Logan Reactivity Workshop Utah State University March 23-24 , 2010 Utilization of cysteine and lysine peptides for screening reactivity of skin sensitizers G. Frank Gerberick1, Leslie M. Foertsch,, John Troutman1 and JeanPierre Lepoittevin2 1The Procter & Gamble Company 2Université of Strasbourg Acknowledgements Cindy Ryan – P&G Petra Kern – P&G Joanna Jaworska – P&G Joel Chaney – P&G Leslie Foertsch – P&G John Troutman – P&GP Roy Dobson – P&GP Mike Quijano – P&GP Jean-Pierre Lepoittevin – ULP Elena Gimenez-Arnau - ULP Carsten Goebel – Wella Andreas Natsch – Givaudan COLIPA Skin Tolerance TF Allergic Contact Dermatitis: Immunologic Mechanism of Contact Sensitization Sensitization Phase Elicitation Phase Allergen Allergen SC KC Epidermis IL1-b LC TNF-a, IL-1b GM-CSF Dermis Afferent Lymphatics Inflammatory mediator release Draining Lymph Node Naive T-cell IL-2 Sensitized Memory / Effector T-cell Antigen-induced clonal expansion Dissemination into peripheral circulation Erythema Edema Vesiculation How do we currently perform skin sensitisation risk assessments? If significant skin exposure is predicted then the sensitisation hazard of the ingredient needs to be characterised Mouse Local Lymph Node Assay (LLNA) allows skin sensitisation potency and dose response information to be generated Reduction and Refinement alternative to Guinea Pig test methods (GPMT and Buehler test) LLNA data used to predict a Human repeat insult patch test (HRIPT) No Adverse Effect Level (NOAEL) HRIPT NOAEL data used to predict a theoretical Acceptable Exposure Level (AEL) using a Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) approach Risk Assessment decision on safety of ingredient in product taken using AEL, product-specific exposure data & any other relevant information Relative Potency Classification by LLNA EC3 Values Chemical EC3 Potency Category EC3 (%) (µg/cm2) (ECETOC) MCI/MI DNCB Lauryl gallate 1.25 10 75 Extreme Extreme Strong 0.005 0.04 0.3 Cinnamaldehyde 750 Moderate 3 Isoeugenol Eugenol Penicillin G 450 3250 11,500 Moderate Weak Weak 1.8 13 46 Initially > 200 chemicals1 of all potencies, chemical and biological diversity, quality controlled. Now ~ 320 entries2. Data from UL, P&G, Syngenta, RIFM, public literature.. 1Gerberick 2Kern et al. 2005. Dermatitis, Vol. 16 (4), pp1-46. et al. 2010. Dermatitis, Vol 21(1), pp8-32. Skin Sensitization Endpoint Evolution O O Molecular Modeling :Nu protein Lymph Nodes E allergen Reactivity Assays Guinea Pig Test Methods Local Lymph Node Assay DC Gene Expression (HTS) 1970s 1990s <2010 Chemical-Protein Reactivity, Metabolism and Skin Sensitization Nucleophilic-electrophilic interaction: F F O F O Pro/Pre-Hapten :Nu Hapten E Hapten Protein F F O F Protein O The correlation of skin protein reactivity and skin sensitization is well established and has been known for many years. (Landsteiner and Jacobs, 1936; Dupuis and Benezra, 1982; Lepoittevin et al, 1998) Readout for Direct Peptide Reactivity Assay (DPRA): Peptide Depletion Test chemical in acetonitrile. Cys peptide (Ac-RFAACAA-COOH) in phosphate buffer, pH 7.5. Lys peptide (Ac-RFAAKAA-COOH) in ammonium acetate, pH 10.2. Test chemical reacted with peptide (10:1 or 50:1) for 24 hours. Peptide depletion monitored by HPLC at 220 nm. Un-reacted Peptide Test Chemical Reaction Mixture How to best analyze peptide reactivity data? Reactivity data used to develop model LLNA Chemical Category Strong CAS LLNA EC3 Value a Number Diphenylcyclopropenone (0.2:20 mM) (Conc. peptide:Conc. test substance) Lysine Lysine Cysteine (0.5:5 mM) Average SD Average SD b 0.0003 (0.5:25 mM) (0.5:5 mM) Cysteine (0.5:25 mM) Average SD Average SD Average SD 22.0 7.5 0.3 4.1 -0.7 3.8 98.8 2.0 100.0 0.0 Phthalic anhydride p-Benzoquinone Kathon CG 85-44-9 106-51-4 55965-84-9 0.16b 0.0099 0.008 100.0 100.0 46.7 0.0 0.0 9.3 9.9 55.6 4.5 0.8 3.0 1.0 75.0 91.0 3.9 3.9 0.2 1.0 -1.9 99.0 99.1 1.0 1.8 1.6 -5.5 97.1 99.5 2.0 2.8 0.9 Oxazolone Glutaraldehyde Lauryl gallate CD3 15646-46-5 111-30-8 1166-52-5 25646-71-3 0.003b 0.1 0.3 0.6 22.6 20.8 42.2 63.6 9.5 4.0 13.6 13.6 42.9 66.0 6.8 18.9 3.2 2.2 0.6 2.5 49.6 85.4 8.7 13.6 1.8 3.5 4.2 0.5 75.5 30.2 90.9 90.1 1.4 0.5 13.1 1.1 89.3 70.0 100.0 83.0 2.6 4.7 0.0 1.1 121-79-9 0.32b 19.7 4.3 13.5 11.7 26.6 10.7 59.9 35.2 97.7 2.4 55-55-0 50-00-0 3326-32-7 0.8b 0.61 0.14 86.1 37.5 92.6 3.4 3.5 1.5 34.2 0.7 15.5 3.8 0.6 0.3 44.7 11.2 61.1 3.8 3.5 1.5 100.0 60.4 100.0 0.0 4.1 0.0 38.3 75.0 100.0 3.1 3.0 0.0 94-36-0 0.004b 100.0 0.0 28.6 8.1 81.3 2.9 100.0 0.0 80.6 3.7 Propyl gallate Metol Formaldehyde Fluorescein isothiocynate Benzoyl peroxide 886-38-4 Glutathione Extreme/Strong 17 Moderate 20 Weak 15 Non-Sensitizers 30 Total 82 Use of Classification Tree Approach for Analysis of GSH, Cys and Lys Data A form of binary recursive partitioning Used when observations need to be assigned to a category based on a number of predictor variables Predictor variables can be nominal, ordinal, or continuous Used in situations where discriminant analysis or logistic regression analysis may be used Used peptide depletion data and LLNA potency data to generate models Prediction Model Based on Sum of Cys 1:10 and Lys 1:50 (n=81) NS/W/M/S Total Sample (29 / 15 / 20 / 17) Avg Score < 22.62% Avg Score > 22.62% Test (29 / 11 / 3 / 0) Avg Score < 6.376% Test (0 / 4 / 17 / 17) Avg Score > 6.376% Avg Score < 42.47% Avg Score > 42.47% Minimal Reactivity Low Reactivity Moderate Reactivity High Reactivity (26 / 5 / 1 / 0) (3 / 6 / 2 / 0) (0 / 1 / 6 / 3) (0 / 3 / 11 / 14) Cooper Statistics Analysis is Based on Classification Tree Model Results Minimal Reactivity = Non-sensitizing Low Reactivity = Sensitizing Moderate Reactivity = Sensitizing High Reactivity = Sensitizing Cooper Statistics for Prediction Model based on Cys 1:10 and Lys 1:50 (n=81) Sensitivity: 88% Specificity: 90% Accuracy: 89% Predicted Classification (based on classification tree model) Chemical Classification (based primarily on LLNA) Non-Sensitizer Sensitizer total Non-Sensitizer Sensitizer total 26 3 29 6 46 52 32 49 81 Inter-laboratory studies to evaluate direct peptide reactivity assay We have completed 2 Inter-laboratory studies to evaluate the transferability of the DPRA. Scientists from Kao, L’Oreal and Givaudan visited P&G for “hands on” training Ring Trial 1 consisted of 15 chemicals with very good results Ring Trial 2 consisted of 28 chemicals The chemicals of Ring Trial 2 proved to be a bit more challenging but provided us with an opportunity to improve the SOP The 2 successful inter-laboratory studies encouraged us to move forward with ECVAM for validation of the assay. Interlaboratory studies to evaluate direct peptide reactivity assay Prediction Model Results Cys (1:10) and Lys (1:50 Chemicals P&G Givaudan L'Oreal Kao p-Benzoquinone High High High High 2,4-Dinitrochlorobenzene High High High High Oxazolone High High High High Formaldehyde Moderate Moderate Low Moderate 2-Phenylpropionaldehyde High High Moderate Moderate Diethyl maleate High High High High Benzylideneacetone High High High High Farnesal Low Low Moderate Moderate 2,3-Butanedione High High High High 4-Allylanisole Low Low Moderate Moderate Hydroxycitronellal