International Dewey Users Meeting 16 August 2011 IFLA Updates to MARC 21 Formats San Juan Joan S. Mitchell Editor in Chief, DDC OCLC Outline Proposal No. 2011-11: Addition of 1st Indicator Value 7 in DDC Number Fields Registry of DDC Editions Proposal No. 2011-10: Geographic Codes in Classification Records Addition of 1st Indicator Value 7 in DDC Number Fields (1) MARC 21 Classification Format: 084 - Classification Scheme and Edition (NR) First Indicator - Type of edition 0 - Full 1 - Abridged 8 - Other Addition of 1st Indicator Value 7 in DDC Number Fields (2) MARC 21 Bibliographic Format: 082 - Dewey Decimal Classification Number (R) First Indicator - Type of edition 0 - Full 1 - Abridged Addition of 1st Indicator Value 7 in DDC Number Fields (3) MARC 21 Bibliographic Format: 082 - Dewey Decimal Classification Number (R) First Indicator - Type of edition 0 - Full 1 - Abridged 7 – Other edition specified in subfield $2 MARC 21 formats and fields impacted: Bibliographic Format (082, 083), Authority Format (082, 083), Community Information Format (082) Registry of DDC Editions English-language standard editions: $2 [edition number] Translations of standard editions $2 [edition number / MARC language code] Translations not tied directly to standard editions $2 [edition number or other identifier / MARC language code] Registry of DDC Editions: MARC 21 Examples (1) Number assigned by LC using DDC 22: 082 00 $a 839.82/374 $2 22 Number assigned by LC using Abridged Edition 14: 082 10 $a 839.82 $2 14 Registry of DDC Editions: MARC 21 Examples (2) Number assigned by the University of Oslo using DDC 22: 082 04 $a 839.82374 $2 22 $q NOOU Number assigned by the National Library of Sweden using WebDewey (SV): 082 04 $a 839.82374 $2 22/swe $q SE-LIBR Number assigned by the National Library of Norway using DDK 5: 082 74 $a 839.82 $2 5/nor $q NO-OsNB Registry of DDC Editions: Dewey URI Examples (as in English-language standard editions Translations of standard editions Translations not tied directly to standard editions Geographic codes in classification records (1) The following codes for geographic data in the Authority Format were approved for inclusion in the Classification Format: • 034 - Coded Cartographic Mathematical Data Coordinates of the area described in the record • 043 - Geographic Area Code Code of the entity in the 1XX field Geographic codes in classification records (2) 034 ## $d W0140000 $e W0140000 $f N0140000 $ g N0140000 $2 geonames 043 ## $a f-sg--153 ## $z 2 $a 663 $z 2 $e 66 $h Geographic Areas, Historical Periods, Biography $k Specific continents, countries, localities; extraterrestrial worlds $k Modern world; extraterrestrial worlds $k Africa $k West Africa and offshore islands $j Senegal