MS 401 Production and Service Systems Operations Spring 2009-2010 Lot Sizing Slide Set #11 Murat Kaya, Sabancı Üniversitesi 1 Lot Sizing (VBWJ Chapter 14) • Issue: “How to group time-phased requirements data into a schedule of replenishment orders that minimize the combined costs of placing orders and holding inventory” • Lot sizing techniques – Lot-for-lot (L4L) – Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) – Periodic Order Quantity – Part-Period Balancing (PPB) – Wagner-Whitin Algorithm (finds the optimal schedule) • No backordering allowed • Holding cost might be based on either – average inv. level = (beginning inv. + ending inv.) / 2 – or, to the ending inventory level only Murat Kaya, Sabancı Üniversitesi 2 Lot-for-Lot (LFL, L4L) • In each period, order that period’s requirements • Example: Fixed ordering cost: 54 Holding cost/unit/week: 0.4, charged to avg. inventory level Period Net Requirements Order Quantity Beginning Inventory Ending Inventory Setup/Ordering Costs Holding Costs 1 2 10 62 10 62 10 62 0 0 54 54 2 12.4 Murat Kaya, Sabancı Üniversitesi 3 12 12 12 0 54 2.4 4 5 6 7 8 9 130 154 129 88 52 124 130 154 129 88 52 124 130 154 129 88 52 124 0 0 0 0 0 0 54 54 54 54 54 54 26 30.8 25.8 17.6 10.4 24.8 10 11 160 238 160 238 160 238 0 0 54 54 32 47.6 12 41 41 41 0 54 8.2 3 EOQ • Using the EOQ rule to find the order quantity (because of its simplicity) – not optimal in this case (demand is not stationary, and other reasons…) • Calculate the “average net requirement” to use in the EOQ formula – 100/week in this example, resulting in EOQ=164 • Ignores the changes in demand (NR) by using a fixed order quantity – may result in high inventory costs Period Net Requirements Order Quantity Beginning Inv. Ending Inv. Ordering Cost Holding Cost 1 10 164 164 154 54 63.6 2 62 0 154 92 0 49.2 Murat Kaya, Sabancı Üniversitesi 3 12 0 92 80 0 34.4 4 130 164 244 114 54 71.6 5 154 164 278 124 54 80.4 6 129 164 288 159 54 89.4 7 88 0 159 71 0 46 8 52 0 71 19 0 18 9 124 164 183 59 54 48.4 10 160 164 223 63 54 57.2 11 238 175 238 0 54 47.6 12 41 164 164 123 54 57.4 4 Period Order Quantity (POQ) • Use the EOQ formula to compute • In our example, 164/100= 2 (by rounding) – order exactly the requirements for a two-week interval • POQ method improves the inventory cost performance by allowing the lot sizes to vary – this time, however, the order interval is fixed Period Net Requirements Order Quantity Beginning Inventory Ending Inventory Setup/Ordering Costs Holding Costs 1 10 72 72 62 54 26.8 Murat Kaya, Sabancı Üniversitesi 2 62 62 0 0 12.4 3 12 142 142 130 54 54.4 4 130 130 0 0 26 5 154 283 283 129 54 82.4 6 129 129 0 0 25.8 7 88 140 140 52 54 38.4 8 52 52 0 0 10.4 9 124 284 284 160 54 88.8 10 160 160 0 0 32 11 238 279 279 41 54 64 12 41 0 41 0 0 8.2 5 Part Period Balancing (PPB) • This method tries to equate the fixed ordering cost with the inventory holding cost • Procedure for period 1: Choose the alternative below in which the inventory holding cost is the closest to the fixed ordering cost (54 in our example) – – – – order to cover the requirements of period 1 order to cover the requirements of period 1 and 2 order to cover the requirements of period 1, 2 and 3 …. • Remember: Inventory holding cost is charged to the average inventory level in a period – average inv = (beginning inv. + ending inv.) / 2 Murat Kaya, Sabancı Üniversitesi 6 Part Period Balancing (PPB) This table illustrates the holding costs for different order