Solution Products Pre-Information Center Winder Training Application Software General Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 1 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Basics Common Terms and Definitions Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 2 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Basics Common Terms and Definitions A Center Winder, also known as an Axial Winder, is a machine in which the rotational force is applied to the center or (axial) point of which material is wound. Tension Force Velocit y The objective is to regulate surface Tension of the roll. The Speed and Torque of the core must change as a function of Roll Diameter. Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 3 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Basics Common Terms and Definitions Common Terms – CORE: The object the material is to be wound around. The minimum core diameter is the smallest diameter the Winder can start or the smallest diameter an Unwind can reach. – MAX ROLL DIA: The maximum roll diameter the machine is designed for. – BUILD-UP/ Winding ratio: The ratio of Max Roll Diameter to Core diameter. If the max. roll diameter is 1000mm and the core diameter is 100mm the Build-Up/ Winding ratio is 10 to 1. – FULL ROLL: In a Winding application this is the finished or completed roll diameter. In Unwind applications this is the starting roll diameter to be unwound. Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 4 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Basics Common Terms and Definitions Common Terms – CORE SPEED MATCH: The function of trimming the speed of winder when in Speed Mode. This is typically used for continuous process lines with automatic roll change function. – WEB: The product (material) which is to be wound by the machine. This is also known as the “strip” in the Metals. – EXTENSIBLE: This is related to the properties of the web. A web which is elastic is considered extensible. Example: Plastic food wrap – NON-EXTENSIBLE: This is related to the properties of the web. A web which is rigid in length and width or one which cannot be stretched is considered non-extensible. Example: Paper Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 5 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Basics Common Terms and Definitions Common Terms – TENSION: The force applied to the web. This is used to control the web. Units of tension are [ N ] for Newtons or [ lb ] for pounds. – TAPER TENSION: The reduction of the reference tension as a function of diameter. As diameter is increased the tension is decreased. – STALL TENSION: The meaning of “stall” is the mechanical section is at or near zero speed. When Stall Tension is activated the reference tension is reduced to a preset percentage of the tension set-point. Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 6 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Basics Common Terms and Definitions Common Terms – SPEED CONTROL: The drive is regulating speed of the machine and the tension of the web is controlled by trimming the speed based on tension feedback. – TORQUE CONTROL: The drive is regulating torque of the machine and the tension of the web is controlled by the Torque reference. If tension feedback is used the torque reference is trimmed with the tension feedback. – Moment Of Inertia (WK2): Used for calculating torque required to change the speed of a machine. The formula includes the weight and dimensions to be accelerated. Additional components, change in speed and change in time or (n/t), are required for the calculation of torque required. Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 7 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Basics Common Terms and Definitions Common Terms – DIAMETER CALCULATOR: The formula or process by which the diameter of a center winder are calculated. The Center Winder application is using the line velocity and actual roll rpm to calculate the roll diameter. – ROLL CHANGE: A function for continuous process lines in which the finishing roll is automatically replaced by a new roll without stopping the production process. Typically two (2) Center Winders are used. – TORQUE MEMORY: Process of storing the active actual torque of the machine. Used in Roll Change. – TORQUE BOOST: A multiplier to the Torque Memory, used for aiding the cutting of the Web when a Roll Change is performed. Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 8 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Basics Basic Winder Macro Includes Dancer Control Indirect Tension Control Direct Tension Control With Correction signal used as Speed Correction (Speed Trim) With Correction signal used as Torque correction (Torque Trim) Selectable Winder and Unwinder modes Common Control Functions Include Diameter calculation Tension torque reference Calculation of moment of inertia Acceleration/deceleration torque compensation Loss Compensation Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 9 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Basics Formulas for the Winder Formulas for the Winder Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 10 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Basics Formulas for the Winder B F F= Tension Force M=Torque V= Material Speed n= Rotational Speed W= Angular Speed B= Material Width D= Diameter JR= Moment of Inertia JR1= Moment of Inertia of roller JR2= Moment of Inertia of roll JR3= Moment of Inertia of gearbox JM = Moment of Inertia of Motor JC = Total moment of Intertia (on motor side) Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 11 Dia Min Core Dia JR1 + JR2 NR, WR, MR Gear Box JM, NM, WM, MM Motor Printed 7-Dec-98 Dia Act (D) Solution Products Pre-Information v [m/min] Strip speed D [mm] Coil diameter Dmin [mm] Mandrel diameter C [1/sec] Omega Coiler shaft M [1/sec] Omega Motor Shaft nC [rpm] Speed Coiler nM [rpm] Speed Motor Shaft Z Gearratio t [mm] Strip thickness B [mm] Strip width J [kgm²] Total inertia Jfixed [kgm²] Basic inertia MB Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt [kg/dm³] Mass density [Nm] Acceleration / Deceleration torque SLIDE 12 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information General Formulas: v= D * 2 C 2*v => = D C 1 v= D *2**n 2 C v => n = C *D 2 Rated to the motor shaft wZth Z = M = Z*2*v D Z*v n = M *D C M => v = M * D Z*2 3 DZameter change (+ = TensZon reel, - = Pay off reel) dD 2*h* = 2*h*n = dt C *D Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt 4 SLIDE 13 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Basics Formulas for the Winder V F 1. Power required for winding F max*V max Pmax = KW 2. Relationship between Tension component and motor Torque M = FxD/2 Nm : Winding Torque on the machine side Mm= FxD/2Z Nm : Winding Torque on the Motor side 3. Maximum and minimum Torques (ignoring the Inertia requirements) With respect to Tension component F max* D max M max *Z = M min = [Nm] F min* D min *Z Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt [Nm] SLIDE 14 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Basics 4. Maximum and minimum Motor Speeds N min N max = = V min* Z * D max* PI V max* Z * D min* PI Formulas for the Winder rpm rpm Relationship between Diameter "D" , Velocity "V" and rpm N d [mm] v [m/min] n [rpm] V F time Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 15 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Basics 5. Intertia components Formulas for the Winder Torque available from motor is used to produce the Tension component as well as to overcome the Inertia requirements Fact * Dact dw Jc Loss_ component *Z dt F (n) Loss Loss * N ACT Total _ Motor _ Torque( M m ) Loss_ component V F Total inertia of System =( Inertia of Roll+ Inertia of roller+ Inertia of gear)reflected to motor side +motor inertia Jc Jm Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt ( JR1 Z2 JR2 JR3 ) SLIDE 16 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Basics Formulas for the Winder V Inertia of shaft (roller) Intertia _ of _ roller ShaftWt .