Cross Band Operating

Yaesu FT-8800
X-Band Set Up
Step by Step Instructions for
Programming Cross Band
Mike Duff
This presentation uses segments of the Yaesu FT-8800R Operating Manual
to walk the user through the steps to set up a Yaesu FT-8800 Radio for
Cross Band Operation. The following outline will be used:
Training Scenario Definition
Understand the “Main” Indicator
Front Panel Controls & Switches
Turning on the radio
Entering the VFO Mode
Entering a Simplex Frequency
Adding CTCSS Tones
Adjusting the Power Setting
Saving to Memory
Adjusting the Squelch Settings
Entering Cross Band Mode
Programming a Duplex Frequency Pair
Programming an Odd Split Frequency Pair
A Few Words of Caution
Training Scenario Definition
• For the purposes of this training session we will
propose that hams have been dispatched to
local hospitals with their Handie-Talkies.
• While communications in the Local Area are
possible, the HTs lack the power to
communicate between the hospitals in the Wide
• The hams have decided to use the FT-8800 at
each hospital to set up Cross Band operation
such that Local Area HT signals are retransmitted over a Wide Area VHF circuit to
distant hospitals.
Training Scenario Definition
• We will use the following set up for our training
• Local Area circuit:
– Frequency = 446.000 MHz Simplex
= 107.2 Hz
– Radio
= Left Side
• Wide Area circuit:
– Frequency = 147.420 MHz Simplex
= 183.5 Hz
– Radio
= Right Side
Training Scenario Definition
The drawing below represents hams using HTs at local hospitals and
employing Cross Banding to link to each other over a Wide Area VHF
the “Main” Indicator
• Page 12 of the Yaesu manual introduces the
phrase “Main band” without any explanation.
• The concept of the “Main band” is the
designation of which radio, the left or right, is
currently being addressed for purposes of set up
or programming and, more importantly, which
radio will transmit when the microphone is
• The radio which is operating as the “Main” is
indicated by the presence of the
symbol in
upper right corner of each half of the LCD.
FT-8000 Front Panel
Turning On the Radio
Entering VFO Mode
• Select which radio you are going to
program by momentarily pressing either
the left or right Dial knob (top outside
corners) . Make sure that the
is displayed in the upper right corner of the
appropriate half of the LCD screen.
• Press the [V/M] key on the selected side
until no Memory Channel number is
displayed in the upper left corner of the
appropriate half of the LCD screen.
Entering A Simplex Frequency
• Use the dial pad on the microphone to
enter the desired operating frequency.
• You must enter six digits without a decimal
• For example, to enter 421.000 MHz press
[4] →[2] →[1] →[0] →[0] →[0].
Adding CTCSS Tones
Press the [SET] key momentarily to enter the Set Mode.
Rotate the “Main” band DIAL knob to select Menu #41 (TONE M).
Press the “Main” band DIAL knob momentarily to enter the CTCSS Mode
Rotate the “Main” band DIAL knob until “ENC.DEC” appears. Since Decode
only is not a choice, we must select ENC.DEC in order to prevent the
Squelch from opening except when a valid tone is decoded by our Cross
Band Repeater.
Press the “Main” band DIAL knob momentarily to lock in your choice.
Rotate the “Main” band DIAL knob to select Menu #40 (TONE F).
Press the “Main” band DIAL knob momentarily to enter the CTCSS
Frequency sub-menu.
Rotate the “Main” band DIAL knob until the display indicates the Tone
Frequency you desire.
When you have made your selection, press and hold the “Main” band DIAL
knob for ½ second to save your setting and exit to normal operation.
Adjusting the Power Level
Adjust the Power Level on both the Local and Wide Area circuits to
achieve reliable communications. Remember that good practice is to use
only enough power to achieve the desired communications. While the
Wide Area circuit may need High Power, the Local Area circuit may work
fine on Medium to Low Power.
Saving to Memory
• Once the Frequency, CTCSS and Power Levels have
been set, it is a good idea to save these to a memory
channel .
• Press and hold the [SET] key for ½ second. The next
blank memory channel will appear blinking in the display.
• Press and hold the [SET] key for ½ second to store your
set up into this memory channel.
• A series of dashes appear to allow you enter an
alpha/numeric label for the memory channel.
• Press and hold the [SET] key momentarily to skip this
function, complete the memory storage procedure and
return to normal operation.
• Make a note of the memory channel number for future
Adjusting The Squelch Settings
The Cross Band function of re-transmitting a signal arriving on one
radio’s receiver via the other radio’s transmitter will only occur when the
receiving radio’s squelch is opened. Setting the squelch too high will
prevent Cross Banding. Setting the squelch too low will result in stray
signals being re-broadcast and interfering with Net Operations.
Adjusting The Squelch Settings
• We are using the right side of the radio for the
Local Area / Handie-Talkie radio circuit and the
left side of the radio for the Wide Area radio
• Set the right side Squelch so that transmissions
from the HT will open the squelch but stray
signals will not. Do likewise with the left side
Squelch for the Wide Area circuit.
• If you are in a high inter-mod area, you may
need to set the squelch settings higher.
Enter Cross Band Mode
• Once you have programmed both radios (left and right)
and stored their settings into memory, you are ready to
enter Cross Band Mode.
Entering a Duplex Frequency Pair
The FT-8800 is pre-programmed to set the mode (Simplex / Duplex) and
transmitter offset (600 kHz / 5 MHz) based upon the input frequency via the
Automatic Repeater Shift (ARS) feature.
Entering An Odd Split
If your Network Plan requires an Odd Split on Simplex Frequencies (RX is
not in a defined Repeater Sub band), you can use the procedure below to
enter your frequencies.
A Few Words of Caution
A Few Words of Caution
• Remember that you are the Control Operator of
the Cross Band Radio and are responsible for all
transmissions coming from either radio (left or
• Make sure your Frequencies, CTCSS, Power
and Squelch Settings are correct and
• Make sure you Exit Cross Band mode by
pressing the [SET] again to return to normal
operation and be sure that the radio is turned off
after your drill / activation.
Questions and Answers