1 - Electrical Activity of the Heart

Electrical Activity of the
Ionic basis of resting potential
 Ionic basis of the fast response
 Ionic basis of the slow response
 Mechanism of rhythmicity
Ionic basis of the resting potential
Potential inside the cardiac cell is -90 mV
relative to outside.
 Action potentials depolarize the cell and
overshoot to +20 mV
 Fast response predominant in the atria and
 Slow response found in the SA and AV nodes
Ionic basis of the resting potential
The phases of the action potential are associated with
changes in the permeability of the cell membrane to
Na, K, and Ca.
Permeability is controlled by ion channels.
[Intracellular] Potential
Ionic basis of the resting potential
The resting cell membrane is relatively permeable to
K via the inwardly rectifying K current.
The diffusion gradient of K outward is balanced by
impermeable anions that create an electrostatic force.
The Nerst equation for K predicts a Ek of -94 which
is slightly more negative than the resting potential
due to slow Na leak
If left, the leak would eventually depolarize the cell
so the K/Na/ATPase acts to get rid of Na.
Ionic basis of the fast response
Genesis of the upstroke (Phase 0)
Anything that raises the resting potential beyond
threshold (-65 mV) will cause an action potential.
 Phase 0 due to Na inward.
 m gates open in Na channels as Vm becomes less
 Na flows in due to the electric gradient until Vm =
0 then concentration gradient takes over.
 h gates close the channel due to the rising Vm
 h gates remain closed until partially repolarization
(effective refractory period).
Ionic basis of the fast response
Genesis of early repolarization (Phase 1)
Transient outward current of K causes a brief
efflux of K because the interior is positive relative
to exterior.
Genesis of the plateau (Phase 2)
Ca and some Na enters through slower activating
and inactivating channels.
 Ca channels are voltage regulated and activated as
Vm becomes less negative.
Ionic basis of the fast response
Genesis of the plateau (Phase 2)
Two types of Ca channels; L and T type.
 L-type are long lasting and open when Vm -10 mV
and enhanced by cAMP
 T-type are transient and open when Vm -70 mV
but inactivate quickly.
 The positive Vm favours the efflux of K but K
current drops which prevents excessive loss of K
and loss of the plateau.
Ionic basis of the fast response
Genesis of final repolarization (Phase 3)
Repolarization occurs when K efflux exceeds
influx of Ca.
 Three K channels with different physiochemical
properties are responsible for repolarization.
Ionic basis of the fast response
Restoration of ionic concentrations
Ca is pumped out by a Na/Ca exchanger and Na is
ejected by the Na/K/ATPase pump.
 Small component of Ca/ATPase.
Ionic basis of the slow response
Only difference is the loss of phase 0.
 During phase 4, the K channels gradually decrease
their conductance (close) allowing unopposed Na
leak inward that depolarizes the cell.
 When the Vm reaches a threshold, the Ca channels
open to further depolarize.
 The K channels also open to restore polarity.
Mechanism of Rhythmicity
The SA node resting potential is only 55mV.
 The cell membrane is naturally leaky to Na
and Ca.
 The fast Na channels are mostly inactive
so only the Ca channel can open.
 The slow influx of Na causes the resting
potential to gradually rise towards