Unix Overview Expectation from this training This is not an exhaustive training on Unix , covering all the arenas with full details. Even the topics covered in this presentation are not all inclusive. But, it will definitely help you to be a confident sailor in the ocean of Unix – no matter what the circumstance is. Don’t be nervous,please This training will teach you about 90 commands!!! And will make you bore with more than 350 slides!!!! But don’t be nervous – remember the utilities of the commands – for this presentation will be with you for the rest of your life to provide you the syntax for using them. Duration 15 Hours ( 3 Days) Schedule 29th Sept-1st Oct,2003 Timings 11:00 am – 1 pm 2:00 pm – 5 pm Purpose Get introduced to Unix Operating System To get acquainted with the basic Unix commands To learn a bit of Shell Programming Operating System An operating system is a living, breathing software entity. The soul of the computing machine, it is the nervous system that turns electrons and silicon into a personality. It brings life to the computer - from Mike Gancarz's "The UNIX Philosophy" The OS sits between users and hardware providing translation services. It speaks the language of the hardware to perform basic tasks such as the definition of memory or the allocation of disk space using the hardware. Unix Operating System Shell Kernel Hardware In UNIX, the operating system is broken into three pieces: the kernel, the shell, and the built-in utilities. The kernel is responsible for low level hardware communication, the shell provides human users with a user-friendly interface, and the built-in utilities provide basic tools for doing work. Kernel •Heart of The Unix OS. •Collection of C programs directly communicating with hardware •Part of Unix system loaded into memory when Unix is booted Manages:1. System resources 2. Allocates time between user and processes 3. Decides process priorities Exit Shell •Human interface point for Unix •Program layer – provides an environment for the user to enter commands to get desired results. •Korn Shell, Bourne Shell, C Shell are various shells used by Unix users Exit User login process Unix booted. Program Unix(kernel) is booted into main memory, and remains active till the computer is shut down Program init runs as a background task and remains running till shutdown User attempts to log in. Kernel calls program ‘init’. ‘init’ scans file /etc/inittab , which lists the ports with terminals and their characteristics and returns an active open terminal to ‘init’. ‘init’ calls program ‘getty’, which issues a login prompt in the monitor User enters login and password ‘getty’ calls program ‘login’ which scans file /etc/passwd to match username and password After validation, control passes to session startup program /bin/sh , session startup program Program /bin/sh reads file /etc/profile and .profile and sets up system wide and user specific environment. User gets a shell prompt Exit Understanding Commands Controlling Environment General Purpose Utilities Process Handling Files System Administration Filters Communication Understanding Unix Commands By end of this section , you will be able to know What a command is? ‘Which’ – program related to a command ‘Man’ – get online help of commands ‘Alias’ – Call a Command by another name ‘History’ – previously executed commands To get work done by Unix, there is no way but to execute : commands. Commands can be typed in from keyboard or taken from a file Unix offers a variety of commands for each category of jobs. Commands execute a program in the background which performs the desired job Independent Commands Do not require any input for execution $pwd /home/ems2000 Dependent Commands Require input for execution $type ls ls is a tracked alias for /usr/bin/ls Mixed Commands:- Can work independently/dependently $ls queue $ls input sentwebcatalogs queue web queue General syntax to use commands <command> [ <option flag> ] [<arguments>] A statement asking for execution of a command usually consists of three distinct sections:<command> : Keyword for the command <option flag> : Starts with ‘-’ sign. Decides the nature of output from the results of command execution <arguments> : May be a string or the name of file(s) on which the command will act upon for desired output. Example : $grep -l “ems2000” *.sh The above command from the OS prompt searches for the string “ems2000” in all the files with extension : .sh and shows the name of the files containing it. More than one commands can be stated from OS prompt at a time $pwd;tty /home/ems2000/queue /dev/pts/tb First, pwd command is executed which displays the output : /home/ems2000/queue Then , tty command shows the terminal no: /dev/pts/tb Any number of commands can be specified at the OS prompt for execution separated by a ‘;’ A command can spawn more than one lines $ echo ‘ Hello’ Hello General Purpose Utilities By end of this section , you will be able know ‘banner’ – set up poster ‘uptime’ – System info ‘expr’ – Calculations ‘cal’ – get Calendar ‘login’ – server login ‘factor’ – factor : number ‘date’ – get current date ‘telnet’ – server login ‘primes’-Prime number ‘calendar’ – get schedule ‘exit’- exit current shell ‘units’-Unit conversion ‘who’ – User information ‘lock’ – lock a terminal ‘tput’-Control display ‘tty’ – terminal information ‘script’ – get the whole job ‘uname’- machine info ‘bc’ – Unix Calculator ‘time’-Time taken by a command Example Use Significance date +”%A” Full weekday name(eg., ‘Wednesday’) date +”%b” Full month name(‘Jan’) date +”%c” Current date & time representation date +”%C” Century(year/100, truncated to nearest number) date +”%d” Current Day of the month date +”%e” Current Day of the month date +”%H” Current hour of time(00-23) date +”%I” Current hour of time(12 hour clock) date +”%m” Current Month as decimal two digit number date +”%M” Current minute of time(00-59) date +”%n” Newline character date +”%p” AM or PM Use Significance date +”%R” Current time as %H:%M date +”%S” Current second of time(00-59) date +”%t” Tab character date +”%u” Weekday as 1 digit number[1-7 for Monday-Sunday] date +”%w” Weekday as 1 digit number [ 0-6 for SundaySaturday] date +”%V” Week number of the year date +”%x” Current date as dd/mm/yy date +”%X” Current time in hh:mm:ss date +”%y” Two digit year date +”%Y” 4 digit year date +”%Z” Time zone name Examples of Date $ cat calendar I have a meeting on 07/10/2003 with Subhomoy I have a meeting on 08/10/2003 with Biswajit I have a meeting on 06/10/2003 with Sugata I have a meeting on 09/10/2003 with my delivery manager I plan for a dinner on Sep 10, 2003 with my team I have a meeting on 11/10/2003 I have a meeting on 12/10/2003 I will not come to office on 09/11/2003 $ calendar I have a meeting on 09/10/2003 with my delivery manager I plan for a dinner on Sep 10, 2003 with my team I will not come to office on 09/11/2003 $who sqian pts/td Sep 9 18:27 ems2000 pts/te Sep 10 01:41 NAME LINE TIME sqian pts/td Sep 9 18:27 7:32 28935 ems2000 pts/te Sep 10 01:41 0:02 29362 pts/te Sep 10 01:41 $who -Hu $who am i ems2000 IDLE PID COMMENTS $uptime -u 2:17am up 122 days, 11:03, 2 users, load average: 0.41, 0.41, 0.41 $uptime -h sqian pts/td ems2000 pts/te 6:27pm 7:39 1:41am rlogin htstbw00 -ksh $uptime -l 2:18am up 122 days, 11:04, 2 users, load average: 0.40, 0.41, 0.41 Scale:By default, bc performs truncated division.One have to set scale to the number of digits of precision before performing any division. $bc scale=2 10/4 2.50 ^d $ If answer to division is greater than the value as dictated by the scale variable, then the value dictated by the scale is ignored and the real value is shown. ibase and obase:By default, the input and output are interpreted as decimal values.But, if the demand required input and/or output in different number system(binary, hexadecimal), variables ibase and obase are set. To convert binary input to decimal output:- ibase=2 To convert decimal input(default) into binary output:obase=2 For hexadecimal systems, value ’16’ is used in ibase/obase variable. Handling Variables:Variables can be used in bc mode and values can be assigned to them. $bc X=12 ; y=19 Z=x+y Z 31 Conditional logics(if) ,loops(for,while), arrays, functions are supported by ‘bc’ Square Root of a Number Syntax : sqrt ( x ) Example : $bc Sqrt ( 4 ) 2 Length of a Number Syntax : length ( x ) Example : $bc length ( 1234.5678 ) 8 Trigonometric Functions To use trigonometric functions of bc, one have to include math library. For that , issue the following command from Os prompt:- $ bc –l Various trigonometric functions available with ‘bc’ are:s(x) sine c(x) cosine e(x) exponential l(x) log String handling To find length of a string:expr “<string>” : ‘.*’ Example : $ expr “Unix” : ‘.*’ 4 To extract a substring from a string:$ expr “Subhendu” : ‘… (\..\)’ he # Shows 4th to 5th character To locate first position of a character in a string:$expr “Subhendu” : ‘[^d]*h’ 4 # Shows ‘h’ is at 4th position factor Finds out factor of the integer provided Syntax : factor <number> $factor 15 $factor 18 15 18 2 3 3 3 5 $ $ primes Shows all prime numbers between integers <lower value> and <upper value>. If upper value is not provided, it is considered to be 2,147,483,647. Syntax : primes <lower value> <upper value> $primes 0 10 2 3 5 7 $ units Converts quantities expressed in various standard scales to equivalents in other scales. Acts interactively as follows:System Prompt their User Response You have: inch You want: cm The system responds with two factors; one used if multiplying (preceded by *), the other if dividing (preceded by /): * 2.540000e+00 / 3.937008e-01 For a complete list of units, examine the file: /usr/share/lib/unittab tput Controls screen display Options Significance tput clear Clears the screen tput cup <r> <c> Moves cursor to row <r> and column <c> tput bold Bold display tput blink Blink display tput rev Reverse display tput cols Shows number of columns in the screen tput bel Echo bell character tput lines Shows number of lines in the screen tput smso Starts reverse display tput rmso Ends reverse display Examples time Syntax : time <command> Times a command. Command <command> is executed and time prints:Elapsed time during the command Time spent in the system Time spent executing the command Example:$ time grep -i "Subhendu" * ABCDEF:subhendu bounce_off.ksh:# Developed by drawbox.ksh:# Developed by : SUBHENDU MAJUMDAR : SUBHENDU MAJUMDAR header:# Developer : SUBHENDU MAJUMDAR heading:# Developer : SUBHENDU MAJUMDAR real 6.6 user 0.8 sys 0.7 Handling Files This section will introduce you with Architecture Cat – Create,View, append Files ‘file’ – know file type Types of Files VI – Visual Editor ‘chmod’ – Change permissions Inode ‘more’ – display files ‘chown’ – Change owner File System ‘pg’ – View files ‘chgrp’ – Change group ‘pwd’-Current Directory ‘cp’,’mv’ – Copy and rename files ‘touch’ – Change time stamp of a file ‘cd’ – Change Directory ‘rm’ – Remove Files ‘ln’ – Link a file to other ‘ls’ – List contents of a dir ‘wc’ – Count word,line and characters Handling Files…contd ‘mkdir’ – Create Directory ‘rmdir’ – Remove Directory ‘cmp’ – compare two files ‘dircmp’ Compare Directories ‘lp’ Print a file in a printer ‘lpstat’ View printer status ‘cancel’ Cancel print jobs ‘comm’ – Compare two files ‘sdiff’ – find differences between two files ‘pr’ Format file contents Compressing and Uncompressing Files File maintenance architecture Formatted Disk Partition Partition Partition File system Directory Directory Directory File File File Directory Directory Directory Types of Files Normal files Can be text/binary files. Can be a text file, compiled source code , executables Directory files Contains no external data, but details of files and sub-directories it contains. Device files Printers, tapes, floppy drives, CD ROMs, hard disks, terminals – all are considered as files Inode •Inode is a fixed format structure containing the attributes of the files stored in the file system. •Every file has one inode, and a list of such inodes is kept in a disk area not directly accessible by user. •Each inode is accessed by inode number, specifying the position of the inode in the list. Some of the important information that inode contains are:Information Significance Mode Permission mask and type of file Link count No. of links associated with the file User id ID of the owner Group Id ID of the group Size No. of bytes in the file Access time Time of last access of the file Mod time Time of last modification of the file Inode time Time at which the inode structure was last modified Typical File System / (root) Unix bin dev usr1 usr usr2 tmp usr3 etc bin /Unix folder contains the kernel /tmp contains temporary files /bin contains binary executable files /usr/bin contains additional binary unix commands /dev contains device related files /usr is the home directory for all users /usr/usr1 is the home dir. for user : usr1 /etc contains binary executable files for system administration pwd Shows the directory where the user is currently in Syntax : pwd Example $pwd /home/ems2000 cd Navigates from the current directory to another directory Syntax : cd <new directory specification> Commands Significance cd scripts cd ./scripts Moves to directory : scripts under current working directory cd ../program Change to directory program residing in the current directory's parent directory cd /usr/fin/subhendu/ manfiles Change to the directory whose absolute pathname is : /usr/fin/subhendu/ manfiles cd cd ~ Move to home directory of the user Commands Significance cd .. Move to the parent directory of the current working directory cd ~/subhendu Move to folder : subhendu under the home directory for the user cdpath This is an environmental variable which specifies the list of directories to be searched when an user issues a ‘cd’ command. $CDPATH=.:..:$HOME This means, when a ‘cd’ command is issued, search for the new directory first in current working directory(.) If not found, move to the parent directory of the current directory and search there. If, still, not found, search for the directory under user’s home directory ls Shows the contents of a directory/existence of specific files with their attributes Syntax : ls [ flag] [string for filename] Commands Significance ls Shows the name of all the files and directories under the current directory, excluding those starting with . ls –a Lists all files including those starting with ‘.’ ls –x Multi columnar output ls –R Shows all files and recursive listing of all files in subdirectories ls –l Long listing showing seven attributes of a file ls –F Marks executables with ‘*’ and directories with ‘/’ Commands Significance ls –t Sorts files by modification time – the file modified most recently comes at the top ls –ut Sorts files by access time ls –r Sorts file in reverse order ls –ltr Shows long listing of files with their attributes, sorted in reverse order by access time(most recently edited file comes last in the list) ls –i Shows inode number of a file ls *.ksh Shows the name of all files with ‘.ksh’ at the end of their name ls [aeiou]* Shows the files with name starting with vowels ls d*.sh Lists all files starting with ‘d’ and ending with ‘.sh’ in their name ls d?l* Lists all files with first letter as ‘d’ and third letter as ‘l’ ls [!aeiou]* Shows the files with names not starting with vowels cat Creates , shows, concatenates,copies files Commands Significance cat >file1 Creates file file1 where a user enters text and presses <Ctrl-D> to end text editing cat >>file1 Append lines to existing content of file : file1 and is ended when <Ctrl-D> is pressed cat file1 Shows the contents of the file: file1 cat file1>file2 Copies the contents of file : file1 into new or existing file : file2 cat file1 file2 > file3 Concatenates the content of file1 and file2 and places it into new or existing file file3 cat file1 >>file2 Appends the contents of file1 after the last line of file2. If file2 does not exist, new file is created Commands Significance cat –n file1 Displays the contents of file : file1 with line number cat –b file1 Displays the contents of file : file1 with line number for all lines excepting the blank lines cat –e file1 Prints ‘$’ at the end of each line cat –r file1 Replaces multiple consecutive empty lines with one empty line cat –t file1 Prints tab character as ‘^I’ and form feed character as ‘^L’ cat –s file1 file2 >file3 Suppresses error and does the job. If file file2 does not exist, the command will copy the contents of file1 into file3 Examples Examples…continued Examples…continued VI First Unix Full screen Editor First full screen editor, developed by William(Bill) Joy, a graduate student from University of California, Berkley. Divides Unix users into two camps: •Those who hate vi •Those who love vi Haters say that it is the worst thing ever happened in the Unix world. Lovers are totally biased towards it and would go any length supporting its cause. Modes of Operation Ex mode First session with vi Environmental variables Append mode .exrc & EXINIT variable Command mode view Mode of Operation Command mode : Default mode when a file is opened using vi. All the keys pressed by the user are interpreted as user commands Append Mode : Permits insertion of new text, editing existing texts. Ex mode : Permits commands at the command line(last line of the screen) Command Mode R,R,I,I,c,C,o, O,s,S,a,A Esc Append Mode Enter : Ex Mode First Session with vi Step 1 : Create a new file by typing the following command from the OS Prompt : vi newfile •vi clears the screen and display a window. •The ‘_’ on the top line indicates that the cursor is waiting for commands •Every other line starts with ‘~’, symbol for empty line. Step 2 : Press ‘i’ to enter into Append mode. Add text to the file Step 3 : Press <Esc> key to return to command mode Step 3 : Press ‘:’. The cursor takes to the ‘ex’ mode at the command line. Enter ‘wq’ and press enter. Append Mode Inserting Texts Cmd Significance i Appends text from the left of the current cursor position I Appends text at the start of the current line. a Appends text from the right of the current cursor position A Appends text at the end of the current line. o Opens a line immediately below the current line in input mode O Opens a line immediately before the current line in input mode Changing Texts Cmd Significance <n>r Replaces <n> characters from current cursor posn. with inserted text R Replaces text from cursor to right <n>s Replaces <n> characters from cursor with entered text <n>S Replaces <n> lines from the current cursor line with entered text c0 Changes from cursor to beginning of line with the text entered c$ Changes from cursor to end of line with the text entered C Change from current cursor posn. to end of line with the text entered <n>cw Changes <n> words from the current cursor position with text entered <n>cc Replaces <n> lines from the current cursor line with entered text cG Changes from current cursor position to end of the file with entered text. Command Mode Saving work in a file and quit Cmd Significance ZZ Saves the work done in the file and quits editing by vi editor Deleting texts/lines Cmd Significance <n>x Deletes <n> characters from current cursor position <n>dd or <n>D Deletes <n> lines counting from current cursor line to below d$ Deletes from current cursor position to end of line dG Deletes from current cursot position to end of file d<n>G Deletes from current line to line no <n> df<char> Deletes from current cursor position to first occurrence of character <char> d/<pattern> Deletes from cursor upto the first occurrence of string <pattern> in forward direction d?<pattern> Deletes from cursor upto the first occurrence of string <pattern> in backward direction Moving/Copying Texts Cmd Significance <n>yy or <n>Y Yank <n> lines starting from current line onwards into undo buffer <n>yw Yank <n> words starting from current cursor position onwards into undo buffer y$ Yank from current cursor position to end of the line in undo buffer yG Yank from current cursor position to end of the file in undo buffer “a<n>yy Yank <n> lines starting from current line onwards into buffer named a p Paste the contents of undo buffer( as a result of deleting or yanking) after the cursor position P Paste the contents of undo buffer( as a result of deleting or yanking) before the cursor position “ap Paste the contents of buffer a after the cursor position “bd Delete text into named buffer b Navigation in same line Cmd Significance <n>h Moves cursor left to nth previous character w.r.t. the current cursor position <n>l Moves cursor right to nth next character w.r.t. the current cursor position <n>b Moves cursor left to start of nth previous word w.r.t the current cursor position. Punctuation marks are taken into account. <n>w Moves cursor right to start of nth next word w.r.t the current cursor position. Punctuation marks are taken into account. <n>e Moves cursor right to end of nth next word w.r.t the current cursor position. Punctuation marks are taken into account. f<ch> Move the character to the next character <ch> on same line F<ch> Move the character to the prv. character <ch> on same line t<ch> Move the character to one column before the next character <ch> on same line T<ch> Move the character to one column after the next character <ch> on same line ; Repeats search in the same direction along which the prv. Search was made using f/t Cmd Significance , Repeats search in the opposite direction along which the prv. Search was made using f/t <n>| Moves the cursor to specified column <n> 0 or ( Moves to 1st character of the current line $ or ) Moves to last character of current line ^ Moves to 1st non-space character of the line <n>B Moves cursor left to start of nth previous word w.r.t the current cursor position.Punctuation marks are ignored <n>W Moves cursor right to start of nth next word w.r.t the current cursor position. Punctuation marks are ignored <n>E Moves cursor right to end of nth next word w.r.t the current cursor position. Punctuation marks are ignored Navigation across lines Cmd Significance <n>j or <n>^n Move the cursor down to the <n>th next line in the same column <n>k or <n>^p Move the cursor up to the <n>th prv line in the same column H Moves the cursor to the top line of the screen L Moves the cursor to the last line of the screen M Moves the cursor to the middle line of the screen <n>G Moves to line number <n> + Moves the cursor to next line’s first non-blank character - Moves the cursor to previous line’s first non-blank character Redraw screen Cmd Significance z- Makes the current line the last line of the screenand redraws the screen z+ Makes the current line the first line of the screenand redraws the screen z. Makes the current line the middle line of the screenand redraws the screen Ctrl-l Redraws the screen /pattern/z- Find the next occurrence of <pattern> and make that last line of the screen Scrolling across pages Cmd Significance <n>^f Move forward by <n> screens <n>^b Move backward by <n> screens <n>^d Move forward by <n> number of half screens <n>^u Move backward by <n> number of half screens <n>^e Scroll window down by <n> lines <n>^y Scroll window up by <n> lines Pattern searching Cmd Significance /pattern Searches for specified <pattern> forward. IF end of file is reached, search wraps around. ?pattern Searches for specified <pattern> backward. n Repeat the last search in the same direction as was specified in the last search N Repeat the last search in the opposite direction as was specified in the last search /pattern/+<n> Positions the cursor <n> number of lines after the line where the specified <pattern> is found /pattern/-<n> Positions the cursor <n> number of lines before the line where the specified <pattern> is found % Find the matching braces or parenthesis Joining lines Cmd Significance <n>J Joins current line and <n> lines below it together to form a single line Undo changes Cmd Significance u Undo last change U Undo all the changes in the current line Marking text Cmd Significance m<char> Marks position of the file with mark <char> ‘<char> Moves to portion of the file marked with <char> “ Toggle to most recently marked location Restoring previously deleted line Cmd Significance “<n>p Paste the content of <n>th last delete ( n<=9) “1pu.u.u… Till the last change is found Filtering texts Cmd Significance !<n>G sort Sort from current line to line no. <n> !<n>G tr ‘[a-z]’ ‘[A-Z]’ Translates all the characters from current line to line <n> to uppercase !! tr ‘[a-z]’ ‘[A-Z]’ Translates all the characters of current line to uppercase Repeat factor Cmd Significance <n>i<ch> Inserts <ch> character <n> number of times in input mode at a stretch Miscellaneous in command mode Cmd Significance ~ Change the character under cursor from lowercase to uppercase and vice versa . Repeat the last change <n>. Repeat the last action ‘n’ times << Shift current line to shift width character left >> Shift current line to shift width character right Options available with vi command Cmd Significance vi –r <filename> Recover the file <filename> as much as possible after system crash and open it vi –R <filename> Open the file <filename> in read-only mode vi +<n> <filename> Opens the file <filename> with cursor positioned in line number <n> vi + <filename> Opens the file <filename> with cursor at the last line vi –w<n> <filename> Opens file <filename> in vi mode with window size of <n> number of lines vi +/<pattern> <filename> Opens file <filename> in vi editor and places the cursor at first occurrence of pattern <pattern> vi –x <filename> Opens encrypted file <filename> in vi mode and asks for the password before opening that Ex Mode Saving work in a file Cmd Significance :w Save the changes made to the file :w <filename> Same as “Save As..” in windows. Saves the contents to the specified file <filename> . If it does not exist previously, a new file is created :w! <filename> Save the changes to file <filename>, if the file already exists :w >> <file1> Append the contents of the opened file after the last line of the file <file1>. File <file1> should exist previously :<n1>,<n2>w <newfile> Copies the contents of lines <n1> to <n2> into a new file <newfile> :<n1>,<n2>w! <newfile> Moves the contents of lines <n1> to <n2> into an existing file <newfile> , overwriting its previous contents Cmd Significance :.,.+<n>w <newfile> Appends from current line to <n> number of lines below it into file <newfile> :.,.+<n>w >> <nextfile> Appends from current line to <n> number of lines below it after the last line of the file <nextfile> :q Quits the file editing in vi, provided no unsaved change remains :q! Quits vi neglecting all the unsaved changes made to the file :wq or :x Save the unsaved changes in the opened file and quit vi editor Temporary exit to shell Cmd Significance :sh Temporarily allows the user to come out of the vi file and use the shell. After the job of the user is done and command : exit is triggered from OS prompt, control returns to vi editor again Navigating to desired line Cmd Significance :<n> Custor moves to line number <n> Search and replace texts in ex mode Syntax :- :<line address>s/<old pattern>/<new pattern>/g Line address Significance % All lines where matching pattern is found . Current line <n1>,<n2> Refers from line <n1> to <n2> $ Last line 1,$ .,.+<n> First to last line From current cursor line to <n> number of lines downwards Examples of Search and Replace Example Significance :%s/ex/vi/c Substitutes 1st occurrence of string ‘ex’ with ‘vi’ by showing them and asking for confirmation. When each string will be shown with pause in cursor, press ‘y’ for substitution :%s /<amaze \ >\/delight/g Replaces ‘amaze’ , where available as a full word, with ‘delight’. Note, any word like ‘amazed’ will not be replaced :g/subhendu/s/majumdar/ mazumder/g Replaces every occurrence of string ‘majumdar’ with ‘mazumder’ on all lines containing the pattern ‘subhendu’ :g/.\ {9\ }9/s/0/*/g Replaces ‘0’ with ‘*’ at all lines having ‘9’ after 9th position :g/^$/d Delete all blank lines :g!/complete/s/$/To be done/ Append the string ‘To be done’ at the end of all lines not containing the string ‘complete’ Example Significance :g/vi/s/^/editor/ Append the string ‘editor’ at the first of all lines containing the string ‘vi’ :%s/$/ : see my note/g Appends the string ‘: see my note’ at the end of all lines :g/^….$/d Deletes all lines containing 4 letters :g/^..o/d Deletes all lines with ‘o’ as 3rd character :%s/…$//g Delete the last three character of every line Reading below the current line in the vi editor Command Significance :r <nextfile> Reads the contents of the file <nextfile> below current line :r! <command> Places the output of the command <command> below the current line Editing another file Command Significance :e <nextfile> Stops editing the current file; leaves the current file and starts editing file <nextfile>; provided there are no unsaved changes in the current file :e! <nextfile> Edits file <nextfile> abandoning all the changes done to the current file :e! Loads last saved version of current file :n Edits next file mentioned in the vi queue :rew Edits first file in the command line :e +<n> <nextfile> Edit starts at line <n> of file <nextfile> Abbreviating texts Command Significance :ab <short_string> <long_string> When the user writes the string <short_string> in input mode, the <long_string> is written Mapping Command Significance :map g :w^M Pressing ‘g’, one wants to save the file(:w is for saving, and ^M is for pressing Enter key. While writing it in the command line, write ^V^M) :map z i^M^[ When you position your cursor to any character in a line and press ‘z’ , the line will be broken from that point and two lines will be formed. The control will remain in command mode (^[ represents <Escape> key) :map z :w^M:!