Design Irrigation System II Asher Azenkot 1 Local Head Losses The local head loss due to a local disturbance in water flow is proportional to the head velocity. V2 h K 2g K - Coefficient 2 Hydraulic Valve Local Head Loss 3 Filter Local Head Loss 4 Metzer drip line Water flow velocity reduced gradually along the lateral pipe 5 Local head loss in “head connector” m3/h 6 Local head loss Flow rate Local head loss m 7 Example: A 12" valve (K = 2.5) is installed in 1,250 meters long pipe (12” and C = 130). What is the total head loss due to the valve and the pipe when the water flow rate is = 100, 200 and 400 m3/h. The pipe cross section area is: A12" 0.32 4 0.07m 2 8 Continue: Q m3/h 100 200 400 0.39 0.78 1.57 V /2g 0.01 0.03 0.13 Local head loss 0.02 0.08 0.31 J ‰ 12” pipe 0.6 2.2 7.8 Head loss in pipe 0.8 2.7 9.8 Total head loss 0.82 2.78 10.11 % local head loss 2.5 2.96 3.1 Velocity 2 9 Continue: If an 8" valve is replaced the 12", what will be the new total head loss? Q m3/h 100 200 400 Local head loss (8") 0.1 0.4 1.55 Head loss (12” Pipe) 0.62 2.38 8.75 Total head loss (m) 0.72 2.78 10.2 % local head loss 16.1 16.8 17.7 10 Lateral Pipes A lateral pipe is characterized by a continuous decline in water discharge along the pipe. The flow rate starts at Qu (m3/h) at the upstream end and ends up with a q1 (m3/h) downstream. (Lateral pipe is abide by: 1. A same size of pipe, 2. even distance between outlets, 3. a same outlet (sprinkler or emitter) rate. of the head loss is done in two step The flow calculation 1. The head loss is calculated by assuming the pipe is 2. The outcome is multiplied by the coefficient F Qu = n*q D 3q 2q q Sl 95 m 11 Coefficient F Plastic later Al lateral n F1 F2 F3 F1 F2 F3 5 10 12 15 20 25 30 40 50 100 0.469 0.415 0.406 0.398 0.389 0.384 0.381 0.376 0.374 0.369 0.337 0.35 0.352 0.355 0.357 0.358 0.359 0.36 0.361 0.362 0.41 0.384 0.381 0.377 0.373 0.371 0.37 0.368 0.367 0.366 0.457 0.402 0.393 0.385 0.376 0.371 0.368 0.363 0.361 0.356 0.321 0.336 0.338 0.341 0.343 0.345 0.346 0.347 0.348 0.349 0.396 0.371 0.367 0.363 0.36 0.358 0.357 0.355 0.354 0.352 1. F1 to be used when the distance from the lateral inlet to the first outlet is meters. 2. F2 to be used when the first outlet is near the lateral inlet. 3. F3 to be used when the distance from the lateral inlet to the first outlet is meters. Sl Sl/2 12 Characteristics of a Lateral pipe The sprinkler pressure along the lateral pipe decline faster along the first 40% of the length than afterwards (figure 2). The sprinkler flow rate along the lateral pipe declines faster along the first 40% of the length (figure 1). The location of the sprinkler (or emitter) with the average pressure and flow rate is 40% away from the lateral’s inlet. Three quarter of the lateral head loss takes place along the first two fifth sections (40%). 13 Fig. 1: Flow rate reduction in a plain pipe and in a lateral with sprinklers. 2 25 1.9 20 1.8 15 1.7 10 1.6 5 1.5 0 0 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 132 144 156 sprinkler flow 1.9 1.88 1.86 1.84 1.83 1.82 1.81 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.79 1.79 1.79 % reduction 100 98.7 97.6 96.8 96.1 95.6 95.2 94.9 94.6 94.5 94.5 94.5 94.5 line flow23.75 23.75 21.84 19.96 18.11 16.26 14.4312.61 10.8 8.99 7.19 5.39 3.59 1.79 sprinkler flow line flow 14 120 120 100 100 % of head loss Sprinkler pressure m Fig. 2: Head loss and percent of head loss 80 80 60 60 40 40 20 20 0 0 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 132 144 156 pressure (m) 40 38.5 37.2 36.1 35.2 34.4 33.9 33.4 33 32.8 32.6 32.5 32.5 32.5 Pres Red 100 96 93 90 88 86 85 84 83 82 82 81 81 81 % of reduction 0 20 37 52 64 75 81 88 93 96 99 100 100 100 % of length 0 8 15 23 31 38 46 54 62 69 77 85 92 100 Plain line 100 96 92 88 84 80 76 72 68 64 60 56 52 48 pressure (m) Pres Red % of reduction Plain line 15 16 17 18 Head loss Calculation Along lateral Select a suitable sprinkler or emitter with a required Hs, qs and sl from a catalogue (figure 3). The number of sprinklers (n) along the lateral is determined by (L/sl). The discharge rate at the determined by (Qu = n x qs ). The lateral diameter (D) should comply with maximum head loss of 20%. The head loss along a lateral (Qu, q, D and L) is computed by: o Assuming the lateral pipe is plain and. o The outcome is multiplied by F factor. lateral inlet is 19 Fig. 3 - Naan 233 20 Head loss in drip lateral pipe A modified Hazen-Williams head loss equation: L N q 1.85 H