Updated: Nov. 29.,2006 Lecture Notes ECON 622: ECONOMIC COSTBENEFIT ANALYSIS Lecture Seven 1 Cost of Foreign Exchange (EOCFX) and Shadow Price of Non-Tradable Outlays (SPNTO) 2 Definition of EOCFX and SPNTO • These variables (EOCFX and SPNTO) are estimated to measure the value of the distortions created when funds are sourced in the capital market and used to purchase either tradable goods (EOCFX), or non-traded goods (SPNTO). • These actions are repeated many times for each project and are identical for such actions across projects. • It is efficient and to estimate these variables once for a country and use the same values repeatedly as needed. • To make the estimates general we do not include the specific distortions on the particular traded or non-traded good. These effects are included when we estimate the economic cost of the specific item. 3 Estimation of Economic Exchange Rate and Premium of Foreign Exchange under two situation: 1. 2. Project already has raised funds e.g. foreign aid and spends them on traded goods. Project raises funds in capital markets and spends funds on a. Traded goods (Premium of Foreign Exchange) b. Non-traded goods (Shadow price of non-traded outlays (SPNTO)) 4 Economic Cost of Foreign Exchange • When the numeraire is the domestic currency at the domestic price level, the foreign exchange effect of the change in the demand (or supply) of tradable commodities must be converted into domestic currency. • Conversion should take place at the “shadow exchange rate,” or economic price of foreign exchange (Ee). Cases: 1. Market Exchange Rate • If there are no distortions on the demand or supply of tradable goods, and if the exchange rate is determined by market forces, then the economic price of foreign exchange is equal to the market exchange rate (Em). 5 Economic Cost of Foreign Exchange (Cont’d) 2. Trade Distortions – Trade distortions will change the demand and/or supply of foreign exchange such that the market exchange rate no longer measures the economic price of foreign exchange. For example, – Tariffs- lower the market demand for foreign exchange and cause Em to be less than Ee – Export Taxes - Decrease the market supply of foreign exchange and cause the Em to be greater than Ee – Export Subsidies - Increase the market supply of foreign exchange and cause the Em to be less than Ee 3. Indirect taxes will impact the demand and supply of both traded and nontraded goods - Value added taxes - Excise taxes 6 • All goods are divided into three types: 1. Importable 2. Exportable 3. Non-traded goods • Importable and Exportable goods are referred to as TRADABLE GOODS. • Prices of TRADABLE GOODS are determined by international markets and expressed in units of a foreign exchange currency. • Domestic prices of such goods are determined by multiplying the internationally given import price PIw or the export price PEW by the market exchange rate EM i.e. PDI =EMPIw, PDE=EMPEw 7 • As the world prices of these goods are fixed their domestic prices, and the quality domestically demanded or domestically supplied of these will depend on the real exchange rate (inflation =0) • Their quantities can be expressed in units of foreign exchange. • Importable and Exportable goods can be aggregate to make market for tradable goods. • This market is also the market for Foreign Exchange. • This market will determine