Low Moderate Low Low Butanol Minimal Minimal Minimal Minimal 6-Methylcoumarin Minimal Minimal Minimal Minimal Lactic acid Minimal Minimal Minimal Minimal 4-Methoxyacetophenone Minimal Minimal Minimal Minimal 135 chemicals tested to date (33 extreme/strong; 36 moderate; 29 weak and 37 nonsensitizers) Assay Reproducibility (2005 – present) Ethylene glycol dimethacrylate 120 100 p-Benzoquinone % Depletion 80 Lysine (1:50) AVG=20.8, SD=5.8 60 Cysteine (1:10) AVG=79.1, SD=7.7 40 120 20 100 0 1 Lysine (1:50) AVG=89, SD=2.2 60 Cysteine (1:10) AVG=97.7, SD=2 9 17 25 33 41 49 57 65 73 81 89 97 105 Cinnamic aldehyde 40 20 120 0 100 1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 101 111 121 80 % Depletion % Depletion 80 Lysine (1:50) AVG=54.7, SD=6.7 60 Cysteine (1:10) AVG=72.7, SD=4.7 40 20 0 1 13 25 37 49 61 73 85 97 109 121 133 145 157 DPRA ECVAM Test Submission Test Submission to ECVAM – February, 2009 DPRA SOP finalized – December, 2009 Participating labs for pre-validation study identified – January, 2010 Training and Transfer plan approved – February 2010 Training begins – March 2010 Aside from Skin Sensitization, the DPRA is also used as part of the Eye Irritation Validation Study (led by Pauline Mcnamee) ECVAM Pre-validation Timeline Phase Estimated Completion Date Phase A, Stage I: SOP training March 31, 2010 Phase A, Stage II: SOP transfer June 30, 2010 Phase B, Stage I: 9 Chemicals July 31, 2010 Phase B, Stage II: Additional 15 Chemicals September 15, 2010 Data Analysis (ECVAM biostatistician) March 31, 2011 Final Pre-Validation Report May 31, 2011 Analysis of Direct Peptide Reactivity Data Using GHS Classification Cutoff Analysis of Direct Peptide Reactivity Data Using GHS Classification Cutoff Cooper Statistics -- Model Based on Mean of Cysteine 1:10 and Lysine 1:50 Predicted Classification (based on classification tree model) Non-Sensitizer Sensitizer (based on LLNA) total Chemical Classification Non-Sensitizer 32 14 46 Sensitizer 3 83 86 total 35 97 132 table statistics for the shadow ed 2 x 2 table sensitivity: specificity: positive predictivity: negative predictivity: accuracy: 86% 91% 97% 70% 87% The classification is generally an over classification (1B chemicals classified as 1A) Next Generation Peptide Reactivity Assay Objective: To incorporate an enzymemediated activation step into an LC/MS-based in chemico model for the quantitative prediction of a chemical’s reactivity potential. Principle of the Assay H2O Peroxidase(O) H2O 2 Peroxidase(R) Test Chemical Aim 1: Optimize assay parameters with cysteine and lysine peptides for direct and enzyme-mediated reactivity assessments. Aim 2: Develop simple methods for estimating ‘reactivity potency’ for use as a parameter in the development of an integrated testing strategy for predicting skin sensitization potential. Auto-oxidation Fenton Chemistry Fe2+ + H2O2 Reactive Metabolite (electrophilic hapten) X Oxidant Blocked by desferroxamine Readout = Non-adducted peptide monomer measured by LC/MS/MS Peptide (nucleophile) Blocked by DTT X Peptide Dimer Not quantified but can be observed using MALDI Peptide-chemical ADDUCT Monitored but not quantified vs monomer Optimization of Assay Conditions with a Cysteine-containing peptide • Test Chemicals: • Peroxide concentration • Peroxidase concentration • Incubation time o o o o 2-Aminophenol Eugenol 1,4-Phenylenediamine 2-Methoxy-4methylphenol o 3-Methylcatechol Mean (+/-SD) Peptide Depletion (%) Effect of Peroxide Concentration 100 Direct (- P, - HRP) 80 60 Cysteine-Peptide Reactivity + HRP only (no P) 3 uM P, + HRP 10 uM P, + HRP 