* F ShaftOuterDia 2 ShaftInnerDia 2 2 Shaft Outer Dia Inertia of roll ( material wound or unwound on the core) Dia _ Act 2 D min 2 2 Dia _ Act 2 D min 2 MaterialWt . B * density * PI *( ) 32 2 Dia _ Act 4 D min 4 Inertia _ of _ roll B * density * PI * 32 Intertia _ of _ roll MaterialWt .* Shaft Inner Dia Inertia (J mec. + J coil) = f (diamter) Inertia of Gearbox J [kgm²] v [m/min] d [mm] Usually provided by the customer/mech supplier Inertia of Motor Motor Catalogues provide the motor Inertia. Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 17 Printed 7-Dec-98 time Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Basics Formulas for the Winder V F Total Torque to be developed by Motor Mm= D F * Mm = + MM1+MM2+MM3+Loss component 2Z Mm = F * Mm = F* D 2Z +(J D f(Nm ) 2Z M (JR1 Z2 dt m ) * f(N ) JR2 JR3 ) dw m JR1 JR3 * 1 B * density *PI 1 Z dV 4 4 J ) *(D D * * min ) * M Z2 32 Z 2 30 *D dt Fixed part Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt Variable part SLIDE 18 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Basics Formulas for the Winder Acceleration torque T (acc.) = f (diamter) T (acc.) [Nm] v [m/min] d [mm] Total torque T total = f (diamter) T total [Nm] v [m/min] d [mm] time time Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 19 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Relationship of Power and material Fmax *V max Pmax Fact *V act Pact Fact Funit _ tension * B * h Funit _ tension * B * h *V act Pact Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 20 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Basics Configurations Control Configurations for Winders and Rewinders Indirect Tension Control No Tension Feedback instrument is needed Direct Closed loop Tension control with Tension Feedback Material Tension is measured directly from a tension transducer. Tension control may be super-imposed over the Indirect Tension control or used to control the drive in speed mode Direct Closed loop Tension Control with Dancer rolls Dancer Position feedback is used as a closed loop feebback Drive remains in speed control Winder is used as Speed master Material Tension is controlled by back tension provided by other equipment Winder is controlled in speed control with Diameter Calculation to maintain uniform peripheral speed Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 21 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Basics Configurations Basic Winder Macro Includes Dancer Control Indirect Tension Control Direct Tension Control With Correction signal used as Speed Correction (Speed Trim) With Correction signal used as Torque correction (Torque Trim) Selectable Winder and Unwinder modes Common Control Functions Include Diameter calculation Tension torque reference Calculation of moment of inertia Acceleration/deceleration torque compensation Loss Compensation Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 22 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Basics Configurations Indirect and Direct Tension Control Tensiometer Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 23 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Basics a) No Feedback system for Actual Tension b) Feedback for Actual Tension is used Configurations Winder- Application Software Tension Reference Tension Controller PI Flux Code Tension to TQ cal Torque Correction Line Speed Reference Tension Reference Tension Controller PI Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 24 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Basics Linear Speed Reference Gear Box Web Width M Web Density External DIA Tension Reference Configurations- Indirect Ten Gear Box Gear Box M DIDIAA CALCULATOR+ INTEGRATOR V PI Macc= J*2/D*Z*dv/dt TORQUE REFERENCE SELECTOR SELECTOR N 26.01 26.01 TORQ TORQ REF REF SEL SEL 00 EXTERNAL TORQUE REFERENCE MIN Loss Torque= K+ N* K1 TORQ TORQ REF1 REF1 33 44 22 11 55 66 2.08 2.08 MAX MAX D RAMPING RAMPING SPEED CONTROLLER OUTPUT 2.09 2.09 TORQ TORQ REF2 REF2 TORQ REF B ++ ++ 25.04 25.04 25.05 25.05 25.06 25.06 DIA CALCULATOR+ INTEGRATOR t Dia Preset V TORQ RAMP UP TIME TORQ RAMP UP TIME TORQ RAMP RAMP DN DN TIME TIME TORQ PI Macc= J*2/D*Z*dv/dt TORQUE REFERENCE SELECTOR N TORQ REF SEL 0 EXTERNAL TORQUE REFERENCE External /Internal Dia Calc 2 Winder/ Rewinder Count UP EN Count DN EN MIN LossTorq= K+ N* K1 TORQ REF1 MIN DIA MAX DIA MAX LINEAR FRICTION X D STATIC FRICTION I C+I *C1 SPEED CONTROLLER OUTPUT + TORQ REF2 + PI Tension Ref Taper Tension Generator F M DIA Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 25 + Printed 7-Dec-98 1 3 4 5 6 Torque Ref to DTC Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Basics Configurations Indirect Tension Control The torque is calculated according to the formulas discussed before. No feedback instrument is used for actual measurement of tension Diameter needs to be computed accurately to control the correct tension Friction& Windage are very crucial components to maintain accuracy of tension. Is recommendable to use Indirect tension control in Direct coupled winders (no gearbox) In mech configurations where the mechanical losses are low. (No worm gears, and no appreciable difference between gearbox losses in warm or cold conditions Where the Inertia component TQ to Tension component TQ ratio is small. In process applications where the Tension range required is relatively small (less than 10:1) Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 26 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Basics Configurations Tension Control - Open Loop Torque – The drive is torque regulated. The parent speed reference is required from the process line controller for over speed control. – The torque reference is calculated by the application based on tension setpoint and machine parameters. – The PI controller is NOT active in this mode and therefore there is not any trim of the torque reference. – The Tension control is made by calculating the torque requirements. Careful dimensioning of the system with the process parameters is recommended. Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 27 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Basics Configurations Indirect Tension Control- Open Loop Torque – Recommendation for Use: Transducer - Actual tension feedback is not available Web dimensions are constant with limited variations in width and density. Accurate system and material Inertia data is available. Process tension range is small. Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 28 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Basics Configurations Direct Tension Control The torque is calculated according to the formulas discussed before. A feedback device is used for actual measurement of tension. This is used as a superimposed control loop to correct the Torque reference. Diameter needs to be computed accurately to control the correct tension Friction& Windage are not very crucial as inaccuracies may be corrected by the presence of the feedback loop. Is recommendable to use Direct tension control in Processes requiring high tension accuracy. In mech configurations where the mechanical losses are high . In processes where the tension range is very high (e.g 20:1) Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 29 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Basics Configurations Direct tension Control with speed Trim Direct tension Control Direct tension Control with Torque Trim Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 30 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Basics Configurations- Direct Tension Control with speed Trim Tension Control - Closed Loop Speed Trim – The drive is speed regulated. The parent speed reference comes from the process line controller. – Speed Trim is used to control the actual tension of the web. The Tension Controller trim is added as a speed correction. – Tension Controller is a PI controller receiving setpoint reference from an operator control and receiving a feedback of actual tension from the process. – Diameter is calculated by using the line speed and the rotational speed feedback from the drive. – Inertia compensation may be added to improve the dynamics of the control.