XVL Web Master Tutorial For Version 8.2 and later LATTICE TECHNOLOGY, INC. Objectives • By the end of this tutorial, you will be able to: – – – – – install XVL Web master create a web page with 3D data configure parameters to change outputs execute the program from a command line integrate with other systems and applications April 2010 Lattice Technology, Inc. 2 Agenda • • • • XVL Web Master Installation XVL Web Master Templates XVL Web Master Usage Advanced Features April 2010 Lattice Technology, Inc. 3 XVL Web Master Installation XVL Web Master Installation • Double-click on XVL_WebMaster-*_*.exe to start installation. – where *_* corresponds to the version number such as 8_2E. April 2010 Lattice Technology, Inc. 5 Adobe SVG Viewer Installation • In order to view 2D illustrations, you need to install Lattice3D SVG Viewer. • Lattice3D SVG Viewer Installer: – Lattice3D_SVG_Viewer-*_*.exe 2D Illustration April 2010 Lattice Technology, Inc. 6 XVL Web Master License Installation 1. Locate your license file. Its name will be xvlwm.ltl. 2. Open the XVL Web Master license folder by selecting Start > All Programs > XVL Web Master > License Folder. 3. Copy the license file to the folder. • XVL Web Master expects the license folder to be relative to its installation directory as follows: C:\Program Files\Lattice WebMaster (XVL Web Master main modules) License (license folder) April 2010 Lattice Technology, Inc. 7 XVL Web Master Templates Template2 • Each view is cross-linked. – If you select a part in the assembly tree, the corresponding item on the parts list and 3D view are highlighted. 3D View Assembly Tree Parts List April 2010 Lattice Technology, Inc. 9 Template2.2DIllust • Includes SVG Illustrations. – Parts in the 2D illustration are cross-linked between the illustration and other information. 3D View 2D Illustration Assembly Tree April 2010 Parts List Lattice Technology, Inc. 10 Template2.2DImage • A separate image of a selected part is displayed. – Thumbnails are displayed in the parts list. Also selected parts are displayed as an image in the small window. 3D View Assembly Tree Image of selected part April 2010 Parts List Lattice Technology, Inc. 11 Template2.3DParts • Selected parts are displayed in another 3D view. 3D View Assembly Tree 3D view of selected part April 2010 Parts List Lattice Technology, Inc. 12 Template2.All • Both 2D illustrations and the 3D view are included in the HTML. 3D View 2D Illustration Assembly Tree Parts List 3D view of selected part April 2010 Lattice Technology, Inc. 13 Template2.Process • 3D work instructions are generated. – The process list is included in the HTML. By using the animation control buttons, you can play process animations. Animation Options 3D View Assembly Tree Parts List Process List April 2010 Lattice Technology, Inc. 14 Template2.Disassembly • The parts list is generated based on the Disassembly Tree. – Parts list is generated based on the Disassembly Tree defined in XVL Studio. Also the Disassembly Tree is displayed as a structure tree. 3D View 2D Illustration Disassembly Tree April 2010 Parts List Lattice Technology, Inc. 15 XVL Web Master Usage Opening an XVL file • Open an XVL file with either of the following operations: – from the menu icon – drag-and-drop Open an XVL file Drag and drop an XVL file April 2010 Lattice Technology, Inc. 17 Basic Configuration for Web Pages 1. 2. 3. 4. Click on the “Setup” icon to configure output files. Choose a template, such as “Template2”. Specify the output folder. Click OK. 2 1 3 4 April 2010 Lattice Technology, Inc. 18 Generating a Webpage • Click on the “Execute” icon to generate XVL Web Master output files. Click on Execute to generate a web page. April 2010 Lattice Technology, Inc. 19 Viewing the Results • Click on the “View” icon to display the generated HTML file. Click on View to see the published web page. April 2010 Lattice Technology, Inc. 20 Generated Web Page: “Template2” • Each view is cross-linked. – If you select “shovel” in the assembly tree, for example, the corresponding line on the parts list and 3D view are highlighted. 