [1..1] DateTime 2.19 Debtor <Dbtr> ++ [1..1] PartyIdentification32 element M Specifies the high level purpose of the instruction based on a set of pre-defined categories. Usage: This is used by the initiating party to provide information concerning the processing of the payment. It is likely to trigger special processing by any of the agents involved in the payment chain. Valid codes example: INTC, PENS, SALA, SUPP, TREA M Date at which the initiating party requests the clearing agent to process the payment. Usage: This is the date on which the debtor's account is to be debited. If payment by cheque, the date when the cheque must be generated by the bank. R Party that owes an amount of money to the (ultimate) creditor. This is the owner of the debtor account 9.1.12 9.1.13 {Or Identification <Id> +++ [0..1] Party6Choice R Unique and unambiguous identification of a party. OrganisationIdentification <OrgId> ++++ [1..1] Organisation Identification4 M Unique and unambiguous way to identify an organisation. BSK Bank IG ver 1 av pain 001.001.03 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation 201201 Side 18 av 45 5.2.1 Information Structure ISO Index No. Or Message Item Tag Name Structural Sequence Mult. Type Use in IG Defenitions / Spesial comments 9.1.14 BICOrBEI <BICOrBEI> +++++ [0..1] AnyBICIdentifier BD Code allocated to organisations by the ISO 9362 Registration Authority, under an international identification scheme, as described in the latest version of the standard ISO 9362 Banking (Banking telecommunication messages, Bank Identifier Codes). In Norway: Only a valid BIC or BEI is allowed. Valid BEI and BIC are registered with the ISO 9362 Registration Authority, and consists of eight (8) or eleven (11) contiguous characters comprising the first three or all four of the following components: BANK CODE, COUNTRY CODE, LOCATION CODE, BRANCH CODE. The bank code, country code and location code are mandatory, while the branch code is optional. 9.1.15 Other <Othr> +++++ [0..n] GenericOrganisation Identification1 BD Unique identification of an organisation, as assigned by an institution, using an identification scheme. 9.1.16 Identification <Id> ++++++ [1..1] M Identification assigned by an institution. Organisation number 2.20 DebtorAccount <DbtrAcct> ++ [1..1] Max35Text maxLength: 35 minLength: 1 CashAccount16 element M Unambiguous identification of the account of the debtor to which a debit entry will be made as a result of the transaction. 1.1.0 Identification <Id> +++ [1..1] AccountIdentification4 Choice element M Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the account servicer. IBAN <IBAN> ++++ [1..1] IBAN2007Identifier Format: [A-Z]{2,2}[09]{2,2}[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,30} M International Bank Account Number (IBAN) - identifier used internationally by financial institutions to uniquely identify the account of a customer. Further specifications of the format and content of the IBAN can be found in the standard ISO 13616 "Banking and related financial services - International Bank Account Number (IBAN)" version 1997-10-01, or later revisions. 1.1.1 {Or A valid IBAN consists of all three of the following components: Country Code, check digits and BBAN. 1.1.2 Other <Othr> ++++ [1..1] GenericAccount Identification1 element M Unique identification of an account, as assigned by the account servicer, using an identification scheme. 1.1.3 Identification <Id> +++++ [1..1] Max34Text maxLength: 34 minLength: 1 M Identification assigned by an institution. Local accountnumber that will be debited for the transactions 1.1.4 SchemeName <SchmeNm> +++++ [0..1] AccountSchemeName1 Choice element BD Name of the identification scheme Code <Cd> ++++++ [1..1] ExternalAccount Identification1Code maxLength: 4 minLength: 1 M Name of the identification scheme, in a coded form as published in an external list. 2.21 DebtorAgent <DbtrAgt> ++ [1..1] BranchAndFinancialInstitu tionIdentification4 element M Financial institution servicing an account for the debtor. 6.1.0 FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> +++ [1..1] FinancialInstitution Identification7 element M Unique and unambiguous identification of a financial institution, as assigned under an internationally recognised or proprietary identification scheme. 6.1.1 BIC <BIC> ++++ [0..1] BIC Identifier R Bank Identifier Code. Code allocated to financial institutions by the Registration Authority, under an international identification scheme, as described in the latest version of the standard ISO 9362 Banking (Banking telecommunication messages, Bank Identifier Codes). Valid BICs are registered with the ISO 9362 Registration Authority, and consist of eight (8) or eleven (11) contiguous characters comprising the first three or all four of the following components: BANK CODE, COUNTRY CODE, LOCATION CODE, BRANCH CODE. The bank code, country code and location code are mandatory, while the branch code is optional. 2.23 UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> ++ [0..1] PartyIdentification32 element C Ultimate party that owes an amount of money to the (ultimate) creditor. 9.1.0 Name <Nm> +++ [0..1] Max140Text maxLength: 140 minLength: 1 R Name by which a party is known and which is usually used to identify that party. In Norway , field length restrictions may apply, contact your bank 9.1.1 PostalAddress <PstlAdr> +++ [0..1] PostalAddress6 element R Information that locates and identifies a specific address, as defined by postal services. 9.1.5 StreetName <StrtNm> ++++ [0..1] Max70Text maxLength: 70 minLength: 1 C Max16Text maxLength: 16 minLength: 1 C 1.1.5 Or} {{Or Valid code: BBAN Use of structured address is recommended. 9.1.7 PostCode <PstCd> ++++ [0..1] Name of a street or thoroughfare. In Norway, field length restrictions may apply, contact your bank Identifier consisting of a group of letters and/or numbers that is added to a postal address to assist the sorting. BSK Bank IG ver 1 av pain 001.001.03 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation 201201 Side 19 av 45 5.2.1 Information Structure ISO Index No. Or Message Item Tag Name Structural Sequence Mult. Type Use in IG Defenitions / Spesial comments 9.1.8 TownName <TwnNm> ++++ [0..1] Max16Text maxLength: 16 minLength: 1 C Identifier consisting of a group of letters and/or numbers that is added to a postal address to assist the sorting of mail. 9.1.10 Country <Ctry> ++++ [0..1] CountryCode Format: [A-Z]{2,2} R Nation with its own government. 9.1.11 AddressLine <AdrLine> ++++ [0..7] Max70Text maxLength: 70 minLength: 1 C Information that locates and identifies a specific address, as defined by postal services, presented in free format text. In Norway, Field length restrictions may apply, contact your bank 2.24 ChargeBearer <ChrgBr> ++ [0..1] ChargeBearerType1 Code BD Specifies which party/parties will bear the charges associated with the processing of the payment transaction. Domestic payments SHAR; SEPA payments SLEV; Cross Border payments DEBT, CRED, SHAR, Conditional based on wether used on payment- and crdittrasaction level. In absence of this element, the bank will handle this as a payment where each party pays their own cost. BSK Bank IG ver 1 av pain 001.001.03 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation 201201 Side 20 av 45 5.3 Credit Transfer Transaction 5.3 Credit Transfer Transaction Information This building block is mandatory and repetitive, . It contains, elements related to the credit side of the transaction BSK Bank IG ver 1 av pain 001.001.03 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation 201201 Side 21 av 45 5.3 Credit Transfer Transaction BSK Bank IG ver 1 av pain 001.001.03 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation 201201 Side 22 av 45 5.3 Credit Transfer Transaction BSK Bank IG ver 1 av pain 001.001.03 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation 201201 Side 23 av 45 5.3.1 Information Structure 5.3.1 Information Structure Credit Transfer Transaction Information ISO Index No. 2.27 Or Message Item Tag Name Structural Sequence Mult. CreditTransferTransactionInformation <CdtTrfTxInf> ++ [1..n] 2.28 PaymentIdentification <PmtId> +++ [1..1] 2.29 InstructionIdentification <InstrId> ++++ 2.30 EndToEndIdentification <EndToEndId> 2.31 PaymentTypeInformation 2.32 2.33 2.34 {Or Type Use in IG Defenitions / Spesial comments M Set of elements used to provide information on the individual credit transfer transaction(s) included in the message. Payment Identification1 element M Set of elements used to reference a payment instruction. [0..1] Max35Text maxLength: 35 minLength: 1 BD Unique identification as assigned by an instructing party for an instructed party to unambiguously identify the instruction. Unique for each customer, minmum 3 months. ++++ [1..1] Max35Text maxLength: 35 minLength: 1 M Unique identification assigned by the initiating party to unumbiguously identify the transaction. This identification is passed on, unchanged, throughout the entire end-to-end chain. Unique for each customer minimum 3 months. <PmtTpInf> +++ [0..1] PaymentType Information19 element C Set of elements used to further specify the type of transaction. May be used either on this level or the Payment Information Level InstructionPriority <InstrPrty> ++++ [0..1] Priority2Code BD Based on whether priority processing vs. normal processing is offered by the bank. Valid codes: HIGH - High priority processing NORM - Normal processing ServiceLevel <SvcLvl> ++++ [0..1] ServiceLevel8 Choice element C Agreement under which or rules under which the transaction should be processed. Code <Cd> +++++ [1..1] ExternalServiceLeve l1Code maxLength: 4 minLength: 1 M Specifies a pre-agreed service or level of service between the parties, as published in an external service level code list. Contact the financial institution for information 2.39 2.40 {Or 2.42 CategoryPurpose <CtgyPurp> ++++ [0..1] Category Purpose1Choice element C Specifies the high level purpose of the instruction based on a set of pre-defined categories. Usage: This is used by the initiating party to provide information concerning the processing of the payment. It is likely to trigger special processing by any of the agents involved in the payment chain. In absence of this element, the payment will be prosessed as a supplier payment Code <Cd> +++++ [1..1] ExternalCategoryPu rpose1Code maxLength: 4 minLength: 1 M Category purpose, as published in an external category purpose code list. Valid codes excamples: INTC, PENS, SALA, SUPP, TREA Amount <Amt> +++ [1..1] AmountType3 Choice element M Amount of money to be moved between the debtor and creditor, before deduction of charges, expressed in the currency as ordered by the initiating party. 2.43 {Or InstructedAmount <InstdAmt Ccy="AAA"> ++++ [1..1] ActiveOrHistoricCu rrencyCode fractionDigits: 5 minInclusive: 0 totalDigits: 18 M Amount of money to be moved between the debtor and creditor, before deduction of charges, expressed in the currency as ordered by the initiating party. 2.44 Or} EquivalentAmount <EqvtAmt> ++++ [1..1] Equivalent Amount2 element M Amount of money to be moved between the debtor and creditor, expressed in the currency of the debtor's account, and the currency in which the amount is to be moved. <Amt Ccy="AAA"> +++++ [1..1] ActiveOrHistoricCu rrencyCode fractionDigits: 5 minInclusive: 0 totalDigits: 18 M Amount of money to be moved between debtor and creditor, before deduction of charges, expressed in the currency of the debtor's account, and to be moved in a different currency. Usage: The first agent will convert the equivalent amount into the amount to be moved. CurrencyOfTransfer <CcyOfTrf> +++++ [1..1] ActiveOrHistoricCu rrencyCode M Specifies the currency of the to be transferred amount, which is different from the currency of the debtor's account. The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic currency codes are registered with ISO 4217 2.47 ExchangeRateInformation <XchgRateInf> +++ [0..1] ExchangeRate Information1 element BD Set of elements used to provide details on the currency exchange rate and contract. 2.48 ExchangeRate <XchgRate> ++++ [0..1] BaseOneRate fractionDigits: 10 totalDigits: 11 2.45 2.46 Amount C The factor used for conversion of an amount from one currency to another. This reflects the price at which one currency was bought with another currency. BSK Bank IG ver 1 av pain 001.001.03 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation 201201 S24 av 45 5.3.1 Information Structure ISO Index No. 2.49 Or Message Item Tag Name Structural Sequence Mult. Type Defenitions / Spesial comments Use in IG RateType <RateTp> ++++ [0..1] ExchangeRate Type1Code C Specifies the type used to complete the currency exchange AGRD - Exhange rate applied is the rate agreed between the parties SALE - Exchange rate applied is the market rate at time of the sale SPOT - Exchange rate applied is the spot rate 2.50 ContractIdentification <CtrctId> ++++ [0..1] Max35Text maxLength: 35 minLength: 1 C Unique and unambiguous reference to the foreign exchange contract agreed between the initiating party/ creditor and the debtor agent. 2.51 ChargeBearer <ChrgBr> +++ [0..1] ChargeBearer Type1Code BD Specifies which party/parties will bear the charges associated with the processing of the payment transaction. Domestic payments - SHAR SEPA payments - SLEV Cross Border payments - DEBT, CRED, SHAR, SLEV Conditional based on wether used on payment- og crdittrasaction level. In absence of this element, the bank will handle this as a payment where each party pays their own cost. . 2.52 ChequeInstruction <ChqInstr> +++ [0..1] 2.53 ChequeType <ChqTp> ++++ [0..1] 2.58 DeliveryMethod <DlvryMtd> ++++ [0..1] Code <Cd> +++++ [1..1] 2.70 UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> +++ [0..1] 9.1.0 Name <Nm> ++++ 9.1.1 PostalAddress <PstlAdr> 9.1.5 StreetName 2.59 9.1.7 {Or PostCode BD Set of elements needed to issue a cheque. ChequeType2 Code BD Specifies the type of cheque to be issued. Valid codes: BCHQ - Cheque drawn on the account of the debtor's financial institution. The financial institution prints and certifies the cheque, guaranteeing the payment. Synonym is 'cashier's cheque'. Cheque DeliveryMethod1 Choice element ChequeDelivery1Co de BD Specifies the delivery method of the cheque by the debtor's agent. M Specifies the delivery method of the cheque by the debtor's agent. Valid codes: MLDB - Cheque is to be sent through mail services to debtor. PUDB - Cheque will be picked up by the debtor. Party Identification32 element C Ultimate party that owes an amount of money to the (ultimate) creditor. [0..1] Max140Text maxLength: 140 minLength: 1 R ++++ [0..1] PostalAddress6 element C Name by which a party is known and which is usually used to identify that party. In Norway, field length restrictions may apply, contact your bank Information that locates and identifies a specific address, as defined by postal services. Use of structured address is recommended. <StrtNm> +++++ [0..1] Max70Text maxLength: 70 minLength: 1 C Name of a street or thoroughfare. In Norway, field length restrictions may apply, contact your bank <PstCd> +++++ [0..1] Max16Text maxLength: 16 minLength: 1 C Identifier consisting of a group of letters and/or numbers that is added to a postal address to assist the sorting Cheque6 element 9.1.8 TownName <TwnNm> +++++ [0..1] Max35Text maxLength: 35 minLength: 1 C Identifier consisting of a group of letters and/or numbers that is added to a postal address to assist the sorting of mail. 9.1.10 Country <Ctry> +++++ [0..1] CountryCode C Nation with its own government. The code is checked against the list of country names obtained from the United Nations (ISO 3166, Alpha-2 code). 9.1.11 AddressLine <AdrLine> +++++ [0..7] Max70Text maxLength: 70 minLength: 1 R Information that locates and identifies a specific address, as defined by postal services, presented in free format text. 2.71 IntermediaryAgent1 <IntrmyAgt1> +++ [0..1] BranchAnd Financial Institution Identification4 element BD Financial Institution Identification7 element M 6.1.0 FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> ++++ [1..1] Agent between the debtor's agent and the creditor's agent. For Norway only one intermediary agent is present, Used only if Creditor Agent has instructed that the payment should pass their agent. Unique and unambiguous identification of a financial institution, as assigned under an internationally recognised or proprietary identification scheme. BSK Bank IG ver 1 av pain 001.001.03 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation 201201 S25 av 45 5.3.1 Information Structure ISO Index No. 6.1.1 Or Message Item BIC Tag Name <BIC> Structural Sequence +++++ Mult. [0..1] Type BIC Identifier Use in IG Defenitions / Spesial comments C Bank Identifier Code. Code allocated to financial institutions by the Registration Authority, under an international identification scheme, as described in the latest version of the standard ISO 9362 Banking (Banking telecommunication messages, Bank Identifier Codes). Valid BICs are registered with the ISO 9362 Registration Authority, and consist of eight (8) or eleven (11) contiguous characters comprising the first three or all four of the following components: BANK CODE, COUNTRY CODE, LOCATION CODE, BRANCH CODE. The bank code, country code and location code are mandatory, while the branch code is optional. 