LOGMATH Scale of Logico-Mathematical Thinking as a psychometric tool for early assessment in cognitive development for children 4-6 years old presented in English at: - 9th European Conference on Psychological Assessment, European Association of Psychological Assessment & Psychological Society of Northern Greece, Thessaloniki, 3 -6/5/2007 - 26th International Congress of Applied Psychology), Athens, 1621/7/2006 Delikanaki, Niki & Stavrou, Lambros University of Ioannina School of Educational Sciences Laboratory of Special and Curative Education Departing point: Early screening of difficulties are of great importance for children’s life. 1. Aims to: 1. Early screening of dysfunctions in cognitive development, through evaluation of logicomathematical thinking, and identification of children at risk of possible relevant L.D. 2. Evaluation of the level of school readiness, ending kindergarten. 3. Enrichment of our knowledge & understanding about logico -mathematical thinking in preschool children. 2. 1. Researching for content: a. Survey of tests A: Mathematical ability Scale for the evaluation of mathematical ability, Prof. Georgas D. & Mihou-Karidi M., «Mathematics-Diagnostic, PreschoolGrade 3», coll. of 50 math tests, Education Testing Service, USA. B: Neyropsychological tests and of cognitive ability Athena-Test of L. D., Paraskevopoulos, Kalatzi-Azizi & Giannitsas, Zazzo-GillyVerba Nouveau Echelle Metrique de l’ Intelligence, WPPSI, Raven Progressive Matrices, Bender test, Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, ACFS etc. b. Theoretical approach Contemporary models of cognitive development Information processing approach to cognitive development Domain specificity cognitive theories Neyropsychological data 2.2 Test plan and item construction Main aims of the concepts (vertical) expressed as cognitive domains (subscales) Aims of relevant behaviors (horizontally) Proportion representative in each domain, large rank of possible items of graduating difficulty (120) 2.3. Two pre-researching periods 1st period: reforming, rejecting and checking psychometric properties for a large rank of items 2nd period: distribution of the test to 36 children (18boys and 18girls) of 3 groups of age (4, 5, 6 years) 3. The standardization (3d period) 3.1.The Sample: 410 Kindergarten children, 205 boys and 205 girls, 4-6 y, from the 4 departments of Crete LASSITHI 4,00 1,00 12,4% 24,4% 2,00 IRAKLION 50% CHANIA RETHYMNO 3,00 13,2% Researching periods 1st period 2nd period 3rd period (Standardization) 4th period 5th period (assessment (intervention) 1st grade) (Pre-researching) (Pre-researching) Period Oct. 2000Oct. 2001 Dec. 2001 1/2/2002 – 15/4/2002 May 2003 N N=93 Ν=36 Ν=410 Ν=83 Method Item Assessment by LOGMATH Assessment by reformed LOGMATH Math test distribution LOGMATH distribution May 2004 N=20 3. 2. Method of research Individual interview Questionnaires to teachers and parents. One year later a test of mathematical ability was administered to a part of the sample ending the grade 1 of the Elementary school (N=83) 4. Description LOGMATH is consisted of 5 subscales: (56 items) 1) spatial ability 2) time 3) sequencing and repetitive patterns 4) classification 5) number Subscale: Spatial Ability X1.shape perception by subtraction X2. mental rotation X3. spatial orientation model a X4. spatial orientation model b X5. spatial orientation model c X6. copy of shapes Subscale: Time (sequences) An example story is integrated at the beginning from the examiner Δ7. sequential story integration a Δ8. sequential story integration b Δ9. sequential story integration c Subscale: Sequencing and Repetitive Patterns A. Sequencing Σ10.seriation of pictures by height and age Σ11.seriation of cubes by size Σ12.seriation by height and insertion B. Repetitive patterns Α13.pattern of colors a Α14.pattern of colors b Α15.pattern of images Subscale: Classification Τ16. class of similar (one shape differs) Τ17. class of similar ( color differs) Τ18. classification Τ19. grouping pictures Τ20.matrix of classification Τ21.class of fruits Τ22.class of clothes Τ23.class of tools Τ24.class of birds Τ25.class of furniture Subscale: Number Ν26. cardinality from 3 to 6 Ν27. number conservation Ν28. cardinality from 7 to 10 and 13 Ν29. digital numbers from 1 to 10 Ν30. visual memory calculation problem a Ν31. visual memory calculation problem b Ν32. visual memory calculation problem c Characteristics Administration: individual Mean time of testing: 23 minutes General performance Performances for each subscale Norms in quartiles and z values 5. ITEM ANALYSIS 5.1. Item difficulty according to the purpose of the Scale more items with low/middle difficulty, fewer with higher one. Items inside each subscale respect graduating degree of difficulty. 