3D view Assembly tree Cross-linking Parts list April 2010 Lattice Technology, Inc. 21 Output Folder • The output folder contains data necessary to view the 3D in a browser. • In the example: – MainAssembly.html • Main HTML file for viewing the entire data. The view button in the Web Master window has a link to this file. – MainAssembly.xv3 • XVL file that is embedded inside the HTML window. – MainAssembly_external.js • Eternal JavaScript codes to control behaviors of mouse operations. – MainAssembly_table.html • The source file for the parts list table. – MainAssembly_tree.html • The source file for the assembly tree structure. – MainAssembly_xvl.html • The source file to embed the XVL file. April 2010 Lattice Technology, Inc. 22 Configuration Details: General 1/2 1. Animation control • • 2. Select whether to give priority to properties in upper level files or those in lower level files when configuration files are read. . 3 Different templates are available, depending on the options you purchase. 4 Output control • 5. 2 Template selection • 4. 1 Property priority • 3. Automatic explosion animation can be defined by “Set auto disassembly animation”. (Requires Automatic Disassembly Animation Option to be installed) If you have defined process steps in XVL Studio, by checking on the “Set process animation”, you can create a process animation. (Requires Process Planning Option) You can choose whether to write a new file or not Output location • • By clicking on “Set folder”, you can browse for the desired output folder. You can click on “Output to sub folder” to create a new folder for the XVL file. April 2010 Lattice Technology, Inc. 5 23 Configuration Details: General 2/2 Template • Two different types of template are available: Template.xxxxx – Classic Player templates (for XVL Player 8.x or before) Template2.xxxxx – New Player templates (for XVL Player 9.x or after) Classic Player templates April 2010 New Player templates Lattice Technology, Inc. Template2 24 Configuring Details: Details 1/6 Target hierarchy of groups • • Control the depth of the assembly tree structure to show detail branches by specifying the “Others” and the Target indenture level. Hide the bottom levels of the branches. Example) 1 1 1 2 2 3 4 4 3 4 3 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 3 3 2 1 2 4 5 4 5 3 Structure in the 3D model 3 3 4 4 2 2 Default Top: 2, Bottom: -1 Top: 3, Bottom: -2 (Top: All, Bottom: -1) April 2010 Lattice Technology, Inc. 25 Configuration Details: Details 2/6 Process 1. 2. Check on “Output process parts” when you create process parts based on steps in the process tree. If intermediate processes are created as steps in the process tree, check this off. Check on “Output valid processes only” when you want to output valid processes only. 1 2 Process tree based on intermediate process April 2010 Lattice Technology, Inc. Process tree based on process part 26 Configuration Details: Details 3/6 HTML 1. 2. 3. Choose how to sort the Assembly Tree. When you sort the tree by Property, specify the property name. Select these checkboxes to use the contents of a CSV file instead of the information in an XVL file when creating output files. 1 2 3 April 2010 Lattice Technology, Inc. 27 Configuration Details: Details 4/6 Animation: Auto disassembly You can set parameters for an automatic disassembly animation generated by XVL Web Master. b a) b) c) d) Click on the Set details button to open the Auto disassembly animation dialog. In the dialog, specify the parameters for Disassembly Factor, Level of indenture, Animation duration, keys to trigger animations, etc. You need to uncheck the “Use default ...” checkbox to give specific selections. “Disassemble/reassemble parts by selection” will allow web viewers to click on a part and play back the animation. “Step by step and reverse by indenture” will follow the indenture of the assembly structure for disassembly and assembly animations. c d a April 2010 Lattice Technology, Inc. 28 Configuration Details: Details 5/6 Animation: Process You can set parameters for a Process Animation generated by XVL Web Master. a) b) Click on the Set details button to open the Process animation dialog. In the dialog, specify the parameters for Disassembly Factor, Interpolation, and Intervals. You need to uncheck the “Use default ...” checkbox to make specific selections. b a April 2010 Lattice Technology, Inc. 29 Configuration Details: Details 6/6 Snapshot a) b) Specify the name of snapshot that you want to apply. The specified snapshot is applied to the disassembly animation/illustration. b XVL Studio Snapshot a April 2010 XVL Web Master output Lattice Technology, Inc. 30 Configuration Details: Illustration 1/4 Auto Disassembly Enabling