ESS2220 Electric and Electronic Circuits by Prof. K.S. Chang-Liao (by courtesy of Prof. T. K. Wang) Rules to Abide by: 1. No food in the class, while beverages and chewing gums are ok; 2. Use the back door, if you are late; 3. Don’t wear slippers, while sandals are ok. 2 Text Book: Electrical Engineering – Principles and Applications 3rd -5th ed. Author: Allan R. Hambley, Published by: Prentice Hall Grading: Exams. I and II: 40%+ 40%, Quizzes: 10%, HW: 10% 一分耕耘 一分收穫! 3 Course Contents I. Electric Circuits Chap. 1: Introduction Chap. 2: Resistive Circuits Chap. 3: Inductance and Capacitance Chap. 4: Transients Chap. 5: Steady-State Sinusoidal Analysis Chap. 6: Frequency Response II. Electronics Chap.10: Diodes Chap.11: Amplifiers Chap.12: Field Effect Transistors Chap.14: Operational Amplifiers 4 Chapter 1 Introduction • Define current, voltage, and power, including their units. • Calculate power and energy, as well as determine whether energy is supplied or absorbed by a circuit element. • State and apply basic circuit laws. • Solve for currents, voltages, and powers in simple circuits. 5 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 The History of Electricity 6 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 The History of Electricity 7 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 The History of Electricity 8 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.2 Circuits, Currents, and Voltages 1.2.1 Circuits An electric circuit consists of various types of elements connected by connectors. (Note: “open” or “short” circuit) (a) Open circuit. (b) Short circuit. 9 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.2 Circuits, Currents, and Voltages 1.2.2 Currents i(t) dq(t) dt t q(t) i(t)dt q(t0 ) t0 Electrical current is the time rate of flow of electrical charge through a conductor or circuit element. The units are amperes (A), which are equivalent to coulombs per second (C/s). We define the direction of positive charge flow as positive current direction. 10 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.2.2 Currents Actual direction and reference direction of current flow. e.g., i 1 2A, i 2 3A, i 3 5A Direct current (dc) and alternating current (ac) 11 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.2.2 Currents Notation for currents: i ab -iba 1.2.3 Voltages Voltage is the energy transferred per unit of charge that flows through the element: V (volt) = J (joule)/C (coulomb) Notice that voltage is measured across the ends of a circuit element, whereas current is a measure of charge flow through the element. 12 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.2.4 Actual and Reference Polarities of Voltage Voltages are assigned polarities that indicate the direction of energy flow. + - v ab -vba 13 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.2.5 Voltmeters and Ammeters (a) A direct-reading (analog) meter. (b) A digital meter. (a) An ideal ammeter measures the current flow through its terminals and has zero voltage. (b) An ideal voltmeter measures the voltage across its terminals and has zero terminal current. 14 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.2.5 Voltmeters and Ammeters Ideal voltmeters (ammeters) act like open (short) circuits. (a) An example circuit, (b) plus an open circuit and a short circuit. (c) The open circuit is replaced by a voltmeter, and the short circuit is replaced by an ammeter. All resistances are in ohms. 15 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.2.5 Voltmeters and Ammeters (a) The correspondence between the color-coded probes of the voltmeter and the reference direction of the measured voltage. In (b) the + sign of vais on the left, while in (c) the + sign of vb is on the right. The colored probe is shown here in blue. In the laboratory this probe will be red. We will refer to the colored probe as the “red probe.” 16 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.2.5 Voltmeters and Ammeters (a) The correspondence between the color-coded probes of the ammeter and the reference direction of the measured current. In (b) the current ia is directed to the right, while in (c) the current ib is directed to the left. The colored probe is shown here in blue. In the laboratory this probe will be red. We will refer to the colored probe as the “red probe.” 