Baytril Max in swine Baytril max swine - Bayer an investigation company - Mechanism of action - Pharmacokinetics - USA experience - Application to the brand plan Baytril Max swine - Bayer an investigation company - Mechanism of action - Pharmacokinetics - USA experience - Application to the brand plan Bayer Animal Health: More than 100 products In the world ~ 2.800 colleagues Bayer in 120 países Global sales: Mio EUR 905 Different production sites MONHEIM INVESTIGATION CENTRE, GERMANY Bayer AH developments: 2007 Kinetomax 2006 Baycox® Bovis ® 1999 Checkmite+ 2005 Profender® 1996 Advantage® 2004 Advocate® 1995 IBR Marker 2003 Baycox® Piglets 1995 Aviguard® ® 2002 Advantix® 1988 Drontal Plus ® 1994 Drontal Cat 2000 Vivobay® 1987 Baytril® 1994 Hyonate® 1986 Baycox® Poultry 1991 Kiltix® 1984 Perizin® 1991 Bayvarol® 1983 Bayticol® 1979 Sebacil® 1979 Bayovac® 1977 Rintal® 1975 Bayo-n-ox® 1975 Droncit® 1969 Rompun® 1968 Bolfo® 1966 Citarin® 1958 Neguvon® 1958 Catosal® 1957 Asuntol® 1948 MKS-Impfstoffe 1937 Prontosil 1935 Acaprin 1923 Naganol® 1899 Baytril max swine - Bayer an investigation company - Mechanism of action - Pharmacokinetics - USA experience - Application to the brand plan Baytril Max® interferes with the DNA metabolism by inhibiting: • Topoisomerase II (DNA-girase) • Topoisomerase IV Ex.: E. coli DNA is about 1.300 μm lenght, and is hold by a 2 μm long bacteria Bacterial Baytril Max: fast bactericide Intact E. coli After some minutes of enrofloxacin application, bacteria start “swelling” and exploting Size: 1000 x After 7 horasall bacteria exploted. Bayer, Wuppertal Lab, Germany Bacteria explote because of the uncoiled DNA expansion Baytril Max swine - Bayer an investigation company - Mechanism of action - Pharmacokinetics - USA experience - Application to the brand plan What is new in Kinetomax? Arginine based formulation ONE SHOT! Tissue concentration (times) in comparison to that reached in serum 1,4 2,5 1,4 1 8,3 2,3 1,8 2,1 2,5 - 2,8 3,1 2,4 1,4 3 2,1 3 2,4 Comparative MIC values for Baytril Max, Nuflor y Micotil BACTERIA Pausteurella haemolytica Pasteurella multocida Haemopilus somnus BAYTRIL 100 MIC 50 (g/ml) BAYTRIL 100 MIC 90 (g/ml NUFLOR NUFLOR MICOTIL MIC 50 (g/ml) MIC 90 (g/ml) MIC90 (g/ml) 0.06 0.015 0.015 0.06 0.03 0.03 0.50 0.50 0.25 1.00 0.50 0.50 3.12 6.25 6.25 (Pirro et al, 2000) Dose depending serum kinetics of Baytril Max in swine (Ewert, K. 1997) MIC values for Baytril Max® Baytril Max® Serum Lungs IM 0,5 2,7 concentrations No. of isolates Min MIC Max MIC Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae Bordetella bronchiseptica Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae Escherichia coli Haemophilus parasuis Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae 108 0.008 1 0.03 0.06 102 0.25 2 0.5 1 9 0.06 0.25 na* na 104 0.015 0.5 0.03 0.125 107 0.008 0.5 0.008 0.03 19 0.03 0.25 0.06 0.06 Pasteurella multocida Tipo A Pasteurella multocida Tipo D Salmonella choleraesuis Streptococcus suis 105 0.008 0.25 0.015 0.125 38 0.008 0.06 0.015 0.03 108 0.015 0.25 0.125 0.125 93 0.06 1 0.5 0.5 Patogen * Via MIC MIC 90 50 No applicable or small number of isolates to clacuate significative values (Ewert, K. 1997) (Wetzstein et al, 1996) Peracute APP infection (fotos: Peter Høgedah) Economical losses due to respiratory diseases in swine Lower weight gain Lower carcass quality Reduced fertility Fatality Lung damages Lower daily weight gain Up to 230 g Longer fattening period Up to 24 d Higher feed cost Up to 5% Lower weight at slaughter Up to 16,5 kg Lower proportion of high quality meet and lower carcass ranking Up to 6% Lower proportion of fertile gilts Up to 12% Lower litter