30 uM P, + HRP 100 uM P, + HRP 300 uM P, + HRP 1000 uM P, + HRP 40 20 0 -20 2-Aminophenol Eugenol 1,4-Phenylenediamine 2-Methoxy-4methylphenol 3-Methylcatechol Reactivity Screen Under Optimized Conditions with Cysteine 100 Non-sensitizers Pro-haptens Pre-haptens Mean (+/-SD) Depletion (%) 80 60 - (HRP/P (Direct) + HRP/P 40 20 ui no ne 1, o 4-m Ph -c en re so yl l en ed ia m in Is e oe 3u ge M no et hy l lc at ec ho l m in yd ro q 4A H er an io l yl A lc oh ol A ni 2lin A m e in op he no 1l N ap 2ht M ho et l ho Eu xy -4 ge -m no et l hy lp he no l am G in n C (+ / Is o pr op an -) ol La ct ic ac id 1B ut an ol 0 Summary: Peptide depletion values for the non-sensitizers was generally < 10%, Peptide depletion values for sensitizers ranged from approx. 30% to nearly 80%, Prohapten sensitizers showed minimal to no peptide depletion in the absence of HRP/P, Peptide depletion for pre-haptens (catechols, hydroquinones, pPD) ranged from 40-80%. Lysine Method Development • Primary Objectives: – To demonstrate direct peptide reactivity using LC/MS detection methods with lysine. – To understand the relationship between peptide depletion and: • peptide concentration • test chemical concentration • incubation temperature – The focus for subsequent studies included: • Testing for lysine reactivity + HRP/P • Concentration-response testing with cysteine and lysine • Incorporation of a curve-fitting model for RC50 determination Effect of peptide and test chemical concentration Chemical p-benzoquinone 3-methylcatechol glutaraldehyde Conc (mM) 0.25 Lysine (mM) 0.005 0.05 0.5 Depletion (%) 17.1 15.4 12.5 k (hr-1) -0.007814 -0.006968 -0.005564 2.5 0.005 0.05 0.5 54.1 51.9 47.9 -0.032446 -0.030495 -0.027167 25 0.005 0.05 0.5 96.1 94.1 92 -0.135175 -0.117926 -0.105239 0.25 0.005 0.05 0.5 10.5 9.3 3.5 -0.004622 -0.004067 -0.001484 2.5 0.005 0.05 0.5 38.2 43.7 36.9 -0.020053 -0.023936 -0.019185 25 0.005 0.05 0.5 67.7 58.3 51.4 -0.047088 -0.036445 -0.030064 0.125 0.005 0.05 0.5 14.5 10.5 10.5 -0.006527 -0.004622 -0.004622 1.25 0.005 0.05 0.5 40.5 32.7 31.3 -0.021633 -0.016500 -0.015643 12.5 0.005 0.05 0.5 76.2 59 56.1 -0.059812 -0.037150 -0.034302 • Direct reactivity with known lysine reactive test chemicals was observed with LC/MS detection. • For each test chemical examined, direct peptide depletion appeared to be test chemical concentration dependent. • Although peptide concentration appeared to have much less of an effect on overall depletion, loss of peptide was highest at the lowest peptide concentration tested (i.e., 0.005 mM; reactions with 2.5 mM 3-MC was a noted exception). • These trends suggested that the change in peptide concentration per unit time would be greatest at the lowest peptide concentration tested. • The lysine peptide concentration chosen for subsequent assay development was 0.005 mM. Method Development – Lysine Peptide 8 uM LC/MS-based peptide reactivity following 24 hr incubation with 0.005 mM Lysine Peptide (1% organic) (Area-only Data) 100 40 uM 200 uM 1000 uM 5000 uM 25000 uM LC/UV DPRA @1:50 60 40 20 He xa ne ga lla te Pr op yl ald eh yd e Ci nn am ol eth yl ca tec h 3M -D ihy dr Ci tra l oc ou ma r in hy de ral de 3,4 ro pi o en yl p 2Ph Gl uta na lde hy de ne az olo -20 Ox no ne 0 pBe nz oq ui Average Peptide Depletion (%) 80 Method Development Effect of incubation temperature on Lysine Peptide Reactivity: Results: •No significant increase in depletion was noted for p-benzoquinone and 3-MC at elevated temperature. •Subtle increases were observed for the aldehydes, which may be attributed to an increase in the rate of reaction