Bipolar Junction transistor Holes and electrons determine device characteristics Three terminal device Control of two terminal currents Amplification and switching through 3rd contact How can we make a BJT from a pn diode? • Take pn diode V p • Remember reverse bias characteristics I • Reverse saturation current: I0 n I I0 V Test: Multiple choice Why is the reverse bias current of a pn diode small? 1. Because the bias across the depletion region is small. 2. Because the current consist of minority carriers injected across the depletion region. 3. Because all the carriers recombine. Test: Multiple choice Why is the reverse bias current of a pn diode small? 1. Because the bias across the depletion region is small. 2. Because the current consist of minority carriers injected across the depletion region. 3. Because all the carriers recombine. How can we make a BJT from a pn diode? • Take pn diode V ep • Remember reverse bias characteristics I • Reverse saturation current: I0 Caused by minority carriers swept across the junction n h+ • np and pn low I I0 small I0 V V ep I Test: Multiple choice n h+ • If minority carrier concentration np and/or pn can be increased what will happen to I0? I I0 V 1. Increase 2. Decrease 3. Remain the same V ep • If minority carrier concentration np and pn I can be increased near the depletion region edge, then I0 will increase. n h+ • If np and pn higher I |I0| larger I0 V V ep I Test: True-False n h+ I If we only increase pn then |I0| will still increase. I0 V How can we increase the minority carrier concentration near the depletion region edge? • Take pn diode V h+ p I n e- • Remember forward bias characteristics • How can we make a hole injector from a pn diode? 1. By increasing the applied bias, V. 2. By increasing the doping in the p region only 3. By applying a reverse bias. Hole injector V h+ p+p • Take pn diode I • Remember forward bias characteristics • When using a p+n junction n e- diode current If ≈ hole current I If V • Ip pno (eeV/kT-1) In npo (eeV/kT-1) Since NA >> ND np << pn → Ip >> In Thus: A forward biased p+n diode is a good hole injector A reverse biased np diode is a good minority carrier collector V I0 V I h+ p+ n n h+ e- ep If W large, then? W 1. 2. 3. 4. Recombination of excess holes will occur and excess will be 0 at end of layer Recombination of excess holes will occur and excess will be large at end of layer No recombination of excess holes will occur. Recombination of excess electrons will occur and excess will be np0 at end of layer Thus: A forward biased p+n diode is a good hole injector A reverse biased np diode is a good minority carrier collector V I0 V I h+ p+ dpn n e- L p W n h+ x ep If W large → holes recombine Excess hole concentration reduces exponentially in W to some small value. What is the magnitude of the hole diffusion current at the edge x=W of the “green” region? V I0 V I h+ p+ dpn n e- L p n h+ x ep W 1. 2. 