SIMPLIFYING FRACTIONS Fraction Simplification and Equality Some Fractions are Created Equal Fractions represent a part of a whole number They are made of numerators and denominators 1 2 Numerator Denominator Sometimes fractions with different numerators and denominators can be equal to one another. Equal Fractions These two rectangles are the same size, but they are divided into a different number of pieces If we shade one piece on the first rectangle, it is the same as shading two pieces on the second rectangle. Thus, the fractions 1/4 and 2/8 are EQUAL! 1/4 2/8 Equal Fractions You can see examples of this in real life every day! Check out these pizzas! They are all the same size but are divided into different numbers of equally sized pieces 1/4 of a pizza = 2/8 of a pizza = THESE FRACTIONS ARE ALL EQUAL 3/12 of a pizza Simplify or Reduce? . . . That is the question. We have seen that 1/4 = 2/8 = 3/12 When we are given a fraction containing larger numbers (3/12) and we are asked to simplify or ‘reduce’, which is the correct terminology? . . . We already said that 3/12 = 1/4, did we reduce or simplify this number? . . . Simplify or Reduce? . . . That is the question. (ctd.) We SIMPLIFIED it! Although the numbers in the numerator and denominator are smaller than they were before, these numbers alone don’t make up the overall number. The RATIO between the two stayed the same and therefore the number cannot be ‘reduced’. It is SIMPLIFIED. Simplifying Fractions Usually, fractions are easiest to understand in their simplest form. To get to the simplest form you must SIMPLIFY them, if necessary. Example: What is the simplified form of: 27 36 Simplifying Fractions 27 36 To simplify a fraction you must be able to divide both the numerator and the denominator by the SAME number. Can you think of a number by which both 36 and 27 are divisible? How about 3? Divide 27 by 3 and get 9 Divide 36 by 3 and get 12 27 36 3 = 3 9 12 Simplifying Fractions So now we have 9 , but is this number in the simplest form yet? 12 Are there any numbers that go into both 9 and 12? How about 3? 9 3 3 Divide 9 by 3 and get 3 Divide 12 by 3 and get 4 Thus, we have: 27 3 = 9 3 12 36 3 = 3 12 3 4 3 = ¾ is the simplest form of this fraction! 4 OR 27 36 (3 3) (3 3) = 3 4 Prime Factorization Another way to think about simplifying fractions is through Prime Factorization: In prime factorization, you reduce the numerator and the denominator into their lowest factors. Then you can cancel out pairs of numbers appearing in both the numerator AND the denominator. Check out these fractions that we have simplified using Prime Factorization: 45 5 9 5 5 3 3 = = = 72 8 9 2 2 2 3 3 8 48 64 8 6 = = 88 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 3 2 = = 4 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 Challenge Problem! Simplify this fraction: 72 108 Challenge Problem! Simplify this fraction: 72 108 72 108 2 2 36 = 54 6 6 6 = 9 3 3 2 = 3 OR 72 8 9 2 (4 2) (3 3) 2 2 2 3 3 = = = = 3 2 3 3 2 3 (6 9) 2 108 54 2 Great Job! Keep practicing!