scenarios Calculations period 1 periods 1+2 periods 1+2+3 periods 1+2+3+4 period 4 periods 4+5 period 5 periods 5+6 period 6 periods 6+7 period 8 periods 8+9 period 10 periods 10+11 period 11 periods 11+12 Murat Kaya, Sabancı Üniversitesi Order 1 Order 2 Order 3 Order 4 Order 5 Order 6 Order 7 2 39.2 51.2 233.2 26 118.4 30.8 108.2 25.8 78.6 10.4 84.8 32 174.8 47.6 72.2 7 Part Period Balancing (PPB) Period Net Requirements Order Quantity Beginning Inventory Ending Inventory Setup/Ordering Costs Holding Costs 1 10 84 84 74 54 31.6 2 62 3 12 74 12 0 17.2 12 0 0 2.4 4 130 130 130 0 54 26 5 154 154 154 0 54 30.8 6 129 217 217 88 54 61 7 88 88 0 0 17.6 8 52 176 176 124 54 60 9 124 124 0 0 24.8 10 160 160 160 0 54 32 11 238 238 238 0 54 47.6 12 41 41 41 0 54 8.2 • PPB permits both the lot size and the time between orders to vary – when requirements are low, the size of the orders will be low and the orders will be infrequent (periods 1-3, for example) • However, PPB will not always yield the minimum cost ordering plan because it does not evaluate all possible alternatives Murat Kaya, Sabancı Üniversitesi 8 Wagner-Whitin (WW) Algorithm • To find the optimal lot sizes (when planning horizon is finite) • How many feasible policies are there? – too many… we cannot search all of them to find the optimal one • WW algorithm is based on the following observation – An optimal policy has the property that in each period, the production quantity is either “0”, or it is exactly the sum of some future requirements. That is, y1=r1, or y1=r1+r2, or ….. or y1=r1 + r2 + r3 …rn y2=0, or y2=r2, or y2=r2+r3, or …. or yn=0, or yn=rn y2=r2 + r3 + …+ rn • Hence, the number of policies to consider to find the optimal policy is not as large as the number of all feasible policies Murat Kaya, Sabancı Üniversitesi 9 Wagner-Whitin Example • 4 period problem. Requirements: (52, 87, 23, 56) • h=$1, Setup cost=$75 – for simplicity, assume that the holding cost is only applied to ending inventory in this example • Define ctv= setup and holding cost of producing in period t, to meet the requirements in periods t to v. • We calculate the ctv values as follows: t\v 1 2 3 4 75 131 1 2 3 4 Murat Kaya, Sabancı Üniversitesi 75 10 Wagner-Whitin Example • Define F(t) = The total cost of the best replenishment strategy that satisfies the requirements in periods (1, 2, … ,t) • F(1)=75, simply the setup cost… • F(2)= That is, we choose between two options: – option 1: Produce in period 1 to satisfy the requirements of periods 1 and 2. The cost will be c12 – option 2: Produce in period 2 (cost: c22). Assume that an optimal replenishment policy was chosen to take care of period 1 (costs F(1)). Hence, the total cost of this option is (F(1)+c22). We have F(2)=min{c12, F(1)+c22}=min{162, 75+75}=150. Hence, the optimal replenishment policy to meet the requirements in periods 1 and 2 is to produce in periods 1 and 2. Policy cost=150 Murat Kaya, Sabancı Üniversitesi 11 Wagner-Whitin Example • F(3)=min{c13, F(1)+c23 , F(2)+c33}. We choose between three options: – option 1: Produce in period 1 to satisfy the requirements of periods 1, 2 and 3. The cost will be c13 – option 2: Produce in period 2 to meet the requirements of periods 2 and 3 (cost: c23). Using the optimal replenishment policy for period 1 (cost F(1)), the total cost of this option is (F(1)+c23). – option 3: Produce in period 3 to meet the requirement of period 3 (cost: c33). Using the optimal replenishment policy for periods 