L 2.78 10 F 4.87 ( ) D C 6 HL = head loss along a lateral drip line L = lateral length (m) D = internal diameter (m) N = number of emitters q = average emitter flow rate (m3/h) C = Hazen-Williams coefficient (130 - 120 for F polyethylene pipe with ID < 16 mm) = 0.37 for more than 20 emitters 21 Hydro P.C. & Hydro P.C.N.D - 1.2* L/H MAXIMUM RECOMMENDED DRIPLINE LENGTH (m) PIPE DIAMETER -16/13.8 (OD/ID) Emitter Spacing (m) Pressure Slope (m) % 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 1 1.25 1.5 0 65 92 117 140 161 181 201 236 278 315 2 71 104 135 166 195 223 251 305 371 434 4 76 113 150 186 221 256 290 357 439 519 0 75 107 135 162 186 209 231 273 321 365 2 81 117 152 185 217 248 278 337 408 476 4 85 126 165 204 241 279 314 386 473 558 0 83 118 149 179 206 232 256 302 355 405 2 88 128 165 201 235 268 301 363 438 510 4 92 136 178 219 258 298 335 410 501 590 0 90 127 161 193 223 251 278 327 385 438 2 94 137 176 214 250 286 319 385 464 539 4 98 144 188 232 273 314 354 431 525 617 0 95 135 172 206 238 267 296 349 411 468 2 100 144 186 226 264 301 337 405 486 566 4 104 152 198 243 286 328 370 450 546 641 0 101 143 181 217 251 282 312 369 434 494 2 105 151 195 237 276 314 352 423 508 588 4 109 159 207 253 298 341 384 467 566 663 0 105 149 190 228 263 296 327 387 455 519 2 109 158 203 246 287 327 366 439 526 611 4 113 165 214 262 308 354 397 482 585 684 0 110 156 198 237 274 309 342 403 475 540 2 114 164 211 256 298 339 378 455 545 630 4 117 171 222 271 319 365 410 497 601 702 0 114 161 205 246 284 320 354 419 493 561 2 118 169 218 264 308 350 390 469 561 650 4 121 176 229 279 328 375 421 510 618 720 0 117 167 212 254 294 331 366 433 510 581 2 121 175 224 272 317 361 402 482 578 668 4 125 181 235 287 337 385 432 523 631 737 0 121 172 219 262 303 342 378 447 526 600 2 125 179 231 279 325 370 413 495 591 684 4 128 186 241 294 345 394 442 535 646 752 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 22 Number Of Mamkad spinklers 23 Mamkad mini-sprinkler nozzles 24 Example: A flat field, 360 x 360 m, is irrigated with a hand moved aluminum lateral pipe (C = 140). The water source to the lateral pipe is from a sub-main, which crosses the center of the field. The selected sprinklers are Naan 233/92 with a nozzle size of 4.5 mm, pressure of 25 m (hs) and flow rate (qs) of 1.44 m3/hr. The space between the sprinklers is 12 meters apart, and the location of the first sprinkler is 6 meters away from lateral inlet. The riser height is 0.8 m and diameter of 3/4". 25 Answer: lateral 360 m Submain The number of sprinklers on the lateral is 180 n 15sprinklers 12 The length of the lateral (l) is l = (14 sprinkler x 12 m apart) + 6 m = 174 meters 26 Continue The inlet flow rate of the lateral is Qu = 15 (sprinklers) x 1.44 m3/h = 21.6 m3/h The maximum allowed head loss (20%) throughout the field 20 h 25 5meters 100 For a plain 2" aluminum pipe - the hydraulic gradient out of Hazen Williams is: J = 188.9 ‰ 27 Continue: The head loss in a 2" (plain) aluminum pipe is as follow J h J L 188.9 174 1,000 h 32.9m L 1,000 1,000 The F factor for 15 sprinklers is 11.9m 5m F15 = 0.363 h f h F15 32.9 0.363 11.9m For a 3" aluminum pipe - the hydraulic gradient out of a table or ruler is: J = 26.2‰ 28 Continue: The head loss in a 3" (plain) aluminum pipe is as follo J L 26.2 174 h 4.6m eters 1,000 1,000 The F factor for 15 sprinklers is F15 = 0.363 h f h F15 4.6 0.363 1.66m eters 1.66 5m The difference 5 - 1.66 = 3.34 meters head loss which will be used as the head loss for the submain pipe. 29 A Lateral Inlet Pressure P=? D Qu = n*q 3q 2q Sl 30 A Lateral Inlet Pressure The pressure head at the lateral inlet (hu) is determined by: 3 hu hs h f riser lh 4 hu - lateral inlet pressure head hs - pressure head of selected sprinkler hf - head loss along lateral riser – the length (height) of the riser l h - local head loss (incurred between laleral pipe and sprinkler) 31 Local head loss Flow rate Local head loss m 32 Example: Following the previous example, what is the inlet pressu hf = 1.66 meters riser height = 0.8 meters hs = 25 meters 3 hu hs h f riser 4 3 hu 25 1.66 0.8 27m 2.7 atm osphere 4 33 Inlet pressure in case of a Lateral pipe Laid out on a Slop The inlet pressure of a lateral pipe which laid out along a slope is as follows: 3 z hu hs h f riser 4 2 hu - the lateral inlet pressure hs - pressure head of selected sprinkler hf - head loss along lateral riser - riser height Z - adjustment for an upward 2 Z slope 2 - adjustment for an