17 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.2.6 Switches 18 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.3 Power and Energy 19 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.3 Power and Energy p vi V A J/C C/s J/s Watt Passive reference configuration: Current reference enters the positive polarity of the voltage. In this case, p=vi . A positive p means energy is being absorbed by the element; a negative p means energy is being supplied by the element. p vi Note: a positive p for a battery means: charging the battery. 20 1.3 Power and Energy Example 1.2 21 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.4 Kirchhoff’s Current Law Node: a joint of two or more circuit elements Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KCL): The net current entering (leaving) a node is zero, or N i n1 n 22 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.4 Kirchhoff’s Current Law Exercise 1.7 23 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.5 Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law Loop: a closed electrical path Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law (KVL): The algebraic sum of the voltage equals zero for any loop in an N electrical circuit, or v n 0 n 1 24 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.5 Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law Both Kirchhoff’s voltage and current laws are the result of conservation of energy (i.e., power supplied = power absorbed). KVL KCL va A i vb B i i1 i C vc V i3 i2 Vi 1 Vi 2 Vi 3 , or - Vi 1 Vi 2 Vi 3 0 i1 i 2 i 3 25 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.5 Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law Two or more circuit elements are in parallel if both ends of one element are connected directly to corresponding ends of others. In the following figure, D,E,F are in parallel, but not B,D. The voltage across parallel elements are equal in magnitude and have the same polarity. 26 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.5 Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law 27 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.6 Basic Circuit Elements 1.6.1 Conductors * Zero voltage drop in (ideal) conductors * “short circuit”: two points are connected by conductor All points connected by conductors can be considered as a single point. * “open circuit”: no connector between two pints in a circuit. 28 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.6.1 Conductors A sudden increase of the current in a circuit may cause elements (e.g., source) to burnout, sometimes even initiate a fire! We can use fuses to prevent currents from becoming too large. 29 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.6.2 Voltage Sources * Independent Voltage Sources maintain a specific voltage across its terminals, independent of other elements in the circuit. f=1 30 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.6.2 Voltage Sources * Dependent (or Controlled) Voltage Sources voltage-controlled voltage source, current-controlled voltage source 31 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.6.3 Current Sources * Independent Current Source forces a specific current to flow through itself, independent of other elements in the circuit. f=50 32 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.6.3 Current Sources * Dependent (or Controlled) Current Sources voltage-controlled current source, current-controlled current source 33 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.6.4 Resistors and Ohm’s Law 34 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.6.4 Resistors and Ohm’s Law 35 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.6.4 Resistors and Ohm’s Law 36 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.6.4 Resistors and Ohm’s Law 37 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.6.4 Resistors and Ohm’s Law 38 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.6.4 Resistors and Ohm’s Law *Ohm’s Law: v iR Resistance R: R ( Ω ) v (V) / i(A) * Conductance: G ( Siemens S or Ω -1 ) 1 /R, i Gv * ρL , A