%^M Pressing ‘z’ in command mode saves the file and executes it in one shot To unmap a key, write at the command line :unmap <key> Miscellaneous Command Significance :! <command> Executes the command <command> remaining in vi editor :f Shows the name of the current file and line ^g Same as :f Setting environmental variables for vi Works in ex mode. To set an environment variable to customize vi, the following syntax needs to be followed::set <env.variable> [= <value>] Environment variables Significance autoindent(ai) Newly inserted lines of text are indented to the same distance from left margin as the preceding line. Opposite of this option is noautoindent(noai) autowrite(aw) Automatically saves the unsaved changes in a file before opening the next file with :n or using a shell command with :! <command>. The opposite to this option is noautowrite(noaw) errorbells(eb) Sounds the bell when error occurs. Opposite is ‘noeb’ exrc(ex) Allows an .exrc file in the current directory to override the .exrc file in user’s home directory. Opposite is ‘noex’ list Displays special characters in the screen: tabs are shown as ^I, end of line are marked with ‘$’. Opposite is ‘nolist’ mesg System messages allowed when vi is running. Opposite is ‘nomesg’ number( nu ) Displays line numbers. Opposite is ‘nonu’ Environment variables Significance report=<val> When any operation affects more lines than this settings, message is displayed scroll=<val> Number of screen lines to scroll shiftwidth(sw)=<val> Number of spaces to be used for backtabs/<</>> showmatch(sm) Shows match for ) or } . Opposite is ‘nosm’ showmode Indicates type of mode tabstop=<val> No. of spaces the tab character moves over ignorecase(ic) Ignores case when searches patterns. Opposite is ‘noic’ wrapmargin(wrm)=<val> When set to a value >0 , carriage returns are inserted automatically when the cursor gets to within that number of spaces from the right edge of the screen .exrc file and EXINIT system variable One can store all the values for environment variables, all the key mappings and all the abbreviations in a file ‘.exrc’ under the home directory for the user.VI looks for this file on startup and executes the instructions as ex mode commands. Besides, there is also a system variable , ‘EXINIT’ which can also be used to save the settings. EXINIT=“set report=5 ignorecase ai”; export EXINIT view Syntax : view <filename> Description :Shows the file <filename> in vi mode. File remains read-only. No changes done to the file cannot be saved. more Syntax : more [ -n <number> ] [ -<number>] [ -d] [-i] [-e] [ -c] [-f] [-s] [ +/pattern] [filename] Filter for examining continuous text, one screenful at a time. It pauses after each screenful,printing the filename at the bottom of the screen. •To display one or more next lines, press <Return> •To display another screenful, press <Space> Command line option Significance -n <number> Sets the no of lines in the display window to that <number>. -<n> Same as above -d Prompts user with message :- ‘Press space to continue, q to quit, h for help’ at the end of each screenful of display -i Performs case independent pattern matching -c Draw each page by starting at the top of screen, and erase each line before drawing on it -s Squeeze multiple blank lines from the file , showing only one blank line +/pattern Start listing such that the current position isset to two lines above the line matching the regular expression pattern. Internal commands in ‘more’ mode Options Significance f Scrolls forward one screen b Scrolls backward one screen q Quit /pattern Searches pattern <pattern> forward ?pattern Searches pattern <pattern> backward v Opens vi mode for the file viewed n or N Repeats last search <n>j Scrolls forward by <n> number of lines <n>G Moves to line number <n> G Goes to last line of the file . Repeats prv. command :n Moves to next file specified in the command line Options Significance :p Moves to previous file specified in the command line i<space> Scrolls forward by i number of screens i<return> Scrolls forward by i number of lines <i>^d/ <I> Scrolls forward i lines, with a default of ½ of the screen size <i>^u /<i>u Scrolls backward i lines, with a default of ½ of the screen size <n>k/ <n>^y Scrolls backward by <n> number of lines <n>z Displays <n> more lines and sets the window size to <n> <n>f / <n>^f Moves forward by <n> lines <n>b / <n>^b Moves backward by <n> lines ^g Writes the name of the file currently being examined, the no. relative to the total number of files to be viewed, the current line no,current byte no, total no of bytes to write and what % of the file precedes the current position Options Significance h Display a descriptive list of all the more commands !<command> Invoke a shell with a command <command> :e <newfile> Leaves the current file and starts viewing a new file <newfile> <I>:n Examines the <I>th next file specified in the command line r / ^l Refreshes the screen . Repeats the prv command m<char> Marks the current position with letter <char> ‘<char> Returns to the position previously marked by the specified letter <ch> pg Displays the content of a file one page at a time Syntax :pg < flag and string> <filename(s) Flag Significance -c Clear the screen at the end of each page of display and start the display at the top of the screen -e Continues to the next file after the end of one file, if more than one files are specified at the command line -f Truncate lines longer than the width of the screen display -p <string> Display the <string> at the pg command prompt.Default is ‘:’ . If string is %d the pageno is displayed atr the prompt -s Highlights all messages and prompts issued by the pg command +<n> Start the display from line no <n> of the file specified Flag Significance -<n> Sets the size of the display screen to <n> number of lines +/pattern/ Search for pattern <pattern> in the file and start the display at that line Keystrokes in pg mode Option Significance -<n> Go backward by <n> number of pages +<n> Go forward by <n> number of pages l Go forward by one line <n>l Start the display in the file at line specified by <n> +<n>l Go forward by <n> lines -<n>l Go backward by <n> lines d Go forward by ½ screen -d Go backward by ½ screen ^l Redraws the screen Option Significance $ Move to last page of the file <n>/<pattern> Searches forward for the pattern <pattern> in the file from beginning of the next page. If a number <n> is specified, pg searches for the specified occurrence number <n> of the <pattern> <n>p Starts showing the <n>th previous file. n Start showing the next file q Quits the pg command cp Copies one file to another file/one directory to another directory/files into directories Syntax :cp [-flag] [ old files/directories] [ new files/directories] Flag Significance -i Interactive copying : prompt appears for user accent before copying -f Force copying -p Preserve permissions. Preserves modification time,access time,file mode, user id, user group etc -r Recursive copying Examples Example Significance cp file1 file2 Copies the contents of file1 into new or existing file file2 cp file1 file2 file3 dir1 Copies files: file1, file2 and file3 into directory dir1 cp –R dir1 dir2 Copies directory dir1 into a new directory dir2(if dir2 does not exist before) / copies the directory dir1 as a sub-directory under dir2(if directory dir2 exists before) cp –R dir1 dir2 dir3 If dir3 exists, two sub-directories under it are created : dir1 and dir2. IF dir2 directory does not exist, then a new directory dir2 is created with the contents same as dir1 and one additional sub-directory dir2 mv Syntax :mv [-flag] [ old files/directories] [ new files/directories] Moves/renames:A file to new or existing file One/more files to existing directory One or more directories to a new or existing directory. If the access permission of the destination directory or existing destination file forbids writing, mv command asks for overwriting the file Flag Significance -f Performs move operation without prompting for permission -i Interactive moving rm Syntax :rm [-f|-i] [ -r|-R] [files|directories] Removes the entries for one/more files from a directory. Destroys the file whose last link is deleted Removal of a file requires write permission for that file Removal of a file from a directory required write and execute permission in the directory Flag Significance -f Forceful deletion -i Interactive deletion -r or –R Recursively delete the entire contents of the cirectory before removing the directory itself Examples Example Significance mv *.txt ../testdir Moves all the files with .txt extension under the directory testdir residing under the parent directory of the current directory rm *.temp Remove all files with extension : .tmp under the current directory rm –r backupdir Remove the directory backupdir with all its contents wc Syntax :wc [-c|-l|-w] <filename(s)> Counts the number of words/bytes/characters/lines in a file Flag Significance -w Counts the total no. of words -l Counts the total no. of lines -c Counts the total no. of characters Examples $ wc –c file1 $ wc –l file1 $ wc –w file1 32 file1 2 file1 8 file1 file Syntax : file [-f ffile] [-h] file ... Determines the file type of a file or list of files. Performs a series of tests on each file in an attempt to classify it. If file appears to be an ASCII file, file examines the first 512bytes and tries to guess its language. File /etc/magic is ued to identify files that have some sort of magic number, that is, any file containing a numeric or string constant that indicates its type. Commentary at the beginning of /etc/magic explains the format. chmod Syntax : chmod [file permission] <files|directories> A file can have three type of permissions:Read : Authorized user can read the contents of the file. Write : Along with read permission, it allows the allowed user to modify its contents. Execute : If the file is an executable, any allowed user can execute it A file can be accessed by:User : Person creating the file. He grants all the authorizations to the file Group : Group user for the file Others: All other users not belonging to the group or are not the creator. Numeric representation of permissions Value Significance 4 Read permission 2 Write permission 1 Execute permission 6(=4+2) Read and write permission 7(=4+2+1) Read,write and execute permission 5(=4+1) Read and execute permission Example of granting numeric authorization Syntax: chmod <val1><val2><val3> <filename(s)|directory name(s)> val1 is for users val2 is for group val3 is for others Any permission on a directory percolate down to the files and subdirectories under it. Example Significance chmod 744 file1 Grant all permissions to : User, and read permission to group and others chmod 776 Grant all permission to user and group, read and write permission to others chmod 777 file1 Grant all permission to all Alphabetic representation of permissions Value Significance r Read permission w Write permission x Execute permission Value Significance u User creating the file g Other users in the same group of the creator o Any other users a All(creator, other users in the same group, and other users) Example of granting alphabetic authorization Example Significance chmod u=rwx,go=r file1 Assign read,write and execute permission to user, but only read permission to group and others chmod o-x file1 Revoke execute permission from others chmod a+x file Assign execute permission to everybody chmod –R ug+r,o-r,a+x /home/ems2000 Traverse the directory subtree under directory /home/ems2000 making all regular files readable by user and group only, revoke read permission from others and grant execute permission to all Chown chgrp and Syntax : chown [-h] [-R] [owner] [file…] chgrp [-h] [-R] [group] [file…] chown changes owner of the file and chgrp changes group of each file specified. To change user or groyp, one must own the file and have the CHOWN privilege granted to him by the system administrator Options Significance -h Change owner/group of a symbolic link -R Recursively change the owner and group of all the files and sub-directories under the directory named Example Significance chown ems2000 auto.profile User ‘ems2000’ becomes the owner of the file auto.profile chgrp ems2000 auto.login User ‘ems2000’ becomes the group user to access the file auto.login chown –R ems2000: users shell_scripts The command searches the directory : shell_scripts and changes each file in that directory to owner : ems2000 and group : users touch Updates access time/modification time of file(s) Syntax : touch [-a|m|c] [ -r <ref-file> | -t <time> ] <filename(s)> Flag Significance -a Change the access time of the file to the time specified/ if no time is specified, use the current time -m Change the modification time of the file to the time specified/ if no time is specified, use the current time. -r ref-file Use the corresponding time of file ref-file to change the modification/access time of the file -t <time> Use the specified time <time> instead of current time. The time format is : <YYYY><MM><DD><hh><mm>.<ss> Example Significance touch –a wot.ksh Changes the access time of wot.ksh with the current date and time (Changes can be perceived if the command : ls –ut is fired in the directory containing the file : the file wot.ksh will come at the top of the list) touch –m wot.ksh Changes the modification time of wot.ksh with the current date and time (Changes can be perceived if the command : ls –lt is fired in the directory containing the file : the file wot.ksh will come at the top of the list) touch -m -t 201012122300 new.del Changes the modification time of file : new.del to Dec 12,2010 time : 23:00 Seeing the attributes of the file new.del will reveal the information:-rw-rw-r-- 1 ems2000 touch -m -r new.del new1 dba 10 Dec 12 2010 new.del Change the modification time of file : new1 and make it same as the modification time of the file : new.del ln Description Link files and directories Command Significance ln [-f|-i] file1 newfile Links file : file1 to a new or existing file : file1 ln [-f|-i] file1 file2 testdir Creates link for files new1 and new2 under the directory : testdir with two new files/existing files new1 and new2 ln [-f|-i] dir1 dir2 testdir Creates link for directories dir1 and dir2 under the directory : testdir with two new /existing directories : dir1 and dir2 Flag Significance -f Force esisting files or directories to be removed to allow the link -i Interactive linking mkdir Creates directories Syntax : mkdir [-p] [-m <mode>] <directory name(s)> Flag Significance -p Intermediate directories are created as necessary.Otherwise, the full path prefix of dirname must already exist. mkdir requires write permission in the parent directory. -m <mode> Mode of permission for the directory and all the files under it Example Significance Mkdir –m755 testdir Directory : testdir is created with permission = 755 mkdir –p testdir/subhendu If testdir is not created, it is first created. Then, a directory : subhendu is created under the directory testdir rmdir Removes the directory entry for each empty directory referred Syntax : rmdir [-f|-I|-p] <directory> Flag Significance -f Forcefully remove a directory, even though it is not empty -i Interactive removal of empty directory -p Path removal.If, after, removing a directory with more than one pathname component, the parent directory of that directory is empty, rmdir removes the parent directory also. This continues till rmdir encounters non-empty parent directory cmp Syntax : cmp [-l|-s] <file1> <file2> Description Compares two files Flag Significance -l Print the byte number(decimal) and differing byte(octal) for each difference -s Prints nothing; return exit codes only Return codes Significance 0 Files identical 1 Files not identical 2 Inaccessible/missing arguments comm Syntax : comm [-[123]] <file1> <file2> Description Select or reject lines common to both files. Case Significance comm filenew fileold Produces a three columnar output:1st column displays lines only in file: filenew 2nd column displays lines only in file:fileold 3rd column displays lines common to both files comm –1 filenew fileold Suppress display of 1st column comm –2 filenew fileold Suppress display of 2nd column comm –3 filenew fileold Suppress display of 3rd column comm –12 filenew fileold Shows only lines common to both files sdiff Syntax : sdiff [-l|-s] <file1> <file2> Description Side by side file difference program. $cat file1 $cat file2 $sdiff file1 file2 Suvendu Subhendu Suvendu ! Subhendu Subhasish Subhasish Subhasish Subhasish Dibyendu Arka Diptoman Dibyendu Dibyendu Akash diptoman Diptoman Diptoman > Arka Akash Dibyendu < Flag Significance -l Only print on the left hand side where columns are identical -s Do not print identical lines dircmp Syntax : dircmp [ -d|-s|-wn] <directory1> <directory2> Description Examines two directories and generates various tabulated info about the contents of the directories. Flag Significance -d Also compares the contents of the files with same name in both directories and output a list telling what must be done to bring them into agreement -s Suppresses messages about identical files $ >ls -ltr dir1 dir2 dir1: total 10 -rw-rw-r--rw-rw-r--rw-rw-r--rw-rw-r--rw-rw-r-- 1 ems2000 1 ems2000 1 ems2000 1 ems2000 1 ems2000 dba dba dba dba dba 13 Jul 20 07:23 abc 26 Jul 20 07:23 def 15 Jul 20 