the country’s real exchange rate. 8 Demand for Traded Goods Equals Demand for Importable Goods plus Demand for Exportable Goods Demand for Importable Goods EM Demand for Exportable Goods EM Demand for Traded Goods EM DT=DI+DE DI Q (FX) Importable $FX DE Q (FX) Exportable $FX Q (FX) Traded Because the world price of importable and exportable goods are given to country the demand for tradable goods is a function of the Real Exchange rate. 9 Supply of Traded Goods Equals Domestic Supply of Importable Goods plus Domestic Supply of Exportable Goods Domestic Supply Importable Goods EM EM0 Domestic Supply Exportable Goods SI EM SE EM0 DT QSI Q(FX) Importable Domestic Supply Traded Goods EM ST=SI+SE EM0 QSE Q (FX) Exportable QT Q (FX) Tradable Exchange rate determined by the demand and supply of tradable Goods QDT=QST 10 Demand for Foreign Exchange An equivalent way to see how the exchange rate is determined as to draw the demand for imports and supply of exports Importable Market P Demand for Imports SImportable EM _ EM0 EM0 EM1 DImportable QIS Import Q ID E1 Q Importable(QFx) DM QFXD The demand for imports=Demand for importable goods-Supply of importable goods Demand for Foreign Exchange=Demand for Imports QFxD=QID-QIS 11 Supply of Foreign Exchange Exportable Market Imports and Exports P SExportable SX _ EM0 _ EM E1 1 DM DExportable QED Export QES Q Exportable(QFx) QFXD/S QFxS=QES-QED=Supply of Foreign Exchange =Supply of Exports=SX 12 Total Economy=Market for Tradable Goods plus Market for Non-Tradable Goods Tradable Goods Non-Tradable Goods EM ST SNT E0 PNT DT QT0 • • • • • Q(FX) DNT QNT0 Because there is a given amount of capital and labor in country, GDP=Quantity Supplied of Tradable goods + Quantity Supplied of Non-tradable goods. Price of non-traded goods is fixed as the numeraire price in the economy (market equilibrium determined by relative prices). Real Exchange rate determined in traded goods market. Real Exchange rate is the relative price of Traded to Non-Traded Goods. Changes in exchange rate will cause the demand and supply of Non-Traded goods to shift. This is the relative price effect on demand for a good. 13 Full Employment and Equilibrium in Tradable and non-Tradable Goods Markets Tradable Goods EM Non-Tradable Goods ST0 E0 SNT PNT QT 0 DT0 Q(FX) DNT QNT0 GDP=QT0+QNT0 Full Employment Should think of tradable Goods and Non-Tradable Goods as two large composite goods QST=QDT QSNT=QDNT 14 Economic Equilibrium Importable EM Exportable Market for Foreign Exchange SI SX SE E0 DI DE QSI QDI Import QDE QSE Export DX QFX0 Equilibrium in Traded goods market also means that there is equilibrium in foreign exchange market. QDI +QDE =QDT QSI+QSE=QST In equilibrium QDT=QST 15 Hence QDI+QDE=QSI+QSE QDI-QSI=QSE-QDE Imports=Exports Determination of Market Exchange Rate No Distortions Exchange Rate: # of units of domestic currency per unit of Foreign Exchange S0fex Ee=Em D0fex Q0 Em = Market Exchange Rate Quantity of foreign exchange US$ Ee = Economic Exchange Rate S0fex= Supply of foreign exchange as derived from supply of exports D0fex=Demand for foreign exchange as derived from demand for imports Ee = Ws * Em +Wd * Em as Ws +Wd = 1 then Ee=Em 16 Determination of Exchange Rate with Distortions Case One: Project already has funds from Foreign aid Exchange Rate • Import Tariff = Tm S0 E0m(1+Tm) m E1 Em 0 Dt+ project Dt Q d 