Update to Woodway PSM Training Echo is a tool targeted at S&C coaches and trainers to provide; 1. Metrics to measure the effectiveness of their training regimes & programs over time Session, week ,season 2. Simplified reports, easily generated Eliminate imports from various sensors. The BioHarness measures & provides 5 inputs: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ECG Respiration Core Temp. Accelerometry Time Windows Laptop Gateway antennae Repeaters up to 4 1000 feet gateway only; 2,000 ft with repeaters OmniSense Software Displayed top left, or top right, or centre. Select via ‘Preferences’ box. BioGaug e Customization of Safety & Training Zone parameters ROG Thresholds Training Zones Workouts Add section: Safety ROG Defaults High HR Orange (%HRmax) 90% High HR Red (%HRmax) 80% Low HR Red (BPM) 40 Add section (drives the color of the High BR Red (BPM) tile in Training tab): 40 Low BR Red (BPM) Training HR Zones (reset to 4 default option) High Tcore (degrees F or C) Red (High intensity zone) 102.5 F 110%HR@AT – Act Low (time) 30 sec 100%HRmax Orange (Anaerobic zone) 100%HR@AT – 110%HR@AT Yellow 95%HR@AT – 100%HR@AT 101 20 Treadmill Test Jump Height 180 27 How ‘explosive’ is a player? Peak Gs in 1st second 41 Maximal effort VO2max, AT, Hrmax, HRrecovery Repeatable indication of power 40 Yard Dash 192 Static Test Dehydration, Acute fatigue, Over-training? HRV, HRrest Parameter Description Heart Rate Beats per minute Heart Rate Percent HR displayed against background stratified at 65% and 85%of subject's HR max Breathing Rate Breaths per minute Posture 0°=vertical 90°=prone 180°=inverted Activity VMU = 0.2~walking 0.8~jogging. At each 100Hz sampling point, the three axial accelerometer values are combined to give a single acceleration magnitude in g. VMU is the average value of this magnitude over a 1 second epoch Peak Acceleration The largest acceleration magnitude - 3 axes combined – in previous second. Max. dependent on hardware version. 3.3g on older hardware; currently 8g Heart Rate at AT Recorded when subject crosses their breathing rate anaerobic threshold Heart Rate Recovery at 30sec Recorded when HRR criteria are met Physiological Load Cumulative index of effort based on heart rate Mechanical Load Cumulative index of effort based on acceleration Training Load Average of the above two Physiological Intensity I nstantaneous index of effort based on heart rate Mechanical Intensity Instantaneous index of effort based on acceleration Training Intensity Average of the above two Physiological Load: a cumulative score, based on time in HR-zones, that adds up over a work-out to indicate how much physiological load your system has experienced during that session. Equation: Physiological Load = HR avg is calculated for each epoch (1/60 mins (1 second but in units of minutes)), and a value assigned to zone factor according to: HR _Zone_Factor Criteria 5 HRavg between 90% & 100% HRmax 4 HRavg between 80% & 89% HRmax 3 HRavg between 70% & 79% HRmax 2 HRavg between 60% & 69% HRmax 1 HRavg between 50% & 59% HRmax 0 HRavg less than 49% HRmax Needs to be 0-10 Mechanical Load: a cumulative score, based on time in ‘G-zones’, that adds up over a work-out to indicate how much mechanical load your system has experienced during that session. Peak G avg is calculated for each epoch (1/60 mins (1 second but in units of minutes)), and a value assigned to zone factor according to: PeakG_Zone _Factor Criteria 5 PeakGavg greater than 2.5 Gs 4 PeakGavg between 2.0 & 2.49 Gs 3 PeakGavg between 1.5 & 1.99 Gs 2 PeakGavg between 1.0 & 1.49 Gs 1 PeakGavg between 0.5 & .99 Gs 0 PeakGavg less than 0.49 Gs Needs to be 0-10 Physiological intensity: used in 2 ways: a. Instantaneous: tells you how hard you are working at that moment, on a scale of 0-5. b. Average at end of session: tells you how hard you worked on a scale of 0-5, on average, during a session. Equation: a. Instantaneous Physiological Intensity = current HRzone factor b. Session Average Physiological Intensity = (Physiological_Load) / (Session_Duration_in_Minutes) HR _Zone_Factor Criteria 5 HRavg between 90% & 100% HRmax 4 HRavg between 80% & 89% HRmax 3 HRavg between 70% & 79% HRmax 2 HRavg between 60% & 69% HRmax 1 HRavg between 50% & 59% HRmax 0 HRavg less than 49% HRmax Needs to be 0-10 Mechanical Intensity: a. b. Instantaneous: tells you how hard you are working at that moment, on a scale of 0-5. Average at end of session: tells you how hard you worked on a scale of 0-5, on average, during a session. Equation: a. b. Instantaneous: Current G-zone factor Average Mechanical Intensity = (Mechanical_Load)/(Session_Duration_in_Minutes) PeakG_Zone _Factor Criteria 5 PeakGavg greater than 2.5 Gs 4 PeakGavg between 2.0 & 2.49 Gs 3 PeakGavg between 1.5 & 1.99 Gs 2 PeakGavg between 1.0 & 1.49 Gs 1 PeakGavg between 0.5 & .99 Gs 0 PeakGavg less than 0.49 Gs Needs to be 0-10 Incorporation of IMETT Periodization workouts Includes the Low intensity 3 Low intensity 4 Low intensity 5 Medium intensity 1 ROG Thresholds Medium intensity 2 Training Zones Workouts Medium intensity 3 workout in the Session Names Add section: list and dropdown onWorkouts Copy over workouts that can be Live prescribed from Periodization software: Preview: Low intensity 3 Workout Sessions drive the target zone color on the Training tab which changes over time with the prescribed workout, and when selected, user sees a preview of the workout/test as below. BH 367 R↑H R 0 Add assigned BH device ID on left side of name (always present) Change name Safe ty ne w Training