downward slope 34 Example: Following the previous example, but this time with: a. 2% downward slope, or b. 2% upward slope. The difference elevation 2 between the two ends Z 174 3.48meters is as follows: 100 a. 2% downward slope 3 z hu hs h f riser 4 2 3 3.48 hu 25 1.66 0.8 25.3m 4 2 35 Cont. The pressure by the last sprinkler is as follows: hu h f Z 25.3 1.66 3.48 27.12m The head loss between lateral inlet and last sprinkler is: 25.3 27.12 1.82 m 36 Cont. 27.12m 360 m 25.3m P=30.3m P=28.5m Sub-main 28.5 – 25.3 m = 3.2 m is taken place along the sub-main pipe. Therefore, the pressure at the head of the field is 28.5 m. 37 Continue: b. 2% upward slope 3 z hu hs h f riser 4 2 3 3.48 hu 25 1.66 0.8 28.78m 4 2 The total head loss throughout the lateral pipe is: hd 1.66 3.48 5.14meters 5.14 meters are just the permitted 20% head loss. Therefore, nothing is left for the sub-main. In this case, pressure regulators should be installed in every lateral inlets or selecting a wider pipe. 38 Maximum Permitted Head loss 39 Distribution of water and pressure s 40 “The 20% rule” In order to maintain up to 10% difference in flow rate between sprinklers or emitter within a sub-plot, then the pressure difference inside the plot should be less than 20%. Q C A 2 g H or Q K H Q - flow rate C – coefficient, which depends on a nozzle type A - cross section area of a nozzle H - pressure head X - exponent which depends on the flow pattern. 41 Pressure m Pressure Vs. Flow Liter/hr 42 O-tif Flow rate Vs. Pressure 2lph 4lph 8lph 16lph Recommended pressure range ( lph ) Flow rate Brown Black Green Purple . . . . . . . . Inlet pressure (kg/cm ) 43 3/8" Rondo Nozzles - Flow rate Vs. Pressure ) (gph Flow rate Plastro Red Plastro Green Plastro Dark blue Plastro Blue Plastro Black Pressure (psi) 44 Supertif - flow rate Vs. Pressure Flow rate (lph) l/h l/h l/h l/h l/h l/h Inlet pressure (m) 45 Ram & Agriplas Flow rate Vs Pressure 46 Flow rate Vs Pressure 47 Temperature Vs CV (tapes drip-line) 48 Example: What is the expected difference discharge between the two ends of a lateral sprinkler? When the hydraulic gradient along a lateral pipe is 20%. The flow rate of a sprinkler is as follows: QK H 49 Continue: Two identical sprinklers have a same coefficient: K H2 Q2 Q1 K H1 Q2 Q1 H2 H1 H2 H1 H 2 0.8 H1 (20%difference) Q2 Q1 0.8 H1 0.8 0.89 90% H1 The difference in flow rate between the two ends is 10% (within 20% rule), once the exponent is 0.5. 50 TUFFTIF Dripper Flow Rate Table TYPE Q=AxH^B * COLOR (l/h) A B BLACK BLACK GREEN (2) (4) (8) 0.615 1.3643 2.7257 0.539 0.478 0.465 RED (11) 4.3329 0.414 %DH FLOW RATE (LPH) AT PRESSURE 2m 4m 6m 8m 10m 12m 14m 16m 18m 19.3 22 22.7 0.9 1.9 3.8 1.3 2.6 5.2 1.6 3.2 6.3 1.9 3.7 7.2 2.1 4.1 8 2.3 4.5 8.7 2.6 4.8 9.3 2.7 5.1 9.9 2.9 5.4 10.5 25.8 5.8 7.7 9.1 10.3 11.3 12.1 12.9 13.7 14.4 Q=LPH H=m. %DH - MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE HEAD LOSS DIFFERENCE. ALONG A LATERAL (AS PERCENT OF THE WORKING PRESSURE. TO KEEP FLOW RATE DIFFERENCEC ≤ 10% OF WORKING FLOW RATE. 51 Tufftif performance chart 20 18 16 BLACK (2) 12 BLACK (4) 10 GREEN (8) 6 RED (11) ) 8 (lph FLOW RATE 14 4 2 0 0 2m 4m 6m 8m 10m 12m 14m 16m 18m 20m 25m 30m PRESSURE (m) 52 Example for a micro sprinklers A polyethylene lateral pipe, grade 4, has 10 micro-sprinklers at 10 meters apart, while the first is only one half way. The flow rate of the selected sprinkler is qs = 120 l/h at hs = 20 meters. The riser’s height is 0.15 meter (can be ignored). What is the required pipe for the qs=120l/h lateral pipe? h =20m s D = ? mm 0.15 m Q=1.2m3/h 10 m 95 m 53 Continue: n = 10 micro-sprinklers length (L) = (9 sprinkler x 10 m) + 5 m = 95 meters F10 = 0.384 10 120 3 Qu 1.2m / h 1,000 54 Continue: The maximum allowable in the field is as follows: 20 20 4meters 100 For a 20 mm polyethylene pipe grade 4 (ID 16.6 mm), the hydraulic gradient found out of a slide ruler or monograph Q = 1.2 m3/h is J = 18.5%. 95 h 18.5 17.5m 100 h f h F10 h f 17.5 0.384 6.74m 6.74 meters is exceeding the allowable 4 meters (20%) 55 Continue: The hydraulic gradient for a 25 mm P.E. pipe (ID 21.2 mm) and Q = 1.2 m3/h is J = 5.8%. 95 h 5.8 5.5m 100 h f 5.5 0.384 2.1m The head loss of 2.1 meters is less than the allowable 4 m (20%). The maximum allowed head loss along the manifold is 4 m - 2.1 m = 1.9 meters. 