Belt-loop feeder unit

Last Update: 3rd/Feb2011 Rev.00
Product overview
What is the automatic sewing
machine AB-1351?
It is a JUKI's unique flexible 1-needle
automatic belt loop attaching machine for
sewing belt loops of consistent quality.
This is the world's first 1-needle
automatic belt loop attaching machine that is
provided with seven different sewing patterns.
Advantages of the automatic sewing machines
requiring skill
Product overview
Belt-loop feeder
Belt-loop feeder unit
This unit cuts belt-loops into fixed
dimensions, folds both ends inside and
places them under the needle.
The belt-loops themselves are sewn in
the previous process.
This machine head sews “top and
bottom bar tacks” on the belt-loops
supplied by the belt-loop feeder unit.
Operation panel (IP420)
This panel is used to change various
settings and download and/or upload
data. (CompactFlash card and/or
USB thumb drive can be used as a
medium for inputting/outputting data.)
Main features
1. The sewing machine is able to sew various types of belt-loops
utilizing its seven different sewing patterns.
Production without
requiring skill
The original sketches are
“P4 No.1 to No. 7" on the attached sheet.
Main features
・The finished belt loops are patterns No. 5 and No. 7
illustrated in the above
・The other belt loop
patterns are not yet finished and need to be processed in
the subsequent process.
The AB-1351 is mainly intended for slacks and casual
pants.This model is not suited to the sewing of belt
loops on hard materials (thick denim in particular)
according to the shape of belt loops.
(The maximum thickness of a belt loop that can be
sewn is 1.8 mm.)
Main features
2-1. Improved quality and increased productivity are
Example: Sewing pattern No. 4
In the case of manual belt-loop attaching, the operator folds the edges of the
belt loops inside with his/her fingers to rough non-uniform dimensions and
sews them on garments.
In the case of the AB-1351, the operator is only
required to place the material on the machine and
Process which is
press the switch to continuously sew
not required.
consistent-quality belt-loops. Additionally,
with the AB-1351, it is not necessary to
cut the belt-loop material into certain dimensions,
there by contributing to labor-saving.
Main features
To achieve increased productivity!
One operator can operate to two
AB1351 units at a time!!
* Condition: The number of stitches (the 1st and 2nd bar tacks) 42 zigzag stitches each
Also refer to "P7 attended two units."
Main features
3. Twin-drived belt-loop feeding mechanism
The belt-loop drawing clamp and the belt-loop pushing roller operate
synchronously with each other (to correct their movements in relation to each
other), thereby ensuring accurate belt loop lengths even when using soft and
elastic materials.
(This mechanism is JUKI's unique twin-drive system.)
Clamp which
draws belt loops
Low tension
Such a high tension as to
possibly damage the belt
Roller which
pushes out
belt loops
Main features
4. High-performance and high precision belt loop
clamp mechanism
★The belt loop feeder mechanism and the sewing machine head are
assembled on the integral mounting base (unit base), thereby preventing
them from slipping out of position.
machine head
Mono-mounting base (unit base)
Belt loop
feeder unit
Main features
5. The machine is installed with the LK-1961, which
has one of the highest quality models.
The machine is installed with a machine head which has been
developed by modifying the highly-reliable LK1900A as the base,
In the case of sewing pattern No. 4, for example, three bar tacks
can be sewn with different sewing shapes, numbers of stitches,
thread tensions and sewing speeds.
(Maximum sewing speed: 2500 sti/min)
In addition, the feed mechanism is newly
controlled by an encoder to help reduce bar-tacking deformation .
The “grease joint (provided as standard)" used in the
oscillating rock shaft pin section can now also be used
in the main shaft crank.
Main features
6. User-friendly operation panel
By the IP-420 operation panel, the belt loop shape or sewing
pattern can be changed and the sewing positions and other
sewing conditions can be programmed with ease through the
operation panel. The operation panel supports 14 different
Chinese(2kinds)・ English・French・ German・ Indonesian・
Italian・ Korean・ Portuguese・ Russian・ Spanish・Turkish・
Vietnamese ・Japanese
Number of bar tacking patterns stored in its memory: 9 kinds .
6 Linear bar tackings
:(12-, 15-, 21-, 28-, 36-, 41-stitches)
3 Zigzag bar tackings
:(28-, 36-, 42-stitches)
Size (X direction: 6 - 23 mm; Y direction: 0 or 1 - 3.2 mm)
The maximum number of
belt-loop patterns that can be stored in its memory: 99 patterns
Cycle sewing: Max. 20 cycles (30 patterns per one cycle)
The machine stores bar tacking shapes 200 patterns or 20,000
stitches at the maximum. It is possible to be created by the PM1 .