3. Magnitude of hole diffusion current at x=W is same as at x=0 Magnitude of hole diffusion current at x=W is almost 0 Magnitude of hole diffusion current cannot be derived from this layer. Thus: A forward biased p+n diode is a good hole injector A reverse biased np diode is a good minority carrier collector V I0 V I h+ p+ dpn n e- L p W Reduce W n h+ x ep if W large → holes recombine Since gradient of dpn @ x=W is zero, hole diffusion current is also zero BJT p+np E: emitter B: base C: collector V EB E IC p+ IE IC B n VVBC p W < Lp IE VBC C Base: Short layer with recombination and no Ohmic contacts at edges. Single junction pno npo pno npo Double junction npo npo No Ohmic contact thus minority carrier concentration not pno How will we calculate the minority carrier concentration in the base? Rate equation dp( x, t ) 2dp( x, t ) dp( x, t ) Dp 2 t p x Steady state d 2dp( x) dp( x) Dp 0 2 p dx General solution of second order differential equation x x dp( x) C1 exp C2 exp Lp Lp With Ohmic contact C1=0 C2≠0 Without Ohmic contact C1≠0 C2≠0 Planar BJT - npn For integrated circuits (ICs) all contacts have to be on the top n+-well for emitter p+ Si Ohmic contact B p-well for base E C n+ Si ohmic contact device insulation n+ Si p+ Si p Si p+ Si n Si p Si p-substrate n-well for collector Carrier flow in BJTs E IE p+ B C n holes IB p IC e- gain, reverse bias holes IE IC I’B I”B ICB0 Recombination e- loss e- loss, forward bias IB IB = I’B + I”B – ICB0 Control by base current : ideal case. Based upon space charge neutrality Base region Electrostatically neutral IE = Ip t transit time t < p h+ eWb << Lp p recombine with Based on the given timescales, holes can pass through the narrow base before a supplied electron recombines with one hole: ic/ib = p/t The electron supply from the base contact controls the forward bias to ensure charge neutrality! How good is the transistor? Injection of carriers • Wish list: E IEp B C • IEp>>IEn IC or g = IEp/(IEn + IEp) ≈ 1 g: emitter injection efficiency equilibrium • IC ≈ IEp or B= IC/IEp ≈ 1 eVBE>0 B: base transport factor IEn or a= IC/IE ≈ 1 x h + W b < Lp a: current transfer ratio • IB ≈ IEn + (1-B) IEp No amplification! thus b= IC/IB = a/(1-a) b: current amplification factor Amplification! ICB0 ignored Review 1 – BJT basics IC Forward active mode (ON) IE VBC V EB E p+ IE IC B n E VV BC p C W < Lp Forward biased p+n junction is a hole injector Reverse biased np junction is a hole collector Review 1 – BJT basics IC Forward active mode (ON) IE VBC V EB E p+ V IE IB=I’B+I”B I C VBC B n E p C W < Lp Forward biased p+n junction is a hole injector Reverse biased np junction is a hole collector Review 2 Amplification? IB = I’B + I”B – ICB0 Recombination only case: I’B, ICB0 negligible ic/ib = p/t b = p/t Carriers supplied by the base current stay much longer in the base: p than the carriers supplied by the emitter and travelling through the base: t. But in more realistic case: I’B is not negligible b = IC/IB With IB electrons supplied by base = I’B = In IC holes collected by the collector = Ip Currents? • In order to calculate currents in pn junctions, knowledge of the variation of the minority carrier concentration is required in each layer. • The current flowing through the base will be determined by the excess carrier distribution in the base region. • Simple to calculate when the short diode approximation is used: this means linear variations of the minority carrier distributions in all regions of the transistor. (recombination neglected) • Complex when recombination in the base is also taken into account: then exponential based minority carrier concentration in base. Minority carrier distribution • Assume active mode: VEB>0 & VBC<0 E B • Emitter injects majority carriers into base. dpn(0)=pno (exp(VEB/VT)-1) C p(x) dp(x) • Collector collects minority carriers from base. dpn(Wb)=pno (exp(VBC/VT)-1) B DpE Without recombination pn0 pn0 00 With recombination DpC Wb x Currents: simplified case dp(x) Assume I”B=0 & IBC0= 0 DpE • Then IE = total current crossing the base-emitter junction B • Then IC = IEp gradient of excess hole concentration in the base • IB without recombination is the loss of electrons via the BE x junction: I’B DpC 0 Wb • Then IB = gradient of excess electron concentration in the emitter See expressions for diode current for short diode Narrow base: no recombination: Ip → minority carrier density gradient in the base dp(x) DpE = pn0(e eVEB/kT – 1) ≈ pn0 e eVEB/kT DpC = pn0(e –e|VBC|/kT – 1) ≈ -pn0 DpE Linear variation of excess carrier concentration: dp ( x) Ax B DpE DpC DpE A Wb Wb B DpE DpC DpE DpC 0 x dp( x) DpE 1 Wb Note: no recombination Wb x Collector current: Ip Diffusion current: I p eADp ddp( x) dx ddp( x) DpE dx Wb Hole current: DpE eAD p pn0 e I p eAD p Wb Wb eVEB kT Collector current I C I p No recombination, thus all injected holes across the BE junction are collected. Base current?? Look at emitter: In → minority carrier density gradient in the emitter dn(x) Dnp = np0(e eVEB/kT – 1) ≈ np0 e eVEB/kT Dnp Linear variation of excess carrier concentration: dn( x) Ax B A n p 0 Dn p xe Dn p xe B Dn p Dn p x Dn p dn( x) xe 0 xe x 0 Base current: In ddn( x) Diffusion current: I n eAD n dx Base current:I B In eADn n p0 e eVEB kT xe The base contact has to re-supply only the electrons that are escaping from the base via the base-emitter junction since no recombination I”B=0 and no reverse bias electron injection into base ICB0=0. Emitter current The emitter current is the total current flowing through the base emitter contact since IE=IC+IB (current continuity) Emitter current: Dn n p0 D p pn0 I E I n I p eA WB xe I C I p D p pn0 xe Current gain: b I B I n Dn n p0 Wb e eVEB kT Short layer approach – summary forward active mode dc(x) IE = IpEB + InEB DpE IC = IpBC + InBC DnE IC ≈ IpBC = IpEB IE = IB + IC IB = IE - IC IB = InEB -Xe 0 DpC DnC Wb Xc x General approach also taking recombination into account. forward active mode dc(x) DpE DnE -Xe -LpE 0 DpC DnC LpC Wb < LnB x Xc Which formulae do we use for the excess minority carrier concentration in each region? dc(x) forward active mode DpE DnE -Xe -LpE 0 Emitter Collector DpC DnC LpC Wb < LnB use LONG diode approximation dnpE(x)=DnE exp(-(-x)/LpE) dnpC(x)=DnC exp(-x/LpC) x Xc In the base we must take recombination into account → short diode approximation cannot be used! dp(x) Excess hole concentration dp(x): d 2dp( x) dp( x) 2 From: 2 dx Lp DpE Exact solution of differential equation: dp(x) = C1 ex/Lp + C2 e-x/Lp Constants C1, C2: DpE = dp(x=0) DpC = dp(x=Wb) DpC Wb x In the base with recombination → long diode approximation can also not be used! dp(x) Exact solution of differential equation: dp(x) = C1 ex/Lp + C2 e-x/Lp DpE Long diode approximation: dp(x) = C3 e-x/Lp Boundary condition at BC junction cannot be guaranteed DpC LnB Wb x Extraction of currents in the general approach. forward active mode dc(x) IE = IpEB + InEB DpE IC = IpBC + InBC IC ≈ IpBC DnE IE = IB + IC IB = IE - IC -Xe IB = InEB+ IpEB - IpBC -LpE 0 