ρ( Ω m) : resistivity R 39 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.6.5 Conductor, semiconductor, insulator ρL , A ρ( Ω m) : resistivity R 1.6.6 Power * Power: p vi i 2 R v 2 /R 40 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.7 Circuit Basics * Calculate the current, voltage, and power for each element p R v R i R 10 2 20W p S -v S i S -10 2 -20W pS pR 0 41 Chapter 1 Introduction Example 1.6 use arbitrary reference iy ix vx KVL : - v S - v x o - 10 - v x 0 v x -10V Ω' s Law : v x -5ix i x 2A KCL : i x i y 0 i y -2A p S i y v S -2A(10V) -20W p R -i x v x -2A(-10V) 20W 42 Chapter 1 Introduction Example 1.7: Using KVL, KCL, and Ohm’s Law to Solve a Circuit 15 V iy 3A 5Ω i x 0.5i x i y ix 2 A v x 10i x 20 V Vs v x 15 Vs 35 V 43 Chapter 1 Introduction Additional Notes KCL : Currents entering the node, i1 - i 2 i 3 i4 - i5 0 Currents leaving the node, - i1 i 2 - i 3 - i4 i5 0 i1 i5 i4 i2 i3 Current entering Current leaving, i1 i 3 i4 i 2 i5 KCL : Current entering the boundary: - i1 i 2 i 3 - i4 - i5 0 Currents leaving the boundary: i1 - i 2 - i 3 i4 i5 0 Current entering Current leaving i 2 i 3 i1 i4 i5 44 Additional Example – Find current and voltage 45 Chapter 1 Introduction Additional Example – Using KVL, KCL, and Ohm’s Law to Solve a Circuit 15 V iy 3A 5Ω v x 10i x 20 V i x 0.5i x i y Vs v x 15 ix 2 A Vs 35 V 46 Chapter 1 Introduction Quiz: Determine the power absorbed (received) or supplied by elements C and D. (1) Element C: KVL (loop w/ B, C, D): 6v4 0 v 2V PC 7 A v 14W A power of 14W is supplied by element C. (2) Element D: KCL (node b): 7 ( 10 ) i 0 i 3 A PD ( 4V ) i 12W A power of 12W is absorbed (received) by element D. 47 Chapter 1 Introduction Quiz: Exercises 1.14 and 1.15 48 Chapter 1 Introduction KCL : i 1 i 2 KVL : - v 1 - v 2 0 v 1 25V v 2 -25V i 1 i 2 v 2 /R -1A KCL : i R i S 2A Ω' s Law : v R i R R 80V KVL : v S v R 80V p R v 2 i 2 (-25V)(-1A) 25W p S -v S i S -160W p S v 1 i 1 (25V)(-1A) -25W p R v R i R 160W 49 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits 1. Solve circuits (i.e., find currents and voltages of interest) by combining resistances in series and parallel. 2. Apply the voltage-division and current-division principles. 3. Solve circuits by the node-voltage technique. 4. Solve circuits by the mesh-current technique. 5. Find Thévenin and Norton equivalents and apply source transformations. 6. Apply the superposition principle. 7. Draw the circuit diagram and state the principles of operation for the Wheatstone bridge. 50 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits 2.1 Series and parallel Resistances 2.1.1 Series Resistances KVL : v v 1 v 2 v 3 ( v n ) R1 i R2 i R3 i( Rn i) Req i Req R1 R2 R3 ( Rn ) 51 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits 2.1.2 Parallel Resistances KCL : i i 1 i 2 i 3 ( i n ) v v v v ( ) R1 R 2 R 3 Rn v Req Req 1/( 1 1 1 1 ) R1 R 2 R 3 Rn 52 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits Example 2.1 – Find equivalent resistance 53 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits Exercise 2.1 – Find equivalent resistance 54 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits 2.2 Simple Network Analysis – Example 2.2 - Find all i, v, p i 2 2A, i 3 1A, p s -(90) 3 -270W, p1 10 (3)2 90W p2 120W, p3 60W; p s p1 p2 p3 0 55 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits 2.3 Voltage-Divider and Current-Divider Circuits Voltage-division Principle Current-division Principle Req v i Ri i v total Ri R1 R 2 R 3 ( R n ) v total Ri Req 1 ( 1 R1 v Req i total i1 1 R2 ) R1 R 2 R1 R 2 R1 R 2 i total R1 R 2 R2 v i total R 1 R1 R 2 R1 v i2 i total R 2 R1 R 2 i 1 : i 2 R 2 : R1 56 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits Example 2.4 Rx R2 R3 30 60 20Ω R2 R3 30 60 vx Rx 20 vs 100 25V R1 R x 60 20 vs 100 is 1.25A R1 R x 60 20 R2 30 i3 is 1.25 0.417A R2 R3 30 60 vx 25 or i 3 0.417A R3 60 Find v x , i s, and i 3 57 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits Example 2.5 Req i1 R2 R3 30 60 20Ω R2 R3 30 60 Req R eq R1 is 20 15 10A 20 10 58 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits – Additional Example 59 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits – Quiz: Find equivalent