Main features
7. The position of starting switch can be
changed according to the sewing specifications.
Starting switch for sewing
belt-loops on garment bodies:
Starting switch for sewing
belt-loops on waistbands:
(Press with the right-thumb.)
(Press with right-hand.)
The sub-tables have to be removed. The sub-tables are to be installed.
The starting switches for sewing belt-loops
「 on waistbands」 and 「on garment bodies」 are both
provided as standard.
Main features
8. Insert belt loops from the front side!
Belt loops are to be inserted from the
front side of the main body of the sewing machine.
The operator is, therefore, able to visually check
the belt loop state whenever necessary during
9. Oil stains on sewing products are eliminated.
The machine is installed with the modified semi-dry LK1900A .
The belt loop feeder unit uses a grease lubrication system (with JUKI
Grease A). This means that the sewing products are no longer
stained with excess oil.
(A grease run-out warning sign appears on the panel .)
1. Other sewing gauges
Narrow clamp foot :
(for liner bar-tacking)
up to belt loop width
of 14mm
Zigzag bar-tacking
clamp foot B :
Feed plate B:400-66744
Narrow zigzag bar-tacking
clamp foot BN :
Feed plate BN:400-75979
up to belt loop width of
Part numbers of the sewing gauges have already
been designated, however, some of them are out
of stock in our Parts Center. (In particular, the part
numbers of assemblies)
So be careful.
Sewing gauges: (at the time of delivery):
Work clamp foot A: 400-71925
Feed plate A: 400-71906
2. Manual pedal switch
The work clamp is lifted/lowered by means of the foot
pedal. Positioning of the garment body and fine
adjustment of its position can be done with ease. The
start-SW is pushed by Hand.
Manual Pedal ASM:400-90639
Junction Code:400-73659
3. 2-Manual pedals switch
In the case of sewing patterns No4,No5andNo7.
It is valid to stretch the material before sewing .
First step:
The right pedal controls to be lifted /lowered for [cloth clamp AR].
After The cloth clamp AR is lowered;
Second step:
The left pedal controls to be lifted /lowered for [cloth clamp AF].
The start-SW is pushed by Hand.
Manual Pedal ASM:GPK470010AB
Junction Code 1:400-73659
Junction Code 2:400-33875
5-port Valve:PV150106000
4. Bottom bar tacking cancellation switch
This switch is used to cancel the bottom bar-tacking for
Nos. 4, 5 and 7. This function is used in cases
where the garment body has a section which is too thick to
attach belt loops, for example, the center of the back body of
trousers, so as to prevent sewing troubles.
Cancellation SW:320-02354
Junction Code:400-43994
Fixed Stud:HX00337000A(2pcs)
Cable Clip:HX00150000B
Cable Clip Screw:SL4040891SC
*This SW is set under the plate.
5. LED marking lights
Generally, one marking light, which has been provided as standard.
Two marking lights are available on an additional
(i.e., three marking lights can be used in total)
Marking light(green-X):400-90637
Fixed Base:400-91172
Fixed Rod:400-91173
Fixed Screw:SM8050412TP(2pcs)
Adjustment base:400-67813
Adjustment base
*Long rod for additional Lights
6. Air blow gun asm
Air gun:400-44823
Air joint:PJ301065201
Coiling air tube:GSS36020000
Air tube hook:MAT81163T00
7. High-voltage transformer
Part number :400-90561
This transformer is used in the high-voltage
(380 V, 400 V, 415 V)areas.
8. Belt-loop drawer support device
[Part number :400-94294]
The belt-loop drawer support device pulls out, beforehand, the beltloop required for the subsequent sewing. It is particularly effective
when belt-loops are wound in the shape of a drum. This device
prevents any belt-loop length variation, even when using belt-loops
made of elastic material.
It stops showing an error message if belt loops become entangled.
Comparison with
competitive models
◎Major advantages of the JUKI AB1351
It is provided with 7-different sewing patterns to achieve higher flexibility.
②Main mechanisms have been computerized. This means that the time
required for adjustment is reduced without the need for operator skill.
③ It is also easy to return the adjusted values to the previous values.
④It helps increase productivity.
(One operator can attend two AB1351 units at a time.)
⑤The sewing position and belt-loop folding dimensions are accurate,
thereby contributing to consistent and improved quality.
The other specifications
For Pattern No. 4:
Electricity consumption: 190Wh
Power consumption: 280VA (single-phase)
250VA (3-phase)
Refer to “AB1351 catalog"
Thank you for your kind attention