Animal Science
Mr. Chad Warnick
Skeleton: Overview
The skeletal system consists of the bones and joints along with the cartilage and ligaments that occur at the joints.
Bones: Hard Tissue, mostly calcium, provides support and makes Red Blood Cells
Ligaments: Strong, white bands of tissue that connect two bones together at a joint
Skeleton: Overview
Cartilage: Hard tissue that prevents bones from grinding against each other.
Joints: Location of where two or more bones meet.
Tendon: Connects muscle to bone.
1. Functions of the Skeleton
The skeleton supports the body.
The skeleton protects soft body parts.
The skeleton produces blood cells.
The skeleton stores minerals and fats.
The skeleton (along with the muscles) permits flexible body movements.
2. Classification of bones
Bones are classified according to their shape.
Long (Longer then they are wide)
Short (Cube shapes, about equal lengths and widths)
Flat (Platelike and have a broad suface)
Irregular (Varied shapes with many connections)
Round (Circular shape)
2. Classification of bones
Long Bones- Longer then they are wide)
Longest bones providing support for the body giving it the rigidity
(hardness) necessary to stand and move.
EX: Canon
Bone, Pelvic,
Long bones can act as levers
2. Classification of bones
Short Bones- (Cube shapted; lengths and widths are about equal.
Found in the joints and serve as hinges. They help cushion shock and protect long bones.
Hoofs & Feet
2. Classification of bones
Flat Bones (Platelike and have broad surfaces)
EX: Skull
2. Classification of bones
Irregular Bones- (Varied shapes with many places for connections with other bones)
3. Anatomy of a Long Bone
3. Anatomy of a Long Bone
3. Anatomy of a Long Bone
Outer layer
Cushions the hard portion of the bone
Repair of broken bones
3. Anatomy of a Long Bone
Compact Bone
Beneath periosteum
Layer of hard mineral matter
Gives bones strength
3. Anatomy of a Long Bone
Spongy Bone
Inside hard outer layer
Fills ends of bones
Lines hollow portions
3. Anatomy of a Long Bone
Red marrow
Inside cavities of spongy bone
Formation of red blood cells
3. Anatomy of a Long Bone
Yellow marrow
Located inside hollow portion
Fat storage cells
Energy storage
4. Axial and Appendicular Skeleton
The skeleton is divided into the axial skeleton and the appendicular skeleton
Important Terms Related to the
Skeletons can be divided into two sections, which include a.
Axial Skeleton. b. Appendicular skeleton
4. Axial and Skeleton
The axial skeleton lies in the midline of the body and contains the bones of the skull, the vertebral column, and the thoracic cage. (Colored Orange)
Vertebrae are divided into five regions
Cervical Vertebrae-The section in the neck from the skull to the first rib.
Thoracic-extends along the rib cage. Each of these has a rib attached to each side.
Lumbar-The area of the spinal column from the
last rib to the pelvis. Also referred to as the loin.
Sacral-Extends through the pelvic area.
Coccygeal- The vertebrae that continue from the pelvis to the end of the tail.
4. Appendicular Skeleton
Contains the bones of the fore and rear limbs.
5. Joints
Bones are joined together at joints. In most instances bones can articulate at the joints.
Classified by the way they move.
5. Joints
Joints serve as hinges for the skeletal system.
5. Joints
There are 4 types of joints we will discuss:
Ball and Socket
Fixed ( Cartliaginous)
5. Joints Hinge
5. Joints Ball & Socket
5. Joints Gliding
5. Joints Fixed
Formation of Bones
Bone is comprised of:
26% minerals (mostly calcium phosphate and calcium carbonate)
50% is water
4% is fat
20% is protein
Bone requires adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals in the ration.
Choose a species
Horse Skeleton
Chicken Skeleton
Horse Skeleton
Unlabeled Horse Skeleton
The skeletal system provides support for the animal.
The skeletal system provides support for the animal.
Skeleton of a Cow
Skeleton of a Cow
1. Cannon
2. Knee joint
3. Radius
4. Sternum
5. Elbow joint
6. Ulna
7. Humerus
8. Shoulder joint
9. Shoulder blade
10. Eye socket
11. Horn cones
12. Cervical vertebrae
13. Dorsal vertebrae
Skeleton of a Cow
14. Lumber vertebrae
15. Sacrum
16. Hip Bone
17. Caudal vertebrae
18. Hip Joint
19. Femur
20. Knee joint
21. Tibia
22. Hock joint
23. Ribs
24. Pasterns
25. Coronary
Skeleton of a Horse
Skeleton of a Horse
1. Thoracic vertebrae
2. Lumbar vertebrae
3. Sacrum
4. Shaft of Ilium
5. Coccygeal vertebrae
6. Hip joint
7. Femur
8. Patella
9. Tibia
10. Fibula
11. Tarsus
12. Metatarsus
13. Stifle
14. Pubis
15. False ribs
16. True ribs
Skeleton of a Horse
17. Proximal sesamoid bones 25. Elbow joint
18. Ulna
19. Coffin joint
20. Pastern joint
26. Sternum
27. Humerus
28. Shoulder joint
21. Fetlock joint
22. Metacarpus
23. Carpus
24. Radius
29. Scapula
30. Mandible
31. Facial bones
32. Cranial bones
33. Cervical vertebrae
Skeleton of a Fowl
Skeleton of a Fowl
1. Incisive
2. Nasal
3. Occipital
4. Ulula
5. Ulna
6. Radius
9. Ilium
7. Scapula
8. Fused Ribs
10. Pygostyle
11. Ischium
12. Pubis
Skeleton of a Fowl
13. Femur
14. Fibula
15. Tibia
16. Metatarsus
17. Sternum
18. Patella
19. Coracoid
20. Clavicle
21. Cervical vertebrae
22. Mandible
23. Humerus
Horse Skeleton
Chicken Skeleton