56 Continue: The required pressure by the lateral inlet pipe is as follow 3 hu 20 2.1 21.5meters 4 57 Design an Irrigation System Option 1 - The rule of 20% is applied to all the outlets (either sprinklers or drips) on the same subplot. Any excess pressure over 20% between the subplots is controlled by flow pressure regulators. 58 Lay out of drip line without pressure regulator 59 Drip line inlet without pressure regulator 60 Design an Irrigation System Option 2 - The rule of 20% is applied to a single lateral, and pressure regulators control the pressure difference between the laterals. 61 Inlet with pressure regulator 62 Design an Irrigation System Option 3 - The difference pressure along a lateral pipe exceeds the 20% head loss by any desired amount, and the excess pressure should be reduced by pressure or flow regulators in each emitters or sprinklers. 63 Example: Ten micro-sprinklers are installed along a plastic lateral pipe (grade 4) at 10 m (32.8 ft) apart (the first sprinkler is 5 meters). The flow rate of the selected sprinkler is qs = 120 l/h (0.5 GPM), at a pressure of hs = 20 meters. The riser height is 0.15 m (which can be ignored). What is the appropriate lateral pipe diameter, if the field is designed and abided by options 1, 2 and 3? n = 10, L = 95 m F10 =0.384 10 120 Q 1.2m3 / hr 1,000 64 Continue: Option 1: For 20 mm - The hydraulic gradient For a 20 mm P.E. pipe and Q = 1.2 m3/h is J = 18.5%. 95 h 18.5 17.5m 100 h h F10 17.5 0.384 6.72m 6.72 meters exceed the allowable 4 meters (20%) 65 Continue: For 25 mm - The hydraulic gradient For a 25 mm P.E. pipe and Q = 1.2 m3/h is J = 5.8%. 95 5.5m 100 h h F10 5.5 0.384 2.11m h 5.8 The head loss difference 4 - 2.11 = 1.89 m, which is available for the manifold head loss. The inlet lateral pressure is: 3 hu 20 2.11 21.58meters 2.15atmosphere 4 66 Continue: Option 2: If the allowable pressure variation along the lateral pipe is 4 meters, then 25 mm P.E. pipe is too much and 20 mm pipe too small. Therefore, a combination of the two pipes can be used. The design procedure for the combined lateral pipe is: • Try first D = 25 mm along 35 meters (n = 4) and D = 20 mm along 60 meters (n = 6) 67 Continue: Compute the head loss for a pipe D = 25, L = 95 m, n = 10 and Q = 1.2 m3/h (from previous calculation which it was found 2.11 m) Compute the head loss for D = 25, L = 60 m, n = 6 and F6 = 0.458 6 120 Q 0.72m3 / hr 1,000 68 Continue: From a table or a slide ruler - the hydraulic gradient for D = 25 mm and Q = 0.72 is J = 2.4%. 60 h 2.4 1.4m 100 h f h F6 1.4 0.458 0.64 The head loss for D = 25 mm and 35 meter long with four sprinklers is 2.11 m - 0.64 = 1.47 meter L = 35 m h = h95 – h60 L = 60 m = L = 95 m h h = 2.11 0.64 mm 69 Continue: Compute the head loss in D = 20 mm, L = 60 meters, n = 6 and F6 = 0.458 and 6 120 Q 0.72m3 / hr 1,000 From tables or a slide ruler the hydraulic gradient for D = 20 mm and Q = 0.72 is J = 7.6%. 60 h 7.6 4.5m 100 h f h F6 4.5 0.458 2.06m 70 Continue: The total head loss along the combined 25 and 20 mm lateral is as follows: hf h25 h20 1.47 2.06 3.53m Since 3.5 m is too less than 4.0 meters. Therefore, it is possible to try a shorter 25 mm pipe with a length of 25 m and n = 3 and a longer 20 mm diameter pipe along 70 m and n = 7. The previous procedure should be repeated. The new head loss is 4.5 meters, which exceeds the limit of 4 meters - (20% rule). 71 Continue: The lateral inlet pressure requirement is as follows: 3 hu 20 3.5 22.7m 23m 2.3atmosphere 4 72 Continue: Option 3: The lateral pipe is design either with flow or pressure regulators in every - sprinkler. The laterals diameter can be reduced to 20 mm or even further to 16 mm. In case of 20 mm diameter pipe, the head loss is 6.72 meters (see Option 1). Therefore, the pressure requirement at the last lateral inlet is: hu 20 6.72 26.72m 27m 2.7at. The lateral inlet pressure - the entire head loss is added to the required sprinkler pressure. 73 Example: A manifold was installed along the center of a rectangular field (100 x 100 m). The lateral pipes were hooked up to the two sides of the manifold pipe. The difference in elevation between the center and the end of the field is 2 meters (either positive or negative). Each lateral pipe has eight 120 l/hr micro-sprinklers at 6 meters apart and the pressure (hs) is 25 meters. What is the required diameter of the lateral pipess, if the system is designed and abides by option 1? 74 Answer: The lateral's head loss along the two sides of the manifold should be close enough (in away that the total head loss due to the difference in elevation and friction on both sides of the manifold should be almost the same). 