Ⅰ.General Summary

Lesson Plan
• Review
• New Words and Phrases
• Reading and Translating—Unit Eighteen
• Classroom Exercises
Unit Eighteen
General Design Explanation of Structure
Working Drawing
单 元 18
Ⅰ.General Summary:
• 1. The design codes and regulations.
• 1) Code for design of concrete structure GB500102002
• 2) Load Code for Design of Building Structures
• 3) Code for design of building foundation
Ⅰ.General Summary:
1. The design codes and regulations.
1) Code for design of concrete structure GB500102002
2) Load Code for Design of Building Structures
3) Code for design of building foundation
一. 一般说明:
1).混凝土结构设计规范 GB50010-2002
2).建筑结构荷载规范 GB50009-2001
3).建筑地基基础设计规范 GB50007-2002
• 4) Code for Seismic Design of Buildings.
• 5) Technical Code for Ground Treatment of
Buildings JGJ79-91
• 6) Technical code for piling of building JGJ-94-94
• 7) Unified Standard for Reliability Design of
Building Structures GB 50068-2001
4) Code for Seismic Design of Buildings. GB50011-2001
5) Technical Code for Ground Treatment of Buildings JGJ7991
6) Technical code for piling of building JGJ-94-94
7) Unified Standard for Reliability Design of Building
Structures GB 50068-2001
4).建筑抗震设计规范 GB50011-2001
5).建筑地基处理技术规范 JGJ79-91
6).建筑桩基技术规范 JGJ-94-94
7).建筑结构可靠度设计统一标准 GB 50068-2001
• 标准(standard, criterion)
• 规范 (criterion, code, specification)
• 规程 (regulation, rule)
2. The geological exploration report on the state of
the rock and earth in the site of the Foundation
provided by the client.
3. The indoor level ±0.000 designed on the
Master Plan is equivalent to 3.400 meter of the
absolute level of HuangHai Altitude.
2. The geological exploration report on the state of
the rock and earth in the site of the Foundation
provided by the client.
3. The indoor level ±0.000 designed on the Master
Plan is equivalent to 3.400 meter of the absolute
level of HuangHai Altitude.
4. The safety grade of the structure and the
foundation are both rated two.
5. The seismic fortification intensity of this project
is 7 degree. The seismic fortification of the
architecture is sorted C。
4. The safety grade of the structure and the
foundation are both rated two.
5. The seismic fortification intensity of this project
is 7 degree. The seismic fortification of the
architecture is sorted C。
6. Based on geological report, the course of the
construction site is sorted four. The terrain
roughness is sorted B
7. The design reference period of this project is 50
6. Based on geological report, the course of the
construction site is sorted four. The terrain
roughness is sorted B
7. The design reference period of this project is 50
粗糙度为 B 类。
8. The environment sort of the concrete structure is:
2a for foundation and 1 for upper structure
9. The measurement in the drawings is millimeter,
except for the level, which is measured in meter.
8. The environment sort of the concrete structure is:
2a for foundation and 1 for upper structure
9. The measurement in the drawings is millimeter,
except for the level, which is measured in meter.
Ⅱ. Foundation:
1. The pile foundation is adopted for this engineering.
二. 地基基础部分:
1. 本工程采用桩基础。
2. During the construction of the foundation, if the
actual geological condition is different from that
of the geological report, please inform the
designer immediately. The designer will discuss
with the relevant parties for treatment.
2. During the construction of the foundation, if
the actual geological condition is different from
that of the geological report, please inform the
designer immediately. The designer will discuss
with the relevant parties for treatment.
2. 在基础施工过程中若发现实际地质情况与
3. Material for backfilling shall be free of any
deleterious matter, such as turf, stub, rubbish, etc.
The filled material should be placed less than
300mm thick and tamped layer by layer to the
maximum dry density.
3. Material for backfilling shall be free of any
deleterious matter, such as turf, stub, rubbish, etc.
The filled material should be placed less than
300mm thick and tamped layer by layer to the
maximum dry density.
3. 基坑回填土,应清除草皮、树根和垃圾等杂
Ⅲ. The Structure of the Reinforced Concrete
General requirements:
1. For the strength of the concrete of main structure,
please refer to relevant design drawings.
Ⅲ. The Structure of the Reinforced Concrete
General requirements:
1. For the strength of the concrete of main structure,
please refer to relevant design drawings.
三. 钢筋混凝土结构部分:
1. 结构主体各部分混凝土强度等级见具体设计图
2. In the normal indoor environment, the thickness
of the concrete protection layer of the reinforcing
steel is 15mm for the board, 25mm for the beam
and 30mm for the column. For sustaining terrace
and sustaining terrace with collar beam, 40mm for
with underlayer and 70mm for without underlayer.
2. In the normal indoor environment, the thickness
of the concrete protection layer of the reinforcing
steel is 15mm for the board, 25mm for the beam and
30mm for the column. For sustaining terrace and
sustaining terrace with collar beam, 40mm for with
underlayer and 70mm for without underlayer.
2. 受力钢筋的混凝土净保护层,一般室内正常
3. Cast-in-site concrete should be complied with
the specification and the shuttering should be
unmolded according to the specified duration.