Term due to recombination DpC DnC LpC Wb < LnB x Xc dp(x) DpE Currents: Special case when only recombination in base current is taken into account: Approximation: IB’=0 B Starting point: • Assume IE=IEp & IBC0= 0 DpC 0 Wb • Then IE = Ip(x=0) x and IC = Ip(x=Wb) • IB=IE - IC =I”B All currents are then determined by the minority carrier gradients in the base. DpE = pn0(e eVEB/kT – 1) Injection at emitter side: dp(x) Collection at collector side: DpC = pn0(e eVCB/kT – 1) DpE IE = Ip(x=0) B DpC 0 IC = Ip(x=Wb) Wb x Expression of the diffusion currents Diffusion current: Ip (x) = -e A Dp ddp(x)/dx Emitter current: IE ≈ Ip (x=0) Collector current: IC ≈ Ip (x=Wb) Base current: IB ≈ Ip (x=0) - Ip (x=Wb) Hyperbolic functions IE ≈ e A Dp/Lp (DpE ctnh(Wb/Lp) - DpC csch(Wb/Lp) ) IC ≈ e A Dp/Lp (DpE csch(Wb/Lp) - DpC ctnh(Wb/Lp) ) IB ≈ e A Dp/Lp ((DpE + DpC) tanh(Wb/2Lp) ) Superposition of the effects of injection/collection at each junction! Note: only influence of recombination Non-ideal effects in BJTs • Base width modulation V BE E p+ IE IC Bn VVBC p C Original base width Metallurgic junction Effective base width Depletion width changes with VBC Base width modulation • Early voltage: VA I c eA D p pn0 W Wbb e eVBE kT base width modulated iC ideal VA -vCE IB Conclusions • Characteristics of bipolar transistors are based on diffusion of minority carriers in the base. • Diffusion is based on excess carrier concentrations: – dp(x) • The base of the BJT is very small: – dp(x) = C1 ex/Lp + C2 e-x/Lp • Base width modulation changes output impedance of BJT. Transistor switching Ic t p-type material n-type material iC iC ECC RS es ib higher RL iB iE ECC /RL ib On es -vCE ECC t Off iC iC ic=biB RL iB ECC RS es Es -Es t iE -vCE iC ic=biB iC RL ECC RS es Es -Es t iE -vCE iC ic≠biB iC RL ECC RS es Es -Es t Ic= ECC /RL iE -vCE Switching cycle iB IB iC Switch to ON IB≈Es/RS Switch OFF RL iB ECC RS DpE QB es Es -Es -IB DpE iE Qs t iC DpE t1 ts ECC /RL iC IC ECC -vCE t2 t’s tsd IC≈ECC/RL -pn dp t2 ts t1 DpC 0 t0 Wb x Charge in base (linear) • Cut-off • Saturation – VEB<0 & VBC<0 – DpE=-pn & DpC=-pn – VEB>0 & VBC≥0 – DpE = pn (eeVEB/kT – 1) – DpC = 0 (VBC=0) dp DpE DpE dp VBC>0 DpC -pn x Wb x Wb Currents - review. forward active mode dc(x) IE = IpEB + InEB DpE IC = IpBC + InBC IC ≈ IpBC DnE IE = IB + IC IB = IE - IC -Xe IB = InEB+ IpEB - IpBC -LpE 0 Term due to recombination DpC DnC LpC Wb < LnB x Xc Switching cycle - review Common emitter cicuit iC RL iB iB IB IB≈Es/RS -IB DpE QB es Es -Es DpE iE Qs t Load line technique iC ECC /RL ECC -vCE With IB>ICmax/b Over-saturation ECC RS Switch to ON DpE t1 ts iC IC t2 -pno dp t2 ts t1 DpC t0 0 Wb ICmax≈ECC/RL pno << DpE x Switching cycle - review Common emitter cicuit iC RL iB Switch OFF -IB≈-Es/RS ECC RS DpE QB es Es -Es iB IB DpE iE Qs t Load line technique iC ECC /RL ECC -vCE iC IC t2 t’s tsd t3 t4 IC≈ECC/RL -pno dp t2 t’s t3 t4 DpC 0 Wb x Calculating the delays • Since the currents and minority carrier charge storage are determined by the pn diodes, the delays are calculated as in the pn diode. – Knowledge of current immediately before and after switch – Stored minority carrier charge Qp(t) cannot change immediately → delay. • The additional parameter is the restriction on the maximum collector current imposed by the load. ON switching OFF=0→ON