and/or solubility of the test chemical (?). The incubation temperature selected for subsequent studies was ambient lab conditions. Summary of method development work • Optimization studies with direct lysine-reactive chemicals resulted in a defined set of incubation conditions for further testing with HRP/P. • The focus for subsequent studies included: – Testing for lysine reactivity + HRP/P – Concentration-response testing with cysteine and lysine – Incorporation of a curve-fitting model for RC50 determination Concentration-response testing using ‘optimized’ conditions Parameter Cysteine Peptide Lysine Peptide Peptide concentration 20 uM 5 uM Test chemical concentration 0.003, 0.03, 0.3, 3.0 and 30 mM 0.003, 0.03, 0.3, 3.0 and 30 mM Desferroxamine 10 uM - HRP + 3.0 U/mL + 3.0 U/mL Hydrogen peroxide + 100 uM + 100 uM Buffer 0.1 M potassium phosphate (pH 7.4) 0.1 M Ammonium acetate (pH 10.2) Incubation period 24 hr 24 hr Incubation temperature ambient ambient Number chemicals/experiment 13 unknowns plus 3 control chemicals (N=1 replicate/concentration) 13 unknowns plus 3 control chemicals (N=1 replicate/concentration) Criteria for characterizing and reporting peptide reactivity • Prior to analysis, all negative peptide depletion values were set to ‘zero.’ • RC50 was estimated for each test chemical using RExcel, which is a tool that fits a two-parameter log-logistic model to peptide depletion data and graphs the raw data and fitted curves. • RC50 values were estimated and reported as described above except for the following: – If peptide depletion did not exceed 10% across the concentration range, peptide reactivity was designated as ‘NC’ (not calculated). – If peptide depletion did not exceed 10% for the highest two concentrations tested, or depletion was low (< 20%) and did not increase with an increase in test chemical concentration, peptide reactivity was designated as ‘NR’ (not reported). Note: the ‘NR’ designation can serve as an alert by distinguishing non-reactive (‘NC’) test chemicals from those that show reactivity that is insufficient for estimating the RC50. Current Process being evaluated for Reactivity Assessments Characterize peptide depletion as a function of test chemical concentration with cysteine and lysine + HRP/P - HRP /P + HRP /P Cyst eine P ept ide React ivit y 3-Methylcatechol Reactivity with Cysteine Peptide 3-Met hylcat echol Slope Dp50 (uM) -1.542 -0.474 16.847 9.477 70 30 20 60 40 50 Peptide Depletion (%) 60 80 90 100 - HRP/P (direct) + HRP/P 80 RC50 (mM) 20 Peptide Depletion (%) Correlate peptide reactivity with chemical sensitization data for evaluating its use in an integrated testing strategy for predicting skin sensitization potential 40 100 Quantify reactivity by estimating the concentration of test chemical that depletes the peptide by 50% (RC50) within 24 hrs 10 0 0.03 0.3 3.0 30 Peptide - HRP/P (Direct) + HRP/P Cysteine 0.0166 0.0101 4.68 2.94 0 0.003 -20 5 T est Chemical Conc (mM) 10 50 100 500 5000 Test Chemical Concentration (uM) Slope - HRP/P (direct) + HRP/P Dp50 (uM) Lysine 6868.413 3237.801 80 70 30 40 60 60 50 Peptide Depletion (%) 80 10 20 20 0 0 Peptide Depletion (%) -0.693 -1.841 90 100 3-Met hylcat echol 40 100 3-Methylcatechol Reactivity with Lysine Peptide - HRP/P + HRP/P Lysine Pept ide React ivit y 0.003 0.03 0.3 3.0 30 -20 T est Chemical Conc (mM) 5 10 50 100 500 Test Chemical Concentration (uM) 5000 Representative chemicals that are well characterized with Cysteine 1,4-Phenylenediamine Reactivity with Cysteine Peptide Slope Dp50 (uM) -0.564 -0.490 - HRP/P (direct) + HRP/P 