Generally speaking, the shuttering of the cantilever
components can only be unmolded after the
concrete reaches 100% of its strength. The
shuttering of the rest components can be unmolded
when the concrete reaches 80% of its strength.
3. Cast-in-site concrete should be complied with
the specification and the shuttering should be
unmolded according to the specified duration.
Generally speaking, the shuttering of the cantilever
components can only be unmolded after the concrete
reaches 100% of its strength. The shuttering of the
rest components can be unmolded when the concrete
reaches 80% of its strength.
3. 现浇混凝土应按施工规范要求的拆模时间,
Cast-in-site concrete slab:
1 For the distribution reinforcing steel of the bottom
bar in one-way slab, and the distribution reinforcing
steel of the top bar in the bracing of one-way and
two-way slabs, ¢6@200 could be adopted for the
roof and the exposed structure; ¢6@250 could be
adopted for the floor, except for those with notes
Cast-in-site concrete slab:
1. For the distribution reinforcing steel of the bottom
bar in one-way slab, and the distribution reinforcing
steel of the top bar in the bracing of one-way and
two-way slabs, ¢6@200 could be adopted for the
roof and the exposed structure; ¢6@250 could be
adopted for the floor, except for those with notes
1. 单向板底筋的分布筋及单、双向板支座面筋的
2. For the bottom bar of the two-way slab, the one
in shorter direction should be put at the bottom, and
the one in longer direction should be put on the
shorter one. While for the top bar, the shorter bar
should be put on the longer one.
2. For the bottom bar of the two-way slab, the one
in shorter direction should be put at the bottom, and
the one in longer direction should be put on the
shorter one. While for the top bar, the shorter bar
should be put on the longer one.
2. 双向板的底筋,短向放在底层,长向放在短
3. For the slab with a span over L≥4m, shuttering
board should have an arch of 1/400 in the middle of
the span.
4. When the hole in the floor slab is smaller than
300mm, the reinforcing steel could be curved round
the hole without adding extra reinforcing bar,
except for those with the special notes.
3. For the slab with a span over L≥4m, shuttering
board should have an arch of 1/400 in the middle of
the span.
4. When the hole in the floor slab is smaller than
300mm, the reinforcing steel could be curved round
the hole without adding extra reinforcing bar, except
for those with the special notes.
3. 跨度L>4m的板,要求支模时跨中起拱l/400。
4. 楼板开洞小于300时,若图中未特别注明,板
Beam and column:
1. If the longitudinal stressed reinforcing steel in the
beam should be connected, the bottom reinforcing
steel should be connected at the bracing spot, while
the top reinforcing steel should be connected within
the range of 1/3 from the center of the span.
Beam and column:
1. If the longitudinal stressed reinforcing steel in the
beam should be connected, the bottom reinforcing
steel should be connected at the bracing spot, while
the top reinforcing steel should be connected within
the range of 1/3 from the center of the span.
1. 梁内纵向受力钢筋若需现场连接时,下部钢
2. When the main girder is intercrossed inferior
girder, the longitudinal reinforcing steel of the
inferior girder should be put on the top of the
longitudinal reinforcing steel of the main girder.
2. When the main girder is intercrossed inferior
girder, the longitudinal reinforcing steel of the
inferior girder should be put on the top of the
longitudinal reinforcing steel of the main girder.
2. 主次梁相交处,若无特殊情况,则次梁上下
3. For beam with span over 4m or cantilever beam
which is over 2m, the arch should be made to
comply with the construction specification.
3. For beam with span over 4m or cantilever beam
which is over 2m, the arch should be made to
comply with the construction specification.
3. 对于跨度L>4m或悬挑长度L>2m的梁,应按
4. When the column is connected with concrete
block, 2¢6@500 block connection reinforcing bar
must be embedded in the column. The bar inserted
into the column and the wall should be not less than
250mm and 1000mm respectively, and the bar
inserted into the wall should not be less than 1/5 of
the length of the wall.
4. When the column is connected with concrete
block, 2¢6@500 block connection reinforcing bar
must be embedded in the column. The bar inserted
into the column and the wall should be not less than
250mm and 1000mm respectively, and the bar
inserted into the wall should not be less than 1/5 of
the length of the wall.
4. 凡柱子与混凝土砌块连结处,柱内必须预埋
5. The stirrup interval of the longitudinal banding
point should not be over 5d and 100mm when being
pulled, and it should not be over 10 d and 200mm
when being pressed.
5. The stirrup interval of the longitudinal banding
point should not be over 5d and 100mm when being
pulled, and it should not be over 10d and 200mm
when being pressed.
5. 纵向钢筋绑扎接头处的箍筋间距,受拉时不
Ⅳ. Concrete block:
Fence and wall:
四. 砌体部分
1. Wall above ±0.000, MU10 concrete small block,
with M7.5 mixed mortar. Wall below ±0.000,
MU10 concrete solid brick, with M7.5 cement
1. Wall above ±0.000, MU10 concrete small
block, with M7.5 mixed mortar. Wall below
±0.000, MU10 concrete solid brick, with M7.5
cement mortar.