resistance 60 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits 2.4 Node-Voltage Analysis 2.4.1 Basic Procedures (1) Selecting the Reference Node (one end of a voltage source is a good choice) (2) Assigning Node Voltages (Labeling the voltages at each of the other nodes) v 1 (or v 10 ), v 2 (or v 20 ), 61 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits 2.4.1 Basic Procedures (1) Selecting the Reference Node (2) Assigning Node Voltages v 1 (or v 10 ), v 2 (or v 20 ), (3) Finding Element Voltages in Terms of the Node Voltage Use KVL to determine element voltages -v 2 v x v 3 0 v x v 2 - v 3 ( v 23 ) -v 1 - v y v 2 0 v y v 2 - v 1 ( v 21 ) -v 1 - v z v 3 0 v z v 3 - v 1 ( v 31 ) 62 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits 2.4.1 Basic Procedures (1) Selecting the Reference Node (2) Assigning Node Voltages (3) Finding Element Voltages in Terms of the Node Voltage Passive Reference Configuration v x v nk v n - v k , v y v kn v k - v n i nk n vx - vn k vk - vy i kn (note : v x -v y ) i nk v nk /R, i kn v kn /R (note : i nk -ikn ) 63 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits 2.4.1 Basic Procedures (1) Selecting the Reference Node (2) Assigning Node Voltages (3) Finding Element Voltages in Terms of the Node Voltage node 2 : (4) Writing KCL Equations (v 2 - v 1 ) (v 2 - v 3 ) v2 R2 R4 R3 0 node 3 : (v 3 - v 3 ) v3 (v 3 - v 2 ) R1 R5 R3 0 node 1 : v1 v s v x v nk v n - v k , v y v kn v k - v n ink n vx - vn k vk - vy ikn (note : v x -v y ) i nk v nk /R, i kn v kn /R (note : i nk -ikn ) 64 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits Quiz – Exercises2.12b Find i b 65 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits Exercise 2.12b 66 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits Example 2.8 (Node-voltage Analysis) Find i x 67 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits Quiz: Exercise 2.9 (Node-voltage Analysis) 68 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits 2.4.2 Circuit with Voltage Sources * Can’t write KCL for node containing voltage source. * Super-node combines several node. * KCL: the net current flowing through any closed boundary is zero. v 1 v 1 - (-15) v 2 v 2 - (-15) 0 ..........(1) R2 R1 R4 R3 69 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits 2.4.2 Circuit with Voltage Sources v 1 v 1 - (-15) v 2 v 2 - (-15) 0 R2 R1 R4 R3 ..........(1) * To solve for v, we will need another equation; for the other super-node: v v (-15)- v 2 (-15)- v 1 - 1 (- 2 ) 0 ..........( ) eq.(1) eq.( ) R2 R4 R3 R1 * We obtain two identical equations! * We will obtain dependent equations, if we use all the nodes in writing current equations. * We can use KVL to obtain another independent equation: - v 1 - 10 v 2 0 ..........(2) or just v 2 v 1 10 Solve eqs.(1)and (2) for v 1 and v 2 . 70 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits Exercise 2.11 71 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits 2.4.3 Circuits with Controlled Sources – Example 2.9 KCL equations at each node: (Controlling variable) In terms of node voltage, Substitute back: 72 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits 2.4.3 Circuits with Controlled Sources – Example 2.10 Super-node containing voltage source: KCL: For node 3: For the reference node: KVL (back to the super-node): v 1 - v 2 0.5 v x eq.(3) To expressv x (controlling variable)in terms of node voltages : v x v 3 - v1 eq.(4) Solve for v 1 , v 2 , v 3 , and v x . 73 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits Summary of Sec. 2.4 – Node-Voltage Analysis 1. Select a reference node and assign variables for the unknown node voltages. If the reference node is chosen at one end of an independent voltage source, one node voltage is known at the start, and fewer need to be computed. 2. Write network equations. First, use KCL to write current equations for nodes and supernodes. Write as many current equations as you can without using all of the nodes. Then if you do not have enough equations because of voltage sources connected between nodes, use KVL (super-node) to write additional equations. 