Jeopardy - Geary County Schools USD 475

Just Fractions With Whole
A Little of All
Grab Bag
Q $100
Q $100
Q $100
Q $100
Q $100
Q $200
Q $200
Q $200
Q $200
Q $200
Q $300
Q $300
Q $300
Q $300
Q $300
Q $400
Q $400
Q $400
Q $400
Q $400
Q $500
Q $500
Q $500
Q $500
Q $500
Final Jeopardy
$100 Question from Just Fractions
When do I have to have a common
A – When adding only
B – When adding and subtracting
C – With all fraction operations
D – Never!
$100 Answer from H1
B – When adding and subtracting
$200 Question from Just Fractions
What is the sum of 2/3 + 4/5?
A – 22/15
B – 6/8
C – 8/15
D – 2/15
$200 Answer from Just Fractions
A – 22/15
$300 Question from Just Fractions
Find 1/5 of 2/7
A – 3/12
B – 2/12
C – 2/10
D – 2/35
$300 Answer from Just Fractions
D – 2/35
$400 Question from Just Fractions
Find the quotient of 2/3 divided by 4/5.
A – 8/15
B – 6/8
C – 10/12
D – 8/12
$400 Answer from Just Fractions
C – 10/12
$500 Question from Just Fractions
When you multiply two regular fractions,
(not improper) what is something we
know about the answer?
$500 Answer from Just Fractions
- The answer will be less than both
the fractions you multiplied together
- The answer’s numerator is the product
of fractions’ numerators and the
denominator is the product
of the fractions’ denominators!
$100 Question from With Whole
Find the sum of 2 ¾ + 3 ½
$100 Answer from With Whole
2+3 =5
Total = 6 ¼
$200 Question from With Whole
Find the difference between:
5 1/3 and 2 3/4
$200 Answer from With Whole
2 7/12
Because: 5 1/3 – 2 3/4 cannot
be done without borrowing or
turning them both to improper fractions!
$300 Question from With Whole
Find the product of 3 ½ and 2 ¼
$300 Answer from With Whole
63/8 or 7 7/8
3 ½ x 2 ¼ becomes…
7/2 x 9/4 = 63/8
$400 Question from With Whole
Divide 2/3 of a bag of candy among 5
$400 Answer from With Whole
2/15 of a bag per person
Because: 2/3 divided by 5 becomes…
2/3 x 1/5 = 2/15
$500 Question from With Whole
How would you divide 3 ¼ bags of
popcorn among you and 2 friends?
$500 Answer from With Whole
Each person would get 1 1/12 a bag
Because: 3 ¼ bags divided by 3 people
becomes… 13/4 x 1/3 = 13/12 = 1 1/12
$100 Question from A Little of All
There are 32 students in Ms. Benton’s
class. Of the students, 3/8 are boys.
How many boys are in her class?
C – 12
D - 14
$100 Answer from A Little of All
C – 12 are boys
Because: 3/8 of 24 means…
3/8 x 24/1 = 96/8 = 12
$200 Question from A Little of All
Find the difference between
10 2/3 and 8 9/12
$200 Answer from A Little of All
1 11/12
Because: You have to borrow or change
the fractions to improper fractions
before subtracting
$300 Question from A Little of All
Which sum is larger?
4/5 + 5/8
4/7 + 5/9
$300 Answer from A Little of All
4/5 + 5/8
Because: 4/5 + 5/8 = 1 17/40 (which is almost 1 ½)
4/7 + 5/9 = 1 8/63 (which is way less than 1 ½)
$400 Question from A Little of All
Find N if …
N – 1/5 = 7/20
$400 Answer from A Little of All
N = 11/20
Because: N – 1/5 = 7/20 can change to…
?/20 – 4/20 = 7/20
And 11- 4 = 7!
$500 Question from A Little of All
Find the quotient of 1/3 divided by 4
by drawing a diagram or using a
number line.
$500 Answer from A Little of All
$100 Question from Word Problems
In the refrigerator, Tony found 3/4 of a pizza.
He ate 1/6 of what was left. How much of
the pizza did he eat?
A – 1/24
B – 1/8
C – 1/4
D – 1/3
$100 Answer from Word Problems
B – 1/8 of the pizza
Because: 1/6 of 3/4 means…
1/6 x 3/4 = 3/24 = 1/8
$200 Question from Word Problems
Mr. Stewart needs to make 3 apple
pies for a bake sale. Each apple pie
needs 2 ¼ cups of flour.
How much flour will he need in all?
$200 Answer from Word Problems
6 ¾ cups of flour is needed
Because: 3 x 2 ¼ = 3/1 x 9/4 = 27/4 = 6 ¾
$300 Question from Word Problems
Carletta bought 14 yards of string to
make shoelaces for her basketball
team. She estimates that it takes 2/5 a
yard to make one shoelace. How
many shoelaces can she make?
$300 Answer from Word Problems
35 shoelaces
Because: 14 divided by 2/5 becomes…
14/1 x 5/2 = 70/2 = 35
(Remember, Keep, Change, Change!)
$400 Question from Word Problems
The Comfy Couch Furniture store
purchased 3 1/5 pages in the newspaper to
advertise their upcoming sale. They then
decided to cancel 1 7/10 pages. How many
pages did they actually use?
$400 Answer from Word Problems
They used 1 ½ pages for advertising
Because: 3 1/5 – 1 7/10 cannot be done without
first borrowing or changing to improper fractions
$500 Question from Word Problems
Sammy’s mother bought 4 1/3 pounds
of strawberries to make smoothies. She
estimates that she will need 1/9 pound
of strawberries for each smoothie.
How many smoothies can she make?
$500 Answer from Word Problems
She can make 30 smoothies!
Because: 3 1/3 divided by 1/9 becomes…
10/3 x 9/1 = 90/3 = 30
$100 Question from Grab Bag
What is the name of
Mrs. Bartlett’s puppy?
6 letters – begins with P
$100 Answer from Grab Bag
$200 Question from Grab Bag
What kind of animals is Mrs. Bartlett’s
husband going to work with when he’s
done with vet school?
Dogs, Fish, Cows or Cats
$200 Answer from Grab Bag
$300 Question from Grab Bag
What are Mrs. Barnes’
favorite flowers?
Roses, Sunflowers or
$300 Answer from Grab Bag
$400 Question from Grab Bag
At which incentive party last year did
all your Team 4 teachers get to hang
KSU B-Ball Game, WOF, Party, Movie
$400 Answer from Grab Bag
The KSU women’s basketball game!
$500 Question from Grab Bag
What is Mrs. Bartlett’s favorite
thing to do in her free time?
Read, Shop, Crafts, Spend time with
$500 Answer from Grab Bag
Spend time with her family!
Final Jeopardy
Bryce made money over his winter vacation by shoveling
snow in his neighborhood. One week he shoveled these
days and times.
Monday – 2 ½ hours
Tuesday – 1 ¼ hours
Wednesday - 2¾ hours
Thursday – ¾ hours
A) How many hours did he work for that week?
B) If he makes $8 an hour, how much money will he have
Final Jeopardy Answer
A) 7 ¼ hours (2 ½ + 1 ¼ + 2 ¾ + ¾)
2+1+2+0 = 5
5 + 2 ¼ = 7 ¼ hours
B ) $58
7 ¼ x 8 = 29/4 x 8/1 = 232/4 = 58