(Losses in the form of friction and windage are automatically compensated by the closed loop system) Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 31 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Basics Configurations- Direct Tension Control with speed Trim nRef F-Controller n-Controller FRef x - Speed Trim Tq Speed Ctl out + - Fact F(D, V) nact Controller adaptation D Gain Gain Web type (material thickness/ material width) D Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt Macc Block Diagram of the Direct tension Control with speed Trim SLIDE 32 Printed 7-Dec-98 Used TQ reft Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Basics Configurations- Direct Tension Control with speed Trim Direct Tension Control - Closed Loop Speed Trim – Recommendation for Use: If the material range is wide and extensive. If a large range of Web Widths are possible/required. Accurate Inertia data is not available. If a “tight” control is not needed. Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 33 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Basics Configurations- Direct Tension Control with Torque Trim Tension Control - Closed Loop Torque Trim – The drive is torque regulated. The parent speed reference is required from the process line controller for over speed control. – The torque reference is calculated by the application based on tension setpoint and machine parameters entered at the keypad. – Torque Trim is used to control the actual tension of the web. The Tension Controller trim is added as a torque correction. – Tension Controller is a PI controller receiving setpoint reference from an operator control and receiving a feedback of actual tension from the process. Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 34 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Basics Configurations- Direct Tension Control with Torque Trim nRef F-Controller n-Controller FRef x - Tq Speed Ctl out + - Fact F(D, V) nact Controller adaptation D Gain Gain Web type (material thickness/ material width) D Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt Macc Block Diagram of the Direct tension Control with speed Trim SLIDE 35 Printed 7-Dec-98 Used TQ reft Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Basics Configurations- Direct Tension Control with Torque Trim Direct Tension Control - Closed Loop Torque Trim – Recommendation for Use: Greater dynamic response. Web dimensions are basically constant with minimal variations in width and density. Accurate system and material Inertia data is available. Transducer feedback is required. Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 36 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Basics Configurations- Dancer Control Dancer Control Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 37 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Basics Configurations- Dancer Mechanical Configurations Fixed back tension systems Variable back tension systems Dancer Position Feedback to ACS600 0 volts Fixed Back Tension Force +10 volts Response polarity as with a Transducer Dancer Position Feedback to ACS600 0 volts Servo (I/P) Force +10 volts Response polarity as with a Transducer Variable Tension System Fixed Tension System Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt Loading Cylinder SLIDE 38 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Basics Configurations Dancer Control – The drive is speed regulated. The parent speed reference comes from the process line controller. – Speed Trim is used to Control Dancer Position. The Dancer Controller trim is added as a speed correction. – The Dancer Controller is a PI controller receiving a set-point reference which is a constant from the keypad and receiving a feedback of Dancer position from the process. Dancer Position Feedback to ACS600 0 volts Loading Cylinder Servo (I/P) Force +10 volts Response polarity as with a Transducer Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 39 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Basics Configurations Block Diagram of Dancer Control - Speed Control and speed correction- Fixed Tension system nRef P-Controller n-Controller PRef x - Tq Speed Ctl out + - Pact F(D, V) nact Controller adaptation Macc D Gain Gain Web type (material thickness/ material width) Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt D SLIDE 40 Printed 7-Dec-98 Used TQ reft Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Basics Configurations- Dancer - Fixed Tension How is Tension regulated ? Tension of the Winder is regulated indirectly by regulating the the position of the Dancer and adjusting the “restraining forces” Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 41 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Basics Configurations- Dancer- variable Tension Block Diagram of Dancer Control - Speed Control and speed correction- Variable Tension system nRef P-Controller PRef n-Controller x - Tq Speed Ctl out + - Normally Fixed as Parameter Pact F(D, V) Tension Setpoint nact Macc Controller adaptation Loading Cylinder Web type (material thickness/ material width) Gain Gain Servo (I/P) D Force D Stall and Taper Reference Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 42 Printed 7-Dec-98 Used TQ reft Solution Products- Pre-Information Winder Basics Dimensioning Dimensioning the Winder Understanding the Load Requirements Selecting the correct Motor Recommending the optimal gearbox and speeds to mechanical supplier Mike Vallier and Narendra Gupta/ 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Basics Analyzing the Load Requirements Dimensioning- Load Requirement How the customer specifies his load (typically) 30KW, 800rpm/1500rpm ,150% overload General Interpretation a) Constant Torque application , Constant Power above base speed b) Requirement is to deliver at base speed Torque 9550 *Pw ( Nm) Nbase Torque P KW P HP N rpm N rpm 5252 *Pw (lb Nbase ft ) c) Generally the required torque below base speed is same d) Specified overload of 150% is required at all speed points Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 45 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Basics Dimensioning- Load Requirement Graphical Interpretation of the specified Load 30KW, 800 rpm/ 1500 rpm 150% overload 600 Torque [Nm] 500 Constant TQ 400 300 TQ requirement proportional to 200 1 Nact 100 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Speed [rpm ] max load Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt cont load SLIDE 46 Printed 7-Dec-98 1400 1600 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Basics Dimensioning- Load Requirement To optimize the Winder it is important to know other information Process Parameters Tension ranges- Stall tension and Taper Tensions range Diameter Ratios for specified materials Peripheral speed - Crawl / thread speed, Max speed, Operating speeds Acceleration and deceleration rates Gear Ratios Material Specific Wt and density E.g. Tension range : Material type 1 Material type 2 : 5 KN, material thickness =3mm : 1 KN ,material thickness =0.5mm Diameter Ratio : Min 600 mm Max :1500 mm Line speed max = 300 mpm, Minimum speed = 60 mpm Operating speed= 250 mpm Acceleration rates= 20 sec to full speed / fast stop =10sec from full speed material width = 800 mm, density= 1100 kg/m3 Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 47 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Basics Dimensioning- Load Requirement Calculating the Min and max values Power 30 KW Motor Base Speed 700 rpm Motor Max Speed 1500 rpm Tmax 6000 N max rpm 1592 rpm min rpm 637 rpm Max motor torque Max torque to process 409 4093 Nm Nm Vmax * Z D min * PI Nmax (rpm) D min (m) Vmax (m / min) Z = Gear Ratio( Nmin (rpm) Nmotor ) Nmech Vmax * Z D max * PI D max (m) = Maximum dia Fmax (N) Ps * 60,000 Vmax Torque Ps (KW) P KW Vmax (m / min) N rpm Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt 9550 *Pw ( Nm) Nbase SLIDE 48 Vmax (m / min) Z = Gear Ratio( Printed 7-Dec-98 Nmotor ) Nmech Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Basics Dimensioning- Load Requirement Calculating the minimum speed point The minimum rotational speed point is calculated by using the minimum linear operating speed at the maximum diameter. N (rpm) Vmin operating speed * Z min D max * PI D max (m) = Maximum dia The minimum linear operation speed is the speed at which the winder may run continuously for a extended period of time. Vmax (m / min) Nmotor This does not have any effect on dimensioning when a separately Z = Gear Ratio( N ventilated motor is used. mech 800 700 Line stops before max dia is reached !! 