6m 75 Continue: The maximum head loss between the sprinklers throughout the field is: 20 25 5meters 100 For a 20 mm (ID = 16.6 mm) lateral pipe on the two sides: n=8 F8 = 0.394 L = (7 sprinklers x 6 m) + 3 m = 45 m 120 Q 8 0.96m3 / hr 1,000 76 Continue: The hydraulic gradient for Q = 0.96 m3/hr and D = 20 mm (ID = 16.6 mm) is J = 12.5% 45 h 12.5 5.62m 100 h f 5.62 0.394 2.21 The inlet pressure on the downward slope lateral is: 3 2 hu 25 2.21 25.6m 2.56 at . 4 2 77 Continue: The pressure by the last sprinkler is h8 25.6 2.21 2 25.4m 2.5atmosphere The pressure difference between the two ends is hd hu h8 25 .6 25 .4 0.2 m 0.02 at . 78 Continue: The inlet pressure by the lateral upward is: 3 2 hu 25 2.21 27.65m 2.76 at . 4 2 The pressure by the last sprinkler is h8 27.65 2.21 2 23.4m 2.3at. The head loss along the upward lateral is 27.65 m - 23.4 m = 4.25 m, which is less than 5 m - 20% rule 79 Continue: The pressure requirement for the upward laterals inlet is 27.65 m and for downward laterals inlet is only 25.6 m. The head loss along the upward laterals is 4.25 m, almost all the permitted 20% (5 m). Therefore either: •the upward lateral will be increased to 25 mm or more, •the manifold can be reallocated to a higher position. • (or pressure regulators should be installed by the lateral inlets,) 80 Continue: When 20 mm lateral pipes are in used, the values of hu for both sides of the manifold vary by 27.65 - 25.6 = 2.05 m . To avoid this difference (hu) in the pressure, the upward 20 mm laterals can be replaced by 25 mm. The inlet pressure (hu) for 25 mm is 26.5 m. Therefore, the the difference inlet pressure for both sides of the manifold will be less, only 26.5 - 25.7 = 0.8 m. Less expensive alternative is by reallocating the manifold away from the center of the field to a higher point. That way, 6 sprinklers will be on the upward side and 10 sprinklers on the downward laterals. 81 Continue: Downward laterals: D = 20 mm n = 10 L = (9 sprinkler x 6 m) + 3 m = 57 m Q = 1.2 m3/hr F10 = 0.384 J = 18.5% 57 h 18.5 10.53m 100 h f h F10 10.53 0.384 4.15m 4.2m 82 Continue: The difference elevation is as follows: 2 57 4% 4 2.28m 50 100 The pressure at the lateral inlet is as follows: 3 2.28 hu 25 4.2 27.1m 4 2 83 Continue: The pressure head by the last lateral sprinkler is hd hu hf Z 27.1 4.2 2.28 25.2m The head loss along the downward lateral is h hu hd 27.1 25.2 1.9m 84 Continue: Upward laterals: n=6 F6 = 0.405 L = (5 sprinklers x 6) + 3 = 33 m Q = 0.72 m3/hr D=20 mm (ID=16.6mm) J = 7.6% 33 h 7.6 2.5m 100 h f h F6 2.5 0.405 1.01m 1m The elevation difference is for a slope of 4% is: 33 4 1.32 m 100 85 Continue: The pressure head at the lateral inlet is: 3 Z 3 1.32 hu hs h f 25 1.0 26.51m 4 2 4 2 The pressure head at the last lateral sprinkler is hd hu hf Z 26.511.0 1.32 24.19m 86 Continue: The head loss along the upward lateral is h hu hd 26.51 24.19 2.32m The values of hu for both sides are 27.1 m and 26.51 m which is practically the same. The maximum head loss is 2.3 m, so 2.7 meters are available as a head loss for the manifold. 87 Design of a manifold pipe The manifold is a pipe with multiple outlets with the same space between the outlets, therefore the manifold is designed the same way as a lateral. 88 Example: A fruit tree plot (96 x 96 m) is designed for irrigation with a solid set system. A manifold is laid throughout the center of the field. The whole plot is irrigated simultaneously. The flow rate of the selected micro-sprinkler is qs = 0.11 m3/hr at a pressure (hs) of 2.0 atmosphere. The space between the micro-sprinklers along the lateral is 8 meters (26.24 ft.) and between the laterals is 6 meters (19.68 ft.). What is the required diameter of the pipes? (The local head loss is 10% of the total head loss and is taken in account). 89 Answer: lateral qs=.11m3/h Ps=20m 6m 8 m manifold 90 Continue: The maximum allowable pressure head variation 20 20 4meters . 