3. If the circuit contains dependent sources, find expressions for the controlling variables in terms of the node voltages. Substitute into the network equations, and obtain equations having only the node voltages as unknowns. 4. Put the equations into standard form and solve for the node voltages. 5. Use the values found for the node voltages to calculate any other currents or voltages of interest. 74 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits Quiz – Exercises 2.13b Find i y 75 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits Exercise 2.13b 76 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits – Additional Example v a 8.667V , v b 2V , v c 10V Find the value of A 77 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits – Additional Example Find the unknown shown 78 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits – Additional Example Find the unknown shown 79 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits – Additional Example 80 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits – Additional Example v 1 10V , v 2 14V , v 3 12V , Find i b and the value of r 81 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits 2.5 Mesh-Current Analysis 2.5.1 Basic Procedures * Branch –Current and Mesh-Current Analyses * Mesh currents flow around closed paths, it automatically satisfy KCL. Brench Currents i 1 , i 2 , and i 3 R1 i 1 R 3 i 3 v A KVL : - R3 i 3 R2 i 2 -v B KCL : i 1 i 2 i 3 Mesh Currents i 1 and i 2 R1 i 1 R3 (i1 - i 2 ) v A KVL : - R3 (i1 - i 2 ) R2 i 2 -v B R1 i 1 R3 (i1 - i 2 ) v A - R3 (i1 - i 2 ) R2 i 2 -v B 82 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits 2.5 Mesh-Current Analysis * Procedures of Mesh-Current Analysis: (1) Choosing mesh current; (2) Writing KVL equations for each mesh; (3) Solving for mesh currents. This is a loop but not a mesh (current) 83 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits Example 2.12 – Mesh Current Analysis 84 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits 2.5.2 Mesh Current in Circuits Containing Current Sources * We usually avoid writing KVL equations containing current sources, since we don’t know the voltage drop across a current source. mesh 2 : 10(i2 - i1 ) 5i 2 10 0 • Another equation is needed, we may use: i1 2A • Write current source in terms of mesh currents 85 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits 2.5.2 Mesh Current in Circuits Containing Current Sources mesh 3 : 3i3 4(i3 - i 2 ) 2(i3 - i1 ) 0 We can’t write KVL equations for meshes 1 and 2. We have for the current source: i 2 - i 1 5A Still, one more equation is needed. We create a super-mesh containing meshes 1 and 2 and apply KVL: i1 2(i1 - i 3 ) 4(i2 - i 3 ) 10 0 86 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits 2.5.3 Circuits Containing Controlled Sources – Example 2.13 Super mesh containing meshes 1 and 2 eq. (1) For the source current: eq. (a) We also know that: eq. (b) From eqs. (a) and (b), we have: eq. (2) Solving eqs. (1) and (2), we have: 87 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits 2.5.3 Standard Mesh-Current Analysis Procedures 1. If necessary, redraw the network without crossing conductors or elements. Then define the mesh currents flowing around each of the open areas defined by the network. For consistency, we usually select a clockwise direction for each of the mesh currents, but this is not a requirement. 2. Write network equations, stopping after the number of equations is equal to the number of mesh currents. First, use KVL to write voltage equations for meshes that do not contain current sources. Next, if any current sources are present, write expressions for their currents in terms of the mesh currents. Finally, if a current source is common to two meshes, write a KVL equation for the supermesh. 3. If the circuit contains dependent sources, find expressions for the controlling variables in terms of the mesh currents. Substitute into the network equations, and obtain equations having only the mesh currents as unknowns. 