600 Torque [Nm] Nmin in this example = 125 rpm 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 200 400 M2BA 315 SMA8 max load Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 Speed [rpm ] cont loadabilit y SLIDE 49 cont load Printed 7-Dec-98 ) Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Basics Dimensioning- Load Requirement If the minimum operating speed was about 200rpm the selected motor could have been reduced by 1 frame size !! Motor selected = M2BA 280 SMB 6 Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 50 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Calculating the Torque at different speed points Winder Basics Dimensioning- Load Requirement Out diam. [m] 1.50 Speed [m/min] 300 In diam. [m] 0.60 Tension [kN] 5.0 Width [m] 0.80 Acc. time [s] 20.0 Density [kg/m^3] 7800 Fast stop [s] 10.0 Strip den. [kg/m^3] 1100 Em. stop [s] 10.0 Gear (nmot/mach.) 10.00 Coupling [kgm^2] 5 Motor [kgm^2] 1 Recoiler (R) / Uncoiler (U) R Calculation based on Tset =Tmax conditions Coile r Em. stop R e sult Diameter Motor Speed J [m] [rpm] [kgm^2] [Nm] [Nm] 0.60 1592 2 15 0.69 1384 2 0.78 1224 2 0.87 1098 0.96 Acc. Torq. J Tension torque Tot. acc. torq. Fast stop at base [Nm] [Nm] speed [Nm] 150 165 -31 -45 Basespeed [rpm] 637 14 173 186 -28 -37 Max.speed [rpm] 1592 13 195 208 -26 -32 Tmax(nmax) [Nm] 165 2 13 218 230 -26 -29 Ttens.(nmax) [Nm] 150 995 2 13 240 253 -26 -28 Tmax(nbase) [Nm] 395 1.05 909 3 13 263 276 -26 -28 Tten(nbase) [Nm] 375 1.14 838 3 14 285 299 -28 -29 Tens. power [kW] 25 1.23 776 4 15 308 323 -30 -31 Max.power [kW] 28 1.32 723 4 16 330 346 -33 -33 Overload(%) 1.41 1.50 677 637 5 6 18 20 353 375 371 395 -37 -41 -37 -41 Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 51 Printed 7-Dec-98 95% Solution Products Pre-Information Calculating the Torque at different speed points Winder Basics Dimensioning- Load Requirement Out diam. [m] 1.50 Speed [m/min] 300 In diam. [m] 0.60 Tension [kN] 1.0 Width [m] 0.80 Acc. time [s] 20.0 Fast stop [s] 10.0 Em. stop [s] 10.0 Density [kg/m^3] Calculation based on Tset =Tmin conditions 7800 Strip den. [kg/m^3] 1100 Gear (nmot/mach.) 10.00 Coupling [kgm^2] 5 Motor [kgm^2] 1 Recoiler (R) / Uncoiler (U) R Coile r Em. stop R e sult Diameter Motor Speed J Fast stop at base [m] [rpm] [kgm^2] [Nm] [Nm] 0.60 1592 2 15 30 [Nm] [Nm] speed [Nm] 45 -31 -45 Basespeed [rpm] 637 0.69 1384 2 14 35 48 -28 -37 Max.speed [rpm] 1592 0.78 1224 2 13 39 52 -26 -32 Tmax(nmax) [Nm] 45 0.87 1098 0.96 995 2 13 44 56 -26 -29 Ttens.(nmax) [Nm] 30 2 13 48 61 -26 -28 Tmax(nbase) [Nm] 95 1.05 909 3 13 53 66 -26 -28 Tten(nbase) [Nm] 75 1.14 838 3 14 57 71 -28 -29 Tens. power [kW] 5 1.23 776 4 15 62 77 -30 -31 Max.power [kW] 8 1.32 723 4 16 66 82 -33 -33 Overload(%) 1.41 1.50 677 637 5 6 18 20 71 75 89 95 -37 -41 -37 -41 Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt Acc. Torq. J Tension torque Tot. acc. torq. SLIDE 52 Printed 7-Dec-98 26% Solution Products Pre-Information Calculating the Torque at different speed points Power Motor Base Speed 30 KW 700 rpm Motor Max Speed 1500 rpm T max 6000 N max rpm 1592 rpm min rpm 637 rpm 409 4093 Nm Nm Max motor torque Max torque to process Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt Winder Basics Dimensioning- Load Requirement Calculating based on Tset =Tmax conditions SLIDE 53 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Basics Calculating the Torque at different speed points Power Motor Base Speed 30 KW 700 rpm Motor Max Speed 1500 rpm T max 6000 N max rpm 1592 rpm min rpm 637 rpm 409 4093 Nm Nm Max motor torque Max torque to process Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt Dimensioning- Load Requirement Calculating based on Tset= Tmax conditions SLIDE 54 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Basics Calculating the Torque at different speed points Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt Dimensioning- Load Requirement Calculation based on Tset =Tmin conditions SLIDE 55 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Basics Calculating the Torque at different speed points Dimensioning- Load Requirement Calculation based on Tset =Tmin conditions Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 56 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Basics Dimensioning- Load Requirement Results: The max and minimum required load torques for the process demand are 30 Nm to 395 Nm depending on the tension set-point and the acceleration/deceleration phases. Overload requirements can be accurately identified. All the speeds (base and maximum speeds are accurately determined) The maximum and minimum load torque has to be supplied by the same drive+motor set. Minimum resolutions and accuracy of control will start to be important considerations Overload and minimum operating speeds affect the motor selection Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 57 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Basics Dimensioning- Selecting the Motor Rule 1 : The motor should not be over-dimensioned. Over- Dimensioned motors will increase the inverter size which in turn effects the current resolution of the drive. Wide tension ranges will not be attainable The ability of the inverter to maintain the requested motor torque is stated as a % of the nominal torque of the motor. Increasing the motor torque way beyond the load requirements reduces the accuracy of tension/torque control Rule 2 : Motor overload characteristics are proportional to I/N2. Load torque requirements are proportional to 1/N. Therefore the overload requirements may often lead to the next frame size of the motor. Check the overload requirements carefully such a case. Generally Winders overloads are needed during the fastest stop or acceleration and can be calculated! Reducing (Convincing the customer)the acceleration/deceleration rates by a small percentage may be a better solution then over-dimensioning the motor to fulfil this requirement. Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 58 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Basics Dimensioning- Selecting the Motor Motor Load torque and the maximum loadibility of the motor Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 59 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Basics Dimensioning- Selecting the Motor Rule 3 : Check the minimum rotational speed of the motor. This criteria leads to a bigger motor in self ventilated motors. Minimum rotational speed for the motor is at minimum operational speed and at the maximum diameter. The problem with the motor loadibility curve is only when the maximum tension is requested and the maximum designed diameter is used. Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 60 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Basics Selecting the motor+Gearbox Using the same process example Required Process Tension 5 kN Max Process speed 300 m/min Min Diameter 0.6 m Max Diameter 1.5 m Max Process rpm (mandrel) 159 rpm Min process rpm (mandrel) 64 rpm Calculated Power required 25 KW (based on no overloads) Speed ratio= Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt 2.484375 SLIDE 61 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Basics Selecting the motor+Gearbox We are free to choose the gearbox !!! We know the power requirement - say 30KW, 150% overload We know the speed ratio = 2.48 this implies that the motor runs into field weakening up to about 2.5 times. Choose the motor based on Easiest availability Best torque curve fitting <Best motor is the one whose base speed can be as close to our process base speed> Choose the gearbox based on the speeds = Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 62 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Basics Selecting the motor+Gearbox Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 63 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Basics Dimensioning Using the Application Checklist Form Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 64 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Basics Dimensioning Application Checklist Form for Selecting Winder Applications GENERAL Customer Name:_____________________ Application:_________________________ Date:______________________ Machine Section:____________ APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS (Che ck all that apply) Unwind: W inder: Tension: Dancer: Torque: MOTOR DATA Size: Supply Voltage: Supply Frequency: Synchronous Speed: KW VAC Hz rpm Nominal Speed: Encoder: Encoder Resolution: Encoder Supply: rpm Yes______ No______ ppr 12Vdc______ 24Vdc______ (Che ck one ) OVERLOAD Overload: % for ______ second(s) - every ______ minute(s) MECHANICAL DATA Unwind/W inder: Single Position:______ Turret:______ Unwind/W inder: Over______ Under______ Number of Cores: Min. Core O.D. _____ mm Total Gear Ratio: :1 (Che ck both if r e quir e d) Core # 2 O.D. ______ mm Core # 3 O.D. ______ mm Min W eb W idth: Max W eb W idth: mm mm Min. W eb Thickness: Max. W eb Thickness: mm mm Full Roll Diameter: Max. Roll W eight: mm kg Core Shaft Material: Core Shaft Inner Dia.: Core Shaft Outer Dia.: mm mm MACHINE SPECIFICATIONS Line Speed Reference: Current______ Voltage______ Signal Range: (0)4-20mA______ 0-10Vdc______ Isolated: Line Speed Min: Min Accel Time: Min. Fast Stop Time: Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt m/min secs secs Communicated______ Yes______ No______ Line Speed Max: Min Decel Time: SLIDE 65 m/min secs Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Basics Dimensioning DANCER SPECIFICATIONS Dancer Supply Source: Dancer Feedback: Signal Range: Existing______ Drive______ Current______ (0)4-20mA______ Max Dancer Travel: Dancer Supply: Vdc Voltage______ None______ ______ to ______Vdc Isolated: Yes______ No______ mm TENSION SPECIFICATIONS Tension Reference: Signal Range: Current______ (0)4-20mA______ Voltage______ 0-10Vdc______ Communicated______ Isolated: Yes______ No______ Tension Feedback: Signal Range: Current______ (0)4-20mA______ Voltage______ 0-10Vdc______ None______ Isolated: Yes______ No______ Min Tension: Max Tension: N N Stall Tension: Max Taper: Max Tension Variation @ Steady State: Max Ttension Variation During Accel/Decel: kg kg N % Loadcell Type: COMMUNICATIONS (Che ck one ) Modbus: Modbus +: Device Net: CS31: Profibus: Advant : None: COMMENTS: Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 66 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Center Winder Training Application Software Implementation Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 67 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Application Integration of the Winder Application Standard and Multidrive Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 68 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Application Configuration Winder Application consists of the macros : Winder Ten Winder Dan Unwinder Ten Unwinder Dan Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 69 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Application Configuration Dancer Control – The drive is speed regulated. The parent speed reference comes from the process line controller. – Speed Trim is used to Control Dancer Position. The Dancer Controller output is added as a speed correction. – The Dancer Controller is a PI controller receiving a setpoint reference which is a constant from the keypad and receiving a feedback of Dancer position from the process. – Recommendation for Use: • To create Isolation of sections. • Typical Unwind Applications. Dancer Position Feedback to ACS600 Loading Cylinder 0 volts Servo (I/P) Force +10 volts Response polarity as with a Transducer Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 70 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Application Configuration Tension Control - Closed Loop Speed Trim – The drive is speed regulated. The parent speed reference comes from the process line controller. – Speed Trim is used to control the actual tension of the web. The Tension Controller output is added as a speed correction. – Tension Controller is a PI controller receiving setpoint reference from an operator control and receiving a feedback of actual tension from the process. Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 71 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Application Configuration Tension Control - Closed Loop Speed Trim – Recommendation for Use: • • • • If the material range is wide and extensive. If a large range of Web Widths are possible/required. Accurate Inertia data is not available. Transducer feedback is required. Transducer; Actual Tension Feedback Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 72 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Application Configuration Tension Control - Closed Loop Torque Trim – The drive is torque regulated. The parent speed reference is required from the process line controller for over speed control. – The torque reference is calculated by the application based on tension setpoint and machine parameters entered at the keypad. – Torque Trim is used to control the actual tension of the web. The Tension Controller output is added as a torque correction. – Tension Controller is a PI controller receiving setpoint reference from an operator control and receiving a feedback of actual tension from the process. Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 73 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Application Configuration Tension Control - Closed Loop Torque Trim – Recommendation for Use: • Greater dynamic response. • Web dimensions are basically constant with minimal variations in width and density. • Accurate system and material Inertia data is available. • Transducer feedback is required. Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 74 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Application Configuration Tension Control - Open Loop Torque – The drive is torque regulated. The parent speed reference is required from the process line controller for over speed control. – The torque reference is calculated by the application based on tension setpoint and machine parameters. – The PI controller is NOT active in this mode and therefor there is not any trim of the torque reference. – Recommendation for Use: • Transducer - Actual tension feedback is not available • Web dimensions are constant with limited variations in width and density. • Accurate system and material Inertia data is available. • Stall tension is not required. Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 75 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Application Configuration Dancer Controller Motor RPM DTC Diameter Calculator Line Speed div add Dancer Feedback Dancer Setpoint Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt PI SLIDE 76 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Application Parameters Dancer Controller – Activation of the Dancer Controller is selected via parameter. – Parameter selectable Dancer Position Feedback. – Automatic Centering of the Dancer. The Dancer position of regulation is defaulted to the center of it’s maximum travel. This may be adjusted with the Center Offset parameter. 