this option will automatically create a disassembled view of the illustration. Type in the factor for distances and level. a) b) c) Switch on “Use default values for disassembly” to use the preset default values. Factor: Distance between two parts. This is a relative value to the entire model size. Level: The level of indenture of the assembly structure. a b c April 2010 Lattice Technology, Inc. 31 Configuration Details: Illustration 2/4 Batch Mode a) During illustration creation, by default, you are prompted to define a 2D view. With this check box on, however, you can set the view in the Quality and Parameters sections. a b) Quality: Set the desired output illustration b quality. c) Parameters: Specify the Projection, Coordinate, c and angle vector to set the view for the 2D illustration. “Apply valid camera” will use the camera view saved in the XVL data. April 2010 Lattice Technology, Inc. 32 Configuration Details: Illustration 3/4 Illustration Settings You can choose to generate vector and/or raster images. a a) b) c) Specify Concave Edge and Convex Edge angles to control visible lines in the output illustrations. You can also display trace lines, hidden lines and outlines. More settings to improve the quality of the output illustrations. b c April 2010 Lattice Technology, Inc. 33 Configuration Details: Illustration 4/4 a) b) c) d) e) “Specify size” will set the output illustration size. The “Leader lines” controls allow you to specify the leader line parameters. When you check on “Notes”, notes will be displayed at the specified size in the illustration. When you check on “Dimension”, dimensions will be displayed at the specified size in the illustration. When “Adjust viewing area” is turned on, Web Master zooms out to the entire view to include all leader lines. a b c d e April 2010 Lattice Technology, Inc. 34 Configuring 2D Illustrations Determine the 2D illustration view and settings. Then click “OK”. * Specified snapshot is applied to the 2D illustration --- Rotates the image 3-dimensionally. --- Scales the image up/down. --- Moves the image. --- Displays the image to fit the Preview dialog box. April 2010 Lattice Technology, Inc. 35 Advanced Features Using CSV to input data By placing the CSV input file inside the same folder as the input XVL file, you can use this external data in the output HTML. 1. Create a CSV input file. Specify the key ID in the first column. Information listed in the second column will be placed in the “Data” column of the table. 2. Place the XVL file and CSV input file in the same folder. 3. Execute XVL Web Master for the XVL file. 4. Parameters in the CSV are set in the parts list. 1 April 2010 4 2 Lattice Technology, Inc. 37 Creating a CGM File You can create a CGM file. 1. Create xvlwm.ini file and write the following lines: Generate_CGM Output_Dir – 2. 2 C:\temp A sample xvlwm.ini file can be found in “C:\Program Files\Lattice\WebMaster\Samples” Open a command line and execute the following: C:\Program Files\Lattice\WebMaster>xvlwm.exe /autoexec /init xvlwm.ini [XVL_FILE] where [XVL_FILE] is the target XVL file. 3. Find the output in the c:\temp folder. Notes: – – Please note that you can generate CGM files only from command line executions. No standard template is provided for CGM outputs as of Web Master version 8.2. April 2010 Lattice Technology, Inc. Example of an integrated CGM output into a Web Master template. Here, we are using VizexReader for the CGM viewer. 38 Command Line Execution • By default, the XVL Web Master execution command is found at C:\Program Files\Lattice\WebMaster • Command line format xvlwm.exe [/autoexec] [files_dirs ...] April 2010 [/english] Lattice Technology, Inc. [/init init_file] 39 Using XVL Web Master Post Processing • With XVL Converter Server post processing, XVL Web Master can automatically generate web pages. 1. Specify a post processing command 2. Create post_wm.bat in c:\work with the following contents: "c:\Program Files\Lattice\webmaster\xvlwm.exe" /automatic /init wm.ini %1 Command: C:\work\post_wm.batt Argument: ${XVL.FILE} 3. Create wm.ini in c:\work with the following contents to specify a template: Template Template2.Process 4. Execute conversion in XVL Converter Server. XVL Converter Server April 2010 Lattice Technology, Inc. 40 Questions? E. T. F. W. April 2010 support@lattice3d.com +1.415.274.1670 +1.415.274.1671 www.lattice3d.com Lattice Technology, Inc. 41