1 Q0 Q s 1 (net of tax) D0 Quantity of Foreign exchange Traded Ee = Ws * Em +Wd * Em(1+Tm) 17 Determination of Exchange Rate with Distortions Exchange Rate Case Two: • Export Subsidy = kx S0 S0+export subsidy E1m(1+kx) E0m(1+kx) m E1 Em 0 D0 + Project D0 d Q 1 Q0 s Q1 Quantity of Foreign exchange Traded Ee = Ws * Em * (1+kx) + Wd*Em 18 Determination of Exchange Rate with Distortions Exchange Rate Case Three: • Export Tax = tx S0+export tax S0 m E1 Em 0 E1m(1-tx) E0m(1-tx) D0 + Project D0 d Q1 Q0 s Q1 Quantity of Foreign exchange Traded Ee = Ws * Em * (1-tx) + Wd*Em 19 Determination of Exchange Rate with Distortions Case Four • Market Determined Exchange rate • Current Account in Equilibrium • Import Tariff = Tm • Export Tax = tx Exchange Rate A B Tariff St m E1 Em 0 S Export Tax L J D H G F Dt Q d1 Q0 Dp Quantity of Foreign exchange Traded s Q1 Ee = Ws *Em * (1-tx) + Wd * Em * (1+Tm) 20 Determination of Exchange Rate with Distortions and Capital Flows Exchange Rate St Case Five: S • Market determined Exchange Rate • Balance of Payments Deficit Sustained through Capital Inflows A • Import Tariff = Tm B • Export Tax = tx m m E0 J L E1 N H F K D M G DP Dt s Q0 s Q1 d Q1 d Q0 Quantity of Foreign Exchange Traded Ee = Ws * Em * (1-tx) + Wd * Em * (1+Tm) Conclusion: No change in basic estimation procedure.21 Economic Price of Foreign Exchange Trade Distortions • An increase in demand for imported inputs will cause a (slight) depreciation in the domestic currency, which in turn will cause a reduction in imports and an increase in exports • The economic value of the foreign exchange required by a project is determined by the economic values of the forgone imports and increased exports Example: The main trade distortions are tariffs on imported goods and taxes on exports. The economic price per unit of foreign exchange is Ee = Ws * Em * (1-tx) + Wd * Em (1 + Tm) Where Ws = The proportion of an extra unit of foreign exchange that is met by an increased supply of exports: Ws = s s - d * (Qd/Qs) Wd = The proportion of an extra unit of foreign exchange that is met by a reduction in other imports: Wd - d * (Qd/Qs) = s - d * (Qd/Qs) 22 Calculation of Foreign Exchange Premium If the elasticity of foreign exchange supply (s) is equal to the elasticity of foreign exchange demand (d): s = - d Then, a simple way to calculate the foreign exchange premium is: FEP = Tariff Revenues + Export Subsidies - Export Taxes Value of Imports + Value of Exports 23 Example for Indonesia (1991) The Economic Cost of Foreign Exchange is calculated as follows: Ee = Ws * Em* (1 - t xadj) + Wd * Em * (1 + Tadj) Where: Ee = Economic exchange rate Em = Market exchange rate = 1,950.3 Rp/$1.0 Ws = Weight on supply = 0.33 Wd = Weight on demand = 0.67 t xadj = Weighted average rate of tax on price-responsive exports = 0.00157 Tadj = Weighted average rate of tariff on price-responsive, non-reexported imports = 0.0919 Therefore, Ee = 0.33 * 1,950.3 * (1-0.00157) + 0.67 * 1,950.3 * (1+0.0919) = 2,069.38 Foreign Exchange Premium (FEP) = Ee/Em - 1 = 0.061 Note: The market exchange rate is obtained from International Financial Statistics, October 1992. Data for oil and non-oil imports and exports, and for re-exported imports, are from the Central Bureau of Statistics. Data for government imports are from the Quarterly Report of Balance of Payment, April 1992, Central Bank