2,77 CreditorAgent <CdtrAgt> +++ [0..1] 6.1.0 FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> ++++ [1..1] 6.1.1 BIC <BIC> +++++ [0..1] BranchAnd Financial Institution Identification element C Financial institution servicing an account for the creditor. Required in Cross Border Payments and SEPA Payments R BIC Identifier C Bank Identifier Code. Code allocated to financial institutions by the Registration Authority, under an international identification scheme, as described in the latest version of the standard ISO 9362 Banking (Banking telecommunication messages, Bank Identifier Codes). Valid BICs are registered with the ISO 9362 Registration Authority, and consist of eight (8) or eleven (11) contiguous characters comprising the first three or all four of the following components: BANK CODE, COUNTRY CODE, LOCATION CODE, BRANCH CODE. The bank code, country code and location code are mandatory, while the branch code is optional. 6.1.2 ClearingSystemMemberIdentification <ClrSysMmbId> +++++ [0..1] ClearingSystem Member Identification element C Information used to identify a member within a clearing system. 6.1.3 ClearingSystemIdentification <ClrSysId> ++++++ [0..1] ClearingSystem Identification Choice element R Specification of a pre-agreed offering between clearing agents or the channel through which the payment instruction is processed. Code <Cd> +++++++ [1..1] ExternalClearing System Identification1 Code maxLength: 5 minLength: 1 M Identification of a clearing system, in a coded form as published in an external list. This message item is part of choice 6.1.3 ClearingSystemIdentification. 6.1.6 MemberIdentification <MmbId> ++++++ [1..1] Max35Text maxLength: 35 minLength: 1 M Identification of a member of a clearing system. 6.1.7 Name <Nm> +++++ [0..1] Max140Text maxLength: 140 minLength: 1 C Name by which an agent is known and which is usually used to identify that agent. In Norway, field length restrictions may apply, contact your bank 6.1.8 PostalAddress <PstlAdr> +++++ [0..1] PostalAddress6 element R Information that locates and identifies a specific address, as defined by postal services. 6.1.12 StreetName <StrtNm> ++++++ [0..1] Max70Text maxLength: 70 minLength: 1 C Name of a street or thoroughfare. In Norway, field length restrictions may apply, contact your bank 6.1.14 PostCode <PstCd> ++++++ [0..1] Max16Text maxLength: 16 minLength: 1 C Identifier consisting of a group of letters and/or numbers that is added to a postal address to assist the sorting of mail. 6.1.15 TownName <TwnNm> ++++++ [0..1] Max35Text maxLength: 35 minLength: 1 R Name of a built-up area, with defined boundaries, and a local government. 6.1.17 Country <Ctry> ++++++ [0..1] CountryCode R Nation with its own government. The code is checked against the list of country names obtained from the United Nations (ISO 3166, 6.1.18 AddressLine <AdrLine> ++++++ [0..7] Max70Text maxLength: 70 minLength: 1 C Information that locates and identifies a specific address, as defined by postal services, presented in free format text. In Norway, field length restrictions may apply, contact your bank 2.79 Creditor <Cdtr> +++ [0..1] PartyIdentification32 element C Party to which an amount of money is due. Required in Cross Border Payments and SEPA Payments For Norwegian domestic payments, except money orders, only credit account is needed. CreditorAgent is required to forward information related to the payment, and uses Creditor Adress information connected to the CreditAccount in their own system. 9.1.0 Name <Nm> ++++ [0..1] Max140Text maxLength: 140 minLength: 1 R Name by which a party is known and which is usually used to identify that party. In Norway, field length restrictions may apply, contact your bank 6.1.4 {Or BSK Bank IG ver 1 av pain 001.001.03 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation 201201 S26 av 45 5.3.1 Information Structure ISO Index No. 9.1.1 Or Message Item Tag Name Structural Sequence Mult. Type Defenitions / Spesial comments Use in IG PostalAddress <PstlAdr> ++++ [0..1] PostalAddress6 element C Information that locates and identifies a specific address, as defined by postal services. Use of structured address is recommended. Required for cross border payments 9.1.5 StreetName <StrtNm> +++++ [0..1] Max70Text maxLength: 70 minLength: 1 C Name of a street or thoroughfare. In Norway, field length restrictions may apply, contact your bank 9.1.7 PostCode <PstCd> +++++ [0..1] Max16Text maxLength: 16 minLength: 1 C Identifier consisting of a group of letters and/or numbers that is added to a postal address to assist the sorting of mail. 9.1.8 TownName <TwnNm> +++++ [0..1] Max35Text maxLength: 35 minLength: 1 C Name of a built-up area, with defined boundaries, and a local government. In Norway, field length restrictions may apply, contact your bank 9.1.10 Country <Ctry> +++++ [0..1] CountryCode C Nation with its own government. The code is checked against the list of country names obtained from the United Nations (ISO 3166, Alpha-2 code). 9.1.11 AddressLine <AdrLine> +++++ [0..7] Max70Text maxLength: 70 minLength: 1 R Information that locates and identifies a specific address, as defined by postal services, presented in free format text. In Norway, field length restrictions may apply, contact your bank 9.1.12 Identification <Id> ++++ [0..1] Party6 Choice element C Unique and unambiguous identification of a party. OrganisationIdentification <OrgId> +++++ [1..1] Organisation Identification4 element M Unique and unambiguous way to identify an organisation. AnyBICIdentifier C 9.1.13 {Or 9.1.14 BICOrBEI <BICOrBEI> ++++++ [0..1] This message item is part of choice 9.1.12 Identification. Code allocated to organisations by the ISO 9362 Registration Authority, under an international identification scheme, as described in the latest version of the standard ISO 9362 Banking (Banking telecommunication messages, Bank Identifier Codes). Only a valid BIC or BEI is allowed. Valid BEI and BIC are registered with the ISO 9362 Registration Authority, and consists of eight (8) or eleven (11) contiguous characters comprising the first three or all four of the following components: BANK CODE, COUNTRY CODE, LOCATION CODE, BRANCH CODE. The bank code, country code and location code are mandatory, while the branch code is optional. 9.1.15 9.1.16 9.1.33 Other Identification CountryOfResidence <Othr> <Id> <CtryOfRes> ++++++ +++++++ ++++ [0..n] [1..1] [0..1] 2.80 CreditorAccount <CdtrAcct> +++ 1.1.0 Identification <Id> C Text CountryCode R C Country in which a person resides (the place of a person's home). In the case of a company, it is the country from which the affairs of that company are directed. The code is checked against the list of country names obtained from the United Nations (ISO 3166, Alpha-2 code). [0..1] CashAccount16 element C Unambiguous identification of the account of the creditor to which a credit entry will be posted as a result of the payment transaction. Required in all payments except local international cheque and local payment orders. ++++ [1..1] AccountIdentificatio n4 Choice element M Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the account servicer. 1.1.1 {Or IBAN <IBAN> +++++ [1..1] IBAN2007Identifier Format: [AZ]{2,2}[0-9]{2,2}[azA-Z0-9]{1,30} M International Bank Account Number (IBAN) - identifier used internationally by financial institutions to uniquely identify the account of a customer. Further specifications of the format and content of the IBAN can be found in the standard ISO 13616 "Banking and related financial services - International Bank Account Number (IBAN)" version 1997-10-01, or later revisions. A valid IBAN consists of all three of the following components: Country Code, check digits and BBAN. 1.1.2 Or} Other <Othr> +++++ [1..1] GenericAccount Identification1 element M Unique identification of an account, as assigned by the account servicer, using an identification scheme. 