62:7 Dancer FDBK Input AI 1 AI 2 AI 3 XT AI1 0V XT AI2 0V XTAI2 -10V 62:5 Dancer Ctl Enable NOT SEL ENABLE DI 2 DI 3 DI 4 DI 5 DI 6 XT DI1 FIELDBUS Running & Reference Feedback 62:10 Max Dancer Travel 2 div add 62:11 Center Offset Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt PI Regulator Release SLIDE 77 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Application Parameters Dancer Controller – P-Gain Min and P-Gain Max: P-Gain of controllers are adjusted as a function of diameter. As diameter increases the P-Gain of the Controller is increased linearly to P-Gain Max for improved regulation as diameter is changed. – Two selectable web configurations. Each parameter for WEB 1 and WEB 2 are (infinitely) adjustable. • Two (2) sets of PI gains for Dancer controllers. Stall Mode Enable 62:13 Web Selection 62:1 P-Gain 1 Min 62:14 P-Gain 2 Min 62:2 P-Gain 1 Max 62:15 P-Gain 2 Max 62:3 Integ Time 1 62:16 Integ Time 2 PI K K X Diameter I 62:4 Range Adjust Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 78 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Application Dancer Controller Parameters – Dancer Setpoint: Used in applications where Stall Tension and/or Tension Taper functions are required. In these modes a servo (I/P) must be used to adjust the tension applied to the web. An analogue output is used to control the servo. – Taper Tension: Reduction of tension reference as a function of diameter. Stall Tension Enable 62:9 Max Taper/%Taper KEYPAD AI 1 AI 2 AI 3 XT AI1 62:6 Dancer Setpoint XT AI2 FIELDBUS AI 1 AI 2 AI 3 XT AI1 XT AI2 FIELDBUS Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt ACS600 % Taper Analogue R e f Output Loading Cylinder Diameter Servo (I/P) Force mul 62:18 Stall Setpnt (%) SLIDE 79 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Application Parameters Dancer Controller – Stall Tension: If selected, is automatically activated when the line speed falls below a parameter set value. At this time the Tension reference is reduced to a parameter set percentage of setpoint tension. Stall PI gains are available for separate PI controller adjustment when in stall tension. Stall Mode Enable 62:17 Stall Enable 1) DISABLE 2) NORMAL GAIN 3) STALL GAIN Line Speed Ref 62:19 Stall Speed If = 3 then & 62:20 Stall P-Gain If NOT = 1 then A1 B1 A1 < B1 & 62:20 Stall Integ Stall Tension Enable Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 80 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Application Parameters Dancer / Tension Trim - Speed Control nRef P-Controller n-Controller PRef x - Tq Speed Ctl out + - Pact F(D, V) nact Controller adaptation Macc D Gain Gain Web type (material thickness/ material width) Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt D SLIDE 81 Printed 7-Dec-98 Used TQ reft Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Application Tension Controller Parameters Motor RPM DTC Diameter Calculator Torque Ref. Line Speed div Tension Feedback add Spd Ref. mul Torque Control Tension Setpoint Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt PI SLIDE 82 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Application Tension Controller Parameters – Activation of the Tension Controller is selected via parameter. – Parameter selectable Tension Setpoint. – The actual Tension Reference is a calculation including selection of Tension Setpoint, Stall Tension, and Taper Tension based on roll diameter. – Taper Tension: Reduction of tension reference as a function of diameter. – Parameter selectable Tension Feedback (Transducer). Actual Feedback signals must be connected via Analogue Inputs. Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 83 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Application Tension Controller 63:5 Tension Ctl Enable NOT SEL ENABLE DI 2 DI 3 DI 4 DI 5 DI 6 XT DI1 FIELDBUS 63:6 Tension Setpoint AI 1 AI 2 AI 3 XT AI1 XT AI2 FIELDBUS Parameters Running & 63:9 Max Taper/%Taper KEYPAD AI 1 AI 2 AI 3 XT AI1 XT AI2 FIELDBUS 63:7 Tension FDBK Input AI 1 AI 2 AI 3 XT AI1 XT AI2 Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt Stall Tension Enable PI Regulator Release Reference Feedback % Taper R e f Diameter mul 63:21 Stall Setpnt (%) SLIDE 84 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Application Parameters Tension Controller – P-Gain Min and P-Gain Max: P-Gain of controllers are adjusted as a function of diameter. As diameter increases the P-Gain of the Controller is increased linearly to P-Gain Max for improved regulation as diameter is changed. – Two selectable web configurations. Each parameter for WEB 1 and WEB 2 are (infinitely) adjustable. • Two (2) sets of PI gains for Dancer controllers. Stall Mode Enable 63:16 Web Selection 63:1 P-Gain 1 Min 63:17 P-Gain 2 Min 63:2 P-Gain 1 Max 63:18 P-Gain 2 Max 63:3 Integ Time 1 63:19 Integ Time 2 PI K K mul Diameter I 63:4 Range Adjust Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 85 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Application Parameters Tension Controller – Stall Tension: If selected, is automatically activated when the line speed falls below a parameter set value. At this time the Tension reference is reduced to a parameter set percentage of setpoint tension. Stall PI gains are available for separate PI controller adjustment when in stall tension. Stall Mode Enable 63:20 Stall Enable 1) DISABLE 2) NORMAL GAIN 3) STALL GAIN Line Speed Ref 63:22 Stall Speed If = 3 then & 63:23 Stall P-Gain If NOT = 1 then A1 B1 A1 < B1 & 63:24 Stall Integ Stall Tension Enable Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 86 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Application Parameters Tension Controller - Torque – Tension Control Mode selection. • (Speed Trim, Torque Trim, or Torque No-Trim) – The selections for Tension Control Mode are (Torque Ctrl or Speed Ctrl). An additional parameter selection is required to select the operation of Torque Ctrl. – Torque Control can be activated in Open Loop when Speed Control is the selected control mode. This is for special applications which require Tension trim in Speed ctrl and an additional Torque only mode, (Special load share applications). – When in speed control the normal selection of the Torque Trim Sel parameter is [Tentorq Trim]. Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 87 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Application Parameters Tension Controller - Torque 63:11 Tension Ctrl Mode Torque Ctrl Speed Ctrl 63:12 Torque Trim Sel TenTorq Trim Torque NoTrim DI1 (NoTrim) D I2 (NoTrim) DI4 (NoTrim) X DI1 (NoTrim) XDI2 (NoTrim) FBA (NoTrim) Over / Under Sel Pull / HoldBack Algorithm for determining Torque Reference Selection: When in Speed Control the selections [TenTorq Trim] & [Torque NoTrim] do not operate. In this mode torque can only be commanded with DI or FBA. The Torque mode is without trim. When in Torque Control the [Torque Trim Sel] determines if the Tension feedback trims the torque or if the torque is not trimmed. If an input is selected the operation is Torque Trim when the input is 0 and Torque NO trim when the input is 1. Torque Reference Selector TORQ REF SEL 0 MIN MAX + + The selections of Over / Under and Pull / Holdback determine the selection in Torque Control for the Torque Reference Selector [ Min or Max ] Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 88 Printed 7-Dec-98 3 4 2 1 5 6 Torque Ref to DTC Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Application Parameters Tension Controller - Torque – Frictional Losses: Static Friction for constant losses of the machine and Linear Friction for frictional loss change as a function of roll diameter. Tension Reg Output 63:10 Maximum Tension 63:4 Range % Roll Diameter Inertia Compensation mul + Torque Reference Selector 63:14 Linear Friction TORQ REF SEL Diameter Tension Reference Gear Ratio Roll Diameter */ 63:13 Static Friction 0 + Torq Ref 1 MIN 3 4 2 1 + 5 6 MAX Torq Ref 2 + + Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 89 Printed 7-Dec-98 Torque Ref to DTC Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Application Tension Trim - Torque Control Winder- Application Software Diameter Calculation Tension Reference Tension to TQ cal Tension Controller PI Line Speed Reference Tension Reference Tension Controller PI Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt Parameters Flux Code Torque Correction Speed Reference Flux Accelerate Torque SLIDE 90 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Application Parameters Inertia Compensation - WK² – The calculation for Torque required due to speed change per time change (n/t). – Parameters for Motor and Gearing inertia. – Parameters for calculation constant system inertia. – Can be deactivated in Speed control mode. – Two selectable web configurations. Each parameter for WEB 1 and WEB 2 are (infinitely) adjustable. Selection of Web 2 is done in the Dancer or Tension parameters. • Two (2) Web width parameters • Two (2) Web density parameters – Recommendation for Use: • Required for all torque control modes and recommend for improved performance in speed control modes. Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 91 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Application Diameter Calculation Parameters – The calculation of the diameter is a function of line speed and winding roll rpm. – Starting Diameter Values: • The starting diameter can be preset using digital inputs or FieldBus. These inputs can be used to trigger a selection of three (3) parameter preset diameters. The first being Minimum core for a Winder or Maximum roll for an Unwind. • The starting diameter can also be set by DI’s or FieldBus to manually increase or decrease the diameter value (Digital Operated Potentiometer). • An ultrasonic sensor or mechanical measurement can also be implemented through XT AI2 and triggered through DI or FBus. Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 92 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Application Parameters t Diameter Calculator Line Speed Reference Actual Core Speed Diameter V t Diameter Reset Dancer / Tension Enable N Unwinder / Rewinder Count UP Enable Count DOWN Enable Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt Min Core Dia Max Roll Dia Web Thickness SLIDE 93 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Application Diameter Calculation Parameters – Running Diameter Memory: The actual calculated diameter is stored in flash prom when power is lost to the drive. When power is restored the diameter is preset to the stored value. – Web Thickness is used in the diameter calculation algorithm only as a maximum change limiter, to prevent unexpected speed change if a calculation error occurs. – Diameter calculation inhibit functions: • Diameter calculation is stopped when the line speed is below parameterized value. • Diameter calculation decrease can be inhibited in Winders. • Diameter calculation increase can be inhibited in Unwinds. • Diameter calculation is stopped when torque mem is active. Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 94 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Application Diameter Calculation Parameters The Diameter Calculator can be bypassed if an external device such as an Ultrasonic sensor is preferred. The Diameter calculator can be disabled with a parameter. – There are available two (2) supervisory parameters for indication of diameter reached. In winder applications the indication is the preset diameter has been exceeded. In unwind applications the indication is the actual diameter is less than the presets. Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 95 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Digitally operated potentiometer REF select 11.4 Enable DI4 FB_SPD_DEC > +20,000 units DI3 FB_SPD_INC DEC > INC > TON POT Rate 1 POT rate 2 R Emergency stop & -20,000 units Run Enable Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 96 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Application Parameters Additional Features Active Flux Control – The automatic reduction of motor flux dependant on torque required. As the machine torque requirement is reduced the motor flux is reduced to improve current resolution. 100 90 80 70 Motor 60 Flux % 50 40 30 20 10 0 Required Motor Torque % Flux Torque Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt Time SLIDE 97 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Application Active Flux Control Parameters – Actual formula for Flux control – Torque depends on flux vectors: T = c (s x r) y U3 U2 U4 Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt U6 U5 s U1 r SLIDE 98 x Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Application Parameters Over / Under wind selection – Over or Under Wind selection can be made with the Forward / Reverse selection parameter. Over wind = Forward. To select Under wind the the reverse mode must be activated with a DI or FieldBus. Web Loss Detection – Web Loss detection is calculated in the application. If web loss detection is desired, a Relay Output can be assigned to this function. The actions taken if a web loss occurs is dependant upon external controls provided by the end user. • Web Loss Delay Timer adjustable at the keypad. • Dancer & Tension Control: Web Loss trip point is an adjustable. • Torque Control: Web Loss if speed actual is 10% greater than speed reference. Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 99 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Application Parameters Single Position Winder Under Winding Winding Transducer; Actual Tension Feedback Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt Under Winding SLIDE 100 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Application Parameters Turret Winder Roll Change – The following functions were intended for use in Turret Winder applications in which automatic roll change is used. – Core Speed Match: Used in pure speed control to trim the speed of the core. Trimming the speed of the core is done to adjust the web transfer to the new core during roll change. This may also be used to adjust the speed of the core when the core diameter varies in small percentages per the same standard core size. 61:1 Spd Mtch Ref Sel No SpdMtch AI 1 AI 2 61:4 Spd Match Rate AI 3 XT AI1 XT AI2 FIELDBUS 61:2 Spd Match W/Trim Scaling & Digital Operated Pot Rate Additive Spd Ref mul 0 Line Speed Ref 61:3 Spd Match Range DI3, DI4 Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt FBus b4,5 SLIDE 101 Printed 7-Dec-98 23:4 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Application Parameters Turret Winder Roll Change – Torque Memory is used to memorize the actual torque of the motor. The torque is memorized in order to maintain stable tension regulation during a continuous process roll change. The function is triggered through DI’s or FieldBus. • Before indexing the finishing roll from the wind position a Sample of the actual torque is stored in the application. • As indexing begins the Torque Memory is enabled. The drive changes to direct torque control independent of the normal operating mode. The memorized torque is then used as the torque reference. • When the indexing is near the web transfer point the Boost Torque function may be activated to increase the actual tension of the web to aid in knife cut. The boost torque can be triggered form DI, Field-Bus, or a time delay function. Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 102 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Application Turret Winder Roll Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt Parameters Change Continued SLIDE 103 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Application Parameters Turret Winder - 2 Position Indexing Transducer; Actual Tension Feedback Winding Position Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 104 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Application Turret Winder - 2 Position Parameters Roll Change in Process, The Layon Roll moves to Position Torque Sample Memorized Activating Torque Memory Indexing Layon Roll Transducer; Actual Tension Feedback Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 105 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Application Turret Winder - 2 Position Parameters Roll Change in Process Torque Sample Memorized Torque Memory Active Indexing Activate Boost Torque Transducer; Actual Tension Feedback Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 106 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Application Configuration Winder Application consists of the macros : Selectable from Parameter 99.2 Winder Ten Winder Dan Unwinder Ten Unwinder Dan Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 107 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Application Configuration Selecting Dancer modes automatically uses Speed Control Group 63 is hidden 62.5 = Enable or DIy high when DIy goes low pure speed control is selected If Tension modes are selected further configuration is required To select Indirect Torque Control 63.5 = Enable or DIy when DIy goes low pure speed control is selected 63.11 = Torque ctrl 63.12 = Torque no trim or DIx high Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 108 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Application Configuration If Tension modes are selected further configuration is required To select Direct Tension control with Speed Trim 63.5 = Enable or selectable by DIy high when DIy goes low pure speed control is selected 63.11 = Speed Ctrl 63.12 = Tension Torque Trim or DIx low when DIx goes high system goes to pure torque To select Direct tension control with Torque trim 63.5 = Enable or selectable by DIy high when DIy goes low pure speed control is selected 63.11= Torque Ctrl 63.12 = Tension torque Trim or DIx low when DIx goes high system goes to pure torque Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 109 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Application Configuration If a Switch between Dancer mode Speed trim and pure speed1 control is required Parameter 62.5 should be connected to one of the DIy inputs 62.5 = Enable or DIy high when DIy goes low pure speed control is selected e.g. : Needed after a web break to wind the material into the core If a Switch between Torque mode and pure speed1 control is required Parameter 62.5 should be connected to one of the DIy inputs 62.5 = Enable or DIy high when DIy goes low pure speed control is selected e.g. : Needed after a web break to wind the material into the core Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 110 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Application DDCS Interface Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 111 Printed 7-Dec-98 Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt DATASET 3 WORD 3 : Speed match DATASET 5 WoRD1 : Percent Draw Trim DATASET 5 WORD 2 : Selectable Pointer DATASET 5 WORD 3: Selectable Pointer 50 ms 50 ms 100 ms 100 ms 50 ms SLIDE 112 100 ms Fieldbus Adapters (External protocol to DDCS protocol) ExternalPLC PLC External Printed 7-Dec-98 DATASET 6 WORD 3: Selectable Pointer DATASET 6 WORD 2 : Selectable Pointer DATASET 6 WoRD1 : Percent Draw Trim DATASET 4 WORD 3: Selectable Pointer DATASET 4 WORD 2 : Selectable Pointer DATASET 4 WoRD1 : Percent Draw Trim DATASET 2 WORD 3: Selectable Pointer DATASET 2 WORD 2 : Selectable Pointer DATASET 2 WoRD1 : Selectable Pointer DATASE 3 WORD2 : Taper Set-point 50 ms DATASET 1 WORD3 : Application CW 50 ms DATASET 3 WoRD1 : Dancer / Tension DATASET 1 WORD 2 Speed Reference 10 ms 50 ms DATASET 1 WoRD1 : Command Word 50 ms Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Application in ACx6xx 100 ms Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Application Parameter Group 6 DATASET COMM (if USED) 1 DATASET 1 WORD 1 50ms Bit 0 Drive Enable (Drv Contactor – DCS) Bit 1 E-STOP NOT Bit 2 Reserved Bit 3 Run Command Bit 4 Direction Bit 5 Constant Speed 1 Act Bit 6 Constant Speed 2 Act Bit 7 Fault Reset Bit 8 Inching Speed Act Bit 9 Payout Speed Act Bit 10 Remote Command Bit 11 Relay Output 1 Act Bit 12 Relay Output 2 Act Bit 13 Relay Output 3 Act Bit 14 CH0 Comm Heartbeat Bit 15 Reserved 2 DATASET 1 WORD 2 10ms Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt DDCS Interface - Inputs DT1 WRD1 (Command Word) (Profibus only) (Return Signal from Master) DT1 WRD2 SLIDE 113 Speed Reference Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Application Parameter Group 6 3 DATASET 1 WORD 3 50ms Bit 0 Dancer / Tension Enable Bit 1 Dancer / Tension Gain2 Sel Bit 2 Tension Trim Off (Open Loop Torque) DDCS DT1 WRD3 Interface - Inputs Application Command Word In Tension Mode – Commands Open loop Torque – No Tension Fdbk required Zero’s the Integration Time of the PI-regulators. Regulators act a P-regulator Bit 3 Dancer / Tension Zero Integ Time Bit 4 Core Speed Increase Bit 5 Core Speed Decrease Bit 6 Diameter Setpoint 1 Increase Core Speed Match Decrease Core Speed Match Bit 6 & Bit 7 both on will activate Diameter Setpoint 3 Bit 7 Diameter Setpoint 2 Bit 8 Diameter Hold Bit 9 Diameter Increase Stop the Diameter Calculator form Changing For adjusting starting diameter – Off when in Dancer or Tension Mode For adjusting starting diameter – Off when in Dancer or Tension Mode Sample the running Torque for Roll Change Torque Memory circuit. Enable Memorized (Sampled) Torque – the drive will operate in Torque mode Multiply the Memorized Torque by the Boost Torque % to increase tension at Knife Cut Bit 10 Diameter Decrease Bit 11 Torque Sample Bit 12 Torque Memory Enable Bit 13 Boost Torque ON Bit 14 Reserved Bit 15 Reserved Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 114 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Application DDCS Interface - Inputs Parameter Group 6 4 5 6 7 DATASET 3 WORD 1 DATASET 3 WORD 2 DATASET 3 WORD 3 DATASET 5 WORD 1 50ms 50ms 50ms 50ms DT3 WRD1 DT3 WRD2 DT3 WRD3 DT5 WRD1 Dancer / Tension Setpoint Taper Setpoint Speed Match Setpoint Percent Draw Trim – for progressive Draw from over-riding controller (x100) 8 DATASET 5 WORD 2 9 DATASET 5 WORD 3 Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt 100ms 100ms DT5 WRD2 DT5 WRD3 SLIDE 115 Selectable – pointer Selectable – pointer Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Application DDCS Interface - Outputs Dataset Comm Out DATASET 2 WORD 1 DATASET 2 WORD 2 DATASET 2 WORD 3 DATASET 4 WORD 1 DATASET 4 WORD 2 DATASET 4 WORD 3 DATASET 6 WORD 1 DATASET 6 WORD 2 DATASET 6 WORD 3 Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt No Parameter Short Name Description Selectable – pointer Selectable – pointer Selectable – pointer Selectable – pointer Selectable – pointer Selectable – pointer Selectable – pointer Selectable – pointer Selectable – pointer 50ms 50ms 50ms 100ms 100ms 100ms 100ms 100ms 100ms SLIDE 116 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Application Analogue Inputs Additional Hardware – Standard AI (Qty 1 : 0-10v) (Qty 2 : 0-20ma) – Dancer Mode Requirements Speed Reference Draw Set-point Dancer Set-point Taper Set-point Dancer Feedback Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 117 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Application Additional Hardware Analogue Inputs – Tension Mode Requirements Line Speed Reference Draw Setpoint Tension Setpoint Transducer Feedback Taper Setpoint – If more than (1) input 0-10v - NAIO-021 req. • Potentiometers require 0-10v – If all listed Tension Inputs selected 1 Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt - NAIO-021 req. NAIO-01 is not supported by the application software SLIDE 118 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Application Additional Hardware Digital Inputs - Standard (6) 24vdc Maximum of 10DI and 5AI, 4AO and 5DO 2 NDIO units and 1 NAIO-02 modules – Normal DI Selections for Winder Applications • • • • • • • • • • 1) RUN 2) ENABLE 3) FAST STOP 4) REVERSE - (Over/Under Winding) 5) FAULT RESET 6) TENSION ENABLE / DANCER ENABLE 7) DIAMETER RESET 1 8) DIAMETER RESET 2 9) TORQUE MEMORY SAMPLE - (Not available for Unwind) 10) TORQUE MEMORY ENABLE - (Not available for Unwind) Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 119 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Application Additional Hardware Digital Inputs - Standard (6) 24vdc – Possible DI Selections for Winder Applications • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1) RUN 2) ENABLE 3) FAST STOP 4) REVERSE (Over / Under) 5) RAMPED SPEED 1 6) RAMPED SPEED 2 7) INCHING SPEED 8) FAULT RESET 9) TENSION ENABLE / DANCER ENABLE 10) DIAMETER RESET 1 11) DIAMETER RESET 2 12) TORQUE MEMORY SAMPLE - (Not available for Unwind) 13) TORQUE MEMORY ENABLE - (Not available for Unwind) 14) TORQUE BOOST ENABLE (Not available for Unwind) 15) P-GAIN 2 SELECT Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 120 Printed 7-Dec-98 Solution Products Pre-Information Winder Application Additional Hardware Digital Inputs - Standard (6) 24vdc – Most Winder Applications typically require at least (1) NDIO module. – Turret Winder Applications with roll change requirements typically require (2) NDIO modules. – Unwind Applications can typically be done with standard DI - Depending on Customer requirements. Narendra Gupta & Michael Vallier / 98-12-01 File : Solutions_Winder.ppt SLIDE 121 Printed 7-Dec-98