30.686 46.630 1000 10000 50 100 500 5000 p-Benzoquinone Reactivity with Cysteine Peptide Slope Dp50 (uM) Slope Dp50 (uM) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 -4.381 3897.633 -1.336 1457.613 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Peptide Depletion (%) 80 90 100 - HRP/P (direct) + HRP/P 10 50 100 500 Test Chemical Concentration (uM) 5000 5 10 50 100 500 Test Chemical Concentration (uM) 70 1e-01 1e+00 1e+01 1e+02 Test Chemical Concentration (uM) 2-Methoxy-4-methylphenol Reactivity with Cysteine Peptide 5 80 90 10 Test Chemical Concentration (uM) -0.794 68109.092 -0.401 39.101 60 30 20 10 0 5 Test Chemical Concentration (uM) - HRP/P (direct) + HRP/P 50 Peptide Depletion (%) 30 20 10 0 100 67.607 47.494 40 90 80 70 60 50 Peptide Depletion (%) 40 90 80 70 60 50 40 20 10 0 10 -0.883 -0.505 100 - HRP/P (direct) + HRP/P 30 Peptide Depletion (%) 1 Peptide Depletion (%) Slope Dp50 (uM) Slope Dp50 (uM) 131.708 19.190 100 -0.704 -0.446 100 - HRP/P (direct) + HRP/P Isoeugenol Reactivity with Cysteine Peptide Bandrowksi Base Reactivity with Cysteine Peptide 5000 1e+03 Representative chemicals that are well characterized with Lysine Glutaraldehyde Reactivity with Lysine Peptide 3,4-Dihydrocoumarin Reactivity with Lysine Peptide Slope Dp50 (uM) Slope Dp50 (uM) - HRP/P (direct) + HRP/P 5 10 50 100 500 50 100 500 5000 Test Chemical Concentration (uM) Hydroquinone Reactivity with Lysine Peptide - HRP/P (direct) + HRP/P 100 70 60 50 30 40 Peptide Depletion (%) 80 90 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 20 30 10 20 0 10 Peptide Depletion (%) -0.974 14351.170 -0.954 17860.091 0 5 10 50 100 500 10 50 100 500 5000 Test Chemical Concentration (uM) Test Chemical Concentration (uM) 70 5 10 50 100 500 Test Chemical Concentration (uM) Slope Dp50 (uM) 5 80 90 10 Glyoxal Reactivity with Lysine Peptide Slope Dp50 (uM) 60 30 20 10 0 5 -0.904 2642.076 -1.023 612.610 50 Peptide Depletion (%) 5000 Test Chemical Concentration (uM) - HRP/P (direct) + HRP/P -0.983 1459.046 -1.271 1253.539 40 90 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Peptide Depletion (%) 80 90 80 70 60 50 40 0 10 20 30 Peptide Depletion (%) Slope Dp50 (uM) -0.337 4198.475 -0.414 7761.587 100 - HRP/P (direct) + HRP/P 100 -0.409 3737.018 -0.677 3146.355 100 - HRP/P (direct) + HRP/P p-Benzoquinone Reactivity with Lysine Peptide 5000 5000 Preliminary Results with Cysteine and Lysine + HRP/P with dose-response RC50 (mM)* Test Chemical Glycerol Hexane 1-Butanol (+/-) Lactic acid Methyl salicylate Geraniol 3,4-Dihydrocoumarin 2-Phenylpropionaldehyde Cinnamic alcohol Isopropanol Phenylacetaldehyde Hydroxycitronellal 2,3-Butanedione 1,2-Dibromo-2,4-dicyanobutane Aniline Cinnamaldehyde Cinnamaldehyde Glyoxal Glutaraldehyde 1-Chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene Diethyl maleate Hydroquinone p -Benzoquinone 1-Naphthol 4-Amino-m-cresol Eugenol Isoeugenol 1,4-Phenylenediamine 3-Methylcatechol 3-Methylcatechol Conc range examined (mM) 0.003-30 0.003-30 0.003-30 0.003-30 0.003-30 0.003-30 0.003-30 0.003-30 0.003-30 0.003-30 0.003-30 0.003-30 0.003-30 0.003-30 0.003-30 0.008-10 0.003-30 0.003-30 0.003-30 0.003-30 0.003-30 0.003-30 0.00032-1.0 0.003-30 0.0001-1.0 0.0001-1.0 0.0001-1.0 0.00032-1.0 0.003-30 0.003-30 Cysteine Peptide Lysine Peptide – HRP/P (Direct) NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC 33.2 NC NC 11.7 11.0 NC 5.1 4.3 0.887 0.753 0.41 0.409 3.45 0.282 NR 0.137 NC 0.0676 0.0394 0.0166 0.0168 – HRP/P (Direct) NC NC NC NC NC NC 4.2 NC NC NC NC NC NR NC NC NC NC 14.4 3.74 NC NC 2.64 2.5 22.5 NC NC NC NC 4.68 6.89 + HRP/P NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NR 37 NC 28.4 NC NC 13.7 10.6 17 16 6.80 9.26 31.2 NC 0.307 0.578 0.187 0.420 0.0813 0.0475 0.0185 0.0101 0.00948 + HRP/P NC NC NC NC NC NC ND 85.1 NC NC NC 17.2 NC NC NC ND ND 17.9 3.15 NC NC 0.613 ND NR NR NC NC ND 2.94 3.24 Lowest RC50 Observed (mM) NC NC NC NC NC NC NC 85.1 37 33.2 28.4 17.2 11.7 11.0 10.6 5.1 4.3 0.887 0.753 0.41 0.409 0.307 0.282 0.187 0.137 0.0813 0.0475 0.0185 0.0101 0.00948 Corresponding Nucleophile minimal reactivity (<10%) minimal reactivity (<10%) minimal reactivity (<10%) minimal reactivity (<10%) minimal reactivity (<10%) minimal reactivity (<10%) Lysine (Direct) Lysine +HRP/P Cysteine (+ HRP/P) Cysteine (Direct) Cysteine (+ HRP/P) Lysine (+ HRP/P) Cysteine (Direct) Cysteine (Direct) Cysteine (+ HRP/P) Cysteine (Direct) Cysteine (Direct) Cysteine (Direct) Cysteine (Direct) Cysteine (Direct) Cysteine (Direct) Cysteine (+ HRP/P) Cysteine (Direct) Cysteine (+ HRP/P) Cysteine (Direct) Cysteine (+ HRP/P) Cysteine (+ HRP/P) Cysteine (+ HRP/P) Cysteine (+ HRP/P) Cysteine (+ HRP/P) LLNA Potency Category non-sensitizer non-sensitizer non-sensitizer non-sensitizer non-sensitizer weak moderate moderate weak non-sensitizer moderate weak weak strong weak moderate moderate moderate strong strong moderate strong extreme moderate moderate weak moderate strong strong/mod strong/mod *RC50 values were estimated using RExcel which fits a two-parameter log-logistic model to peptide reactivity data, and graphs the raw data and fitted curves. NC = not calculated (peptide depletion did not exceed 10% across concentration range) NR = not reported (peptide depletion did not exceed 10% for the two highest concentrations tested, or depletion was low (< 20%) and did not increase with an increase in test chemical concentration) ND = not determined (not tested to date) Rank order from low to high for the most reactive nucleophile Trends in peptide reactivity appear to coincide with general trends in LLNA-based potency classifications Summary and Next Steps • Optimization of a peroxidase-based peptide reactivity assay for screening pro-hapten, pre-hapten and hapten chemical sensitizers have been completed with cysteine and lysine peptides, • A total of 133 test chemicals have been evaluated to date, with plans to complete testing of approx. 150 chemicals by mid-April, • RC50 values show good correlation with LLNA-based potency data, which supports further the hypothesis that protein reactivity of chemical allergens (or their metabolites) is a key component of the induction of skin sensitization, • Next steps include submitting a manuscript to a peer-reviewed scientific journal on the development work for lysine, • Continue to evaluate the criteria for RC50 data reporting and its use in skin sensitization prediction models. How can all data be combined? • Understanding epidermal bioavailability of chemical sensitizers • Predicting modification of proteins by chemical sensitizers • Understanding metabolism of chemical sensitizers in skin • Understanding chemical sensitizer-induced Dendritic cell (DC) activation DC Skin Lymph Node DC T T T T – Intracellular signalling pathways – Gene expression changes • In vitro T cell activation Acknowledgements • • • • • • • • • • • • • Cindy Ryan – P&G Petra Kern – P&G Joanna Jaworska – P&G Joel Chaney – P&G Leslie Foertsch – P&G John Troutman – P&GP Roy Dobson – P&GP Mike Quijano – P&GP Jean-Pierre Lepoittevin – ULP Elena Gimenez-Arnau - ULP Carsten Goebel – Wella Andreas Natsch – Givaudan COLIPA Skin Tolerance TF Thanks for your attention