Shaft Encoders

Autonomy using Encoders
Intro to Robotics
Our new task is to navigate a labyrinth. But this
time we will NOT use motor commands in
conjunction with timers. We use our new
sensor, the ENCODER.
Autonomy/Encoders Forward for Distance
In this unit, you will learn to use
the encoders to control the
distance the robot moves,
and to self-correct its
steering to counteract the
random drift that occurs
during movement. This will
eventually serve two
Autonomy/Encoders Forward for Distance
First, it will provide you with a new
form of Operator Assist that uses
the sensors on the robot to drive
straighter than a human operator
might be capable of doing.
Second, it will begin building a
base of behaviors that the robot
can use on its own during the
Autonomous Period that is part of
the revised challenge. For 20
seconds at the start of the match,
your robot will have a chance to
run and score points completely
on its own.
The Encoder
The Encoder is a sensor that measures rotation. On
the Squarebot 3.0, encoders are attached to the
wheels of the robot. The encoders measure how far
the wheels have turned, and therefore, how far the
robot has moved.
The distance the robot covers moving forward is
equal to the length of the tire tread that spins by.
The Encoder
We will be able to make reasonably accurate predictions about exactly how
far the robot will move after every full turn of the wheels. The encoder
measures in 4-degree increments, and so will register 90 counts for a
full 360-degree rotation. For this lesson, the important part is simply that
the number of encoder counts is directly linked to the amount that the
wheels turn, and therefore, to the distance that the robot travels.
Being able to directly measure the turning of the wheels
allows us to dictate the motion of the robot in terms of
distances rather than simply defining a period of time that the
robot should move. This is a much more reliable method,
because it is unaffected by factors like speed or battery
power. Using the encoder-based distance to determine
movement, therefore, will result in much better consistency of
movement. This is exactly what your robot needs to do its job
well, with or without human supervision!
Open a sample program
Save in the UCF folder as
Encoder Test
Motors & Sensors Setup
Notice that the encoders are a DIGITAL sensor and that we named
them “rightEncoder” and “leftEncoder”. Each encoder is plugged
into TWO ports on the Cortex.
Let’s inspect our code
The “SensorValue” command is used for ALL sensors and can
be used to clear any digital value stored in the sensor. Each
command must specify which sensor it is referring to by its
NAME. In this case, we are setting each encoder to ZERO.
This clears out the encoder so that it can measure out
distance. This MUST be done each time you travel a distance
or make a turn.
Let’s inspect our code
This is a special type of CONTROL STRUCTURE, called a WHILE LOOP.
while ( )
When the program reaches most commands, it runs
them and then moves on. When the program
reaches a while ( ) loop, however, it steps INSIDE
the loop, and stays there as long as the while ( )
loops decides that it should. The commands repeat
over and over.
Let’s inspect our code
The CONDITION inside the parenthesis states that the encoder
values need to be LESS than 1800. As long as the counts are less
than 1800 the COMMANDS(simple statements) inside the curly
braces will loop over and over. As soon as the count goes OVER
1800, the loop will END and the next line of code will begin.
Modifying our Labyrinth Code
Your robot should begin executing the first behavior two seconds after it is
turned on. The robot will start moving — and keep moving! If you pick it up and
let it run for a while, you will notice that it eventually stops, but nowhere near the
right distance. The guess we used for the number of encoder counts was off.
1800 is far too many counts for the distance that the robot needs to move.
Encoder count off?
Change this value until you reach the turn in the labyrinth. Compile
and download each time until the robot reaches the correct position .
Test the Encoder count
Making turns with the Encoder
You must ZERO the left
encoder before using it for a
different leg of the labyrinth.
We use a NEW COUNT for the right turn and also make sure we
reverse the right motor to make the turn correctly. All of this is done
inside a second WHILE loop.
Rule of thumb
Finish the program
Test & make changes to encoder counts
Save the program as MAZE
using encoders. Complete
the maze using encoder
counts. Use comments in
the code as well.
Motor power changes?
Motor Power Changes
What happened?
Encoder usefulness
Automated Straightening
Earlier in the course, we tweaked the power
motor values to get the robot to go straight
even though the task was tedious.
Automated Straightening
Automated Straightening
The “If” statement
The “IF” statement is similar to a while loop in that it is a CONTROL
STRUCTURE. But it is very different in that it only runs the
commands ONCE instead of looping. Just like the while loop, the “IF”
statement has a CONDITION that robotC checks to see if it is true. If
the condition is true, it runs the commands inside the curly braces. If
it is false, it exits and runs the next line of code.
Save your code from before as LABYRINTH AUTO STRAIGHT.
Using the “RIGHT” Encoder
Since BOTH encoders will be used
to monitor whether the robot
moves straight it is important to
make sure you ZERO out each
encoder before each turn.
Using the “IF” statements
Locate your FIRST while loop and
inside set up the framework for the
THREE “IF” statements.
If the LEFT is greater than the RIGHT
This says, if the counts on the left encoder are greater than the counts on
the right encoder then lessen the power on the left motor and increase the
power on the right
If the RIGHT is greater than the LEFT
If the RIGHT is equal to the LEFT
The WHILE loop still makes sure the distance is set at the correct # of
counts while the “IF” statements make sure the robot moves straight over
this distance.
Using /* comments */ to test program
Note: Make sure the last */ - comment tag is BEFORE your last “task
main” punctuation pair.
“Commenting out your code” is a great way to go back and test out
individual parts of the code as you work on changes.
Comment out your MAZE code and test just the first leg of the STRAIGHT
Finish the changes!
Now change the REST of the code for the OTHER behaviors which require the
robot to go straight. Be sure to RESET the encoder values to zero before each
while loop.
Boolean Logic
The programming we just did is called Boolean logic which is simply
based on whether the condition is TRUE or FASLE.
Boolean Logic – Comparison Operator
A comparison operator is one where the condition is either YES(true) or NO(false).
Boolean Logic – Logical Operator
A logical operator takes TWO conditions and makes ONE truth statement.
Test the Labyrinth
Save your code and make sure it has comments!