of Indonesia. Data for import duty and export tax are obtained from Ministry of Finance, Nota Keuangan 1992/93.24 Application of Foreign Exchange Premium • To value tradable goods at economic prices, the CIF prices of importable goods, or the FOB prices of exportable goods should be converted into domestic prices using the economic exchange rate (Ee). • Alternatively, this valuation at economic prices can be achieved by adding a foreign exchange premium [(Ee/Em) - 1] per unit of foreign exchange demanded (or supplied) by a project. 25 Economic Cost of Foreign Exchange Step1: Project Borrow 600 from Domestic Capital Market Tradable Goods EM Non-Tradable Goods ST0 SNT 400 200 E0 PNT DT1 QT 0 DT0 Q(FX) DNT1 DNT0 QNT0 Assume: Demand for tradable goods is reduced by 400 and demand for Nontraded by 200. Total borrowing funds =Total reducing in demand for goods and services. 26 Step 2: Borrowed funds used to purchase 600 of traded goods Tradable Goods Non-Tradable Goods 600 ST0 SNT0 Eu 200 400 200 E0M PNT DT2 DT QT1 QT0 DT0 QT2 Q(Fx) DNT1 DNT0 QNT1 QNT0 Suppose all 600 is spent on Traded goods hence demand for Traded good shift from DT1 to DT2 .At the exchange rate of E0 there is now an excess demand of traded goods of QT2-QT0 or 200 and in the Non-traded goods market there is an excess supply of Non-traded goods of QNT0-QNT1 or 200 27 Step 3: Exchange rate rises to E1 to reduce excess demand in Tradable goods market and excess supply in Non-Tradable goods market. Tradable Goods Non-Tradable Goods EM SNT1 SNT0 ST0 E1 E0 200 400 PNT 80 120 DT1 QT 0 DT2 120 80 DT0 QT1 Q(FX) DNT1 DNT2 DNT0 QNT1QNT2QNT0 Final Impact: Reduction in Tradable goods demand 400+120=520 Reduction in Non-Tradable goods demand 200-120=80 Assumption is that |TD| = 1.5 TS 28 Step 1:Equilibrium in Market for Foreign Exchange Importable EM Exportable Market for Foreign Exchange SX0 SI SX1 300 100 300 100 E0 DI0 DI1 QSIQDI1 QDI0 Imports DE0 DE1 QDE1QDE0 QSE DM0 DM1 QFX0 Exports Reducing in demand for Traded goods of 400 is assumed to reduce demand for importable goods of 300 and a reduction in demand for exportable goods by 100. Hence, reduction in demand for traded goods of 400 gets translated into a reduction of demand by imports of 300 and an increase in supply exports of 100. 29 Step 2: Equilibrium in Market for Foreign Exchange E S 0X S1X 600 E1 E0 300 100 100100 D1M D0M D2M Q0FX QSFX Q1FX QDFX With the purchase of 600 of Traded goods (importable) there is an excess demand for foreign exchange of QFxD-QFxS or 200. Hence exchange rate must rise to E1. This will cause the supply of export to increase by 100 and the demand for import to decrease by 100. Assumption that |ID| = xS 30 Financing of a Project by Borrowing from Abroad and Using Funds to Buy Traded Goods Step 1: No impact on consumer demand due to borrowing from Abroad Step 2: More Foreign Exchange to purchase traded goods for Project Traded Goods Non-Traded Goods S 0T E Step 2 S S0NT T 0 B Step 1 600 PNT E0 D0T Q0T Q1T D0T P Q Change in supply of traded goods (foreign exchange) increased by 600 and Change in demand for foreign exchange increased by 600 with the Project D0NT Q0NT No Impact on Non-Traded 31 Market for Foreign Exchange S0FX E Step 2 S1FX Step 1 No change in exchange rate as change in demand for FX of 600 is offsetted by additional supply of FX of 600 600 E0 DMFX Q0 Q1 DMFX P Q FX 32 