100 The number of micro-sprinkler on every lateral i 48 6 8 91 Continue: F6= 0.405 L = (5 sprinklers x 8 m) + 4 m = 44 m Q = 0.11 m3/hr x 6 sprinklers = 0.66 m3/hr For 16 mm P.E. lateral pipe (ID = 12.8 mm) The hydraulic gradient for 16 mm P.E. pipe (ID=12.8mm) and Q = 0.66 m3/hr is J = 22.3% 44 h 22.3 9.8m 100 92 Continue: The head loss along 16 mm lateral pipe (including 10% local head loss) is as follows: hf (10%local head loss) h F6 1.1 9.8 0.405 4.36m 4.36 m head loss exceeds the allowable 4 meter (20%). So we have to try the head loss for 20 mm P.E. lateral pipe. 93 Continue: The hydraulic gradient for 20 mm P.E. pipe (ID = 16mm) and Q = 0.66 m3/hr is J = 6.5% 44 h 6.5 2.86m 100 The head loss in 20-mm lateral pipe (including 10 local head loss) is h f 1.1 2.8 0.405 1.3m 94 Continue: 1.3 m head loss is less than 4 m (20%) and can be selected as a lateral. The lateral inlet pressure is: 3 3 hu hs h f 20 1.3 21m 4 4 The water pressure at the last micro-sprinkler on the lateral pipe is, as follows: h6 hu h f 21 1.3 19.7m 95 Continue: Manifold Design: The number of laterals is 96 (N) 2 (two sides) 32 6 F32 = 0.376 L = (31 laterals x 6 m) + 3 = 93 m Q = 32 x 0.66 = 21.1 m3/hr 96 Continue: The hydraulic gradient for 63 mm P.E. pipe (ID = 58.2 mm) and Q = 21.1 m3/hr is J = 7.2% 93 h 7.2 6.69 100 The head loss in 63 mm P.E. pipe (including 10% local head loss) is as follows: hf (10% local head loss) h F32 1.1 6.69 0.376 2.76m 97 Continue: The pressure by the manifold inlet is as follows: 3 Z 3 hum hul h f 21 2.76 23.07 m 4 2 4 The pressure by the last lateral inlet is as follows: hd hum h f 23.07 2.76 20.31m The maximum pressure in the entire plot is at the first lateral inlet 23.07 meters (2.3 atmosphere) 98 Continue: The minimum pressure throughout the system is at the last sprinkler on the last lateral, which is as follows: 20.31 - 1.3 = 19.01 m The pressure difference between the first and last sprinkler is as follows: 23.07 - 19.01 = 4.06 m (i.e. just above 4 meters (20%)) 99 Distribution of water and pressure s 100 Distribution of water and pressure p max. haverage qaverage q min <10% 101 Designing of Irrigation System Considerations: soil, topography, water supply and quality, kind of crops, climate. o o o o o o o o Soil – infiltration rate, field capacity, (the lighter the soil is - a higher advantage to drip system). המטרה Topography – the steeper the terrain - a higher advantage to drip system. Water supply – availability (time), pressure and quantity Water quality – salinity (chlorine, SAR, B, heavy metal or any other toxic), hardness, Fe, Mn, total suspended material and type. Crop – as the root system shallower a higher advantage to micro irrigation system (closing spacing). Price – as the expected income is relative higher - a better water distribution system is an advantage. Crop – Layout of the crop and type. Climate – evaporation, wind pattern, crop protection (high or low temperature) 102 Continue: Farm schedule. o Working time. o Crop related activity – such as chemical application, harvesting, weeds control and so on. Water application: o Estimate water application depth at each irrigation cycle. o Determine the peak period of daily water consumption. o Determine the frequency of water supply. 103 Continue: Irrigation system: o Consider several alternative types of irrigation systems. o Determine the sprinklers or emitters spacing, discharge, nozzle sizes, water pressure. טפטוף המטרה o Determine the minimum number of sprinklers or emitters (or a size of subplot) which must be operated simultaneously. 104 Continue: Irrigation layout: o Divide the field into sub-plots according to the crops, availability of water and number of shifts (in one complete irrigation cycle). o Determine the best layout of main and laterals. o Determine the required lateral size. o Determine the size of a main pipe. o Select a pump. 105 Continue Prepare plans, schedules, and instructions for a proper layout and operation. Prepare a schematic diagram for each set of submains or manifolds which can operate simultaneously. Prepare a diagram to show the discharge, pressure requirement, elevation and pipe length. Select appropriate pipes, starting at the downstream end and ending up by the water source. 106 Combination of pipes The total head loss along 300 meters PVC (grade 6) pipe is 15 m, with a flow rate of 180 m3/h. Which size of pipes are required? Q=180 m3/h 300 m h=15m 107 Answer The hydraulic gradient for 160 mm (ID 150.2 mm) is: 3.4% Therefore, the head loss for 300 m long pipe is: 10.2 m (too big pipe) The hydraulic gradient for 140 mm (ID 131.4 mm) is: 6.4% Therefore, the head loss for 300 m long pipe is: 19.2 m (too small pipe). Therefore, a combination of the two can make it. 108 Cont. Q=150 m3/h 300 m L 300-L 3.4 L 6.4 (300 L) 15 100 100 3L 1920 1500 L 140m 140 m 160 mm PVC pipe + 160 m 140 mm PVC pipe 109 Example: A flat field with two plots, each plot is divided into six subplots. The selected system for this field is drip