88 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits – Additional Example 89 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits – Additional Example 90 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits – Additional Example 91 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits – Additional Example 92 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits Quiz – Exercises 2.20 (b) and 2.21 (b) Exercise 2.20 (b) Exercise 2.21 (b) 93 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits Exercise 2.20 (b) 94 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits Exercise 2.21 (b) 95 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits 2.6 Thevenin and Norton Equivalent Circuits * To replace two-terminal circuits by simple equivalent circuits. 2.6.1 Thevenin Equivalent Circuits * Thevenin theorem: Any two-terminal circuit consisting resistances and sources can be expressed as an independent voltage source in series with a resistance. 96 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits 2.6.1 Thevenin Equivalent Circuits * The Thevenin voltage equals the open circuit voltage of the original circuit. voc Vt v oc * The short circuit is the same for the original circuit and for the Thevenin equivalent. i sc i sc Vt , i.e., Rt Vt Rt i sc 97 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits 2.6.1 Thevenin Equivalent Circuits – Example 2.14 (1) Vt v oc i1 vs R1 R 2 15 0.10A 100 50 Vt v oc R2 i 1 50 0.10 5V (2) Rt v oc i sc vs 15 i sc 0.15A R1 100 Rt v oc 5 33.3Ω i sc 0.15 98 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits 2.6.2 Zeroing Sources to Find Thevenin Resistance * In zeroing a voltage source, we reduce its voltage to zero, that is, to short the source. * In zeroing a current source, we reduce its current to zero, that is, to open the source. * We can find the Thevenin resistance by zeroing the sources in the original network and then computing the resistance between the terminals, if there is no dependent source. 99 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits Example 2.15 – Zero Sources to Find Thevenin Resistance (1) Zero the sources: Rt Req R1 //R2 4 Ω (2) Find the short-circuit current of the original circuit, i 2 0, i 1 20V/5Ω 4A i sc 4 2 6A Vt i sc Rt 6A 4 Ω 24V 100 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits Example 2.16 - Thevenin Equivalent of a Circuit with a Dependent Source ? (1) We can’t fine the Thevenin resistance by zeroing the sources. (2) Find the open-circuit voltage first (by node-voltage analysis). at node 1, i x 2ix v oc 10 , also i x (10 - v oc )/5 v oc 8.57V (3) Consider the short-circuit condition i x 10V/5Ω 2A, i sc 3ix 6A Rt Vt /i sc 1.43Ω 101 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits Quiz – Exercise 2.22 : Find the Thevenin Equivalent Vt v oc 5A 10Ω 50V 10 i sc 5A 1A 40 10 Vt Rt 50Ω i sc (1) Zeroing the source Rt Req 10 40 50 Ω (2) Find i sc of the original circuit 10 1A 40 10 (3)V t i sc Rt 1A 50Ω 50V i sc 5A (1) Zeroing the source Rt Req 10 40 50 Ω (2) Find v oc of the original circuit V t v oc 5A 10 Ω 50V 102 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits – Additional Example To cause ib 2mA, R ? 103 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits – Additional Example 104 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits – Quiz To cause i L 2 A, RL ? 105 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits – Additional Example ? 106 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits 2.6.3 Norton Equivalent Circuits * Norton’s Theorem: Any two terminal circuit consisting resistances and sources can be expressed as an independent current source in parallel with a resistance. * The resistance in Norton equivalent is the same as Thevenin resistance. (1) If we zero the source, the two circuits are the same. (2) The Norton current is equal to the short-circuit current. 