TABLE 1 CALCULATION OF ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY COST OF FOREIGN EXCHANGE 600 of Project Funds Sourced in Capital Market And Spent on Tradables m vt m vh Applicable m vt eis Distortion Alone vh eia Change Due To (exclusion for Capital Market investment Sourcing eis = 0.75) Tradables Demand -400 vt = .20 n.a. -80 -20 Import Demand -300 m = .12 -36 -36 -36 Export Supply +100 n.a. n.a. n.a. Nontradables Demand -200 vh = .05 n.a. -10 -2.5 Change Due To Real Exchange Rate Adjustment Tradables Demand Tradables Supply -120 +80 Import Demand Export Supply -100 +100 Nontradables Demand Nontradables Supply +120 -80 Total Distortion Costs (-), Benefit (+) Distortion Cost/ Project Expend. = Premium on Tradables Outlays EOCFX/ Market Exchange Rate (exclusion for investment eia = 0.33) vt = .20 - n.a. n.a. -24 n.a. -16 m = .12 - -12 n.a. -12 n.a. -12 vh = .05 - n.a. n.a. +6 n.a. +4 -48 -156 -82.5 .08 .26 .1375 1.08 1.26 1.1375 33 Estimation of Shadow Price of Non-Tradable Outlays (SPNTO) Financing of Project by Borrowing from Domestic Capital Market and Used to Purchase Non-Traded Goods Step 1: Projects Borrows 600 from Domestic Capital Market Traded Goods Non-Traded Goods S0NT S 0T E 200 400 E0 PNT D1T Q0T D0T QFX D1NT D0NT Q0NT Assume: Demand for tradable goods is reduced by 400 and demand for Nontraded by 200. Total borrowing funds =Total reducing in demand for goods and services. 34 Step 2: Borrowed Funds from Domestic Capital Market Used to Purchase 600 of Non-Traded Goods Traded Goods Non-Traded Goods S0NT S 0T E 200 400 E0 400 PNT D2NT 600 D1T T 1 Q T 0 Q D0T QFX D1NT Q1NT Q0NT D0NT Q2NT Suppose all 600 is spent on Non-Traded goods. Hence demand for NonTraded goods shifts from D1NT to D2NT. At an exchange rate of E0M there is an excess supply of Traded goods of 400 (Q0T-Q1T) and an excess demand for Non-Traded goods of 400 (Q2NT-Q0NT) . 35 Step 3: Exchange Rate Falls to Increase Demand for Traded Goods and Reduce Supply of Traded Goods Tradable Goods Traded Goods Non-Traded Goods S E S0NTS NT T 0 1 200 400 E0 400 PNT D2NT E2 240 T 1 Q D1T 160 T 0 Q D0T QFX 160 240 Q1NT D1NT NT 0 D D3NT NT NT Q0NT Q3 Q2 Final Equilibrium Demand for traded goods has decreased by - 400 + 240 = -160 Demand for non-traded goods has decreased by -200 - 240 = -440 Total= -600 Assumption is that |TD| = 1.5 TS 36 Step 1:Equilibrium in Market for Foreign Exchange Markets Importable EM Exportable Market for Foreign Exchange SX0 SI SX1 300 100 300 100 E0 DI0 DI1 QSIQDI1 QDI0 Imports DE0 DE1 QDE1QDE0 QSE DM0 DM1 QFX0 Exports Reducing in demand for Traded goods of 400 from 600 of raising funds in capital market is assumed to reduce demand for importable goods of 300 and a reduction in demand for exportable goods by 100. Hence, reduction in demand for traded goods of 400 gets translated into a reduction of demand by imports of 300 and an increase in supply exports of 100. 