

Jeopardy Directions

• In Jeopardy, remember the answer is in the form of a question.

• Select a question by clicking on it.

• After reading the question, click on the word “answer” on the bottom of the screen.

• After seeing the answer, click on the picture of Alex

Trebec to return to the question board.

• Keep track of score with your partner.

• Play the final Jeopardy question together betting with the points you have each earned.

Click here to begin.

Whole Number Review Jeopardy

Place Value/


Forms of


Powers of





Q $100

Q $200

Q $300

Q $400

Q $500

Q $100

Q $100

Q $100

Q $100

Q $200

Q $200

Q $200

Q $200

Q $300

Q $300

Q $300

Q $300

Q $400

Q $400

Q $400

Q $400

Q $500

Q $500

Q $500

Q $500

Final Jeopardy

$100 Question from

Place Value & Value

Name the place value of the underlined digit.


$100 Answer from

Place Value & Value

One-thousands or thousands place

$200 Question from

Place Value & Value

What is the value of the underlined underlined digit?


$200 Answer from

Place Value & Value


$300 Question from

Place Value & Value

What is the pattern you see in each period that will help you know the place values?

$300 Answer from

Place Value & Value

Ones, Tens , Hundreds


Hundreds , Tens , Ones

$400 Question from

Place Value & Value

Which place value is 10 times the amount of the tens?

$400 Answer from

Place Value & Value the hundreds

$500 Question from

Place Value & Value

Which place value is 1 /

10 the value of the hundred-thousands?

$500 Answer from

Place Value & Value the ten-thousands

$100 Question from

Forms of Numbers

Write the following number in

WORD form:


$100 Answer from

Forms of Numbers

( 15, 378, 024 )

Fifteen million, three hundred seventy-eight thousand, twenty-four

$200 Question from

Forms of Numbers

Write the following number in standard form: three million, forty-five thousand, seven hundred two


200 Answer from

Forms of Numbers three million, forty-five thousand, seven hundred two

3, 045,702

$300 Question from

Forms of Numbers

Write the following number in expanded form: 25,628

$300 Answer from

Forms of Numbers

2 5 , ,628

(2×10,000) + (5×1,000) +

(6×100) + (2×10) + (8×1)

$400 Question from

Forms of Numbers

Write the following number in expanded form: 138,005

$400 Answer from

Forms of Numbers

1 3 8 ,00 5

(1×100,000) + (3×10,000) +

(8×1,000) + (5×1)

$500 Question from

Forms of Numbers

What is this number in standard form?

(5×10 3 ) + (3×10 2 ) + (7×10 0 )

$500 Answer from

Forms of Numbers

(5×10 3 ) + (3×10 2 ) + (7×10 0 )


$100 Question from

Powers of Ten

What is the value of 10 0 ?

$100 Answer from

Powers of Ten

10 0 = 1

$200 Question from

Powers of Ten

What are the values of the following expressions: a) 10 2 b) 10 3 c) 10 1

$200 Answer from

Powers of Ten a) 10 2 =100 b) 10 3 = 1,000 c) 10 1 =10

$300 Question from

Powers of Ten

What is the value of 4×10 2 ?

$300 Answer from

Powers of Ten

4×10 2 = 4×100 = 400

$400 Question from

Powers of Ten

What happens to the value of the expression when you increase the exponent by one? (ex: 10 1 ,

10 2 , 10 3 …)

$400 Answer from

Powers of Ten

The value is increased 10 times.

(Add another zero.)

$500 Question from

Powers of Ten

What happens to the value of the expression when you

DECREASE the exponent by one? (ex: 10 4 , 10 3 , 10 2 …)

$500 Answer from

Powers of Ten

The value is 1 /

10 of the previous expression.

(Divide by 10, or remove a zero)

$100 Question from

Multiplication Patterns

Fill in the missing values.

$100 Answer from

Multiplication Patterns




$200 Question from

Multiplication Patterns

Fill in the missing values.

$200 Answer from

Multiplication Patterns




$300 Question from

Multiplication Patterns

Fill in the missing values.

$300 Answer from

Multiplication Patterns


10 1

10 2

10 3

$400 Question from

Multiplication Patterns

What is the value of the following expression?

(8×8) x 10 4

$400 Answer from

Multiplication Patterns

( 8×8 ) x 10 4 = 64 0,000

$500 Question from

Multiplication Patterns

Write this number as a whole number and a power of ten:


$500 Answer from

Multiplication Patterns

8,000,000 = 8 × 10 6

$100 Question from


I am a group of three digits separated by commas in a multidigit number.

$100 Answer from


What is period?

$200 Question from


I am a number that tells how many times the base is used as a factor.

$200 Answer from


What is the exponent?

base 10 5 exponent

$300 Question from


What are the numbers you multiply together called?

$300 Answer from



Factor × Factor × Factor

$400 Question from


I am the number that is used to represent the repeated factor in exponent form.

$400 Answer from


What is the base?

10 5 = 10×10×10×10×10

The repeated factor is: 10

$500 Question from


What is the most valuable tool for your success in fifth grade math?

$500 Answer from


What is my math notebook?

Final Jeopardy

What are some ways you can study tonight for tomorrow’s math test?

Final Jeopardy Answer