1.1.3 Identification <Id> ++++++ [1..1] Max34Text maxLength: 34 minLength: 1 M Identification assigned by an institution. Local accountnumber that will be credited for the transactions 1.1.4 SchemeName <SchmeNm> ++++++ [0..1] AccountSchemeNa me1 Choice element R Name of the identification scheme <Cd> +++++++ [1..1] ExternalAccount Identification1Code maxLength: 4 minLength: 1 R Name of the identification scheme, in a coded form as published in an external list. Valid code: BBAN 1.1.5 {{Or Code BSK Bank IG ver 1 av pain 001.001.03 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation 201201 S27 av 45 5.3.1 Information Structure ISO Index No. 2.81 Or Message Item Tag Name Structural Sequence Mult. Type Use in IG Defenitions / Spesial comments UltimateCreditor <UltmtCdtr> +++ [0..1] PartyIdentification32 element C Ultimate party to which an amount of money is due. 9.1.0 Name <Nm> ++++ [0..1] Max140Text maxLength: 140 minLength: 1 R Name by which a party is known and which is usually used to identify that party. In Norway, field length restrictions may apply, contact your bank 9.1.1 PostalAddress <PstlAdr> ++++ [0..1] PostalAddress6 element C Information that locates and identifies a specific address, as defined by postal services. In Norway, field length restrictions may apply, contact your bank 9.1.5 StreetName <StrtNm> +++++ [0..1] Max70Text maxLength: 70 minLength: 1 C Name of a street or thoroughfare. 9.1.7 PostCode <PstCd> +++++ [0..1] Max16Text maxLength: 16 minLength: 1 C Identifier consisting of a group of letters and/or numbers that is added to a postal address to assist the sorting of mail. 9.1.8 TownName <TwnNm> +++++ [0..1] Max35Text maxLength: 35 minLength: 1 C Name of a built-up area, with defined boundaries, and a local government. 9.1.10 Country <Ctry> +++++ [0..1] CountryCode C Nation with its own government. The code is checked against the list of country names obtained from the United Nations (ISO 3166, Alpha-2 code). 9.1.11 AddressLine <AdrLine> +++++ [0..7] Max70Text maxLength: 70 minLength: 1 R Information that locates and identifies a specific address, as defined by postal services, presented in free format text. In Norway, field length restrictions may apply, contact your bank 2.82 InstructionForCreditorAgent <InstrForCdtrAgt> +++ [0..n] InstructionFor CreditorAgent1 element BD Further information related to the processing of the payment instruction, provided by the initiating party, and intended for the creditor agent. 2.83 Code <Cd> ++++ [0..1] Instruction Code BD Coded information related to the processing of the payment instruction, provided by the initiating party, and intended for the creditor's agent. Excamples: CHQB - (Ultimate) creditor must be paid by cheque. HOLD - Amount of money must be held for the (ultimate) creditor, who will call. Pay on identification. PHOB - Please advise/contact (ultimate) creditor/claimant by phone TELB - Please advise/contact (ultimate) creditor/claimant by the most efficient means of telecommunication 2.84 InstructionInformation <InstrInf> ++++ [0..1] Max140Text maxLength: 140 minLength: 1 BD Further information complementing the coded instruction or instruction to the creditor's agent that is bilaterally agreed or specific to a user community. 2.89 RegulatoryReporting <RgltryRptg> +++ [0..10] Regulatory Reporting3 element C Information needed due to regulatory and statutory requirements. 11.1.4 Details <Dtls> ++++ [0..n] Structured Regulatory Reporting3 element R Set of elements used to provide details on the regulatory reporting information. 11.1.8 Code <Cd> +++++ [0..1] Max10Text maxLength: 10 minLength: 1 R Specifies the nature, purpose, and reason for the transaction to be reported for regulatory and statutory requirements in a coded form. Contact the financial institution for information as to use of the element, and updated code-list. 11.1.10 Information <Inf> +++++ [0..n] Max35Text maxLength: 35 minLength: 1 R Additional details that cater for specific domestic regulatory requirements. 2.98 RemittanceInformation <RmtInf> +++ [0..1] Remittance Information5 element C Information supplied to enable the matching of an entry with the items that the transfer is intended to settle, such as commercial invoices in an accounts' receivable system. Structured Remittance information is preferred 2.99 Unstructured <Ustrd> ++++ [0..n] Max140Text maxLength: 140 minLength: 1 C Information supplied to enable the matching/reconciliation of an entry with the items that the payment is intended to settle, such as commercial invoices in an accounts' receivable system, in an unstructured form. Domestic, max 1750 International, max 140 Structured remittance information is preferred BSK Bank IG ver 1 av pain 001.001.03 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation 201201 S28 av 45 5.3.1 Information Structure ISO Index No. 2.100 Or Message Item Tag Name Structural Sequence Mult. Type Use in IG Defenitions / Spesial comments Information supplied to enable the matching/reconciliation of an entry with the items that the payment is intended to settle, such as commercial invoices in an accounts' receivable system, in a structured form. Structured <Strd> ++++ [0..n] Structured Remittance Information7 element C 2.101 ReferredDocumentInformation <RfrdDocInf> +++++ [0..n] Referred Document Information3 element R Set of elements used to identify the documents referred to in the remittance information. 2.102 Type <Tp> ++++++ [0..1] ReferredDocument Type2 element R Specifies the type of referred document. 2.103 CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> +++++++ [1..1] ReferredDocument Type1Choice element M Provides the type details of the referred document. Code <Cd> ++++++++ [1..1] DocumentType5 Code M Document type in a coded form. Recommended 2.104 {Or CINV - Document is an invoice. .CREN - Document is a credit note. In Norway only one combination of CINV and CREN pr payment, to ensure that information can be provided in a to the creditor. 2.107 Number <Nb> ++++++ [0..1] 2.108 RelatedDate <RltdDt> ++++++ [0..1] 2.109 ReferredDocumentAmount <RfrdDocAmt> +++++ [0..1] 2.110 DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt Ccy="AAA"> ++++++ 2.112 CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt Ccy="AAA"> 2.119 RemittedAmount 2.120 R Unique and unambiguous identification of the referred document. C Date associated with the referred document. Remittance Amount1 element C Set of elements used to provide details on the amounts of the referred document. [0..1] ActiveOrHistoric CurrencyAnd Amount fractionDigits: 5 minInclusive: 0 totalDigits: 18 C Amount specified is the exact amount due and payable to the creditor. CurrencyAmount The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217. Note: The decimal separator is a dot. ++++++ [0..1] ActiveOrHistoric CurrencyAnd Amount fractionDigits: 5 minInclusive: 0 totalDigits: 18 C Amount specified for the referred document is the amount of a credit note. The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217. Note: The decimal separator is a dot. <RmtdAmt Ccy="AAA"> ++++++ [0..1] ActiveOrHistoric CurrencyAnd Amount fractionDigits: 5 minInclusive: 0 totalDigits: 18 C Amount of money remitted for the referred document. The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217. Note: The decimal separator is a dot. CreditorReferenceInformation <CdtrRefInf> +++++ [0..1] CreditorReference Information2 element C Reference information provided by the creditor to allow the identification of the underlying documents. 2.121 Type <Tp> ++++++ [0..1] CreditorReference Type2 element C Specifies the type of creditor reference. 2.122 CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> +++++++ [1..1] CreditorReference Type1Choice element M Coded or proprietary format creditor reference type. Code <Cd> ++++++++ [1..1] DocumentType3 Code R Type of creditor reference, in a coded form. Valid code is SCOR 2.125 Issuer <Issr> +++++++ [0..1] Max35Text maxLength: 35 minLength: 1 C Entity that assigns the credit reference type. Valid text: ISO (brukes kun for ISO11649 ) 2.126 Reference <Ref> ++++++ [0..1] Max35Text maxLength: 35 minLength: 1 R Unique reference, as assigned by the creditor, to unambiguously refer to the payment transaction. 