1,2 1,0 ,8 Value DIFFIC1 ,6 ,4 ,2 1 3 5 Case Number 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 5.2.Item discrimination analysis A: method of item correlation to total score, by Pearson r. Category A >0,40 : 41 items Category B 0,25-0,39 : 9 items Category C <0,25 : 0 items B. method item total correlation by Cronbach’s alpha if item deleted ,932 Correlations between subscales Spatial Time Seq/Pat Classif. Number T. score **p<,01 Spatial 1 ,60** ,65** ,50** ,70** ,84** Time 1 ,63** ,52** ,61** ,78** Seq/Pat Classif. Numb Tot score 1 ,54** ,70** ,87** 1 ,53** ,70** 1 ,90** 1 6. Reliability analysis A. Cronbach-alpha a =,93 Ν=410 and N of items =56 B. Guttman Split-half = ,85 Alpha: part 1=,87 part 2=,91 C. Reliability between parts for odd and even numbers of items r= ,92 7. Validity 7.1. Criterion related validity A. Concurrent validity Criterion to total Score correl.: r= ,69** (p<,01) B. Predictive validity Criterion a (evaluation) to Total Score, correl.: r = ,55** (p<,01 N=83) b. Criterion b (Math Test grade 1st) to total Score correlation: r=,51** (p<,01 N=83) 7.3. Construct 7.2. Content validity This examination is considered: a) if the items are relevant to the domain of the examined ability b) if they are representative of the domain validity Factor Analysis 1 Component with eigenvalue>1.00 Explains 68% of the variance Factor analysis for each subscale too, displayed construct validity Other results No Sex differences except in X6 item (shape copying in spatial ability subscale, boy (red): Μ=2,9 Range: 1-5) SD=1,40 girl (green):Μ=3,3 SD=1,36 40 30 20 Percent 10 gender boy 0 girl ,00 ,50 ecopy 1,00 1,50 2,00 2,50 3,00 3,50 4,00 4,50 5,00 Linear regression explains 50,5% of the total variation and showed the predictive variables: Age: 32.3% Proccessing speed: 9.3% Status of parents: 7.7% Age of starting walking: 1.2% Developmental differences between every semester of age 80 60 40 GSKORCAT Count 20 1,00 2,00 0 3,00 4.0-4.6y age 4.6-5.0y 5.0-5.6y 5.6-6.0y Correlation between achievement time and total scoring: -,45**(p<,01), the “faster” ones get higher total scoring The faster The slowest 10,3% 10,9% 14-19 in 14-19΄ The medium 78,8% in 20-27΄ 20-27 28-39 in 28-39΄ Development in each domain does not follow the same process 100 200 80 60 100 40 20 Std. Dev = 2,87 Mean = 9,3 Std. Dev = 1,94 Mean = 4,1 N = 410,00 0 1,0 3,0 2,0 5,0 4,0 7,0 6,0 9,0 8,0 11,0 10,0 13,0 12,0 N = 410,00 0 0,0 SKSPACE 1,0 2,0 3,0 4,0 5,0 6,0 SKORTIME Total score: Spatial ability Total score: time sequence 100 120 80 100 80 60 60 40 40 20 Std. Dev = 2,01 20 Std. Dev = 3,44 Mean = 7,7 Mean = 6,0 N = 410,00 0 0,0 2,0 4,0 6,0 8,0 10,0 12,0 SER.SEQ Tot score:Sequencing/patterns N = 410,00 0 0,0 2,0 1,0 4,0 3,0 6,0 5,0 8,0 7,0 10,0 9,0 11,0 SKORCLAS Total score: classification ,5 ,5 ,4 ,4 ,3 ,3 Mean Mean ,2 ,2 e51(3) e53(5) e52(4) e56(7) e54(6) e58(9) e57(8) E60NOMIN e59(10) Numbers cardinality 3-10, 13 60 50 40 30 20 10 Std. Dev = 4,41 Mean = 8,4 N = 410,00 0 0,0 2,0 1,0 4,0 3,0 6,0 5,0 8,0 7,0 10,0 9,0 11,0 12,0 14,0 13,0 skornumber Total score: number ,1 e62.1 e64.3 e63.2 e66.5 e65.4 e68.7 e67.6 e70.9 e69.8 Digital numbers 1-10 e71.10 5% (in total score) are appeared in severe cognitive dysfunction 50 40 30 20 10 Std. Dev = 12,31 Mean = 35,4 N = 410,00 0 2,5 12,5 7,5 22,5 17,5 32,5 27,5 42,5 37,5 52,5 47,5 GSKOR Total score of the Scale Our belief the research must be promoted get to the Knowledge support the institutional services help the children in impairment THANK YOU E-mail: n_delikanaki@yahoo.gr