RL C p RS e(t) B n p t vbc ECC veb E iC dpnB(x) E I B IB IB B ICsat C QB IBp Qsat IB IB 0 WB x t<0 t≥0 veb= 0→ON≈0.7V E-p RS B-n +E>>0.7V E IB RS tsat i (t ) dQB (t ) QB (t ) dt p t QB I B p 1 exp p & QB x WB e A dn x 0 tsat t pB ( x)dx t<tsat iC (t ) QB (t ) t t t I B p 1 exp t p t≥tsat iC (t ) ECC I Csat RL Driving off Time to turn the BJT OFF is determined by: 1) The degree of over-saturation (BC junction) 2) The off-switching of the emitter-base diode ib IB ib IB CASE 1: OFF=IB=0 0N (saturation)→OFF t Qb IB p CASE 2: OFF=-IB 0N (saturation)→OFF t -IB Qb IB p Qs Qs = IC t iC IC tsd t t t -IB p iC IC tsd t OFF switching 0N (saturation)→OFF - CASE 1: OFF=IB=0 RL C p RS e(t) B n p t vbc ECC veb E dpnB(x) E t<0 IB t≥0 IB=0 iC tsd B ICsat C QB IBp tsd 0 Qsat WB x t<0 veb= 0.7V (ON)→0V E-p RS IB tsd B-n E=0V E 0 RS tsd i (t ) dQB (t ) QB (t ) dt p t QB (t ) I B p exp p & QB tsd t x WB e A dn pB ( x)dx x 0 t t<tsd iC (t ) ECC I Csat RL t≥tsd iC (t ) QB (t ) t I B p t t exp p 0N (saturation)→OFF - CASE 2: OFF=-IB RL C p RS e(t) B n p t ECC veb E E t<0 IB t≥0 vbc dpnB(x) iC tsd B ICsat C -IB QB IBp tsd 0 tsd Qsat WB x tsd tsd t t t<0 veb= 0.7V (ON)→-E E-p B-n i (t ) dQB (t ) QB (t ) dt p RS IB -E E RS t QB (t ) I B p 2 exp 1 p & QB x WB e A dn x 0 pB ( x)dx t<tsd iC (t ) ECC I Csat RL t≥tsd iC (t ) QB (t ) t t I B p 2 exp 1 t p 0N (saturation)→OFF - CASE 1: OFF=IB=0 iC tsd ICsat iC t<tsd E iC (t ) CC I Csat RL t≥tsd iC (t ) tsd 0N (saturation)→OFF - CASE 1: OFF=-IB QB (t ) t tsd iC (t ) ICsat I B p t t<tsd ECC I Csat RL t≥tsd t exp p iC (t ) QB (t ) t tsd t t I B p 2 exp 1 t p t STORAGE DELAY TIME: tsd t sd ECC I B p iC (t sd ) I Csat exp RL t p I B p t sd p ln I Csat t iC (t sd ) I Csat ECC I B p RL t t 2 exp sd p I B p t sd p ln 1 1 I B p I Csat t 2 2 I Csat t shorter delay 1 Transients Turn-on: off to saturation iC IC IC≈ECC/RL t ts Time to saturation ON switching QB OFF=0→ON IBp RL t QB I B p 1 exp p Qsat C RS e(t) p B n p t vbc ECC tsat t veb iC E iC (t ) ICsat t≥tsat t<tsat iC (t ) QB (t ) I B p t t ECC I Csat RL t 1 exp p tsat t=tsat iC (t sat ) t I B p 1 exp sat p t t I Csat Transients Turn-on: off to saturation iC IC IC≈ECC/RL t ts ts = p ln(1/( 1 – IC/b IB)) ts small when: p small IC small compared to b IB oversaturation Transients Turn-off: saturation to off Storage delay time: tsd iC IC IC ≈ ECC/RL toff t’s Time from saturation 0N (saturation)→OFF - CASE 1: OFF=IB=0 iC tsd ICsat t<tsd E iC (t ) CC I Csat RL t≥tsd iC (t ) tsd QB (t ) t I B p t t t ECC I B p exp sd RL t p I B p t sd p ln I Csat t iC (t sd ) I Csat t exp p Transients Turn-off: saturation to off Storage delay time: tsd iC IC IC ≈ ECC/RL toff t’s Determined by EB diode tsd = p ln(b IB /IC) tsd small when: p small BUT tsd large when: IC small compared to b IB NO oversaturation Transients Turn-on: off to saturation iC IC IC≈ECC/RL Turn-off: saturation to off Storage delay time: tsd iC IC IC ≈ ECC/RL t ts ts = p ln(1/( 1 – IC/b IB)) ts small when: p small IC small compared to b IB oversaturation toff t’s Determined by EB diode tsd = p ln(b IB /IC) tsd small when: p small BUT tsd large when: IC small compared to b IB NO oversaturation Solution to dilemma The Schottky diode clamp C C B B E E I B B metal C 0.3 0.7 V pn diode Schottky diode Large signal equivalent circuit • Switching of BJTs – LARGE SIGNAL