2.123 {Or Max35Text maxLength: 35 minLength: 1 ISODate KID number or Structured Creditor Reference (ISO11649) BSK Bank IG ver 1 av pain 001.001.03 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation 201201 S29 av 45 5.4 Descriptions parties-instr. ] 5.4 Key elements describing parties and instructions - Descriptions. 5.4.1 Payment Information - PaymentTypeInformation Used to specify the type of transaction. ISO Index No. Message Item Tag Name Structural Sequence Mult. Type Use in IG Defenitions / Spesial comments C Set of elements used to further specify the type of transaction. Required at either Payment or Transaction Level, but should not be present at both levels. Recommnded usage is at Payment level. BD Based on whether priority processing vs. normal processing is offered by the bank. Valid codes: HIGH - High priority processing NORM - Normal processing 2.6 PaymentTypeInformation <PmtTpInf> ++ [0..1] Payment Type Information 19 2.7 InstructionPriority <InstrPrty> +++ [0..1] Code 2.8 ServiceLevel <SvcLvl> +++ [0..1] Service Level8 Choice C Agreement/rule under which the transaction should be processed. 2.9 Code <Cd> ++++ [1..1] Code maxLength: 4 minLength: 1 M Specifies a pre-agreed service or level of service between the parties, as published in an external service level code list. 2.14 CategoryPurpose <CtgyPurp> +++ [0..1] CategoryPurpose1 Choice C Specifies the high level purpose of the instruction based on a set of pre-defined categories. Usage: This is used by the initiating party to provide information concerning the processing of the payment. It is likely to trigger special processing by any of the agents involved in the payment chain. In absence of this element, the payment will be prosessed as a supplier payment 2.15 Code <Cd> ++++ [1..1] ExternalCategory Purpose1 Code maxLength: 4 minLength: 1 M Specifies the high level purpose of the instruction based on a set of pre-defined categories. Usage: This is used by the initiating party to provide information concerning the processing of the payment. It is likely to trigger special processing by any of the agents involved in the payment chain. Valid codes example: INTC, PENS, SALA, SUPP, TREA BSK Bank IG ver 1 av pain 001.001.03 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation 201201 Side 30 av 45 5.4 Descriptions parties-instr. ] 5.4.2 Payment Information – Debtor ISO Index No. 2.19 Message Item Debtor Tag Name <Dbtr> Structural Sequence ++ Mult. Type Use in IG Defenitions / Spesial comments [1..1] PartyIdentification32 element R Party that owes an amount of money to the (ultimate) creditor. This is the owner of the debtor account 9.1.12 Identification 9.1.13 <Id> +++ [0..1] Party6Choice OrganisationIdentification <OrgId> ++++ [1..1] 9.1.14 BICOrBEI <BICOrBEI> +++++ [0..1] Organisation Identification4 AnyBICIdentifier 9.1.15 Other <Othr> +++++ [0..n] 9.1.16 Identification <Id> ++++++ [1..1] R Unique and unambiguous identification of a party. M Unique and unambiguous way to identify an organisation. BD Code allocated to organisations by the ISO 9362 Registration Authority, under an international identification scheme, as described in the latest version of the standard ISO 9362 Banking (Banking telecommunication messages, Bank Identifier Codes). The Ba Only a valid BIC or BEI is allowed. Valid BEI and BIC are registered with the ISO 9362 Registration Authority, and consists of eight (8) or eleven (11) contiguous characters comprising the first three or all four of the following components: BANK CODE, COUNTRY CODE, LOCATION CODE, BRANCH CODE. The bank code, country code and location code are mandatory, while the branch code is optional. GenericOrganisation Identification1 BD Unique identification of an organisation, as assigned by an institution, using an identification scheme. Max35Text maxLength: 35 minLength: 1 M Identification assigned by an institution. Organisation number 5.4.3 Payment Information – DebtorAccount ISO Index No. Message Item Tag Name Structural Sequence Mult. 2.20 DebtorAccount <DbtrAcct> ++ [1..1] 1.1.0 Identification <Id> +++ [1..1] Type CashAccount16 element Use in IG M Unambiguous identification of the account of the debtor to which a debit entry will be made as a result of the transaction. M Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the account servicer. M International Bank Account Number (IBAN) - identifier used internationally by financial institutions to uniquely identify the account of a customer. Further specifications of the format and content of the IBAN can be found in the standard ISO 13616 "Banking and related financial services - International Bank Account Number (IBAN)" version 1997-10-01, or later revisions. AccountIdentification 4 Choice element 1.1.1 IBAN <IBAN> ++++ [1..1] IBAN2007Identifier Format: [A-Z]{2,2}[09]{2,2}[a-zA-Z09]{1,30} Defenitions / Spesial comments A valid IBAN consists of all three of the following components: Country Code, check digits and BBAN. 1.1.2 Other <Othr> ++++ [1..1] 1.1.3 Identification <Id> +++++ [1..1] 1.1.4 SchemeName <SchmeNm> +++++ [0..1] 1.1.5 Code <Cd> ++++++ [1..1] GenericAccount Identification1 element Max34Text maxLength: 34 minLength: 1 M Unique identification of an account, as assigned by the account servicer, using an identification scheme. M Identification assigned by an institution. Local accountnumber that will be debited for the transactions AccountSchemeNam e1 Choice element ExternalAccount Identification1Code maxLength: 4 minLength: 1 BD Name of the identification scheme M Name of the identification scheme, in a coded form as published in an external list. Valid code: BBAN BSK Bank IG ver 1 av pain 001.001.03 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation 201201 Side 31 av 45 5.4 Descriptions parties-instr. ] 5.4.4 Payment Information – DebtorAgent ISO Index No. Message Item Tag Name <DbtrAgt> Mult. Type Use in IG ++ [1..1] BranchAndFinancialI nstitutionIdentificatio n4 element M Financial institution servicing an account for the debtor. Structural Sequence Defenitions / Spesial comments 2.21 DebtorAgent 6.1.0 FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> +++ [1..1] FinancialInstitution Identification7 element M Unique and unambiguous identification of a financial institution, as assigned under an internationally recognised or proprietary identification scheme. 6.1.1 BIC ++++ [0..1] BIC Identifier R Bank Identifier Code. Code allocated to financial institutions by the Registration Authority, under an international identification scheme, as described in the latest version of the standard ISO 9362 Banking (Banking telecommunication messages, Bank Identifier Codes). Valid BICs are registered with the ISO 9362 Registration Authority, and consist of eight (8) or eleven (11) contiguous characters comprising the first three or all four of the following components: BANK CODE, COUNTRY CODE, LOCATION CODE, BRANCH CODE. The bank code, country code and location code are mandatory, while the branch code is optional. <BIC> BSK Bank IG ver 1 av pain 001.001.03 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation 201201 Side 32 av 45 5.4 Descriptions parties-instr. ] 5.4.5 Payment Information – UltimateDebtor ISO Index No. Message Item Tag Name Structural Sequence Mult. Type Use in IG Defenitions / Spesial comments 2.23 UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> ++ [0..1] PartyIdentification32 element C Ultimate party that owes an amount of money to the (ultimate) creditor. 9.1.0 Name <Nm> +++ [0..1] Max140Text maxLength: 140 minLength: 1 R Name by which a party is known and which is usually used to identify that party. In Norway , field length restrictions may apply, contact your bank 9.1.1 PostalAddress <PstlAdr> +++ [0..1] PostalAddress6 element R Information that locates and identifies a specific address, as defined by postal services. Use of structured address is recommended. 