Images characteristics

Image characteristics
• Skills: none
• IT concepts: image characteristics: size,
shape (aspect ratio), number of pixels,
resolution and file type, pixel
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoncommercialShare Alike 3.0 License.
Where does this topic fit?
• Internet concepts
– Applications
– Technology
– Implications
• Internet skills
– Application development
– Content creation (images)
aspect ratio – width:height
aspect ratio
aspect ratio
aspect ratios
resize, same
aspect ratio
resize, different
aspect ratio
images are
made of dots
Number of pixels
200 x 200 =
40,000 pixels
100 x 100 =
10,000 pixels
50 x 50
2,500 pixels
200 x 200 =
40,000 pixels
100 x 100 =
10,000 pixels
50 x 50
2,500 pixels
The images are all the same size, but the high resolution image on the
left has the most pixels.
Coffee cup
Flat versus photographic images
Logos and other images
with a limited color palette
Photographic images
with continuous tone
Common Internet image file types
• .gif: Graphic Interchange Format, used for logos, cartoons
and other flat art with up to 256 different colors
• .png: Portable Network Graphics, gif replacement (more
colors), but cannot do animation
• .bmp: Microsoft Bitmap, an uncompressed format used for
photographic images
• .jpeg (or .jpg): Joint Photographers Expert Group, a
compressible format used for photographic images
Compression – making the file smaller, but reducing image quality.
More on this later.
Which to use
.png (use .gif if animation
or compatibility is an
.jpg (use .bmp if file
size is not an issue)
A few questions
We covered five characteristics of an image – without
looking back, do you recall them?
More important – do you know what each means?
Two images have the same aspect ratio, but they are
different sizes. How can that be?
If you try to take a picture immediately after taking
another, there is a slight delay. Why?
If you are looking through some pictures you just
took, why is there a slight delay as it advances from
one to another?
(Hint – go back to our presentation on the
components of a computer system).
Which of these images has the largest pixels?
200 x 200 =
40,000 pixels
100 x 100 =
10,000 pixels
50 x 50
2,500 pixels
The resolution of an image is determined by the number of
pixels it contains and ___.
An image is 800 pixels wide and 200 pixels high. What is its
aspect ratio?
An image is 640 pixels wide and 480 pixels high. What is its
aspect ratio?
An image is 800 pixels wide and 400 pixels high, and I resize it to
100 pixels high, while maintaining the aspect ratio. What is the
new width?
If an image has a 1:1 aspect ratio, and it is 10 inches wide, how
tall is it?
If an image has a 2:1 aspect ratio, and it is 10 inches wide, how
tall is it?
If an image has a 4:3 aspect ratio, and it is 10 inches wide, how
tall is it?
If an image has a 16:9 aspect ratio, and it is 10 inches wide,
how tall is it?
Image characteristics
• Skills: none
• IT concepts: image characteristics: size,
shape (aspect ratio), number of pixels,
resolution and file type, pixel
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoncommercialShare Alike 3.0 License.