
IS 5th Math
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Point G is shown on this number line.
Which number does point G represent?
A 100
C. -3
A 100
This diagram represents Melvin’s marble
What is the ratio of black marbles to total
A. 3:5
B. 3:8
C. 5:3
D. 8:3
A 200
B. 3:8
A 200
Wendy rounded a length to 3.37 meters.
Which length could be the actual length
she measured?
A. 3.372 meters
B. 3.376 meters
C. 3.382 meters
D. 3.471 meters
A 300
A. 3.372 meters
A 300
Mary checked the outside temperature.
What temperature is shown on the
A. -6
B. -4
C. 4
D. 6
A 400
A. -6 F
A 400
Mrs. Garnerユs classroom had 25 desks. They were arranged in 5
rows that each contained 5 desks.
Write the fraction of the desks that are in Row 1. Write this fraction
as a percent. Show or explain your work. Another classroom has
between 15 and 22 desks with the same number of desks in each
row. Row 1 has 25% of the desks in this classroom. Draw an
arrangement of the desks in this classroom. How many desks are
in Row 1? (4 points)
A 500
There are 5 desks in Row 1 and a total of 25 desks. This means that
the portion of desks in Row 1 is 5 out of 25, or . This fraction can be
written as a decimal by dividing 5 by 25 (). The decimal can then be
written as a percent by multiplying 0.20 by 100 () because all
percents are out of 100. So, .ハTo draw the arrangement of desks,
students need to know how many desks there are in total. Row 1 has
25%, or one-fourth, of the total number of all desks. This means that
the total number of desks must be a number between 15 and 22 that
is divisible by (can be divided by) 4. The possible number of total
desks is 16 (4 in each row) or 20 (5 in each row).
The focus of this task is generating equivalent forms of fractions and
percents. The response includes the correct fraction and percent for
the number of desks that are in Row 1 out of 25 total desks. The
response also provides a drawing representing an arrangement of
desks for 25% of the desks between 15 and 22 and identifies the
number of desks in row one.
A 500
Four numbers are marked with an X on the
number line.
Which marked number is the least?
A. -20
B. -10
C. 5
D. 15
B 100
A. -20
B 100
Peggy sold a total of 6,198 vanilla and chocolate
ice cream cones during the carnival. About half
the cones she sold were vanilla.
Which estimate is reasonable for the number of
chocolate ice cream cones sold?
A. 2,500
B. 3,000
C. 3,500
D. 6,000
B 200
B. 3,000
B 200
Marco is simplifying fractions.
Which fraction should he use to simplify
to lowest terms?
B 300
B 300
John saw 6 cats and 9 dogs in the veterinarianユs
waiting room.
What is the ratio of cats to dogs?
A. 6:9
B. 6:15
C. 9:6
D. 9:15
B 400
A. 6:9
B 400
Maria found the same pair of shoes on sale at
three different stores. All the stores have the
same original price. The first store has the
shoes on sale for off. The second store has
them on sale for 20% off. The third store has
them on sale for one-fourth off.
Determine which store has the best sale for
the shoes. Explain your answer, using
pictures, numbers or words.
B 500
B 500
A. 5
B. 6
C. 33
D. 45
C 100
C. 33
C 100
Shelly’s photo album has 6 sections. Each section
has 16 pages. Each page has 5 pictures. To find the
total number of pictures in the album, Shelly needs
to multiply 6 × 16 × 5.
Which other expression represents the total number
of pictures in the album?
C 200
C 200
There are 2,382 paintings in an art museum.
The museum has 124 rooms.
Which is a reasonable estimate for the number
of paintings in each room?
A. 10
B. 20
C. 30
D. 200
C 300
B. 20
C 300
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C 400
Russell bought pounds of turkey and
pounds of roast beef to make sandwiches.
Which estimate is reasonable for the amount
of meat he bought?
A. 4 pounds
B. 5 pounds
C. 6 pounds
D. 7 pounds
C 400
C. 6 pounds
C 400
Tina rounded a length to 3.37 meters.
Which length could be the actual length she
A. 3.372 meters
B. 3.376 meters
C. 3.382 meters
D. 3.471 meters
C 500
A. 3.372 meters
C 500
Annie ran a race in 27.28 seconds.
What is her time rounded to the nearest tenth
of a second?
A. 27.0 seconds
B. 27.2 seconds
C. 27.3 seconds
D. 28.0 seconds
D 100
C. 27.3 seconds
D 100
Which fraction is equivalent to 40%?
D 200
D 200
Part of this rectangle is shaded.
Which number represents the shaded part of
the rectangle?
D 300
D 300
In rounding the number 13,628 to the
nearest thousand, which digit
determines if the thousands place
should be increased by 1?
D 400
C. 6
D 400
A class needs 64 brownies for a bake
sale. Mike brings 28 brownies.
Write two number sentences using
different operations to find the number of
brownies the class still needs for the bake
D 500
Students need to give two different number sentences that
show the number of brownies the class still needs for the
bake sale. In this case, the two operations that students can
use are addition and subtraction. Because 64 brownies are
needed and Mike brought 28, a number sentence that
shows the situation is , where n is the number of brownies
still needed for the bake sale. Because the inverse
(opposite) of subtraction is addition, the number sentence
can also be written as
The focus of this task is identifying and using relationships
between operations to solve problems. The response
provides two correct number sentences that use different
D 500
From a bag that has 5 green balls and 1
red ball, pulling a red ball is
E 100
D. Unlikely
E 100
What is the best estimate of the product?
30 x 0.54 = n
D.Not here
E 200
C. 16
E 200
Tangarines are on sale of $0.79 a pound.
How much would 1.3 pounds cost to
the nearest cent?
E 300
C. $1.03
E 300
Every day Jeremy drinks 3/4 cups of
orange juice for breakfast. How much
orange juice does he drink in 3 days?
A.2 1/4 cups
B.2 1/2 cups
C.2 3/4 cups
D.Not here
E 400
A. 2 1/4 cups
E 400
In Mrs. Cord’s class, 11 children own
pets. There are 23 children in the class
what is the ratio of pet owners to the
whole class?
E 500
A. 11:23
E 500
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The diagram shows how far it is from Anna’s home to her school, from
her school to the library, and from the library to her home.
Each school day, Anna rides her bike from her home to her school.
After school, she rides to the library and then home. On Saturday, Anna
rides her bike from home to the library and back
home. She does not ride her bike
on Sunday. Anna’s mother says
that her daughter rides about 30
miles every week between her
home, the school and the library.
Use estimation to determine
whether Anna’s mother has made a
reasonable estimate. Show or
explain your work.
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Students should be able to estimate these decimals to the nearest
whole numbers:
0.87 rounds to 1
1.8 rounds to 2 miles
0.92 rounds to 1
During the week she rides 0.87 to school, 1.8 miles to the library, and
0.92 from the library to home. This is about 1 mile, 2 miles, and 1
mile, or a total of 4 miles every day. Anna rides 4 miles each day 5
days a week, or 5 x 4 = 20 miles. On Saturday, she rides about 1 mile
to the library and about 1 mile back to her home. This is an additional
2 miles a week, for a total of 22 miles.
Anna's mother estimated 30 miles, which is a lot more than 22 miles,
so Anna's mother is incorrect. A better estimate would be 20 miles a
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