107 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits 2.6.3 Norton Equivalent Circuits or Vt Rt i sc or v oc Rt i sc 108 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits Example 2.17 - Norton Equivalent Circuits (1) Find open-circuit voltage at the top node, v x v oc - 15 v oc 0 4 R1 R2 R3 since v x R3 v oc 0.25voc R2 R3 v oc 4.62V (2) Find short-circuit current Under short - circuit condition, v x 0 the controlled source appears open i sc vs 15V 0.75A( I n ) R1 20Ω Rn Rt v oc 4.62 6.15Ω i sc 0.75 109 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits Quiz – Exercise 2.25 - Find Norton Equivalent Circuits 110 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits Quiz – Exercise 2.25 - Find Norton Equivalent Circuits 111 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits – Additional Example Find i SC and Rt 112 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits – Additional Example Find i SC : i 2 i SC , i a i 1 i SC mesh 1 KVL : 3i1 2( i 1 i SC ) 6 ( i 1 i SC ) 10 0 7i1 4 i SC 0 mesh 2 KVL : 5i 6 ( i i ) 0 SC 1 SC - 6i1 11i SC 0 i SC 1.13 A ( I n ) 113 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits – Additional Example Find v OC and Rt : i 2 0 , ia i1 mesh 1 KVL : 3i1 2 i a 6 i a 10 0 i 1 i a 1.43 A v OC 6 i a 6 1.43 8.58V Rt v OC / i SC 8.58 / 1.13 7.57 Ω 114 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits – Additional Example Find Rt by zeroing the source : There is a dependentsource! (1) Zero the indep.source,(2)Connect a current source iT . Rt v T i T i 2 iT i i i 1 2 a mesh 1 KVL : 3i1 2 i a 6 i a 0 mesh 2 KVL : 5i v 6 i 0 2 T a v T 7.57 iT Rt v T iT 7.57 Ω 115 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits 2.6.4 Source Transformations In this situation, both circuits have the same open-circuit voltage and short-circuit current: v oc Vt (in Tnevenin Equivalent) I n Rt (in Norton Equivalent) i sc I n (in Norton Equivalent) Vt /Rt (in Thevenin Equivalent) “Source Transformation” can be used to simplify problems. 116 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits 2.6.4 Example 2.18 – Using Source Transformations (1) Approach I - Transform current source to voltage source Vt I n Rt 1A 10Ω 10V R1 i 1 R2 i 1 10 - 20 0 i 1 0.667A i 2 i 1 1 1.667A (2) Approach II - Transform voltage source to current source I n Vt /Rt 4A i total 1 4 5A R1 i2 i total 1.667A R1 R 2 i 1 1A i 2 i 1 0.667A 117 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits – Additional Example Use source transformation to find the voltage 118 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits 2.6.5 Maximum Power Transfer What is the maximum power which can be delivered to the load? We replace the original circuit by its Thevenin Equivalent Vt iL , Rt Rl 2 V t RL p L i L2 R L (Rt R L ) 2 to find a maximum dpL 0 R L Rt dRL p L man Vt 2 4Rt When the load resistance equals the Thevenin resistance, it can absorb the maximum power from a two-terminal circuit. 119 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits Example: Find the maximum power can be transferred. 120 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits 2.7 Superposition Principle Suppose that we have a circuit composed of resistances, linear dependent sources and n independent sources, the superposition principle states that the total response is the sum of the responses to each of the independent sources acting individually: r r r r r T 1 2 3 n Linear dependent source vT v 1 v 2 121 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits 2.7 Superposition Principle at top node : at top node : at top node : v T - v s1 v T ki x i s2 R1 R2 (v1 - v s1 ) v 1 ki x 0 R1 R2 v2 v 2 ki x i s2 R1 R 2 i x v T /R2 i x v 1 /R2 i x v 2 /R2 (R2 v s1 R1 R2 i s2 ) vT (R1 R2 kR1 ) R2 v s1 v1 (R1 R2 kR1 ) v2 R1 R2 i s2 (R1 R2 kR1 ) vT v 1 v 2 122 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits 2.8 Wheatstone Bridge * Wheatstone bridge is used to precisely measure unknown resistance. * When the bridge is in balance: i g 0 and v ab 0 node a : i 1 i 3 node b : i 2 i 4 KVL : R1 i 1 R2 i 2 , R3 i 3 R x i 4 (i.e., R3 i 1 R x i 2 ) R3 R x R R x 2 R3 R1 R 2 R1 123 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits Example 2.21 Wheatstone Bridge 124 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits 2.8 Wheatstone Bridges 125 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits Additional Example: Wheatstone Bridge 126 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits Additional Example: Wheatstone Bridge 127 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits - SUMMARY 128 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits - SUMMARY 129 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits - SUMMARY 130 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits - SUMMARY 131