9.1.2 AddressType <AdrTp> ++++ [0..1] AddressType2Code 9.1.5 StreetName <StrtNm> ++++ [0..1] Max70Text maxLength: 70 minLength: 1 C NU Identifies the nature of the postal address. Name of a street or thoroughfare. In Norway, field length restrictions may apply, contact your bank 9.1.6 BuildingNumber <BldgNb> ++++ [0..1] Max16Text maxLength: 16 minLength: 1 NU 9.1.7 PostCode <PstCd> ++++ [0..1] Max16Text maxLength: 16 minLength: 1 C Identifier consisting of a group of letters and/or numbers that is added to a postal address to assist the sorting. 9.1.8 TownName <TwnNm> ++++ [0..1] Max16Text maxLength: 16 minLength: 1 C Identifier consisting of a group of letters and/or numbers that is added to a postal address to assist the sorting of mail. 9.1.10 Country <Ctry> ++++ [0..1] CountryCode Format: [A-Z]{2,2} R Nation with its own government. 9.1.11 AddressLine <AdrLine> ++++ [0..7] Max70Text maxLength: 70 minLength: 1 C Information that locates and identifies a specific address, as defined by postal services, presented in free format text. In Norway, Field length restrictions may apply, contact your bank Number that identifies the position of a building on a street. BSK Bank IG ver 1 av pain 001.001.03 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation 201201 Side 33 av 45 5.4 Descriptions parties-instr. ] 5.4.6 Credit Transfer Transaction Information – PaymentIdentification ISO Index No. Message Item Tag Name Structural Sequence Mult. Type Use in IG Defenitions / Spesial comments 2.31 PaymentTypeInformation <PmtTpInf> +++ [0..1] PaymentType Information19 element C Set of elements used to further specify the type of transaction. May be used either on this level or the Payment Information Level 2.32 InstructionPriority <InstrPrty> ++++ [0..1] Priority2Code BD Based on whether priority processing vs. normal processing is offered by the bank. Valid codes: HIGH - High priority processing NORM - Normal processing 2.33 ServiceLevel <SvcLvl> ++++ [0..1] ServiceLevel8 Choice element C Agreement under which or rules under which the transaction should be processed. 2.34 Code <Cd> +++++ [1..1] ExternalServiceLevel 1Code maxLength: 4 minLength: 1 M Specifies a pre-agreed service or level of service between the parties, as published in an external service level code list. Contact the financial institution for information 2.39 CategoryPurpose <CtgyPurp> ++++ [0..1] Category Purpose1Choice element C Specifies the high level purpose of the instruction based on a set of pre-defined categories. Usage: This is used by the initiating party to provide information concerning the processing of the payment. It is likely to trigger special processing by any of the agents involved in the payment chain. In absence of this element, the payment will be prosessed as a supplier payment 2.40 Code <Cd> +++++ [1..1] ExternalCategoryPur pose1Code maxLength: 4 minLength: 1 M Category purpose, as published in an external category purpose code list. Valid codes excamples: INTC, PENS, SALA, SUPP, TREA BSK Bank IG ver 1 av pain 001.001.03 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation 201201 Side 34 av 45 5.4 Descriptions parties-instr. ] 5.4.7 Credit Transfer Transaction Information – Amount ISO Index No. Message Item Tag Name Structural Sequence Mult. Type Use in IG Defenitions / Spesial comments 2.42 Amount <Amt> +++ [1..1] AmountType3 Choice element M Amount of money to be moved between the debtor and creditor, before deduction of charges, expressed in the currency as ordered by the initiating party. 2.43 InstructedAmount <InstdAmt Ccy="AAA"> ++++ [1..1] ActiveOrHistoricCurr encyCode fractionDigits: 5 minInclusive: 0 totalDigits: 18 M Amount of money to be moved between the debtor and creditor, before deduction of charges, expressed in the currency as ordered by the initiating party. 2.44 EquivalentAmount <EqvtAmt> ++++ [1..1] Equivalent Amount2 element M Amount of money to be moved between the debtor and creditor, expressed in the currency of the debtor's account, and the currency in which the amount is to be moved. <Amt Ccy="AAA"> +++++ [1..1] ActiveOrHistoricCurr encyCode fractionDigits: 5 minInclusive: 0 totalDigits: 18 M Amount of money to be moved between debtor and creditor, before deduction of charges, expressed in the currency of the debtor's account, and to be moved in a different currency. Usage: The first agent will convert the equivalent amount into the amount to be moved. <CcyOfTrf> +++++ [1..1] ActiveOrHistoricCurr encyCode M Specifies the currency of the to be transferred amount, which is different from the currency of the debtor's account. The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic currency codes are registered with ISO 4217 2.45 2.46 Amount CurrencyOfTransfer BSK Bank IG ver 1 av pain 001.001.03 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation 201201 Side 35 av 45 5.4 Descriptions parties-instr. ] 5.4.8 Credit Transfer Transaction Information – UltimateDebtor ISO Index No. Message Item Tag Name Structural Sequence Mult. Type Use in IG Defenitions / Spesial comments 2.70 UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> +++ [0..1] Party Identification32 element C Ultimate party that owes an amount of money to the (ultimate) creditor. 9.1.0 Name <Nm> ++++ [0..1] Max140Text maxLength: 140 minLength: 1 R Name by which a party is known and which is usually used to identify that party. In Norway, field length restrictions may apply, contact your bank 9.1.1 PostalAddress <PstlAdr> ++++ [0..1] PostalAddress6 element C Information that locates and identifies a specific address, as defined by postal services. Use of structured address is recommended. 9.1.5 StreetName <StrtNm> +++++ [0..1] Max70Text maxLength: 70 minLength: 1 C Name of a street or thoroughfare. In Norway, field length restrictions may apply, contact your bank <PstCd> +++++ [0..1] Max16Text maxLength: 16 minLength: 1 C Identifier consisting of a group of letters and/or numbers that is added to a postal address to assist the sorting Identifier consisting of a group of letters and/or numbers that is added to a postal address to assist the sorting of mail. 9.1.7 PostCode 9.1.8 TownName <TwnNm> +++++ [0..1] Max35Text maxLength: 35 minLength: 1 C 9.1.9 CountrySubDivision <CtrySubDvsn> +++++ [0..1] Max35Text maxLength: 35 minLength: 1 NU 9.1.10 Country <Ctry> +++++ [0..1] CountryCode C Nation with its own government. The code is checked against the list of country names obtained from the United Nations (ISO 3166, Alpha-2 code). 9.1.11 AddressLine <AdrLine> +++++ [0..7] Max70Text maxLength: 70 minLength: 1 R Information that locates and identifies a specific address, as defined by postal services, presented in free format text. Nation with its own government. BSK Bank IG ver 1 av pain 001.001.03 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation 201201 Side 36 av 45 5.4 Descriptions parties-instr. ] 5.4.9 Credit Transfer Transaction Information – IntermediaryAgent1 ISO Index No. 2.71 Message Item IntermediaryAgent1 Tag Name <IntrmyAgt1> Structural Sequence +++ Mult. Type Use in IG [0..1] BranchAnd Financial Institution Identification4 element BD Defenitions / Spesial comments Agent between the debtor's agent and the creditor's agent. For Norway only one intermediary agent is present, Used only if Creditor Agent has instructed that the payment should pass their agent. 6.1.0 FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> ++++ [1..1] Financial Institution Identification7 element M Unique and unambiguous identification of a financial institution, as assigned under an internationally recognised or proprietary identification scheme. 