07:30 subhendu 28 Aug 13 00:30 subha 5 Aug 13 00:39 samefile1 dir2: total 8 -rw-rw-r--rw-rw-r--rw-rw-r--rw-rw-r-- 1 ems2000 1 ems2000 1 ems2000 1 ems2000 dba dba dba dba 26 Jul 20 07:24 def 12 Aug 13 00:32 nsf 30 Aug 13 00:32 abc 5 Aug 13 00:39 samefile1 $ dircmp dir1 dir2 Aug 13 00:42 2003 dir1 only and dir2 only Page 1 ./subha ./subhendu ./nsf Aug 13 00:42 2003 Comparison of dir1 dir2 Page 1 directory different same same . ./abc ./def ./samefile1 lp Syntax : lp -d<printer> [-m] [-n<copies>] [-t<title>] <file(s) Description Prints one/more files to a specified printer Flag Significance -d<printer> Specify the printer <printer> where the print request is to be directed -m Notify the requesting user at successful completion of the print request by mail -n<copies> Specifies number of copies to print -t<title> Print the specified title <title> on the banner page lpstat Syntax : lpstat [ -p<printer>] [-t] [-u<username>] [-v <printername>] Description Shows current status of the print request Flag Significance -p<printer> Shows all printing jobs queued at printer <printer> -t Displays detailed status information about the print from all users -u<username> Displays the status of print requests triggered by user <username> -v<printername> Displays a list for the specified printername cancel Description Used to cancel a specific print request or cancel all queued requests to a specific printer queue. Any ordinary user can cancel only those jobs triggered by his own userid Example:$ cancel 734 # cancels print job with id 734 $ cancel lipi # cancels all queued jobs in printer lipi pr Description Prepares a file for printing by adding suitable headers, footers and formatted texts. Example Significance pr file1 Adds 5 lines of margin at the top and 5 lines at the bottom of file : file1. Header shows date and time of last modification of the file along with filename and pageno pr –l 72 file1 Changes default page size from 66 to 72 pr +10 file Show file file1 from 10th page pr –3 file1 Prints a file in three columns pr –t file1 Suppresses page headers and footers for file : file1 pr –f file1 Form feed is used for a new page instead of a sequence of line feed characters pr –w 80 file1 Set the width of each page to 80 instead of a default of 72 Example Significance pr –P file1 Pauses after each page is displayed in the terminal pr –o5 file1 Indent each line by 5 columns pr –d file1 Generate output with double specing pr –h “List of files” file1 Print “List of files” instead of the filename as header on each page. Compressing files Compress Compress <filename(s)> Reduces the size of the named files using adaptive Lempel-zev coding. If reduction is possible, each file is replaced by a new file with same name suffixed sith ‘.Z’. Original ownership, modes, access and modification times are preserved.To uncompress a file, issue the command : uncompress <filename>.Z . To view a compressed file, issue : zcat <filename>.Z Gzip gzip <filename(s)> Reduces the size of the named files . If reduction is possible, each file is replaced by a new file with same name suffixed sith ‘.gz’. Original ownership, modes, access and modification times are preserved. To uncompress a file, issue the command : gunzip <filename>.gz . To view a compressed file, issue : gzcat <filename>.Z Filters Filters By end of this section , you will be able know ‘head’ First few lines of a file ‘Sort’ Sorts file contents ‘tail’ Last few lines of a file ‘tr’ Translates file contents ‘cut’ View columns/fields ‘nl’ Shows line numbers ‘paste’ join lines of files ‘Spell’ Catch spelling mistakes ‘split’ Break long lines ‘find’ Find files ‘fmt’ Formats texts ‘grep’ Search Pattern in a file ‘fold’ Folds long lines ‘Sed’ Display specific lines ‘awk’ Reporting Tool head Gives first few lines of a file Syntax :head [-<n>] [-c] [-l] [ -n <I>] [file(s)] Example Significance head –5 newfile Shows first 5 lines of file : newfile head –n 5 newfile Same as above head -l -n 5 newfile Same as above head -c –n 14 newfile Shows first 14 characters of newfile tail Gives last few lines/characters of a file tail [-f] [-c number] [file] tail [-f] [-n number] [file] Syntax : Flag Significance -n <no> Shows last <no> lines of the file if <no> is specified with no sign or –ve sign. If specified with a ‘+’ sign, it shows from <no>th line onwards till end of the file -c <no> Shows last <no> bytes of the file if <no> is specified with no sign or –ve sign. If specified with a ‘+’ sign, it shows from <no>th byte onwards till end of the file -f Works in constant pilot mode . Used for variable sized files those are growing constantly. Example Significance tail –5 newfile Shows last 5 lines of newfile tail –n 5 newfile Same as above tail +5 newfile Shows from 5th line to end of the file tail –n +5 newfile Same as above tail -c 5 newfile Shows last 5 bytes of a file tail –c +5 newfile Shows from 5th byte till end of the file tail –fn 3 newfile Constantly displays the last three lines of file : newfile and leave the tail in “follow” mode. The ‘$’ prompt does not return even after the work is over. One have to abort the process to exit to the shell. cut Syntax : cut [-c list] [file] cut [-f list] [-d <char>] [file] Extracts selected fields/characters on each line of a file Example Significance cut –c 6-22,24-32 file1 Extracts texts from column 6 to 22 and 24 to 32 and displays in the terminal in two columns cut –c –22 newfile Extracts text from column 1 to 22 from the file : newfile and displays it in the terminal cut –c –6, 22,24- file1 Extracts texts from column 1 to 6, column 22 and from column 24 to end of the line and display it in the terminal cut –d”|” –f 2,3 newfile Extracts field contents of 2nd and 3rd fields and display in the terminal. Use “|” as a field separator while extracting fields cut –d”|” –f 1-5 newfile Using ‘|’ as field separator, it extracts field contents of 1st to 5th fields and display in the terminal. paste Syntax : paste file1 file2 ... paste -d list file1 file2 ... paste -s [-d list] file1 file2 ... Merges same lines of several files or subsequent lines of same file Example Significance paste file1 file2 Display in the screen the join of line 1 of file1 with line 1 of file 2 with a space between them, line 2 of file1 with line 2 of file2 with a space delimiter and so on. paste –d”|” file1 file2 Same as above with ‘|’ as delimiter between the fields of both files on each line. Paste –s file1 Joins all the lines of file1 into a single line and show it in the terminal Example Significance paste -s file1 file2 Displays in the screen a single line which is :Join of all the lines in file1 + Join of all the lines in file2 paste –s -d” t\n\” file1 Combines 1st and 2nd lines into a single line, 3rd and 4th into another line and so on. split Syntax : split [-<no. of lines to be put in each file>] [<initials>] Splits up a file into equiline smaller lines. Large files are sometime difficult to edit with an editor. The split command breaks up a larger file into several equi line smaller files, each containing a default of 100 lines. It creates a group of files xaa,xab…till xaz and then again from xba,xbb.. till xbz. Total 26x 26 = 676 files can be created in this way. Example: File: newfile consists of 100 lines. $ split –20 newfile 5 files nfa,nfb,nfc,nfd and nfe will be prepared each containing 20 lines from newfile fmt Syntax : fmt [-s] [-w <width>] [file…] Simple text formatter that fills and join lines /split lines to produce output lines upto the number of characters specified in the –w option(default is 72). It also counts the spaces between words in a lineand also considers a space between joining of two lines. The –s option split lines only. It does not join short lines to form longer ones. $ >cat file1 Today, we have a meeting. It will start at 6 pm. Bye $ >fmt -w10 file1 Today, we have a meeting. It will start at 6 pm. Bye fold Syntax : fold [-b|-s] [-w <width>] <file….> Folds long lines Flag Significance -b Width in bytes for counting -s Break the line on the last blank character found before the specified number of column position specified in the –w<width> option(default : 80) $ cat file1 Today, we have a meeting. It will start at 6 pm. Bye $ fmt -s -w15 file1 Today, we have a meeting. It will start at 6 pm. Bye sort Sorts the contents of a file. Starts with 1st character on each line and proceeds to the next character only when the prv. Character in the two lines are identical. Can also work on fields. Default field separator is the space.This can also be changed. Example Significance sort file1 Shows the sorted contents of file1 as per character sorting Sort –t “|” +2 file1 Sort the contents of file1 based on 3rd field Sort –t “|” –r +1 file1 Reverse sort on 2nd field Sort –c file1 Checks whether the file : file1 is already sorted or not. Value of system variable $? Is 0 if it is sorted sort –t “|” +2 –c file1 Checks whether the file is already sorted on 3rd field or not Example Significance Sort –o sort.lst +3 file1 Sort the contents of file : file1 based on 4th field and store the output in a file : sort.lst Sort –t “|” +3 –4 file1 Start sorting of file1 after 3rd field(+3) and stop sorting after 4th field(-4). Basically sort file : file1 on 4th field Sort –u file1 Sorts the contents of the file : file1 and removes duplicate entries Sort –t “|” +7.5 – 11.6 file1 Start sort after 5th(+7.5) column of 8th field (+7.5) and stop sort on 6th column(11.6) of 12th field(11.6) Sort –n file1 Sort numerically file : file1. Used when the file contains numeric entries. tr Syntax : tr [-c] [-d] <expr1> <expr2> < <file> By default, it translates each character in <expr1> found in the file to its mapped character in <expr2> Example Significance tr ‘ABC’ ‘abc’ < filenew Translates the uppercase letters A,B and C in file : filenew to lowercase tr ‘[a-z]’ ‘[A-Z]’ <filenew Translates all the lowercase letters in file : filenew to uppercase tr –d ‘|’ < fileold tr –s ‘A’ <fileold tr –cd ‘|/’ < fileold Deletes all the ‘|’ characters from file : fileold Compress multiple consecutive presence of character ‘A’ to one ‘A’ Delete all characters except ‘|’ and ‘/’. nl Syntax : nl [-w < number>] [ -s <delimiter_char>] <filename….> Shows line number at the left of each line in the file. Reserves six characters for the number Example Significance -w <number> Specifies the width option for line number display to <number> characters -s <delimiter_char> Used to specify the character used for delimiting between line no and line content spell Syntax : spell [-a|-b] <filename(s)> Lists all spellings in the file (s) the program recognizes as mistakes. Example Significance -a Use American spelling system -b Use British spelling system find Syntax : find <path_list> <mode> <sel-criteria> <action> Recursively examines all files in the <path_list> Matches each file for one/more occurrence of <sel-criteria> depending on <mode> Takes some action on the files selected Mode and Selection criteria Significance -name <filename> Selects file with name <filename> . Pattern matching is allowed -user <username> Selects file owned by user specified by <username> -type <f> Selects type of files specified by <f> -group <grpname> Selects file if owned by group <grpname> -size +<x>[<c>] Selects file if the size exceeds <x> blocks(characters if <c> is also specified) -atime +<x> Selects file if accessed before <x> days -amin +<x> Selects file if accesses before <x> minutes -atime -<x> Selects file if accessed within <x> days -amin -<x> Selects file if accesses within <x> minutes -mtime -<x> Selects files if modified within <x> days -mmin -<x> Selects files if modified within <x> minutes -newer <flname> Selects file if modified after file <flname> Action Significance -perm <permission_mode> Finds the files with permission mode specified -exec <command> {} \; Executes command <command> after finding every file on the search -ok <command> {} ; Executes command <command> after user confirmation -print Shows selected files in display grep Syntax : grep [-c|-n|-v|-l|-I|-e|-h|-x ] <pattern…> <filename(s)> Searches a file for a pattern Flag Significance -c Counts number of occurrences. Output shows only the file name and number of times the searched pattern found within it -n Displays the line number containing the pattern, along with the lines -v Displays all lines excepting those containing the pattern -l Displays only file names containing the pattern -i Ignores case while searching for the pattern -e Extended search. More than one pattern is to be searched -h Suppresses printing filename when printing multiple files where the pattern is found -x Matches are recognized only when the entire line of the file searched matches the fixed string Example Significance grep while wot.ksh Searches for the string ‘while’ in the file : wot.ksh and if found, displays the lines containing the pattern grep while *.ksh Searches for the string ‘while’ in all files with extension ‘.ksh’ and shows the file name and the line containing the pattern grep “List of names” *.txt Searches for the string ‘List of names’ in all .txt files. grep –li while *.ksh Case-independent searching of the string ‘while’ takes place in all the .ksh files and the the name of the files where matched is displayed only grep –e “Subhendu” –e “suvendu” name.lst Searches for pattern ‘Subhendu’ and ‘Suvendu’ in the file : name.lst grep 'M[ao]noroma' name.lst Searches for the string ‘Manoroma’ or ‘Monoroma’ in the file : name.lst grep “^A” name.lst Searches all lines starting with A grep "Sinha$" name.lst Searches all lines ending with ‘Sinha’ egrep Description Extended grep Expression Significance <ch>+ Matches one/more presence of character <ch> <ch>? Matches zero / presence of character <ch> <expr1>|<expr2> Matches <expr1> or <expr2> (<exp1>|<exp2>|<exp3> Matches expression <exp1><exp3> or <exp2><exp3> Expression Significance egrep '(Mano|Mono)roma' name.lst Matches string ‘Monoroma’ or ‘Manoroma’ egrep 'Aka+sh' name.lst Matches ‘Akash’ , ‘Akaash’,’Akaash’ egrep –f srchlist name.lst File : srchlist contains all the strings to be searched in file : name.lst sed Syntax : sed <options> <address,action> <filename(s)> Stream text editor, used for:•Displaying specific lines from a file by line no/pattern matching •Inserting or changing texts in a file •Deleting lines from a file Can be addressed in two ways:By line number By specifying a pattern which occurs in a line Addressing by lines Done by specifying line number , or a pair of them separated by comma to specify the lower and upper boundaries of selection. Single word specifying action are:p Print q Quit $p Last line Negative indicator ‘!’ can also be used to signify negation Examples Significance sed ‘3q’ name.lst Show first three lines of file : name.lst and quit sed –n ‘3,5p’ name.lst Show 3rd to 5th line of file : name.lst sed –n ’10,$p’ name.lst Show from line no. 10 to end of file sed –n –e ‘1,2p’ –e ‘7,9p’ –e ‘$p’ Show 1st to 2nd line, 7th to 9th line and last line name.lst of the file : name.lst Examples Significance $ sed 'a\ > subhendu > ' del>del1 Inserts the line ‘subhendu’ after every line in the file : del and save the display in file : del1 $ sed ‘i\ > subhendu > ' del>del1 Inserts the line ‘subhendu’ before every line in the file : del and save the display in file : del1 $ sed ‘$a\ > subhendu > ' del>del1 Inserts the line ‘subhendu’ at the end of file : del and saves under file : del1 Context addressing Example Significance sed –n ‘/getopts/p’ emp.ksh Searches the string ‘getopts’ in file : emp.ksh and displays it sed –n ‘/getopts/, /charstring/p’ emp.ksh Searches for the string ‘getopts’ and ‘charstring’ in file : emp.ksh sed –n ‘/[cC]hatterjee/p’ emp.lst Searches for the string ‘Chatterjee’ or ‘chatterjee’ in file : emp.lst sed -n '/Aka*sh/p' name.lst Searches for any string with the pattern specified sed –n ‘/^A.a.s/p’ emp.lst Searches for any line containing ‘A’ as 1st character, ‘a’ as 3rd character and ‘s’ as 5th character sed –n ‘/^$/!p’ emp.lst sed ‘/^$’/d’ emp.lst Shows all but the blank lines from file emp.lst sed –n ‘/^….