懇求主像牧人領導 Saviour, Like a Shepherd, Lead Us (HOL311 1a/4) 1. 懇求主像牧人領導,我們極需祢看顧, 領到豐盛草原餵養,在羊欄中蒙保護; Saviour like a shepherd lead us, Much we need Thy tender care, In Thy pleasant pastures feed us, For our use Thy folds prepare; 懇求主像牧人領導 Saviour, Like a Shepherd, Lead Us (HOL311 – 1b/4) 萬福耶穌,萬福耶穌,祢曾贖我們歸祢; 萬福耶穌,萬福耶穌,祢曾贖我們歸祢。 "Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus Thou hast bought us, Thine we are" (2x) 懇求主像牧人領導 Saviour, Like a Shepherd, Lead Us (HOL311 2a/4) 2. 我們屬祢,求祢看顧,引導我們走天路, 保守我們遠離罪污,尋找我們,若迷途! We are Thine, do Thou befriend us, Be the guardian of our way, Keep Thy flock from sin defend us, Seek us if we go astray; 懇求主像牧人領導 Saviour, Like a Shepherd, Lead Us (HOL311 – 2b/4) 萬福耶穌,萬福耶穌,求聽我們禱告聲; 萬福耶穌,萬福耶穌,求聽我們禱告聲。 "Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus Hear, O hear us when we pray" (2x) 懇求主像牧人領導 Saviour, Like a Shepherd, Lead Us (HOL311 3a/4) 3. 我們貧苦滿身罪尤,祢曾應許願收留, 祢有權能恩典豐厚,我們得潔淨自由; Thou hast promised to receive us, Poor and sinful tho' we be, Thou hast mercy to relieve us, Grace to cleanse and power to free; 懇求主像牧人領導 Saviour, Like a Shepherd, Lead Us (HOL311 – 3b/4) 萬福耶穌,萬福耶穌,我願趕快歸向祢; 萬福耶穌,萬福耶穌,我願趕快歸向祢。 "Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus Early let us turn to Thee" (2x) 懇求主像牧人領導 Saviour, Like a Shepherd, Lead Us (HOL311 4a/4) 4. 願我們早蒙主厚恩,願早日遵主旨意, 敬求恩主,獨一救主,以愛滿我們心懷; Early let us seek Thy favour Early let us do Thy will Blessed Lord and only Saviour With Thy love our bosoms fill 懇求主像牧人領導 Saviour, Like a Shepherd, Lead Us (HOL311 – 4b/4) 萬福耶穌,萬福耶穌,曾愛我們今仍愛; 萬福耶穌,萬福耶穌,曾愛我們今仍愛。 "Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus Thou hast loved us love us still " (2x)