6.1.1 BIC +++++ [0..1] BIC Identifier C Bank Identifier Code. Code allocated to financial institutions by the Registration Authority, under an international identification scheme, as described in the latest version of the standard ISO 9362 Banking (Banking telecommunication messages, Bank Identifier Codes). <BIC> Valid BICs are registered with the ISO 9362 Registration Authority, and consist of eight (8) or eleven (11) contiguous characters comprising the first three or all four of the following components: BANK CODE, COUNTRY CODE, LOCATION CODE, BRANCH CODE. The bank code, country code and location code are mandatory, while the branch code is optional. BSK Bank IG ver 1 av pain 001.001.03 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation 201201 Side 37 av 45 5.4 Descriptions parties-instr. ] 5.4.10 Credit Transfer Transaction Information –CreditorAgent ISO Index No. 2,77 Message Item CreditorAgent Tag Name <CdtrAgt> Structural Sequence +++ Mult. Type Use in IG [0..1] BranchAnd Financial Institution Identification element C 6.1.0 FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> ++++ [1..1] 6.1.1 BIC +++++ [0..1] <BIC> Defenitions / Spesial comments Financial institution servicing an account for the creditor. Required in Cross Border Payments and SEPA Payments R BIC Identifier C Bank Identifier Code. Code allocated to financial institutions by the Registration Authority, under an international identification scheme, as described in the latest version of the standard ISO 9362 Banking (Banking telecommunication messages, Bank Identifier Codes). Valid BICs are registered with the ISO 9362 Registration Authority, and consist of eight (8) or eleven (11) contiguous characters comprising the first three or all four of the following components: BANK CODE, COUNTRY CODE, LOCATION CODE, BRANCH CODE. The bank code, country code and location code are mandatory, while the branch code is optional. 6.1.2 ClearingSystemMemberIdentification <ClrSysMmbId> +++++ [0..1] ClearingSystem Member Identification element C Information used to identify a member within a clearing system. 6.1.3 ClearingSystemIdentification <ClrSysId> ++++++ [0..1] ClearingSystem Identification Choice element R Specification of a pre-agreed offering between clearing agents or the channel through which the payment instruction is processed. 6.1.4 Code <Cd> +++++++ [1..1] ExternalClearing System Identification1 Code maxLength: 5 minLength: 1 M Identification of a clearing system, in a coded form as published in an external list. This message item is part of choice 6.1.3 ClearingSystemIdentification. 6.1.6 MemberIdentification <MmbId> ++++++ [1..1] Max35Text maxLength: 35 minLength: 1 M Identification of a member of a clearing system. 6.1.7 Name <Nm> +++++ [0..1] Max140Text maxLength: 140 minLength: 1 C Name by which an agent is known and which is usually used to identify that agent. In Norway, field length restrictions may apply, contact your bank 6.1.8 PostalAddress <PstlAdr> +++++ [0..1] PostalAddress6 element R Information that locates and identifies a specific address, as defined by postal services. 6.1.12 StreetName <StrtNm> ++++++ [0..1] Max70Text maxLength: 70 minLength: 1 C Name of a street or thoroughfare. In Norway, field length restrictions may apply, contact your bank 6.1.13 BuildingNumber <BldgNb> ++++++ [0..1] Text 6.1.14 PostCode <PstCd> ++++++ [0..1] Max16Text maxLength: 16 minLength: 1 C Identifier consisting of a group of letters and/or numbers that is added to a postal address to assist the sorting of mail. 6.1.15 TownName <TwnNm> ++++++ [0..1] Max35Text maxLength: 35 minLength: 1 R Name of a built-up area, with defined boundaries, and a local government. 6.1.17 Country <Ctry> ++++++ [0..1] CountryCode R Nation with its own government. The code is checked against the list of country names obtained from the United Nations (ISO 3166, 6.1.18 AddressLine <AdrLine> ++++++ [0..7] Max70Text maxLength: 70 minLength: 1 C Information that locates and identifies a specific address, as defined by postal services, presented in free format text. In Norway, field length restrictions may apply, contact your bank NU BSK Bank IG ver 1 av pain 001.001.03 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation 201201 Side 38 av 45 5.4 Descriptions parties-instr. ] 5.4.11 Credit Transfer Transaction Information –Creditor ISO Index No. Message Item Tag Name Structural Sequence Mult. Type Use in IG Defenitions / Spesial comments 2.79 Creditor <Cdtr> +++ [0..1] PartyIdentification32 element C Party to which an amount of money is due. Required in Cross Border Payments and SEPA Payments For Norwegian domestic payments, except money orders, only credit account is needed. CreditorAgent is required to forward information related to the payment, and uses Creditor Adress information connected to the CreditAccount in their own system. 9.1.0 Name <Nm> ++++ [0..1] Max140Text maxLength: 140 minLength: 1 R Name by which a party is known and which is usually used to identify that party. In Norway, field length restrictions may apply, contact your bank 9.1.1 PostalAddress <PstlAdr> ++++ [0..1] PostalAddress6 element C Information that locates and identifies a specific address, as defined by postal services. Use of structured address is recommended. Required for cross border payments 9.1.5 StreetName <StrtNm> +++++ [0..1] Max70Text maxLength: 70 minLength: 1 C Name of a street or thoroughfare. In Norway, field length restrictions may apply, contact your bank 9.1.7 PostCode <PstCd> +++++ [0..1] Max16Text maxLength: 16 minLength: 1 C Identifier consisting of a group of letters and/or numbers that is added to a postal address to assist the sorting of mail. 9.1.8 TownName <TwnNm> +++++ [0..1] Max35Text maxLength: 35 minLength: 1 C Name of a built-up area, with defined boundaries, and a local government. In Norway, field length restrictions may apply, contact your bank 9.1.10 Country <Ctry> +++++ [0..1] CountryCode C Nation with its own government. The code is checked against the list of country names obtained from the United Nations (ISO 3166, Alpha-2 code). 9.1.11 AddressLine <AdrLine> +++++ [0..7] Max70Text maxLength: 70 minLength: 1 R Information that locates and identifies a specific address, as defined by postal services, presented in free format text. In Norway, field length restrictions may apply, contact your bank 9.1.12 Identification <Id> ++++ [0..1] C Unique and unambiguous identification of a party. 9.1.13 OrganisationIdentification <OrgId> +++++ [1..1] M Unique and unambiguous way to identify an organisation. Party6 Choice element Organisation Identification4 element This message item is part of choice 9.1.12 Identification. BSK Bank IG ver 1 av pain 001.001.03 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation 201201 Side 39 av 45 5.4 Descriptions parties-instr. 9.1.14 BICOrBEI <BICOrBEI> ++++++ [0..1] AnyBICIdentifier ] C Code allocated to organisations by the ISO 9362 Registration Authority, under an international identification scheme, as described in the latest version of the standard ISO 9362 Banking (Banking telecommunication messages, Bank Identifier Codes). Only a valid BIC or BEI is allowed. Valid BEI and BIC are registered with the ISO 9362 Registration Authority, and consists of eight (8) or eleven (11) contiguous characters comprising the first three or all four of the following components: BANK CODE, COUNTRY CODE, LOCATION CODE, BRANCH CODE. The bank code, country code and location code are mandatory, while the branch code is optional. 9.1.15 Other <Othr> ++++++ 9.1.16 Identification <Id> +++++++ [1..1] Text 9.1.33 CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> ++++ CountryCode [0..n] [0..1] C R C Country in which a person resides (the place of a person's home). In the case of a company, it is the country from which the affairs of that company are directed. The code is checked against the list of country names obtained from the United Nations (ISO 3166, Alpha-2 code). BSK Bank IG ver 1 av pain 001.001.03 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation 201201 Side 40 av 45 5.4 Descriptions parties-instr. ] 5.4.12 Credit Transfer Transaction Information –CreditorAccount ISO Index No. Message Item Tag Name Structural Sequence Mult. Type Use in IG Defenitions / Spesial comments 2.80 CreditorAccount <CdtrAcct> +++ [0..1] CashAccount16 element C Unambiguous identification of the account of the creditor to which a credit entry will be posted as a result of the payment transaction. Required in all payments except local international cheque and local payment orders. 1.1.0 Identification <Id> ++++ [1..1] AccountIdentification 4 Choice element M Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the account servicer. 1.1.1 IBAN <IBAN> +++++ [1..1] IBAN2007Identifier Format: [A-Z]{2,2}[09]{2,2}[a-zA-Z09]{1,30} M International Bank Account Number (IBAN) - identifier used internationally by financial institutions to uniquely identify the account of a customer. Further specifications of the format and content of the IBAN can be found in the standard ISO 13616 "Banking and related financial services - International Bank Account Number (IBAN)" version 1997-10-01, or later revisions. A valid IBAN consists of all three of the following components: Country Code, check digits and BBAN. 1.1.2 Other <Othr> +++++ [1..1] GenericAccount Identification1 element M Unique identification of an account, as assigned by the account servicer, using an identification scheme. 