$/p’ emp.lst Shows all lines with 4 characters only sed -n '/. {101, }/p' del Shows lines longer than 100 characters sed -n '/. {9 }9/p' del Shows lines containing ‘9’ after 9 characters in a line Examples Significance sed –n ‘/if/w iflist /while/w wlist’ emp.ksh Searches file emp.ksh for pattern : if and writes matching lines into file : iflist Searches file emp.ksh for pattern : while and writes matching lines to file : wlist sed –n –f instr.lst emp.ksh Searches file : emp.ksh for the strings specified in the file instr.lst Substitution Examples Significance sed ‘s/exhausted/tired/’ list1 sed ‘s/exhausted/tired/p’ list1 Shows the content of the file : list1 with the string ‘exhausted’ replaced by ‘tired’ at all occurences sed ‘1,5s/basic/prelim/’ list1 Shows from 1st to 5th line of file : list1 with the string ‘basic’ replaced by ‘prelim’ at all occurences sed –n ‘/marketing/s/staff/member/p’ list1 sed ‘s/student/ex &/’ name.lst Replaces ‘staff’ with ‘member’ in all the lines containing ‘marketing’ Replaces ‘student’ with ‘ex student’ awk •Reporting tool for Unix. •Developed by Alfred V Aho, Peter J Weinberger, Brian W Kernighan •Emerging as programming language. •Produces facilities similar to SQL language. Syntax : awk <options> ‘ <address> { <actions> }’ <input|file(s)> ‘AWK’ is a pattern matching and processing language . It can search file(s) searching for a pattern, and when found, performs specified action. Works best with ascii files, preferably not to use with binary files. Using awk from command line $ awk ‘ { print $0 }’ $ awk ‘ { print $1,$3 }’ Good morning Happy Birth day Good morning Happy day Hello How are you? Hello How you? ^d ^d $ $ Read data from a file name.lst $ cat name.lst 0001 | Subhendu Majumdar | Team Lead | Avaya | 25000.00 0005 | Raghab Das | Programmer| Avaya | 12000.00 | | 0006 | Sumit kumar Basu 0011 | Tamal Sen Sharma 0010 | Ratna Sengupta 0015 | Raghab Dasgupta | Programmer| Avaya | 12000.00 | Programmer| Avaya | 12000.00 | Accountant | Avaya | 12000.00 | Programmer| Avaya | 12000.00 | | | | 0025 | Rajib Banerjee 0012 | Damini Sen 0007| Akash Nag 0009| Anindya Das | Programmer| Avaya | 12000.00 | Operator | Nestle| 10000.00 | Salesman | Nestle| 7800.00 | Manager | Nestle| 30000.00 | | | | 0019| Sougata Das | Manager | | Avaya | 50000.00 $ awk –F”|” { print $1,$2 }’ name.lst 0001 Subhendu Majumdar 0005 Raghab Das 0006 Sumit kumar Basu 0011 Tamal Sen Sharma 0010 Ratna Sengupta 0015 Raghab Dasgupta 0025 Rajib Banerjee 0012 Damini Sen 0007 Akash Nag 0009 Anindya Das 0019 Sougata Das Taking awk instructions from a file $ cat name.awk { print "-->" , $2 } $ awk -F"|" -f name.awk name.lst --> Subhendu Majumdar --> Raghab Das --> Sumit kumar Basu --> Tamal Sen Sharma --> Ratna Sengupta --> Raghab Dasgupta --> Rajib Banerjee --> Damini Sen --> Akash Nag --> Anindya Das --> Sougata Das Pre-defined variables in awk Variables Significance ARGC Number of command line arguments CONVFMT Conversion format for numbers FIELDWIDTHS Whitespace separated string for the width of input fields. Provides a facility for fixed-length fields instead of using field separators. FILENAME Name of current input file NR Current record number FS Input field separator IGNORECASE 0(Case sensitive) 1 ( Case insensitive) NF Number of fields in the current record FNR Current record number Pre-defined variables in awk…contd Variables Significance OFS Output field separator ORS Output record separator(default is newline) RS Input record separator( default is new line) FILENAME Name of current input file NR Current record number FS Input field separator IGNORECASE 0(Case sensitive) 1 ( Case insensitive) ENVIRON Unix environment variables ERRNO Unix system error message number Example of using pre-defined variables $ cat name1.lst 0001 | Sourav Ghar | Team Lead | Avaya | 25000.00| $ cat name2.lst 0001 | Sourav Dutta 0002 | Ratna Sengupta | Project M | Avaya | 25000.00| | Programmer| GFS $ cat name.awk { FS = "|" ; OFS = " ** " ; ORS = "\n-------------------------------------------\n"; print ARGC , ENVIRON["TERM"], CONVFMT , FILENAME ; print NR , $2 , $3 , "Total fields" , NF ; } Example of using pre-defined variables…contd $ awk -f name.awk name1.lst name2.lst 3 ** vt100 ** %.6g ** name1.lst ------------------------------------------1 ** Sourav Ghar ** Team Lead ** Total fields ** 6 ------------------------------------------3 ** vt100 ** %.6g ** name2.lst ------------------------------------------2 ** Sourav Dutta ** Project M ** Total fields ** 6 ------------------------------------------3 ** vt100 ** %.6g ** name2.lst ------------------------------------------- 3 ** Ratna Sengupta ** Programmer ** Total fields ** 4 ------------------------------------------- Regular Expression Metacharacters in Awk:Expression Significance \n Newline \t Tab ^ Starts match at the beginning $ Matches at the end of the string . Matches any single character [ABC] Matches any of A,B or C [A-Ca-c] Matches any of A,B,C,a,b or c [^ABC] Matches any character other than A,B or C Desk|Chair Matches any of ‘Desk’ or ‘Chair’ [ABC][DEF] Matches any of A,B or C followed by D,E or F Regular Expression Metacharacters in Awk…contd Expression Significance [ABC]* Matches zero/more occurences of A,B or C [ABC]+ Matches one/more occurences of A,B or C [ABC]? Matches to an empty string or more of A,B or C ( ) (Blue|Black)berry matches to Blueberry or Blackberry Comparison Operators in awk Operators Significance == Is equal to < Less than <= Less than or equal to > Greater than >= Greater than or equal to != Not equal to ~ Matched by regular expression !~ Not matched by regular expression Compound pattern Operators Operators Significance && Logical AND || Logical OR ! Logical NOT ( ) Used to group compound statements Range pattern Operators Operators Significance awk -F"|" 'NR==3,NR==5 { print NR,$2 } ' name.lst Shows 3rd,4th and 5th record BEGIN and END blocks BEGIN { <declare variables> < write headings> } ......................... ......................... END { < show subtotals> } $ awk ‘/Programmer/ { print }’ name.lst 0005 | Raghab Das # Details of all programmers | Programmer| Avaya | 12000.00| 0006 | Sumit kumar Basu | Programmer| Avaya | 12000.00| 0011 | Tamal Sen Sharma | Programmer| Avaya | 12000.00| 0015 | Raghab Dasgupta | Programmer| Avaya | 12000.00| 0025 | Rajib Banerjee | Programmer| Avaya | 12000.00| $ awk ‘/Prog*/ { print }’ name.lst 0005 | Raghab Das # Details of all programmers | Programmer| Avaya | 12000.00| 0006 | Sumit kumar Basu | Programmer| Avaya | 12000.00| 0011 | Tamal Sen Sharma | Programmer| Avaya | 12000.00| 0015 | Raghab Dasgupta | Programmer| Avaya | 12000.00| 0025 | Rajib Banerjee | Programmer| Avaya | 12000.00| $ awk '/Operator/ ' name.lst 0012 | Damini Sen # Details of all Operators | Operator | Nestle| 10000.00| $ awk -F "|" '/Operator/ { print $2,$5 }' name.lst #Field 2 and 5 Damini Sen 10000.00 $ awk -F"|" 'NR==3,NR==5 { print NR,$2 } ' name.lst 3 Sumit kumar Basu 4 Tamal Sen Sharma 5 Ratna Sengupta (Shows line number and second field of 3rd-5th records) $ awk -F"|" '/(Sen|Das)gupta/ { printf "%3d % -20s n" , NR , $2 }' name.lst 5 Ratna Sengupta 6 Raghab Dasgupta (Shows the record number and names of all Sengupta-s and Dasgupta-s) $ awk -F"|" '$3==" Programmer" { print $2,$4,$5 }' name.lst Raghab Das Avaya 12000.00 Sumit kumar Basu Avaya 12000.00 Tamal Sen Sharma Avaya 12000.00 Raghab Dasgupta Avaya 12000.00 Rajib Banerjee Avaya 12000.00 (Shows 2nd,4th and 5th field of all records where 3rd field contains the word ‘ Programmer’) $ awk -F"|" '$3~ /Manager/ && $4~ /Nestle/ ' name.lst 0009 | Anindya Das | Manager | Nestle| 30000.00| (Shows the records where 3rd field contains the string ‘Manager’ and 4th field contains the string ‘Nestle’. $ awk -F"|" '$3!~ /Programmer|Accountant/' name.lst 0001 | Subhendu Majumdar | Team Lead | Avaya | 25000.00| 0012 | Damini Sen | Operator | Nestle | 10000.00| 0007 | Akash Nag 0009 | Anindya Das 0019 | Sougata Das | Salesman | Nestle| 7800.00 | | Manager | Nestle| 30000.00| | Manager | Avaya | 50000.00| (Shows all records where 3rd fiels contains strings other than Programmer and Accountant) $ awk -F"|" '$5>=30000 { printf "%20s t t %d n" , $2, $5 }' name.lst Anindya Das 30000 Sougata Das 50000 (Shows the name and salary of persons with salary >=30,000) $ awk -F"|" '$3~ /Manager/ { > kount = kount + 1 > print kount,$2 } ' name.lst 1 Anindya Das 2 Sougata Das $ awk -F"|" '$5>=30000 { printf "%20s t t %d n" , $2, $5 }' name.lst Anindya Das 30000 Sougata Das 50000 (Shows the name and salary of persons with salary >=30,000) $ cat salavg.awk BEGIN { printf "\n\t\t Salary Report of Managers \n\n" } $3~ /Manager/ { kount++ tot = tot + $5 print kount,$2,$5 } END { print "\n\nTotal managers found is :",kount print "Average salary is :",tot/kount } $ awk -F"|" -f salavg.awk name.lst Salary Report of Managers 1 Anindya Das 2 Sougata Das 30000.00 50000.00 Total managers found is : 2 Average salary is : 40000 String Operators (A) Concatenating Strings x = “abc””def” # x = abcdef y = “ghi” z=xy # z = abcdefghi Built-in String Functions Functions Significance gsub( <reg>,<string>,<target>) Substitutes string <string> in string <target> every time the regular expression <reg> is matched index( <search>,<string> ) Returns the position of the string <search> in string <string> length(<string>) Returns the length of the string <string> match( <string> , <reg>) Returns the position in string <string> that matches the expression <reg> split(<string>,<store>,<delim>) Splits string <string> into array elements of <store> based on delimiter <delim> sub(<reg>,<string>,<target>) Substitutes string <string> in <target> the first time the regular expression <reg> is matched. Built-in String Functions Functions Significance substr(<string>,<pos>,<len>) Extracts the portion of the string <string> starting from position <pos> of length <len> tolower(<string>) Translates the string <string> rto lower case toupper(<string>) Translates the string <string> rto upper case Use of Character Functions in awk $ cat awkf.awk $5 >= 30000 { print "Length of the string is : " , length ( $2 ) print "First three characters are : " , substr( $2,1,3 ) print "String in lowercase is : " , tolower( $2 ) print "String in uppercase is : " , toupper( $2 ) nm = substr( $2,2,4 ) print " 2nd to 5th characters are :", nm } Use of Character Functions in awk…Contd $ awk -F"|" -f awkf.awk name.lst Length of the string is : 19 First three characters are : An String in lowercase is : anindya das String in uppercase is : ANINDYA DAS 2nd to 5th characters are : Anin Length of the string is : 19 First three characters are : So String in lowercase is : sougata das String in uppercase is : SOUGATA DAS 2nd to 5th characters are : Soug Use of Character Functions in awk…Use of Split function $ cat split.awk BEGIN { FS="|" printf "\n Details of name of the Employees : " print "\n\t Name \t\t\t\t First name \t\t Last name" print "\n\t............................................................" } $5 > 15000 { split( $2 , a , " " ) print "\n\t", $2, "\t\t", a[1] , "\t\t" , a[2] } Use of Character Functions in awk…Use of Split function $ awk -f split.awk name.lst Details of name of the Employees : Name First name Last name ………………………........................................................... Subhendu Majumdar Subhendu Majumdar Anindya Das Anindya Das Sougata Das Sougata Das Special String Constants Expression Significance \\ Backslash \a Alert or bell character \b Backspace \f Formfeed \n Newline \r Carriage return \t Tab character \v Vertical tab \” Double quote Built-in Numerical Functions Expression Significance cos(x) Cosine of x in radians int(x) Integer value of x exp(x) Returns e raised to power of x log(x) Natural log of x rand( ) Returns random number between 0 and 1 sin(x) Returns the sine of x in radians sqrt(x) Returns square root of x systime() Current time in seconds since midnight, Jan 1,1970 Arithmetic Functions Expression Significance x^y Raises x to the power of y x**y Raises x to the power of y x%y Calculates the reminder of division of x by y x+y Adds y to x x-y Subtracts y from x x*y Multiplies y with x x/y Divides ‘x’ by ‘y’ x++ Increments x by 1 and then uses it ++x Uses x and then increments it by 1 y-- Decrements y by 1 and then uses it --y Uses y and then decrements it Arithmetic Functions Expression Significance x+=y x = x+y x-=y x = x-y x*=y x = x*y x/=y x = x/y x++=y x=x+1+y Arrays Arrays are normally used to handle more than one related piece of data. One accesses the individual elements within an array by enclosing the subscript within double brackets. In AWK, one does not have to declare a variable to be an array, and does not have to define the maximum no. of elements. When one uses an element for the first time, it is created. In awk arrays, subscript is a string ; viz., tot_sales[“Cal”] = 10.15 One can use this in conditional flow:- If “Cal” in tot_sales Delete tot_sales[“Cal”] Multidimensional Arrays One can use two subscripts to form a multi-dimensional array. Example : tot_sales[“India”,”Calcutta”] = 100 And can use this in conditional statements also:- If (“India”,”Calcutta”) in tot_sales Examples of Arrays BEGIN { FS = "|" print "\n\t Name \t\t Basic \t\t da \t\t hra \n" print "---------------------------------------------------------------" } $3~ /Manager/ { da = $5 * 0.25; hra = $5 * 0.3; print $2 ,"\t" , $5 , "\t" , da , "\t\t" , hra ; tot[1] += $5; tot[2] += da ; tot[3] += hra ; tot[4] += $5 + da + hra ; } END { print "\n-------------------------------------------------------------" print "Total" , "\t\t\t" , tot[1] , "\t\t" , tot[2] , "\t\t" , tot[3] ; print "---------------------------------------------------------------" print "\n\n Grand Total : ", tot[4] ; } Examples of Arrays…contd $ awk –f salcalc.awk name.lst Name Basic da hra --------------------------------------------------------------Anindya Das 30000.00 7500 9000 Sougata Das 50000.00 12500 15000 ------------------------------------------------------------Total 80000 20000 24000 --------------------------------------------------------------- Multidimensional Arrays-Examples $ cat pop.lst India|Chennai|West|150000 India|Calcutta|North|234500 India|Calcutta|East|134500 India|Chennai|East|100000 India|Calcutta|South|234508 India|Calcutta|Wast|100500 Multidimensional Arrays-Examples…contd $ cat pop.awk BEGIN { system(" tput clear " ); print "\n\nPopulation in different parts of the cities in India\n\n" FS = "|" } { print $2 , "\t" , "\t" , $3 , "\t" , $4 ; tot_pop[$1,$2]+=$4; } END { print "--------------------------------------------------------" print "Population for Calcutta : " ,tot_pop["India","Calcutta"]; print "Population for Chennai" , tot_pop["India","Chennai"]; } Multidimensional Arrays-Examples…contd $ awk –f pop.awk pop.lst Population in different parts of the cities in India Chennai West 150000 Calcutta North 234500 Calcutta East 134500 Chennai East 100000 Calcutta South 234508 Calcutta West 100500 -------------------------------------------------------Population for Calcutta : 704008 Population for Chennai 250000 Conditional Flow { if ……….. else if …….. else if …….. else ……… } $ cat sal.awk 4 ~/Nestle/ { if ( $5 > 10000 ) print $2 , $5 , "Taxable"; else print $2 , $5 , "Non taxable"; } $ awk -F"|" -f sal.awk name.lst Damini Sen 10000.00 Non taxable Akash Nag 7800.00 Non taxable Anindya Das 30000.00 Taxable Conditional Flow To substitute ‘if’ test anywhere in the