irrigation. The flow rate in each subplot is 21 m3/hr and the pressure requirement to the submain inlets is 25 meters. The interval of water supply is every three days and only one shift a day. Therefore, two subplots in each plot must be irrigated simultaneously. The main pipes are made of PVC (C = 150) and are buried 0.6 meters deep. The local head losses is up to 10% of the longitudinal head losses. The pump pressure is 50 meters and with a flow rate of 84m3/h (local head loss due primary filter and others pump 110 attached accessories is 10m). Continue: 1 D 3 50m 96m C 2 50m 96m B 4 1’ 5’ E 5 A 6 3’ C’ B’ A’ 2’ 4’ 6 96m 96m Q=84m3/h F Pump 111 Pressure requirement Qu=21m3 Hu=25 m Qu=84m3 Hu=40m 112 Continue: The sequence of water application is as follow First day - 1, 5, 1' and 5' plots Second day - 2, 6, 2' and 6' plots Third day 3, 4, 3' and 4' plots - 113 Continue: The diagram for the first and second day of water supply is: 1 2Q=42m3/h C 2 L=50m E 2Q=42m3/h 1’ 5’ C’ 2’ L=50m 5 Q=21m3/h 250m D 3 B 4 L=192m hu=25.6m A 6 3’ Q=21m3/h B’ 4’ L=192 A’ 6 F Pump (Q=84m3/H= 50m) 114 Continue: The diagram for the third day of water supply is: 1 D 3 5 hu=25.6m Q=0m3/h 2Q=42m3/h C 2 B 4 A 6 L=146m 1’ 5’ E 2Q=42m3/h C’ 2’ L=146m 3’ Q=0m3/h B’ A’ 4’ 6 F Pump (Q=84m3/h, 40m) 115 Main pipes’ diagram for first and second day D E F 120 m 84 m3/h 300 m 42 m3/h A C 192m 21m3/h 116 Main pipes’ diagram for third day (Case 2) D E F 120 m 84 m3/h B 396 m 42 m3/h 117 Continue: The following table presents the the head loss (including 10%) for local head loss for selected pipe: Discharge (m3/h) pipe length (m) 2" 3" 4" 5" 21 A-C 192 31.7 4.5 1.1 0.4 50 146 250 8.3 42 C-D B-D D-E 1.2 12.1 20.7 0.3 3 5.2 0.1 1 1.8 84 E-F 120 8.8 3 6" 1.2 118 Continue: Case 1: Design system for the first and second day. hu - 25.6 m (including the depth of the main pipe 0.6 m) pump pressure - 40 m Total head loss = 40 - 25.6 = 14.4 m Head loss for the selected pipe: A-C 192m Q = 21 m3/hr 3" pipe = 4.5 m Q = 42 m3/hr 4" pipe C-D 50m = 1m D-E 250m Q = 42 m3/hr 4" pipe = 5.2 m The pressure by E is : 25.6 + 4.5 + 1.0 + 5.2 = 36.3 m. The head loss available for E-F = 40 – 36.3 = 3.7 m 119 Pressure diagram for case 1 30.1m 31.1m D 4” 50m C 25.6m A 3” 192m 36.3m E 40m F 120 Continue: For E - F (pump) section: 4" pipe is too small (8.8 m head loss, 6.7%), on the other hand 5" pipe is too much (3 m head loss, 2.3%). Therefore, a combination of the two is selected for E-F section. 1.1(6.7 L( 4") 100 2.3 120 L 100 ) 3.7 L (4") = 13.7 m L (5“) = 120 – 13.7 = 106.3 m 121 Case 2 Hu-25.6 D 146m3 B 42 m 42 m3 E F Hu-40m 122 Continue Case 2: Design system for the third day: hu – 25.6 m (including the depth of a main pipe 0.6 m) After pump pressure - 40 m Maximum head loss = 40 – 25.6 = 14.4 m Selected pipes – B-D Q = 42 m3/hr 4" pipe =3m D-E Q = 42 m3/hr 4" pipe = 5.2 m The pressure head by E tee is 26.6+3+5.2=33.8 m. The head loss available for E-F = 40 – 33.8 = 6.2 m 123 Case 2 H-28.6m D H-33.8m 42 m3 4” 146m Hu-25.6 B E F Hu-40m 124 Continue The pressure in case 2 at point E is 33.8 m which is lower than in case 2 which was 36.3 m (pressure different of 2.5 m). . Therefore, the pipe for DB should be reduced, in a way that the pressure at a point D should be a same as case 1 which is 3 42 m 31.2m. Hu-25.6 H-31.1m D 146m B E A combination of pipes 3” and 4” for DB section with 5.6 m head loss should be selected. 125 Continue Section DB: the hydraulic gradient for 3” pipe with 42 m3 is 7.5% and for 4” is 1.9% 146 L L3" 1.1(7.5 1.9 ) 5.5 100 100 3” pipe is = 39.75 m and for 4” is 106.25 m (The actual length should take in account the commercial pipe length) 126 Case 2 H-31.2m D 4” 106.25m 3” 39.75 m Hu-25.6 B 42 m3 E In this situation the size of pipes DE and EF are a same as in case 1. In case 2, the required pipes are smaller than case 1 (DB). (The selected pipe in case 1 are too small to maintain the pressure requirement in case 2) 127 Pipe diagram for case 1 & 2 Hu-25.6m D 4” 106.75m C 3” 135.25m B A E F 128 Head loss in case 1 For section A – C (192m 21m3/h): 3” 137.4 m 4” 54.6m For section C – D (42m3/h) 4” 50 m For section D – E (42 m3/h): 4” 250 m For section E – F (120m 84m3/h): 4” 13.7 m 5: 106.3 m The total head loss from A to F is - 3.2 m - 0.3 m -1m - 5.2 m -1m - 2.7 m -13.4 m 129 Pressure diagram for case 1 H-30.1 D H-29.1m 4” 104.6m C H-35.3m H-39m 25.6m 3” 137.4m B A E F 130 Head loss in case 2 For section D – B (1146m 42m3/h): 3” 39.75 m 4” 106.25 m For