1. ±0.000以上墙体为MU10混凝土小型砌块,
2. If the end of the filled wall cannot be connected
with the framed column and shear wall, the
structural column should be made to seal the end of
the filled wall. Then the structural column should
be connected with filled wall by reinforcement.
2. If the end of the filled wall cannot be connected
with the framed column and shear wall, the
structural column should be made to seal the end of
the filled wall. Then the structural column should
be connected with filled wall by reinforcement.
2. 填充墙端部如不能与框架柱、剪力墙拉结,
3. When the length of the fence or partition wall is
longer than 5 meters, a structural column should be
added in the middle of the wall.
3. When the length of the fence or partition wall is
longer than 5 meters, a structural column should be
added in the middle of the wall.
3. 当围护墙或间隔墙的水平长度大于5米时,
The cross-section of the structural wall is:
240×wall thick, with 4¢12, stirrup¢6@200. A
short vertical reinforcement of 4¢12 should be
embedded in the main structure to connect with the
column cap and column base of this structural
column. The connection length should not be less
than 500mm.
The cross-section of the structural wall is:
240×wall thick, with 4¢12, stirrup¢6@200. A
short vertical reinforcement of 4¢12 should be
embedded in the main structure to connect with the
column cap and column base of this structural
column. The connection length should not be less
than 500mm.
The enhanced interval between the stirrups of the
column cap and column base of the structural
column is 100mm. The range of the enhanced
interval is 500mm for both top and bottom. The
interval between the structural columns should not
be over 5 meters.
The enhanced interval between the stirrups of the
column cap and column base of the structural
column is 100mm. The range of the enhanced
interval is 500mm for both top and bottom. The
interval between the structural columns should not
be over 5 meters.
The structural column should be made for the
free concrete block on top of the building, such as
the parapet of 500mm high or the wall under
window of 5 meter long, the balcony partition wall,
etc. The specification for the structural column is
the same as above, but the interval between the
column centers should not be over 3 meters.
The structural column should be made for the
free concrete block on top of the building, such as
the parapet of 500mm high or the wall under
window of 5 meter long, the balcony partition wall,
etc. The specification for the structural column is the
same as above, but the interval between the column
centers should not be over 3 meters.
4. When the wall with 180mm thick exceeds 4
meters high or 120mm thick exceeds 3 meters high,
a reinforced concrete ring girder (full length of wall
thick×240mm) should be made between the middle
and upper part of the wall and the column. The
reinforced steel of the ring girder should be 4¢12,
with stirrup¢6@200.
4. When the wall with 180mm thick exceeds 4
meters high or 120mm thick exceeds 3 meters high,
a reinforced concrete ring girder (full length of wall
thick×240mm) should be made between the middle
and upper part of the wall and the column. The
reinforced steel of the ring girder should be 4¢12,
with stirrup¢6@200.
4. 当厚度180的墙高度超过4米时或120厚的墙
1. When the width of hole is: B<800mm, 3¢8
reinforcing brick is adopted for lintel. The height of
the reinforcing brick lintel is 400mm, with M10
mixed mortar to plaster. The reinforcement should
be protruded more than 400mm over the hole and
should be formed at a right angle. 30mm thick of
protection layer is made of 1:3 cement mortars.
1. When the width of hole is: B<800mm, 3¢8
reinforcing brick is adopted for lintel. The height of
the reinforcing brick lintel is 400mm, with M10
mixed mortar to plaster. The reinforcement should
be protruded more than 400mm over the hole and
should be formed at a right angle. 30mm thick of
protection layer is made of 1:3 cement mortars.
1. 当洞宽B<800时,用3¢8钢筋砖过梁,钢筋
2. When the width of hole is: B≥800mm or
reinforcing brick cannot meet the requirements of
the design, reinforced concrete lintel should be
2. When the width of hole is: B≥800mm or
reinforcing brick cannot meet the requirements of
the design, reinforced concrete lintel should be
2. 当洞宽B≥800或当荷重较大砖过梁满足不了
Ⅴ. Others:
五. 其它
1. The live load of this engineering:
1. 本工程活荷载为:
(1). The roof: 0.5KN/m2 (cannot step on)
(1) 屋面:0.5kN/M2(不上人)
(2). The floor: 2.5KN/m2
(2) 楼面:2.5kN/M2
(3). The basic wind load: 0.55KN/m2
(3) 基本风压:0.55kN/M2
2. The observation of subsidence should be made
at the observation spot settled beforehand. It should
be observed from the construction of the floor to the
fundamental stability of the subsidence of the
2. The observation of subsidence should be made
at the observation spot settled beforehand. It should
be observed from the construction of the floor to the
fundamental stability of the subsidence of the
2. 沉降观测应按设置的观测点进行沉降观测,
3. The engineering work should be strictly
complied with the construction plans and the
relevant codes and specification. No modification is
permitted. If there is any doubt during the
construction, please
contact the designer
immediately and then solve the problems
3. The engineering work should be strictly
complied with the construction plans and the
relevant codes and specification. No modification is
permitted. If there is any doubt during the
construction, please
contact the designer
immediately and then solve the problems
3. 施工时应严格按施工图和有关规范规定进行,