code:condition ? True : false $ cat sal.awk $4 ~/Nestle/ { $5 > 10000 ? taxyn = "Taxable" : taxyn = "Non taxable" ; print $2 , $5 , taxyn ; } $ awk -F"|" -f sal.awk name.lst Damini Sen 10000.00 Non taxable Akash Nag 7800.00 Non taxable Anindya Das 30000.00 Taxable Loops Loops can be of three types : • Do • While • For Used to perform some repeatitive jobs. Do Loop do <statement> While ( <conditions> ) statement in any of the above constructs may be either a simple statement or a series of statements enclosed in { } Example of Do Loop $ cat doloop.awk BEGIN { linesep = "-"; linedraw = "-"; FS = "|"; } { res = $5 / 1000 ; do { linedraw = linedraw"-" ; res--; } while ( res >= 1 ); print $2 , linedraw ; linedraw = linesep ; } Example of Do Loop…contd $ awk –f doloop.awk name.lst Subhendu Majumdar -------------------------Raghab Das ------------- Sumit kumar Basu ------------- Tamal Sen Sharma ------------Ratna Sengupta ------------- Raghab Dasgupta Rajib Banerjee ------------- ------------- Damini Sen ----------- Akash Nag -------- Anindya Das ------------------------------- Sougata Das --------------------------------------------------- While Loop While ( <condition> ) statement statement in any of the above constructs may be either a simple statement or a series of statements enclosed in { } Example of While Loop $ cat while.loop BEGIN { linesep = "-"; linedraw = "-"; FS = "|"; } { res = $5 / 1000 ; while ( res >= 1 ) { linedraw = linedraw linesep ; res--; } print $2 , linedraw ; linedraw = linesep ; } Example of While Loop…contd $ awk –f while.loop name.lst Subhendu Majumdar -------------------------Raghab Das ------------- Sumit kumar Basu ------------- Tamal Sen Sharma ------------Ratna Sengupta ------------- Raghab Dasgupta Rajib Banerjee ------------- ------------- Damini Sen ----------- Akash Nag -------- Anindya Das ------------------------------- Sougata Das --------------------------------------------------- For Loop For ( <var> = <value> , var <operator> <value_last> , <var> [++|--] <statements> For ( <subscript> in <array> ) <statement> statement in any of the above constructs may be either a simple statement or a series of statements enclosed in { } Example of For Loop $ cat for.loop BEGIN { linesep = "-"; linedraw = "-"; FS = "|"; } { res = $5 / 1000 ; for ( res = res ; res >= 1 ; res -- ) { linedraw = linedraw linesep ; res--; } print $2 , linedraw ; linedraw = linesep ; } Example of For Loop…contd $ awk –f for.loop name.lst Subhendu Majumdar -------------------------Raghab Das ------------- Sumit kumar Basu ------------- Tamal Sen Sharma ------------Ratna Sengupta ------------- Raghab Dasgupta Rajib Banerjee ------------- ------------- Damini Sen ----------- Akash Nag -------- Anindya Das ------------------------------- Sougata Das --------------------------------------------------- Loop Breaking Statements Statement Break Continue Significance Exits the loop Leaves the current record and continues with the next record in the loop from beginning of the loop processing statements. Pretty formatting - printf Syntax : printf( format_specifier, var1, var2,…..varn) Format Meaning %c Ascii character %d Integer %i Integer %e Floating point number using scientific notation %f Floating point number(eg., 10.43) %s String of characters %g Awk chooses %e or %f display format(whichever is shorter) suppressing non-significant zeroes. Output to another file Statement Significance Printf( “Hello world\n”) > “datafile” Creates a file called datafile with the output Printf( “Hello world\n”) >> “datafile” Appends the output at the end of existing file “datafile” or creates a new file. A file should be closed after it receives output from an awk program. Syntax : close(“filename”) Functions Block of code, accesses usually in multiple places in the code. When awk reaches the end of the function, it implicitly returns the control to the calling routine. To make an explicit return to the main program, one can explicitly use the return statement. Syntax : function fname(parameter list) { < function_code> } Example of Functions $ cat subcalc.awk BEGIN { FS = "|" show_heading( "\n\t Name \t\t Basic \t\t da \t\t hra \n" ) ; show_heading( "-------------------------------------------------"); } $3~ /Manager/ { da = calc_comp(0.25,$5) ; hra = calc_comp(0.3,$5) ; print $2 ,"\t" , $5 , "\t" , da , "\t\t" , hra ; } function show_heading(heading) { print heading ; } function calc_comp(rate,val) { val = val * rate ; return val ; } Example of Functions…contd $ awk –f salcalc.awk name.lst Name Basic da hra --------------------------------------------------------------Anindya Das 30000.00 7500 9000 Sougata Das 50000.00 12500 15000 Use of inputs from user in awk program BEGIN { FS="|" printf "%20s%3d\n\n", "Cut-off basic pay : ",cobp } $5 > cobp { kount++ print $2 , $3 , $5 , "\n" } END { print "\n\n The End\n\n" } Use of inputs from user in awk program…Contd $ awk -v cobp=15000 -f tkinp.awk name.lst Cut-off basic pay : 15000 Subhendu Majumdar Team Lead 25000.00 Anindya Das Manager Sougata Das Manager The End 30000.00 50000.00 Controlling Environment The Unix environment is controlled by a number of pre-defined environment variables. They are usually defined in the file ‘.profile’ for the user or are defined by user as and when required. Pre-defined variable Significance ERRNO Non-zero exit code of last command that failed. Value changes only when a command fails LINENO Meaningful only within a shell script. Its value is the line no. of the line in the script currently being executed OLDPWD Value is always the full pathname of the directory where the control resided before coming into current working directory PWD Current working directory SECONDS Integer number of seconds since one invoked the Korn shell PPID Value of the process id of the parent process of $$ PATH Absolute directory path under which the programs for the commands reside. Pre-defined variable Significance EDITOR Vi or emacs CDPATH List of colon separated directory name, which is followed by the system when the user issues a ‘cd’ command ENV Pathname of the shell script containing commands to be executed when the korn shell is invoked HISTFILE Filename of the korn shell history file HISTSIZE Integer number containing maximum number of commands to be retained in history files HOME Pathname of home directory for an user Pre-defined variable Significance IFS Zero/more characters to be treated by the shell as de-limiters when parsing a command line into words or using the read command COLUMNS Display width used by Korn shell edit mode- vi or emacs LINES Integer number representing the number of lines displayed by the terminal. MAIL Pathname of a file to be monitored by the shell for a change in its date of last modification. If change is noted, the shell issues the message : You have mail at the next oppurtunity MAILCHECK No. of seconds after which the shell should check for a change in the MAIL file PS1 Primary shell prompt string.Prompt where commands are issued by the user Pre-defined variable Significance PS2 Secondary prompt screen. Shown when a command pawns more than one line. PS4 Debug prompt screen , shown when a shell program is executed using –v option. SHELL Pathname of the shell the user is using TERM Symbolic alpha numeric string that identifies the type of your terminal TMOUT Seconds after which automatic logout occurs. stty Controls terminal output and sets terminal characteristics Options Significance stty –a Displays all current settings stty –echoe Enables backspacing remove character from the display stty –echo Keyboard entry is not echoed stty echo Keyboard entry is echoed stty intr ^Z Sets <Ctrl-Z> as the interrupt key stty eof \ ^a Sets <Ctrl-a> to terminate output and declare end-offile, for eg., while creating file using cat command stty erase ‘^H’ Typing <Ctrl-H> helps to remove the last character typed stty quit ‘^d’ Typing <Ctrl-d> enables aborting the current shell Options Significance stty susp ‘^Z’ Enables suspending a foreground process when <ctrl-Z> is pressed stty stop ‘^S’ Enables halting the current session by pressing ‘^S’ stty start ‘^Q’ Enables starting the current halted session by pressing ‘^Q’ stty rows 20 Set 20 rows in display stty rows 20 column 80 Sets 20 rows and 80 columns in display stty iuclc Maps uppercase alphabets to lowercase stty olcuc Maps lowercase alphabets to uppercase stty size Gives the current screen size in terms of rows and columns stty eol ‘^J’ Pressing <Ctrl-J> does the job of ending a line stty sane Set the terminal characteristics to values that will work for most terminals Process This section will give you a brief idea on Process Running Jobs Scheduling Jobs What is a process? Process is a program that has its own address space. Every command fired in Unix has a process associated with it. Is born when a program starts execution, and remains alive as long as the program is active.After execution is complete, it dies. Has a name, usually the name of the program being executed. Kernel controls the process Kernel is finally responsible for managing the process. Determines time and priorities allocated to processed, enabling multiple processes to share CPU resources. Each one is uniquely identified by PID, Process Identifier, allocated by the Kernel when it is born. Sh Process A process is immediately set up by the Kernel when a user logs into Unix system.This os usually a Unix command(sh/ksh/bash etc). Any command executed is actually input to the shell process. Can be known from the value of shell variable ‘$$’. This process for the shell remains alive till the user logs out. Parent and Child process Every process has a parent process(except the root process). When a command is executed from the shell prompt, that becomes a child process to the parent shell process. A parent process can ave more than one child process Cat name.lst| grep ‘student’ Both the process : cat and grep have same parent (shell) process ps – process status Displays the attributes of a process Command Significance ps Selects the process associated with the current terminal.Shows output in four columns: PID, TTY(terminal info), TIME(total cpu time used by the process), CMD(command gererating the process) ps –f Displays process ancestry.Produces 8 column output:- UID(userid),PID,PPID(Parent PID), C( amt of CPU time consumed by a process),STIME(time the process started),TIME,CMD Command Significance ps –u ems2000 Displays processed of user : ems2000 ps –a Displays all processes of all users; excepting the system processes ps –x ps –e Shows command line in extended format Displays system processes How a process is created in Unix? Forking : A copy of the the process that invokes a new process is created.Child gets a new PID. Exec : The parent then overwrites its image with a copy of the program to be executed. Done with exec system call. No additional process is created at this stage. Wait: Parent then executes the wait system call to keep waiting for the child process to complete. After the child process is completely executed, a terminal signal is sent to the parent. Internal and External Commands External program : Commands like : cat, ls, grep, sed etc are external programs.Shell creates a process for each of these commands. Shell Scripts : Shell executes shell scripts by spawning to another shell, which then becomes the parent of the commands featured in the script. Internal Commands : These are commands which are executed directly by the current shell. No additional processes are generated. Example : cd , echo etc Running jobs in background Unix is a multi-tasking system , allowing to perform more than one job at a time. One job can be executed in foreground at a time, but many can be executed at background. ‘&’ operator at the end of the command line interprets the job to be done at background. Shell returns the PID of the background job for tracking. Job control in Korn and Bash Shells Korn or bash shell users can use the job control facility of the shell to manipulate jobs.One can put a job in the background, bring it back to foreground, suspend it, run it later, or even kill it. bg You are running a job in the foreground. It is taking a lot of time. You want to do some other jobs. Press ^Z. The job running in the foreground will be suspended. Enter the command : bg at the OS prompt and push it to be executed in the background. Unix will return you a PID for the process pushed to background. jobs Shows the jobs running in background. Command : jobs –l prints PID of each job besides job number. This command is used by the user to push a job from background to foreground. fg Used to bring a background job to foreground and execute it. fg [%<job_no>] brings the job from background to foreground and executes it. For example , issuing of the command : fg %2 executes job number 2 (viewed by jobs command) from background to foreground and executes it. Execution of fg command alone from the OS prompt resumes latest created background process to be executed inforeground. stop Syntax : stop [%<job_no>] Pauses a job which is being executed in background. One can use the command : bg to resume execution of the stopped job in background or can issue command : fg to bring it to foreground and execute it. kill Syntax : kill [options] <PID> System often requires to control execution of a process. This is done by sending signals to the process. The process, after receiving the signal, may ignore it, terminate itself, or do something else. The command : kill is used to terminate or suspend a process running in background, taking unusual long time. Example Significance kill 2905 Kills the process with Pid : 2905 kill –9 2905 kill –s SIGKILL 2905 Surely kills a process with PID 2905 kill –15 2906 kill –s SIGTERM 2906 Terminates the process with PID 2906 kill –24 2900 kill –25 2900 Pause the process with PID 2900 kill –26 2900 kill –s SIGCONT 2900 Start the paused process with PID 2900 kill &! Kill the latest background job nice Processes in the Unix are usually executed with equal priority. But, high priority jobs must be executed at the earliest. Unix offers : nice command to change the priority of execution of jobs. Ordinary users can only reduce priority; super user can do both. Nice value ranges from 0 to 39 ; commands run with a value of 20 in both. Example : nice –n 15 prog1.sh & The above command reduces the pririty value to 35 The nice and priority values of the processes can be displayed with ps –l command. batch Schedules job for later execution, when the system load permits it. Prevents too many high load jobs to run at the same time. Syntax for running a program : batch < prog1.sh Any job scheduled in this way also goes to the at queue and can be removed using : at –r , provided it is fired before the job has been executed. at Schedules a program for execution at a specified time. Displays a list of scheduled jobs. Removes jobs from the scheduled list. Flag Significance -l Displays the list of jobs scheduled by the user -m Mail a report of successful execution of the job -r <joblist> Remove the jobs specified in the joblist from queue Examples Significance at 2300 my_job.sh at 11:00 pm my_job.sh at 11:00 P my_job.sh Executes program my_job.sh at 11:00 pm tonight at 2300 today my-job.sh at now + 6 hours njb.sh Schedules execution of njb.sh after 6 hours from now at 6:30 pm next week njb.sh Schedules execution of program : njb.sh at 6:30 pm next week at now + 1 year njb.sh Schedules execution of program : njb.sh after 1 year from now at 3:08 pm + 1 day njb.sh Schedules execution of program : njb.sh at 3:08 pm tomorrow. Examples Significance at 9 am Mon njb.sh Schedules execution of njb.sh at 9 am coming Monday. at 9 am tomorrow Schedules execution of njb.sh at 9 am tomorrow. at now + 5 minutes < njb.sh at –f njb.sh now + 5 minutes at 08:15 Jan 12 < njb.sh Schedules execution of njb.sh after 5 minutes from now. Schedule execution of njb.sh at 08:15 am on January 24. cron Runs jobs periodically. Mostly dormant, but wakes every minute and checks for a file in /usr/spool/cron/crontabs directory for programs to be executed at that instant. A user may be permitted to place a crontab file after his login name in this directory. This file contains a list of commands, along with a schedule for execution. Sample format for a crontab file First field indicates number of minutes after the hour when the command is to be executed. The range 00-10 schedules every minute in the first 10 minutes of the hour. Second fields indicates the hour in the 24 hour format for scheduling. 