37 Step 2:Equilibrium in Market for Foreign Exchange Markets Market for Foreign Exchange E S 0X S1X 300 100 E0 E2 D0M 200 200 Q0FX D1M Q FX With the purchase of 600 of non-traded goods there is an excess supply of 200 of foreign exchange. Hence exchange rate must fall to E2M . This will cause the supply of exports to fall by 200 and the demand for imports to increase by 200. Foreign Exchange Market Equilibrium Step 1: Reduction in demand for imports 300 Increase in Supply for exports 100 Step 2: Increase in demand for imports 200 Assumption that |ID| = xS Reduction in Supply for exports 300 Net Impact: Demand for Imports reduced by 100 Supply of Export reduced by 100 38 Total = 200 TABLE 2 CALCULATION OF SHADOW PRICE OF NONTRADABLES OUTLAYS 600 of Project Funds Sourced in Capital Market And Spent on Nontradables Applicable Distortion Change Due To Capital Market Sourcing Tradables Demand Import Demand Export Supply Nontradables Demand m Alone m vt vh m vt vh eis eia (exclusion for investment eis = 0.75) -400 -300 +100 -200 Change Due To Real Exchange Rate Adjustment vt = .2 m = .12 vh = .05 n.a. -36 n.a. n.a. -80 -36 n.a. -10 -20 -36 n.a. -2.5 (exclusion for investment eia = 0.33) Tradables Demand Tradables Supply +240 -160 vt = .2 - n.a. n.a. +48 n.a. +32 n.a. Import Demand Export Supply +200 -200 m = .12 - +24 n.a. +24 n.a. +24 n.a. Nontradables Demand Nontradables Supply -240 +160 vh = .05 - n.a. n.a. -12 n.a. -8 n.a. Total Distortion Costs (-), Benefit (+) -12 -66 -10.5 Distortion Cost/Project Expend. = Premium in Nontradables Outlays .02 .11 .0175 Shadow Price of Nontradables Outlays 39 1.02 1.11 1.0175 Financing the Project by Borrowing from Abroad and Using Funds to Buy Non-Traded Goods • • Step 1: No impact on consumer demand due to borrowing from abroad. Step 2: More foreign exchange available to purchase traded goods by others. Traded Non-Traded E S0T E S0T+BF S0NT S1NT 600 600 E0 E1 PNT D0I 360 240 Q0T Q 240 360 D1NT D0NT D2NT Q Change in demand for traded goods is increased by 360, change in demand for non-traded goods is decreased by 360. Assumption is that |TD| = 1.5 TS 40 Market for Foreign Exchange E SXFX SXFX 600 PNT E0 E1 DMFX 300 300 Q0T QFX 600 excess supply of FX from foreign borrowing results in falling real exchange rate to E1. This will cause the demand for imports to rise by 300 and the supply of export to fall by 300. Assumption that |ID| = xS 41 TABLE 3 CALCULATION OF SHADOW PRICE OF NONTRADABLES OUTLAYS 600 of Project Funds Sourced Abroad And Spent on Non-Tradables Applicable Distortion (exclusion for investment eis = 0.75) Change Due To Capital Market Sourcing n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. +72 n.a. +48 Change Due To Real Exchange Rate Adjustment Tradables Demand Tradables Supply +360 -240 Import Demand Export Supply +300 +300 m = .12 - +36 n.a. +36 n.a. +36 Nontradables Demand Nontradables Supply -360 +240 vh = .05 - n.a. n.a. -18 n.a. -12 +36 +90 +72 -.06 -.15 -.12 0.94 0.85 0.88 Total Distortion Costs ( -), Benefit (+) Distortion Cost/ Project Expend. = Premium on Nontradables Outlays Shadow Price of Nontradable Outlays (exclusion for investment eia = 0.33) vt = .2 - m Alone m vt v h m vt vh eis eia 42 General expressions for premia on foreign exchange and shadow price of non-tradable outlays Definitions: • s1 = share of project funds sourced by displacing the demand for importables, • s2 = share of project funds sourced by displacing the demand for exportables, • s3 = share of project funds sourced by displacing the demand for nontradables, • f1 = fraction of a gap between the demand for imports and the supply of exports that is closed by a movement along the demand function for imports as the real exchange rate adjusts to bring about equilibrium, • 1 = fraction of a gap between the demand and the supply of tradables