Terapia Neoadiuvante Revisione delle evidenze scientifiche Valentina Guarneri Nonantola, 19 Novembre 2011 Preoperative vs postoperative, Overall Survival DDFS o OS??? The Cochrane Library, Issue 3, 2008 pCR vs residual disease, Overall Survival The Cochrane Library, Issue 3, 2008 NEOADJUVANT P-FEC TRASTUZUMAB IN HER2+ OPERABLE BREAST CANCER T-FEC 19 pts T-FEC + H 23 pts 26.3 % 65.2 % pCR ER pos 27 % 61 % pCR ER neg 25 % 70 % 78.9 % 86.9 % pCR pN0 Buzdar, J Clin Oncol 2005 Buzdar AU, Clin Cancer Res 2007 NOAH HER2-positive LABC (IHC 3+ or FISH+) (n=115) HER2-negative LABC (IHC 0/1+) (n=113) (n=99) H + AT q3w x 3 cycles AT q3w x 3 cycles AT q3w x 3 cycles H+T q3w x 4 cycles T q3w x 4 cycles T q3w x 4 cycles H q3w x 4 cycles + CMF q4w x 3 cycles CMF q4w x 3 cycles CMF q4w x 3 cycles Surgery followed by radiotherapya Surgery followed by radiotherapya Surgery followed by radiotherapya H continued q3w to week 52 19 crossed over to H Gianni L, Lancet 2010 HR negative, or HR+ with cN+ GEPAR-QUATTRO: EFFICACY OUTCOMES 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 ypT0 ypTis ypT0/is, N0 ypN0 Untch M, J Clin Oncol 2010 Untch M et al, J Clin Oncol 2011 NEO-ALTTO STUDY DESIGN Invasive operable HER2+ BC T > 2 cm (inflammatory BC excluded) LVEF 50% N=450 Stratification: • T ≤ 5 cm vs. T > 5 cm •ER or PgR + vs. ER & PgR – • N 0-1 vs. N ≥ 2 •Conservative surgery or not lapatinib paclitaxel R A N D O M I Z E trastuzumab paclitaxel lapatinib trastuzumab paclitaxel lapatinib S U R G E R Y F E C trastuzumab X 3 6 wks + 12 wks lapatinib trastuzumab 34 weeks 52 weeks of anti-HER2 therapy Baselga J et al. SABCS 2010 Neo-ALLTO: PATHOLOGIC RESPONSE L: lapatinib; T: trastuzumab; L+T: lapatinib plus trastuzumab pCR pathologic complete response Baselga J et al. SABCS 2010 CHER LOB Trial: study plan C O R E B I O P S Y R A N D O M I Z A T I O N A B Lapatinib 1500 mg/daily C S U R G E R Y Chemotherapy 5 FU 600 mg/m2 Epi 75 mg/m2 CTX 600 mg/m2 TXL 80 mg/m2 Trastuzumab 2 mg/kg Lapatinib 1000 mg/daily Guarneri V, ASCO 2011 CHER-LOB: EFFICACY OUTCOMES 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Arm A:CT + trastuzumab pCR (breast & axilla) Arm B: CT + lapatinib Node negativity Arm C: CT + trastuzumab/lapatinib Breast conservation Guarneri V, ASCO 2011 NEOSPHERE: STUDY DESIGN TH (n=107) docetaxel + trastuzumab Patients with operable or locally advanced /inflammatory* HER2-positive BC Chemo-naïve & primary tumors >2cm (N=417) S FEC q3w x 3 trastuzumab q3w cycles 5–17 U THP (n=107) docetaxel + trastuzumab + pertuzumab R G FEC q3w x 3 trastuzumab q3w cycles 5–17 E HP (n=107) trastuzumab + pertuzumab TP (n=96) docetaxel + pertuzumab R docetaxel q3w x 4→FEC q3w x 3 trastuzumab q3w cycles 5–17 Y FEC q3w x 3 trastuzumab q3w cycles 5–21 Study dosing: q3w x 4 BC, breast cancer; FEC, 5-fluorouracil, epirubicin and cyclophosphamide *Locally advanced=T2–3, N2–3, M0 or T4a–c, any N, M0; operable=T2–3, N0–1, M0; inflammatory = T4d, any N, M0 H, trastuzumab; P, pertuzumab; T, docetaxel Gianni L et al. SABCS 2010 NEOSPHERE: pCR RATES pCR, % 95% CI p = 0.0198 p = 0.0141 50 p = 0.003 40 45.8 30 20 29.0 24.0 10 16.8 0 TH H, trastuzumab; P, pertuzumab; T, docetaxel THP HP TP Gianni L et al. SABCS 2010 6 HORMONE RECEPTOR STATUS AND pCR % pCR Trial/author pts # Regimen HR + % HR- HR+ Kemeny 54 FACVb 66 20.0 7.7 Ring 435 CMF, A/E 71 21.6 8.1 Bear 1211 AC 59 13.6 5.7 Bear 565 AC+T 57 22.8 14.1 GEPARDO 250 ddAD+/-T 56 15.4 1.1 GEPARDUO 913 ddAD/CA-D 74 22.8 6.2 GEPARTRIO 286 TAC/TAC-NX 68 36.6 10.1 Guarneri 1731 FAC+/-P 68 23.8 7.8 Gianni 438 A+/P/CMF 63 42.2 11.6 Guarneri 201 FEC/ET/GET 74 16.6 3.5 Colleoni 399 ECF/EC/ET/ViFu P 68 33.3 7.6 pCR BY HORMONE RECEPTOR STATUS L: lapatinib; T: trastuzumab; L+T: lapatinib plus trastuzumab pCR pathologic complete response HR: hormone receptors Baselga J et al. SABCS 2010 CHER-LOB: pCR rate by HR 60 56.2% 50 40 30 25% 35.7% 35.7% HR- HR+ 26.6% 22.7% 20 10 HR+ HR- HR+ HR- 0 Arm A (CT + T) Arm B (CT +L) Arm C (CT + T + L) T: trastuzumab; L: lapatinib; T+L: trastuzumab plus lapatinib NEOSPHERE: pCR AND HORMONE RECEPTORS STATUS 70 pCR, % 95% CI 60 ER or PR pos ER and PR neg 50 63.2 40 30 20 36.8 10 0 26.0 5.9 20.0 TH THP 30.0 29.1 17.4 HP TP H, trastuzumab; P, pertuzumab; T, docetaxel Gianni L et al. SABCS 2010 Chang, ASCO 2011 Chang, ASCO 2011 PST IN HER2+ OPERABLE BREAST CANCER: KEY FINDINGS • • • • • • Patient selection is mandatory for the integration of novel agents in cancer treatment Chemotherapy + trastuzumab is the gold standard Double-HER2 blockade increases the pCR rate Endocrine pathway is still important even in presence of HER2 co-expression A dual anti-HER2 blockade + endocrine therapy is promising The preoperative setting is ideal to test new combinations through the “window of opportunity model”