3rd field(1 to 31) controls the day of the month. ‘*’ means all. 4th field(1-12) indicates the month 5th field(0-6) indicates the day of the week(Sunday with 0) 6th field contains the command User can modify the file containing his cron commands as follows:Create a file : cron.txt in the format described earlier. Issue the following command from the Os prompt: crontab cron.txt. There will be now a file ‘ems2000’( for eg., the name of the user) in /usr/spool/cron/crontabs with the contents of cron.txt. One can see the contents of crontab file issuing the command : crontab -l System Administration System Administration shutdown Shutdown Unix server su Go as you like wall Send message to everybody umask Set Default Permission ulimit Set maxm. Space for user du Show disk usage df Free bytes available finger Show User information crypt Password protect a file shutdown Executed from the root user to shut down the system. Commands Significance shutdown –g2 Powers down system after 2 minutes shutdown –y –g0 Immediate shutdown shutdown –y –g0 –i6 Shutdown and reboot shutdown 17:30 Shutdown at 5:30 pm shutdown –r now Shutdown and reboot shutdown –m Bring the system down to maintenance(single user mode) su Takes to super user mode. Commands Significance su Takes to super user mode. One can have all the accesses same as the root user. Root password is required after executing the command su mat One logs in as the user : mat. Asks for the password. wall Addresses all the users simultaneously. $ wall …………. ………… ^D All the text written will be reflected in the terminals of all the users. $ wall < mesg.txt Contents of the file mesg.txt are sent as the wall message. umask Used by System Administrator to set the default permissions to assign to each file to be created by the user. User can modify this default settings. To give permission 751 as a default to newly created files, umask value will be (777 – 751) = 026. This value is assigned as a command : umask 026 ulimit Faulty programs or processes can eat up disk space.So, a restriction is to be imposed on the mazimum size of a file that an user is permitted to create. Ordinary user can reduce the default value . Super user can increase / decrease it. Examples Significance ulimit –a Shows soft limits ulimit –Ha Shows the hard limits ulimit –t <size> Set the CPU time in seconds ulimit –f <size> Set the maxm. Size in blocks ulimit –d <size> Sets the maxm. size of data blocks in KB ulimit –m <size> Sets the maxm. Size of memory in KB. du Shows disk usage – amount of space taken by a group of files in units of 512 bytes or KB. Descends all sub-directories from the directory in which the command is fired. Flag Significance -a Print entries for each file encountered in the directory hierarchies in additional to the normal output -k Give the block count in terms of 1024 bytes -s Give the grand total of disk usage for each of the directories -r Print messages about directories that cannot be read, files cannot be accessed etc. df Displays the number of free 512 byte blocks and free inodes available for file systems by examining the count kept in the superblocks. Flag Significance -b Reports only the number of KB free -e Report the number of files free -f Reports only the actual count of the blocks in the free list -i Reports the total number of inodes, number of free inodes, number of used inodes,% of inodes in use -k Reports the allocation in KB finger By default, the command finger lists for each user in the system: Login name Full given name Terminal write status( if write permission is denied) Idle time Login time User’s home directory and login shell Project on which the user is working Any plan put by user in the file .plan under home directory Office location and telephone number Last time the user received the mail, the last time user read the mail. Flag Significance -b Suppresses information on home directory and shell -f Suppresses the header info -h Suppresses the project information -i Suppresses the info on idle time -l Suppresses long output -p Suppresses plan -R Print user’s hostname -s Forces short output format Files accessed while showing output File Significance /etc/utmp Who file /var/admin/utmp Last login file /etc/passwd User’s name, office etc /etc/.plan User’s plan /etc/.project User’s project info /var/mail Mail directory crypt Used to encode/decode files using personal password Options Significance crypt < uncrypted_file > crypted_file Crypts file ‘uncryped_file’ to crypted_file. Asks for a password. crypt passwd < file1 > file2 Crypts file : file1 to : file2 based on the password : passwd crypt passwd < file2 > file1 Decrypts file : file2 to : file1 using the password : passwd vi –x file2 Helps to view an encrypted file : file2. Asks for a password Communication Communication mailx Send and receive mails write Send message to all users ftp Send and receive files rlogin Remote login rcp Copy files to remote server mailx Used to send/receive mails Syntax for sending mails:echo <body> | mailx –s <subject> <remote_address> cat <message file> | mailx –s <subject> <remote_address> Syntax for receiving mails:mailx -e mailx [-HL] [-u user] mailx -f [-HL] [filename] Sending mail Case : 1 $ mailx –s “Test heading” smajum@avaya.com this is a test mail for communication ~. The job performed above will send a mail to : smajum@avaya.com with subject of the mail as : Test heading and body of the mail as : this is a test mail for communication. Case : 2 $ mailx smajum@avaya.com Subject : Test mail number 2 this is a test mail for communication ~. The job performed above will send a mail to : smajum@avaya.com with subject of the mail as : Test mail number 2 and body of the mail as : this is a test mail for communication. If no subject is entered at the command line, a prompt asks for the subject. Case : 3 $ echo “Hello mike”|mailx –s “Heading1” smajum@avaya.com The job performed above will send a mail to : smajum@avaya.com with subject of the mail as : “Heading1” and body of the mail as : “Hello mike”. Case : 4 $ cat msgfile| mailx –s “Heading1” smajum@avaya.com The job performed above will send a mail to : smajum@avaya.com with subject of the mail as : “Heading1” and body of the mail with the texts written in the file : msgfile. Case 5- You want to send a mail to some user and cc it to some other users. $ mailx smajum@avaya.com Subject : Test mail number 2 this is a test mail for communication ~h To: smajum@avaya.com Subject: testing Cc: ddatta@avaya.com Bcc: shampac@avaya.com (continue) testing mail--please ignore ~. EOT . Viewing received mails mailx -e mailx [-HL] [-u user] mailx -f [-HL] [filename] Flag Significance -e Test for presence of mail. mailx prints nothing and exits with a successful return code if there is mail to read. 0 Mail present 1 No mail 2 Other error -f Read messages from filename instead of the user's system mailbox. If filename is not specified, the secondary mbox is used. -H/-L Prints header summary only -u user Read user's mailbox.Can be used only if read access to user's mailbox is not read protected. Options available in viewing received mail When one executes mailx command for viewing received mails:- $ mailx mailx Revision: date: 98/12/01 01:29:55 Type ? for help. "/var/mail/ems2000": 2 messages 2 unread >U 1 smajum@avaya.com Mon Aug 18 04:50 33/1199 RE: 3rd mail U 2 ems2000 schedule Mon Aug 18 03:55 16/561 Program to be re- ?_ It shows a list of unread mails with a ‘?’ prompt below, waiting for commands from the user. Commands available at ‘?’ command prompt Flag Significance <n> Shows message number <n> , the number typed at the first column for every message. type Shows all the messages in one shot, one by one quit(q) Quit mail utility next Shows next message reply <n> Reply to message number <n> mail <user> Opens mail utility to write mail to user <user> write Type text into other user’s terminal for information Case : 1 $ write ems2000 Hello, how are you ^d The command flashes the message : Hello, how are you to all person’s terminal who have logged in as user : ems2000. Case : 2 $ write ems2000 pts/tc Hello, how are you ^d The command flashes the message : Hello, how are you to that person’s terminal who is working in terminal pts/tc and logged in as user : ems2000. Case : 3 $ write ems2000 < fileshow.txt The command flashes the message written in the file : fileshow.txt to all person’s terminal who have logged in as user : ems2000. User must be logged in and mesg should be set to y( mesg=y) for successful write communication. ftp Syntax : ftp [-i] [-v] [-n] <remote_host> Copies file over a network connection between local host to remote host. ftp runs on client server. Flag Significance -i Disable interactive prompting by multiple file commands. -n Disable auto-login. If auto-login is enabled and user issues an ‘open’ command to establish connection to a remote server, he gets login and passwd prompt. If it is disabled by ‘n’, user does not get such prompts. He then writes: user <username> <passwd> in the ftp mode to specify the user and password. -v -v Enables verbose output. IT shows the actions when files are passed from one server to another. Commands fired from ftp mode Command Significance ! <command> Executes command <command> in the local server append <lf> <rf> Copy file <lf> in the local server to the end of file : <rf> in the remote server. If no such file exists in remote server, a new file is created. ascii Sets the file transfer type to ASCII binary Sets the file transfer type to binary bye Close the connection to remote host, if it is open, and exit case Remote file names with name containing all letters in uppercase are translated to lowercase when the file is transported from remote server to local. cd <remdir> Set the working directory in the remote server to <remdir> cdup Set the current directory of the remote server to the parent of current working directory. Command Significance chmod <mode> <file> Changes the mode of the file : <file> to mode <mode> close Terminate the connection to the remote server mdelete <remote_files> Deletes the files in the remote server mdir <rem_files> <lcl_file> Writes a list of remote files to local file <lcl_file> mget <rem_files> Copy remote files to local system get <rem_file> [<lcl_file>] Copt the remote file to local file. mkdir <dirname> Creates a directory <dirname> in remote server. mls <remfiles> <lclfile> Writes an abbreviated listing of remote files to local file <lclfile> modtime <rem_file> Shows the last modification time of remote file <rem_file> mput <local files> Copy files from local server to remote server delete <rem_file> Delete file <rem_file> from the remote server. The file can be an empty directory. Command Significance dir <rem_dir> [<lcl_file>] Shows a listing of remote directory <rem_dir> to terminal/ into local file <lcl_file> . disconnect Close the connection to remote host beep Beeps when command is executed lcd [local_dir] Specifies the current working directory of the local server to directory : <local_dir> . If unspecified, user’s home directory is considered for navigation. newer <file_name> get file if remote file <file_name> is newer than local file <file_name> prompt Toggle forcing interactive prompting on multiple commands runique Toggle store unique for local files. IF turned on, then while receiving files from remote host, if a remote file already exists with a name equal to a local file, a ‘.1’ is appended to the name. For another repeatition, a ‘.2’ is appended till 99 such cases are found. Command Significance size <remote_file> Shows the size of the remote file quit bye reget <remfile> [<lclfile>] Acts like get. If local file <lclfile> exists and is smaller than the remote file <remfile>, local file is assumed to be partially transferred from remote server.Then, the transfer is continued from the apparent point of failure. This command is very useful to transfer very large files over the netwoprk that tend to drop connections. status Shows the current status of ftp- informations are shown on remote server name and all the settings(prompt,type,bell,case etc) sunique Toggle store unique for remote files. If turned on, then while transferring files to remote host, if a remote file already exists with a name equal to a local file, a ‘.1’ is appended to the name of the file transferred from local to remote server.. For another repeatition, a ‘.2’ is appended till 99 such cases are found. Command Significance system Shows the type of operating system running in remote server umask [new mask] Set the default umask on the remote server to new value. IF nothing is specified, the current umask value of the remote server is displayed. help [<command>] If only help is typed from ftp prompt, it shows a list of all commands that can be used from ftp prompt. If a command is mentioned for help, it shows one line help explaining its significance. glob toggle metacharacter expansion of local file names. If put on, one can use ‘*’ , ‘?’ etc characters to specify portion / all of the file name. rlogin Syntax : rlogin <rhost> [-l <username>] Logs into remote host <rhost> as user <username> with/without any password. If the users are same on both remote and local server, then option <username> is not required. Prompting for password depends on the entries in file : /etc/hosts.equiv or .rhosts under remote user’s home directory of the remote server rcp Copies file(s)/directory(ies) from one server to another Copy Single File rcp [-p] <srcfile1> <rem_user> @<remserver>:<pathname>/<dest_file> rcp [-p] <srcfile1> <remuser>@<remserver>:<dest_dir> Copy Multiple Files rcp [-p] <srcfile1> [<file2>]... <remuser>@<remserver>:<dest_dir> Copy One or More Directory Subtrees rcp [-p] -r <srcdir1> [<dir2>]... <remuser>@<remserver>:<dest_dir> Copy Files and Directory Subtrees rcp [-p] -r file_or_dir1 [file_or_dir2]... <remuser>@<remserver>:<dest_dir> Copy files from server1 to server2 by server3 rcp <user1>@<server1>:<pathname>/<file> <user2>@<server2>:<pathname>[/<file>] Shell Programming List of instructions written within a file. Programming logics can be built in. Executes a set of related instructions, saving time,resource and imparts better control. The file has to be executable to make the thing work. Invoking Sub-Shell manually When a script file with execute permission starts running, it runs in a sub-shell under the current shell. One can invoke a sub-shell manually to execute the scripts :$ sh prog1.sh Or $ sh < prog1.sh where prog1.sh is the name of the program. It may not have execute permission at this point of time. Execute a script in the current shell Syntax : . <progname> Whenever a shell script is executed, it runs in a sub-shell under the current shell. To make the script run in the current shell, one have to trigger the program as : . <progname>. The program need not have execute permission before executing in this fashion. Specifying the type of shell There are different kind of shells with different utilities and syntaxes. A shell script running fine in Korn shell, may not run ok in Bourne shell. To specify the interpreter shell, one can execute the program from OS prompt as :$ ksh < prog1.ksh This will execute program prog1.ksh using Korn shell as the interpretor. It is always a better approach to specify the shell at the first line of the program:- #!