that is closed by a movement along the demand function for tradables as the real exchange rate adjusts to bring about equilibrium, • gd = fraction of project funds effectively sourced in the domestic capital market • gf = (1-gd) = fraction of project funds effectively sourced in the foreign capital market 43 • M = the uniform tariff rate on imports, • vt = the rate of value added tax on domestic consumption of tradables, • vh = the rate of value added tax on the domestic consumption of non-tradables, • Cs = share of reduced expenditure from the capital market sourcing of funds that are taxed by VAT, i.e. consumption. Cs = (1-eis) • Ca = share of reduced expenditure from the adjustment of the exchange rate that are taxed by VAT, i.e. consumption Ca = (1-eia) • eis = share of reduced expenditure due to funds sourced through the capital market that is excluded from the VAT base (i.e. investment) • eis = share of reduced expenditure due to exchange rate adjustment that are excluding from the VAT base (i.e. investment) 44 TABLE 4 GENERAL EXPRESSIONS FOR PREMIA ON TRADABLES AND NONTRADABLES (Project Funds Sourced 100% in Domestic Capital Market) With Uniform Import Tariff ( m) Alone: Premium on Tradables = (s1 + f1s3) m Numerical Check: .08 = [0.5 + 0.5(.33)](0.12) Premium on Nontradables = [s1 - f1(s1+s2)] m Numerical Check: .02 = [0.5 - 0.5(.67)](0.12) With Uniform Import Tariff ( m ) Plus Value Added Taxes (v t and vh) (No Credit For Investment Goods) Premium on Tradables = (s1 + f1s3) m + (s1+s2)vt + s3vh + 1s3(vt-vh) Numerical Check: = .08 + (.67)(0.2) + .33(0.05) + 0.6(.33)(0.15) .26 = .08 + .1333 + .0167 + .03 Premium on Nontradables = [s1-f1(s1+s2) m] + (s1+s2)vt + s3vh - 1(s1+s2)(vt-vh) Numerical Check = .02 + .1333 + .0167 - (.6)(.67)(0.15) .11 = .02 + .133 + .0167 - .06 With Uniform Import Tariff ( m ) Plus Value Added Taxes (v t and vh) With Credit for Investment Goods Premium on Tradables: = [(s1+f1s3) m] + c s [(s1+s2)vt+s3vh] + ca [ 1s3(vt-vh)] Numerical Check: = .08 + (.25)[.1333+.0167)] + (.67)(.03) .1375 = .08 + .0375 + .02 Premium on Nontradables: = [s1f1(s1+s2)] m + c s [(s1+s2)vt+s3vh] - ca [ 1(s1+s2)(vt-vh)] Numerical Check: = .02 + (.25)(.1333+.0167) -.67[.6(.67)(.15)] .0175 = .02 + .0375 - .04 Note: cs = (1-eis) ca = (1-eia) 45 TABLE 5 GENERAL EXPRESSIONS FOR PREMIA ON TRADABLES AND NONTRADABLES (Project Funds Sourced 100% Abroad) With Uniform Import Tariff (m) Alone Premium on Tradables = zero Premium on Nontradables = -f1 m Numerical check -.06 = -(.5)(.12) With Uniform Import Tariff ( (m ) Plus Value Added Taxes (vt and vh) (No Credit For Investment) Premium on Tradables = zero Premium on Nontradables = -f1 m - 1(vt-vh) Numerical Check -.15 = -(.5)(.12) - (.6)(.15) With Uniform Import Tariff ( m ) Plus Value-Added Taxes (vt and vh) With Credit For Investment Premium on Tradables = zero Premium on Nontradables = -f1 m - ca 1(vt-vh) Numerical Check -.12 = -(.5)(.12) - (.67)(.6)(.15) Note: cs = (1-eis) ca = (1-eia) 46 WEIGHTED AVERAGE PREMIA WITH “STANDARD” CAPITAL MARKET TABLE 6SOURCING gd gf gd gf WEIGHTED AVERAGE PREMIA WITH “STANDARD” = fraction of project funds effectively sourced in the domestic capital market CAPITAL MARKET SOURCING = (1-gd) = fraction of project funds effectively sourced in the foreign capital market = fraction of project funds effectively sourced in the domestic capital market