1 and 2 (cost F(2)), the total cost of this option is (F(2)+c33). F(3)=min{c13, F(1)+c23 , F(2)+c33}= min{208, 75+98 , 150+75}=173 Hence, the optimal replenishment policy to meet the requirements in periods 1 to 3 is to produce in periods 1 (for period 1) and period 2 (for periods 2 and 3). The cost of the policy is 173. Murat Kaya, Sabancı Üniversitesi 12 Wagner-Whitin Example • F(4) = min{c14, F(1)+c24 , F(2)+c34 , F(3)+c44} = min{376, 75+210, 150+131, 173+75}=248 Hence, the optimal replenishment policy to meet the requirements in periods 1 to 4 is to produce in period 1 (for period 1), in period 2 (for periods 2 and 3), and in period 4 (for period 4). The cost of the policy is 248. Murat Kaya, Sabancı Üniversitesi 13 The Table to Summarize the Solution 1 1 2 3 4 c11 c12 c13 c14 F(1)+c22 F(1)+c23 F(1)+c24 F(2)+c33 F(2)+c34 2 3 4 F(3)+c44 • This table summarizes the solution algorithm we discussed • Column “t” shows the total cost of production alternatives for periods 1 to “t” • The chosen alternatives for each “t” are shown in bold red – these are the F(t) values Murat Kaya, Sabancı Üniversitesi 14 The Table to Summarize the Solution-2 1 1 2 3 4 2 3 4 376 285 281 248 • This table summarizes the solution algorithm we discussed • Column “t” shows the total cost of production alternatives for periods 1 to “t” • The chosen alternatives for each “t” are shown in bold red – these are the F(t) values Murat Kaya, Sabancı Üniversitesi 15 Wagner-Whitin for the 12-period Example • This is the example we used for the other methods • Setup cost: $54, Holding cost: $0.4 charged to average inventory Net Requirements 10 62 12 130 154 129 88 52 124 160 238 41 Period (t) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 56 93.2 105.2 287.2 564.4 848.2 1077 122.4 129.6 259.6 475.2 707.4 149.6 227.6 381.6 562.2 720.6 185.2 277.6 406.6 529.8 623.4 896.2 1312.2 2026.2 2165.6 270 347.4 435.4 508.2 731.4 1083.4 1702.2 1825.2 349.8 402.6 454.6 628.2 916.2 1439.8 1546.4 419 450.2 574.2 798.2 1226.6 1316.8 467 541.4 701.4 1034.6 1108.4 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Murat Kaya, Sabancı Üniversitesi 1233 1654.6 2262.6 3262.2 3450.8 901 1036.2 1408.2 1952.2 2856.6 3028.8 835 1157.4 1637.4 2446.6 2602.4 529 625 863 920.4 615 757.8 798.8 716.6 741.2 778.8 16 Wagner-Whitin for the 12-period Example • We calculated that the optimal decision for the requirement at period 4 was producing it at week 4 rather than carrying it from earlier periods • Given this information, do you think it is possible to produce the requirement for period 5 at periods 1, 2 or 3? • No… The only options are meeting period-5 requirement by production in period 4 or in period 5. This observation further reduces the computational requirements of the problem – see the simplified table in the following slide Murat Kaya, Sabancı Üniversitesi 17 Wagner-Whitin (WW) Algorithm Net Req. 10 62 12 130 154 129 88 52 124 160 238 41 Period (t) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 56 93.2 105.2 287.2 122.4 129.6 259.6 149.6 227.6 347.4 435.4 349.8 402.6 454.6 419 450.2 574.2 467 541.4 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Murat Kaya, Sabancı Üniversitesi 185.2 277.6 270 529 625 615 757.8 716.6 741.2 778.8 18 Comparison of Methods (for the 12-Period Example) Method LFL EOQ POQ PPB WW Ordering/Setup Costs 648 432 324 432 378 Murat Kaya, Sabancı Üniversitesi Holding Costs 240 663.2 469.6 359.2 363.2 Total Costs 888 1095.2 793.6 791.2 741.2 19