1.1.3 Identification <Id> ++++++ [1..1] Max34Text maxLength: 34 minLength: 1 M Identification assigned by an institution. Local accountnumber that will be credited for the transactions 1.1.4 SchemeName <SchmeNm> ++++++ [0..1] AccountSchemeNam e1 Choice element R Name of the identification scheme 1.1.5 Code <Cd> +++++++ [1..1] ExternalAccount Identification1Code maxLength: 4 minLength: 1 R Name of the identification scheme, in a coded form as published in an external list. Valid code: BBAN BSK Bank IG ver 1 av pain 001.001.03 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation 201201 Side 41 av 45 5.4 Descriptions parties-instr. ] 5.4.13 Credit Transfer Transaction Information –UltimateCreditor ISO Index No. Message Item Tag Name Structural Sequence Mult. Type Use in IG Defenitions / Spesial comments 2.81 UltimateCreditor <UltmtCdtr> +++ [0..1] PartyIdentification32 element C Ultimate party to which an amount of money is due. 9.1.0 Name <Nm> ++++ [0..1] Max140Text maxLength: 140 minLength: 1 R Name by which a party is known and which is usually used to identify that party. In Norway, field length restrictions may apply, contact your bank 9.1.1 PostalAddress <PstlAdr> ++++ [0..1] PostalAddress6 element C Information that locates and identifies a specific address, as defined by postal services. In Norway, field length restrictions may apply, contact your bank 9.1.5 StreetName <StrtNm> +++++ [0..1] Max70Text maxLength: 70 minLength: 1 C Name of a street or thoroughfare. 9.1.7 PostCode <PstCd> +++++ [0..1] Max16Text maxLength: 16 minLength: 1 C Identifier consisting of a group of letters and/or numbers that is added to a postal address to assist the sorting of mail. 9.1.8 TownName <TwnNm> +++++ [0..1] Max35Text maxLength: 35 minLength: 1 C Name of a built-up area, with defined boundaries, and a local government. 9.1.10 Country <Ctry> +++++ [0..1] CountryCode C Nation with its own government. The code is checked against the list of country names obtained from the United Nations (ISO 3166, Alpha-2 code). 9.1.11 AddressLine <AdrLine> +++++ [0..7] Max70Text maxLength: 70 minLength: 1 R Information that locates and identifies a specific address, as defined by postal services, presented in free format text. In Norway, field length restrictions may apply, contact your bank BSK Bank IG ver 1 av pain 001.001.03 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation 201201 Side 42 av 45 5.4 Descriptions parties-instr. ] 5.4.14 Credit Transfer Transaction Information –RegulatoryReporting ISO Index No. Message Item Tag Name Structural Sequence Mult. Type Use in IG Defenitions / Spesial comments 2.89 RegulatoryReporting <RgltryRptg> +++ [0..10] Regulatory Reporting3 element C Information needed due to regulatory and statutory requirements. 11.1.4 Details <Dtls> ++++ [0..n] Structured Regulatory Reporting3 element R Set of elements used to provide details on the regulatory reporting information. 11.1.8 Code <Cd> +++++ [0..1] Max10Text maxLength: 10 minLength: 1 R Specifies the nature, purpose, and reason for the transaction to be reported for regulatory and statutory requirements in a coded form. Contact the financial institution for information as to use of the element, and updated code-list. 11.1.10 Information <Inf> +++++ [0..n] Max35Text maxLength: 35 minLength: 1 R Additional details that cater for specific domestic regulatory requirements. BSK Bank IG ver 1 av pain 001.001.03 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation 201201 Side 43 av 45 5.4 Descriptions parties-instr. ] 5.4.15 Credit Transfer Transaction Information –RemittanceInformation ISO Index No. 2.98 Message Item RemittanceInformation Tag Name <RmtInf> Structural Sequence +++ Mult. Type Use in IG Defenitions / Spesial comments [0..1] Remittance Information5 element C Information supplied to enable the matching of an entry with the items that the transfer is intended to settle, such as commercial invoices in an accounts' receivable system. Structured Remittance information is preferred 2.99 Unstructured <Ustrd> ++++ [0..n] Max140Text maxLength: 140 minLength: 1 C Information supplied to enable the matching/reconciliation of an entry with the items that the payment is intended to settle, such as commercial invoices in an accounts' receivable system, in an unstructured form. Domestic, max 1750 International, max 140 Structured remittance information is preferred 2.100 Structured <Strd> ++++ [0..n] Structured Remittance Information7 element C Information supplied to enable the matching/reconciliation of an entry with the items that the payment is intended to settle, such as commercial invoices in an accounts' receivable system, in a structured form. 2.101 ReferredDocumentInformation <RfrdDocInf> +++++ [0..n] Referred Document Information3 element R Set of elements used to identify the documents referred to in the remittance information. 2.102 Type <Tp> ++++++ [0..1] ReferredDocument Type2 element R Specifies the type of referred document. 2.103 CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> +++++++ [1..1] ReferredDocument Type1Choice element M Provides the type details of the referred document. 2.104 Code <Cd> +++++++ [1..1] + DocumentType5 Code M 2.107 Number <Nb> ++++++ [0..1] Max35Text maxLength: 35 minLength: 1 R Document type in a coded form. Ant is a shipping notice. CINV - Document is an invoice. . CREN - Document is a credit note. D Unique and unambiguous identification of the referred document. 2.108 RelatedDate <RltdDt> ++++++ [0..1] 2.109 ReferredDocumentAmount <RfrdDocAmt> +++++ [0..1] 2.110 DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt Ccy="AAA"> ++++++ 2.112 CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt Ccy="AAA"> ++++++ Recommended C Date associated with the referred document. Remittance Amount1 element C Set of elements used to provide details on the amounts of the referred document. [0..1] ActiveOrHistoric CurrencyAnd Amount fractionDigits: 5 minInclusive: 0 totalDigits: 18 C Amount specified is the exact amount due and payable to the creditor. CurrencyAmount The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217. Note: The decimal separator is a dot. [0..1] ActiveOrHistoric CurrencyAnd Amount fractionDigits: 5 minInclusive: 0 totalDigits: 18 C Amount specified for the referred document is the amount of a credit note. The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217. Note: The decimal separator is a dot. ISODate BSK Bank IG ver 1 av pain 001.001.03 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation 201201 Side 44 av 45 5.4 Descriptions parties-instr. 2.119 RemittedAmount 2.120 <RmtdAmt Ccy="AAA"> ] ++++++ [0..1] ActiveOrHistoric CurrencyAnd Amount fractionDigits: 5 minInclusive: 0 totalDigits: 18 C Amount of money remitted for the referred document. The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217. Note: The decimal separator is a dot. CreditorReferenceInformation <CdtrRefInf> +++++ [0..1] CreditorReference Information2 element C Reference information provided by the creditor to allow the identification of the underlying documents. 2.121 Type <Tp> ++++++ [0..1] CreditorReference Type2 element C Specifies the type of creditor reference. 2.122 CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> +++++++ [1..1] CreditorReference Type1Choice element M Coded or proprietary format creditor reference type. 2.123 Code <Cd> +++++++ [1..1] + DocumentType3 Code R Type of creditor reference, in a coded form. Valid code is SCOR 2.125 Issuer <Issr> +++++++ [0..1] Max35Text maxLength: 35 minLength: 1 C Entity that assigns the credit reference type. Valid text: ISO (brukes kun for ISO11649 ) 2.126 Reference <Ref> ++++++ Max35Text maxLength: 35 minLength: 1 R Unique reference, as assigned by the creditor, to unambiguously refer to the payment transaction. [0..1] KID number or Structured Creditor Reference (ISO11649) BSK Bank IG ver 1 av pain 001.001.03 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation 201201 Side 45 av 45