TRADABLES AND NONTRADABALES = (1-gd) = PREMIA fraction ofON project funds effectively sourced in the foreign capital market Project Funds Sourced From: Both PREMIA ON TRADABLES AND NONTRADABALES Markets Project Funds Sourced From: gd = .7 Both Markets Applicable Distortions Domestic Capital Market Foreign Capital Market gf = .3 gd = .7 m = .12 Distortions Domestic Capital Market Applicable Foreign Capital Market gf = .3 Project m = .12Funds Spent On Tradables ProjectNontradables Funds Spent .08 .02 -0-.06 .056 -.004 On Tradables m = .12, vt = .20, vh = .05 Nontradables .08 .02 -0-.06 .056 -.004 Project Funds m = .12, vt = Spent .20, vh = .05 On Tradables ProjectNontradables Funds Spent .26 .11 -0-.15 .182 .032 On Tradables .26 m = .12, v = .20, v = .05, e = .75, t h ih Nontradables .11eia = .33 -0-.15 .182 .032 Funds Project vt = Spent .20, vh = .05, eih = .75, eia = .33 m = .12, On Tradables .1375 .0175 ProjectNontradables Funds Spent -0-.12 .09625 -.02375 -0-.12 .09625 -.02375 On Tradables Nontradables .1375 .0175 47 A Case of South Africa • A General Equilibrium Analysis • Take into account: - project funds sourced from the capital market (62.5% from displaced investment, 11.5% from household saving and 26.0% from foreign savings). - all distortions in import tariff, subsidy, value-added tax, and other indirect taxes. 48 Table 1 Impact of Capital Extraction and Spending on Project Inputs in South Africa Capital Sourcing and Spending Domestic Funds a) Project Demands for Importables Displacement (K-Market) Effect of Real Exch Rate on Demand Effect of Real Exch Rate on Supply Excess Demand for Goods Domestic Funds b) Project Demands for Exportables Displacement (K-Market) Effect of Real Exch Rate on Demand Effect of Real Exch Rate on Supply Excess Demand for Goods Domestic Funds c) Project Demands for Non-Tradables Displacement (K-Market) Effect of Real Exch Rate on Demand Effect of Real Exch Rate on Supply Excess Demand for Goods Funds Borrowed from Abroad d) Project Demands for Non-Tradeables Displacement (K-Market) Effect of Real Exch Rate on Demand Effect of Real Exch Rate on Supply Excess Demand for Goods Importables Exportables Non-Traded +100.0 -39.0 -8.4 +7.6 +45.0 -24.0 -6.9 +14.1 -45.0 -37.0 +15.3 -21.7 0 -39.0 -8.4 +7.6 -55.0 +100.0 -24.0 -6.9 +14.1 +55.0 -37.0 +15.3 -21.7 0 -24.0 +11.8 -24.0 +11.8 +100.0 -37.0 -26.1 +36.9 0 +18.8 -38.1 +56.0 +100.0 -41.5 +58.5 0 -39.0 +14.3 - 12.9 -11.8 +22.7 -20.4 +43.1 49 Table 2 ExternalitiesGenerated from Project Funds Sourcedfrom Domestic Markets and Spent on Importables Capital Sourcing and Spending Domestic funds a) Project Demands for Importables Displacement (K-Market) Effect of Real Exch Rate on Demand Effect of Real Exch Rate on Supply Excess Demand for Goods Importables Exportables Non -Traded +100.0 -39.0 -8.4 +7.6 +45.0 -24.0 -6.9 +14.1 -45.0 -37.0 +15.3 -21.7 0 Externalities:8.21% Import Tariffs =(45-100)*3.6% = -1.98% Production Subsidies = -(-45)*0.6% = + 0.27% VAT = [(-39-24)*0.156 + (-8.4-6.9)*0.804]*11.36% +[( -37)*0.156 + (15.3)*0.804]*6.54% = - 2.09% Other Indirect Taxes = (-39-24-8.4-6.9)*5.63% = - 4.41% 50 Table 3 Summary of Externality (Percentage) Funds Drawn from Domestic Capital Source Foreign Capital Source Capital Market Weights (Domestic: 74%, Foreign: 26%) Funds Spent on Tradables -8.21 0 -6.08 Funds Spent on Non-Traded -3.06 +5.15 -0.93 51