size Up to 1,1 piglets Mortality in piglets Up to 23% Mortality in fatteners Up to 10% Rejected lungs at slaughter Up to 95% Consequences of APP Mortality - Increased mortality by 1,75% - Mortality in acute cases from 1 to 9% (Ø 3,1%) - Mortality of 1% is equivalent to losses of 1.25€ per piglet, in consequence 3.87€ - Economical loss in Germany: 30-50 mio€/year Chiers (2004) Detection of pigs carrying Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae in their upper respiratory tract using polymerase chain reaction. Ph D Thesis, pp. 134, PORCILIS Produktinfo Field trial in Sonora, México Objective: Evaluation of efficacy of Baytril Max respiratory problems (APP, P. multocida) Treatment : Kinetomax 1 injection of 7,5 mg /kg (en caso de recaída se repitió el tratamiento) Animals: 144 hogs 50 to 52 days of age Observation period: 30 days after the 1st treatment Parameters: Dyspnoea, nasal discharge, sneezing and mortality ; local and systemic reactions Ing. José Hidalgo Field trial in Sonora, México Baytril Max ® • 86.8% recovery in 48h • 97.9% of recovery was achieved with a second application of Baytril Max® • 90% of the treated animals shown a health improvement 12 h pt. • Only one animal showed a slight loal reation at the injection site (0.006%). E. coli cystitis E. coli cystitis (x 5000) E. coli cystitis (x 25000) E. coli + streptococci cystitis E. coli + streptococci cystitis (x 2500/25000) Treatment of UTI with Baytril max (Wendt & Sobastiansky, 1995) 60% (p<0.001) 50% 40% 30% (p<0.01) 20% 10% 0% Bacteriuria A. suis positive pregnant sows (n=73) 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% (p<0.05) pre-treatment (p<0.05) post-treatment Bacteriuria A. suis positive lactating sows (n=27) Indication in infectious diseases: • • • • • • Gastro-intestinal Respiratory Septicemic Genito-urinary Umbilical Cutaneous Injection route and dosage: Dosage:7,5 mg / kg Via: – SC, IM, IV ONE SHOT! Body weight 40 Kg 3 mL 80 Kg 6 mL 200 Kg 15 mL 400 Kg 30 mL Easy application Comparative viscocity among Baytril max®, water and other antibacterials Produto 0oC 10oC 25oC 40oC Water 3 4 3 3 Kinetomax 15 10 7 6 Tilmicosina 209 127 49 28 Ceftiofur 218 131 72 46 Florfenicol 396 194 72 43 Valores de viscosidade (centipoise) Qualitative study of generic enrofloxacines AUC (µg*h/mL) en relación a Baytril (100%) 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 O N M Q L I G P Ba yt ri l Productos H R B K F E A D J 0 RV E CU E TH ER ND AL L U EA AR ce En ntr a Ci rof c ió pr lo n o x d co flo aci e nc xa na e ci Be ntra ne t io nz yl n O H Bu ta no l pH Co n uc t Pr od A ###### ###### ###### ###### #BEZUG! B ###### ###### #BEZUG! ###### #BEZUG! ND #BEZUG! C ###### ###### D ###### ###### ###### E ###### ###### ###### ###### #BEZUG! F ###### ###### #BEZUG! G ###### ###### #BEZUG! H ###### ###### #BEZUG! I ###### ###### #BEZUG! ###### ###### ###### #BEZUG! K ###### ###### ###### #BEZUG! L ###### ###### #BEZUG! M ###### ###### J ###### N O ###### #BEZUG! ###### #BEZUG! ###### #BEZUG! P ###### #BEZUG! Q ###### ###### #BEZUG! R ND ND ND ND ND ###### #BEZUG! ###### DEFICIENT QUALITY Baytril QUALITY COMPLIANCE Withdrawal period Meat : 14 dias Presentations 50 mL 100 mL (caixa com 24 frascos) (caixa com 12 frascos) Bayer Animal Health: endorses the responsible use of antimicrobial products in veterinary medicine Baytril Max, the right choice to treat porcine respiratory diseases; works: Quickly: Fast recovery Potently: High antimicrobial activity, synergy with leukocytes Better: Experimental comparison with other antimicrobials Economicaly: Excellent Cost-benefit rate Efficaciously: 5 to 6 fold concentration in respiratory tissues