/bin/ksh Reading from Keyboard The most common practice of any programming is to take input from user at runtime and act on that. ‘Echo’ and ‘read’ statement in shell scripts help us to achieve that. $ cat prog1.sh $ prog1.sh Echo “Enter name:\c” Enter name: Suman read p_name Hello Suman Echo Hello $p_name Defining own variables Defining global and local variables for programming is an indispensable practice. One can declare it at the top of the program /anywhere at the time of usage. Example Significance g_val=20 Declares a variable : g_val and assigns a value 20 to it. g_name=‘two words’ Declares a variable : g_name and assigns a value ‘two words’ to it.Place the value to be assigned within quotes if contains more than one words Example Significance g_val=“” g_val=‘’ g_val= Assigns null value to the variable g_val let g_cnt=20 Declares a variable : g_cnt and assigns a value 20 to it. g_cnt=20 readonly g_val Makes the value in the variable : g_cnt readonly. Further change in the value is not allowed. unset g_cnt Wipes off the value from variable : g_val. Special parameters used by Shell Shell uses some special parameters which imparts us different information on a program/command , various arguments passed to it, success/failure of the program etc. Parameters Significance $0 Name of executed program/command $1,$2…. First, second etc arguments passed to a program $* Complete set of positional parameters as a single string $# Number of arguments passed in command line $? Exit status of last command Parameters Significance $! PID of last background job $$ PID of the current shell $_ Argument passed to the last command Set – Manipulating Positional Parameters The command : set can be used to manipulate different positional parameters($1,$2…) from a string / output of a command $ set Happy birthday to you $ set `date` $ $ $echo $1 $2 $echo $1 $3 $2 $6 $ Happy birthday $ Fri 19 Aug 2003 Shift- Shifting Positional Parameters At a time, one can have values for 9 positional parameters( $1 to $9). To shift their values one place to the left, this command is used. $ set I know this is not a valid issue to discuss at the meeting before the board of directors $echo $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 $ I know this is not a valid issue to $ shift; echo $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 $ know this is not a valid issue to discuss Performing Calculations Expr, echo let and (( )) comes handy cnt_val=`expr $cnt_val + 1` cnt_val=`echo $cnt_val + 1|bc` let cnt_val=cnt_val + max_limit ((z=x+y+2)) cnt=`expr $a \* 2` a=`expr $rt / 2` per=`expr \( $m1 + $m2 \) / 5` echo Displays strings , values in terminal or stores them in files. Examples Significance echo Hello dear String : Hello dear shown in terminal echo hello `hostname` String : Hello sb1dtl02 shown in terminal a=256; echo $a The value of variable a is displayed in terminal string=happy; echo “$string”>del Creates a file called : del or overwrites an existing file , the content of the file being : happy Echo “$string”>>del Appends the contents o the variable $string at the end of the file : del Escape sequences used with echo to format output in terminal Sequence Significance \033[0m Normal display \033[1m Bold display \033[4m Underlined display \033[5m Blinking display \033[7m Display in reverse video \07 Beep \b Backspace \t Tab \r Carriage return \c Positioning the cursor after the statement tput Syntax : tput [<options>] Formats display Options Significance clear Clears the screen cup r c Moves cursor to row r and column c bold Bold display blink Blinking display rev Reverse display smul Starts mode underline rmul Ends mode underline bel Bells the terminal lines Echoes no. of lines in the screen ed Clear to end of display el Clear to end of line Decision making – If Making decisions based on conditions is the most popular practice in every programming language. Shell provides decision building using “If” statements. If <conditions> If <conditions> If <conditions> then then then <actions> <actions> <actions> else elif <conditions> fi <actions> fi then <actions> else <actions> fi echo "Enter a value:\c" read val if test $val -gt 100 then echo Value $val greater than 100 elif test $val -ge 50 -a $val -lt 100 then echo Between 50 and 100 elif test $val -gt 0 -a $val -lt 50 then echo Between 50 and 100 else echo No comments fi Test Used to compare numerical values,strings,find properties of different files etc. Numericl test operators Significance -gt Greater than -lt Lesser than -eq(=) Equal to -ne(!=) Not equal to -ge Greater than or equal to -le Lesser than or equal to String test operators Significance string1 = string2 True if string1 is same as string2 string1 != string2 True if string1 is not equal to string2 -n string True if string length >0 -z string True if string length = 0 while [ -z "$userid" ] do tput cup 5 5 echo "Enter userid:\c" read userid done if test $userid = super then tput cup 11 5 echo No such userid allowed exit fi while [ -z "$pswd" ] do tput cup 7 5 echo "Enter password:\c" stty -echo read pswd stty echo done while [ -z "$npswd" ] do tput cup 9 5 echo "Confirm password:\c" stty -echo read npswd stty echo done if test $pswd = $npswd then tput cup 11 5 echo o.k else echo wrong entry.... fi And,Or Operators Significance -a and -o or echo "Enter city and state:\c" E x a m p l e read city state if test $city = cal -a $state = wb then echo You stay in Calcutta and in West Bengal elif test $city != cal -a $state = wb then echo You stay in West Bengal, not in Calcutta elif test $state != wb -a \( $city = bom -o $city = del \) then echo you stay in other metros fi Case Used to build logic depending on different values of same object. Syntax case <variable> in <value1>) <actions> ;; <value2>) <actions> ;; *) <actions> esac echo "Enter an animal:\c" read animal case "$animal" in [Tt]iger|[Ll]ion) echo He is the king;; Crow|Sparrow|parrot) echo They are birds;; [0-9]*) echo Name cannot start with numbers;; ?) echo You entered a single alphabet only;; ??) echo You entered two alphabets only;; [hH]ip*m*) echo Is it hippo?;; *) echo Correct entry , but could not be identified esac Loop processing Three common loops used in shell scripts are :1. While 2. Until 3. For While Syntax while <condition is true> do <actions> done while [ -z "$userid" ] do tput cup 5 5 echo "Enter userid:\c" read userid done Until Syntax until <control does not return true> do <actions> done echo "Enter number:\c" read no until [ $no -gt 10 ] do echo $no ((no=no+1)) done # till $no is not greater than 10 For Syntax for <variable> in <value1> <value2> <value3> …. do <actions> done for city in bombay delhi calcutta do echo $city is a metro city done Loop breaking statements Statement Significance break Control comes out of the loop completely continue Does not proceed with current record further and starts processing the next record from the start of the loop n=20 while [ $n -le 100 ] do echo $n ((n=n+1)) if test $n -eq 30 then break fi done n=0 while test $n -le 10 do ((n=n+1)) if test $n -eq 5 then continue fi echo $n>>del done Sleep Syntax: sleep < number of seconds> Idly waits for number of seconds specified. Mainly used to display an event clearly to user. Basename Extracts the base filename from an absolute pathname Example:$ basename /home/ems2000/shell_scripts/ppc1.sh ppc1.sh When used with second argument, it strips off the second argument from the first Example:- $ basename ppc1.sh .sh ppc1 The here document (<<) Shell offers a mechanism of data to be read by a shell script to be read from itself rather than from another file. The here operator(<<) comes handy. E x a m p l e echo "Enter city code:\c" read city_code grep "^$city_code" << stcity 01 Calcutta 02 Bombay stcity if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then echo invalid code fi Putting all the inputs at a time A program may ask for different inputs several times and at several points of execution.Instead of putting the inputs when they are asked for by the program, one can put all of them at a time while calling the program for execution. echo “First name:\c" read fname echo “Middle name:\c" read mname echo “Last name:\c" read lname echo your full name is $fname $mname $lname $ prog8.sh<<end > soma > sen > gupta > end First name:Middle name:Last name:your full name is soma sen gupta Set -- : Help Command Substitution Command ‘set’ is often required with command substitution. If the output of the command executed begins with ‘-’( as with ls –l), ‘set’ interprets it as one of its options ,thus giving error messages. By default, set displays all environment variables. This creates problem when the argument in its command line evaluates to null string ( for eg., in set `grep <srchstring> <filename(s)> ` statements. IF the pattern cannot be located, set will operate with no arguments and will display all the environment variables on the terminal. To avoid this, use : set -- `command line` option. echo "Enter city code:\c" read city set --`grep "^$city" <<tillend 01 Calcutta India WestBengal 02 Mumbai India Maharashtra tillend` if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then echo "\n\tCity code : $1" echo "\n\tCity name : $2" echo "\n\tCountry : $3" echo "\n\tState else echo Invalid code fi : $4" Command grouping Group Significance () Executes the commands placed inside ‘(‘ and ‘)’ separated by ‘;’ in a sub-shell under the current shell. They have the same PID { } Same as above; but uses current shell only. The closing curly brace must be on a separate line. To have both the braces on the same line, terminate the last command with a ‘;’ $pwd /home/ems2000 $ ( cd scripts;pwd ) /home/ems2000/scripts $pwd /home/ems2000 $pwd /home/ems2000 $ { cd scripts;pwd; } /home/ems2000/scripts $pwd /home/ems2000/scripts Conditional Execution Group Significance cmd1 && cmd2 Command cmd2 is executed only when command cmd1 succeeds cmd1 || cmd2 Command cmd2 is executed only when command cmd1 fails cmd1 || cmd2 && cmd3 Metacharacter coming first gets higher priority $grep ems2000 prog.sh && echo “String found” String found $ grep ems99876 prog.sh || echo “String not found” String not found String Handling Syntax Significance $ expr “<string>” : ‘.*’ Finds the length of the string : <string> $ expr “<string>” : ‘…\(..\)’ Extracts the fourth and fifth character from the string $expr “<string>” : ‘[^d]*<char>’ Locates position of character <char> in the string <string> Example Significance $ expr “Training” : ‘.*’ 8 Finds the length of the string : Training $ expr “Subhendu” : ‘…\(..\)’ he Extracts the fourth and fifth character from the string $expr “Anamoly” : ‘[^d]*l’ 6 Locates position of character ‘l’ within string : Anamoly Conditional Parameter Substitution Syntax : {<variable> : <option> <stg>} Option Significance s + Variable <var> evaluates to <stg> if <var> is defined and a nonnull string is assigned to it. dir1=`ls` echo ${dir1:+”This directory is not empty”} - Variable <var> is evaluated to <stg> if it is undefined or assigned a null string Echo “Enter directory to be copied:\c” read dirto dir_child=${dirto:-/home/ems2000/scripts} IF dirto is null or not set, dir_child=/home/ems2000/scripts. The value of dirto is still null Options Significance = If the variable <var> is null, it is assigned the string <stg>. echo “Enter filename:\c” read flname grep $pattern ${flname:=emp.lst} IF flname is null, flname=emp.lst ? Evaluates the parameter if the variable is assigned and nonnull, otherwise it echoes the string following it. The shell is also terminated. This option is useful in terminating a script if the user fails to respond properly to shell directives. echo “Enter pattern:\c” read pattern ${pattern:? “No pattern”} Shell variables($1,$2 etc) can also be used instead of <var> Merging Streams Usually, the inputs required for a program are typed in by user in terminal, all the outputs in terms of messages and all the error messages ( shell genarated) are shown in the terminal . But, one can make a program take inputs from a file, store outputs(messages) and / or error messages in a file, instead of displaying them in a terminal. Symbol Significance 0 Standard input 1 Standard output 2 Standard error Example Significance $ prog2.sh > sclist All the output messages and prompts will be taken into file : sclist. However, the inputs to the program will be received from terminal. $ cat prog2.sh echo "Enter pattern:\c" read pattern echo “\nPattern is $pattern" $ prog2.sh > outlist Patternfromterminal $ $ cat outlist Enter pattern: Pattern is Patternfromterminal $ # Enter pressed # written from terminal Example Significance $ prog1.sh < namelist All the inputs prompted by program prog1.sh are taken from file : namelist $ cat prog1.sh echo "Enter first name:\c" read fname echo “\nEnter last name:\c" read lname echo “\nWelcome $fname $lname" $ cat namelist Suman Das $ prog1.sh <namelist Enter first name: Enter last name: Welcome Suman Das Example Significance $ prog1.sh < namelist > sclist All the inputs prompted by program prog1.sh are taken from file : namelist and all the output messages are stored in file : sclist $ cat prog1.sh echo "Enter first name:\c" read fname echo “\nEnter last name:\c" read lname echo “\nWelcome $fname $lname" $ cat namelist Suman Das $ prog1.sh <namelist >sclist $ cat sclist Enter first name: Enter last name: Welcome Suman Das Example Significance $ 1>&2 Send the standard output to the destination of standard error $ cat prog2.sh ans=y while [ "$ans" = "y" -o "$ans" = "Y" ] do echo "\n Enter city:\c" 1>&2 read city echo "$city" echo "\n More(y/n):\c" 1>&2 read ans done $prog2.sh > out.1 Enter city:calcutta More(y/n):y Enter city:bombay More(y/n):n $cat outlist calcutta bombay Example Significance $ 2>&1 Send the errors to the destination of standard output $ cat prog3.sh echo "Searching all the .kkl files" ls -ltr *.kkl $ prog3.sh Searching all the .kkl files *.kkl not found $prog3.sh > out.2 *.kkl not found $cat out.2 Searching all the .kkl files *.kkl not found $ prog3.sh>out.2 2>&1 $ $cat out.2 Searching all the .kkl files Using subroutines Using subroutines is one of the most popular practice in any programming language. Codes in a subroutine does a piece of job. It can take inputs from an user, do some jobs and can return some value to the calling program. Subroutines are used to:• Modularize program sections. •Perform repeatitive jobs. •Do Calculations. Syntax:<subroutine_name> { <actions> } function <function_name> { <actions> } Inputs to a subroutine are identified within the subroutine as : $1,$2,$3 …etc. A subroutine is called from a program as :<subroutine_name> [ <value1>] [ <value2> …] Subroutines are always declared at the top of a program Passing values to subroutines $ cat prog0.sh show_name() { case "$1" in [bB]) tput bold echo "$2";; [lL]) tput rev echo "$2";; *) tput rmso echo "$2" esac } show_name b `whoami` show_name l `hostname` show_name n `uname -r` show_name n “The End” Subroutine returning values $ incr_val() { sum=`expr $1 + 1` echo $sum } no=12 no=`incr_val $no` echo value is $no $ prog2.sh value is 13 $ function show_name { grep "$1" *.ksh if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then return 1 else return 2 Fi } echo "Enter pattern:\c" read pattern show_name "$pattern" if [ $? -eq 1 ] ; then echo "Pattern found..." else echo "Not found" fi