section D – E (42 m3/h): 4” 250 m For section E – F (120m 84m3/h): 4” 13.7 m 5”: 106.3 m The total head loss from A to F is - 3.3 m - 2.2 m - 5.2 m -1m - 2.7 m 14.4 m 131 Pressure diagram for case 2 H-31.1 D H-28.9m 4” 106.25m C 25.6m 3” 39.75m B H-36.3m E H-40m F Case 2 -צריך להוסיף מפה דומה ל 132 Diagram for E – A’ case 2 H-31.1 D H-28.9m 4” 104.6m C 25.6m 3” 137.4m B A H-36.3m 25.6m E B’ H-40m F 133 The pipe for E – A’ for case 1 E 42m3/h C’ H-35.3m 50 m Q – 21m3/h A’ H-25.6m 192 m The head loss E – A’: 35.3 – 25.6 = 9.7 m The length of E – C’ is 50 m 42 m3/h for 3” pipe the head loss is 4.1 m The length of C’ A’ is 192 m 21m3/h the required head loss for this section is: 9.7 – 4.1 = 5.6m The hydraulic gradient for 2” is 15% and for 3” is 2.1% and combination of the two will make it. 134 Continue The hydraulic gradient for 2” is 15% and for 3” is 2.1% and combination of the two will make it. L2" 192 L 1.1(15 2.1 ) 5.6 100 100 8.2 m 2” pipe, and 183.8 m 3” pipe. The head loss for E-C’ 3” pipe (42 m3/h is 4.1 m. The total head loss for E-A’ is 9.7 m. A’ C’ E 42m3/h 3” 233.8 m Q – 21m3/h 2” 8.2m 135 The pipe for E – B’ for case 2 E 42m3/h H-36.3m B’ H-25.6m 146 m The head loss E – B’: 36.3 – 25.6 = 10.7 m The length of E – B’ is 146 m 42 m3/h The head loss for 3” is too much 12.1 m and for 4” is too small 3 m A combination of the two will make it, the hydraulic gradient for 3” is 7.5% and for 4” is 1.9%. 136 The combination pipes for E – B’ L3" 146 L 1.1(7.5 1.9 ) 10.7 100 100 3” pipe 4” pipe 124.1 m 21.9 m 137 Diagram for E – A’ for case 2 H-30.1 D H-35.3m E H-29.1m 4” 104.6m C 4” 21.9m 25.6m 3” 137.4m B A B’ 25.6m 3” 211.9m 2” A’ 8.2m H-39m F Since the size of the pipe E-A’ increased, therefore we have to reconsider the pipe size for EA’ in case 1. 138 Section E-A’ case 1 25.6m C’ E 4” 21.9m 3” 211.9m 2” 8.2m A’ The head loss E – B’: 35.3 – 25.6 = 9.7 m The length of E – C’ is 50 m 42 m3/h The head loss for 4” 21.9 m is 0.5 m The head loss for 3” 28. 1 m is 2.3 m The length of C’ – A’ is 192 m 21 m3/h The head loss for 3” 183.8 m is 4.3 m The head loss for 2” 8.2 m is 1.4 m The total head loss is 0.5 + 2.3 + 4.3 + 1.4 = 8.5 m Therefore, the length of 2” pipe can be extended a little bit by (to increase the head loss): 9.7 – 8.5 = 1.2 m: 139 Continue The length of B – A is 96 m with 21 m3/h The current head loss is: for 3” 183.8 m is -4.3 m for 2” 8.2 m is -1.4 m The total head loss should be increased by 1.2 m 4.3 + 1.4 + 1.2 = 6.9 m The hydraulic gradient for 2” and 21m3/h is 15% and for 3” pipe is 2.1% L2" 192 L 1.1(15 2.1 ) 6.9 100 100 The length of 2” pipe is 17.4 m and 3” pipe is 174.6 m 140 Final Diagram for E – A’ H-30.1 D H-29.1m 4” 104.6m C H-35.3m E 4” C’ 4” 21.9m 25.6m 3” 137.4m B B’ 3” 202.7m A 25.6m 2” A’ 17.4m H-39m 5” F To overcome the pressure differences, pressure regulator should be installed by every risers. 141 142 143 To overcome the pressure differences, pressure regulator should be installed by every risers. 144 145 צריך להוסיף את בחינה של גודל צינורות ’ E-Aעבור case2 אשר נדרש לקטרים אחרים Case 2 H-31.2m D 4” 104.6m 3” 41.4 m Hu-25.6 B 42 m3 E 146 Continue The pipe selection for F - A is as follows: A-D 3" 242 meters D-E 4" 250 meters E-F 6" 120 meters 147 Continue The pipe selection for the section E-A' for case 1 is as fo Hu=38m C’ 50 m E 42m3/h Hu=25.6 B’ A’ 192m 21m3/h 148 Continue The head loss is 38.0 - 25.6 = 12.4 m Selection of pipes A'-C' Q = 21 m3/hr 2" pipe = 7.7 m The head loss available for E-C' 38 - 7.7 - 25.6 = 4.7 m 149 Continue 2" pipe is too small (6.5 m), on the other hand 3" pipe is too much (2.4 m). Therefore, a combination of the two pipes is required for EC' section. The two pipes which required for EC section are: L 50 L 1.1(43 130 ) 4.7 1,000 1,000 L = 33 m L(3") = 33 meters and 2" pipe 27 meters 150 Continue The design for the section E-A' for case 2 is as follows: A’ H=38m B’ C’ E 146m 42m3/h QEB' = 42 m3/hr 2" pipe = 7.7 m The hydraulic gradient for E-B’ section is 38.0 - 25.6 = 12 151 Continue 2" pipe is too small (18.9 m), on the other hand 3" pipe is too much (6.9m) Therefore, a mix of the two is required for F-B', section. 1.1(43 L 146 L 130 ) 12.4 1,000 1,000 L = 95 L (3") = 95 m and 2" pipe 51 m 152 Continue: The selected pipe for E-B' section will be as in case 2, 95 meters 3" pipe and 51 meters 2" pipe. Pressure regulators on some of the risers should be considered to compensate the total head loss over 20% (including the head loss inside each plot). 153