iC RL iB ECC RS es iE iC t Ebers-Moll large signal circuit model for large signal analysis in SPICE Not examinable Is valid for all bias conditions. The excess at the BC is taken into account what is essential for saturation operation and offcurrents. Superposition EB & BC influence Take EB & BC forward biased. Charge in base: dp dp DpE dp DpE DpC = Wb x IEN ICN Wb x + IEI DpC ICI Wb x negative IE = IEN + IEI IC = ICN + ICI Where IEN, ICI are pn diode currents of EB and BC respectively. Ebers-Moll equations IE = IEN + IEI IC = ICN + ICI Diode currents IE = IES (eeVEB/kT –1) – aI ICS (eeVCB/kT –1) IC = aN IES (eeVEB/kT –1) – ICS (eeVCB/kT –1) Ebers-Moll equations IE = IEN + IEI IC = ICN + ICI Collected currents IEI = aI ICI ICN = aN IEN a: current transfer factor IE = IES (eeVEB/kT –1) – aI ICS (eeVCB/kT –1) IC = aN IES (eeVEB/kT –1) – ICS (eeVCB/kT –1) Ebers-Moll equations IE = IES (eeVEB/kT –1) – aI ICS (eeVCB/kT –1) IC = aN IES (eeVEB/kT –1) – ICS (eeVCB/kT –1) Or: Where: aN IES = aI ICS IEO eVEB/kT eV /kT EB IIEE == aaII IICC + (1a a ) I (e + IEO (eN I ES–1)eV /kT –1) /kT (e CB IICC == aaNN IIEE -- (1aCB –1) I) ICS–1) ICOa(eNeV ICO General equivalent circuit based on diode circuit Equivalent circuit IE = aI IC + IEO (eeVEB/kT –1) IC = aN IE - ICO (eeVCB/kT –1) E C IC IE IB B Valid for all biasing modes Description of different transistor regimes • Cut-off • Active – VBE<0 & VCB<0 – VBE>0 & VCB<0 E C IE IC IB E C IE IC IB B B IE = -(1-aN) IES IC = (1-aI) ICS IC = IC0 + aN IE IC IE Small! IC0, IE=0 -VCB BJT small signal equivalent circuit Now • Amplification and maximum operation frequency – SMALL SIGNAL equivalent circuit Cj,BC B Cj,BE vbe C npn Cd,BE Rp gmvbe E Ro Definition of circuit elements • Transconductance V I C I 0 exp be VT I C IC gm Vbe VT Cj,BC B Cj,BE C Cd,BE Rp gmvbe E Ro • Base input resistance I C bI B gm I C Vbe Vbe b Rp I B gm Cj,BC B Cj,BE C Cd,BE Rp gmvbe E Ro • Base-emitter input capacitances Cd , BE dQb dVbe Cj,BE Depletion capacitance Cd,BE Diffusion capacitance See SG on pn-diode Cd , BE IE B VT Cj,BC B Cj,BE C Cd,BE Rp gmvbe E Ro • Base-collector capacitance Cj,BC Depletion capacitance Miller capacitance: feedback between B & C Cj,BC B Cj,BE C Cd,BE Rp gmvbe E Ro • Output resistance iC ideal Vce Vcb VA IB -vCE Vce VA R0 I C IC Cj,BC B Cj,BE C Cd,BE Rp gmvbe E Ro Current gain - frequency • Small signal current gain ic g mvbe b h fe ib ib 1 j C j , BE Cd , BE Rp Circuit analysis ib Cj,BC B Cj,BE vbe Max gain C Cd,BE Rp gmvbe E Ro Transit frequency fT • Small signal current gain=1 h fe 1 fT 2p C C j , BE b j , BE Cd , BE Cd , BE Rp b R p 1 2p C j , BEVT IE total transit time B Base-Emitter charging time Base transit time Transit frequency fT • Base transit time Qb B t I C B IC I p Wb2 B 2D for p+n D D p ( pnp), Dn (npn) Note: this approach ignores delay caused by BC junction (see 3rd year) Simplified small signal equivalent circuit Common-emitter connection Active mode: BE: forward, BC: reverse. ib ic B vbe C rbe bib rce or gmvbe E Small signal equivalent circuit when other biasing connection is made Common-base connection Active mode: BE: forward, BC: reverse. E ie ic i’e Cdif CjE re ai’e B CjC rc C Conclusion • Delays in BJTs are a result of the storage of minority carriers. • Main delay in common BJTs is due to the base transit time t.