
Ingres Plus X100 Equals
Ingres Vectorwise
Introduction to Vectorwise
Vectorwise and OPF
Vectorwise and QEF
 X100 was the research project name
– “faster times 100”
 VectorWise (or Ingres VectorWise) is the product
 X100 or IVW or VW abbreviations are used internally
 It's all pretty much interchangeable
Why Ingres?
Ingres – enterprise RDBMS
–Full functioned data base server
–User interfaces: SQL, embedded SQL, API, ODBC,
JDBC, etc.
–Application interfaces: OpenROAD, ABF, etc.
–Utilities: backup, restore, rollforward, etc.
VectorWise – experimental RDBMS
–Very (very, very, …) fast
–But only QEF/DMF equivalent
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Why Ingres?
Developing “required” components would take many
Established sales force, customer base
Right sized company
Agreeable business arrangements
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What’s in VectorWise?
Column store data base
–Hybrid row store capability is coming
Internal catalog
–Store definitions of tables, columns, indexes, etc.
Relational algebra language interface
–Used for DDL and DML operations, transaction management
–Basis of Ingres interface
Various tools & utilities
–iivwinfo, iivwfastload, iivwstats, x100pp, x100profgraph,
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VectorWise Algebra
Actual queries that go to VectorWise are recorded in
the VectorWise log – DML can be seen by using trace
point op207 (don’t forget to use x100pp)
Simple queries:
CreateTable, MinMaxIndex, Savepoint, Commit
Append, Update, Delete
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VectorWise Algebra
Retrievals – queries consist of nested operators, built
by the OPF cross compiler
–Project, Select, TopN, Window, Sort, Aggr, OrdAggr,
Mscan, MergeJoin1, HashJoin01, HashJoinN, CartProd
–“select sno, city from s where status > 50” generates:
Mscan(_s = ‘_s’, [‘_status’, ‘_city’, ‘_sno’]
), [‘est_card’ = ‘5’], >(_s._status, sint(‘50’))
), [‘est_card’ = ‘1’], [_s._sno, _s._city]
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VectorWise Algebra
One more “select r_name, n_name from region, nation where
r_regionkey = n_regionkey order by r_name” generates:
Sort (
Project (
HashJoin01 (
MScan ( _nation = '_nation', [ '_n_regionkey', '_n_name']
) [ 'est_card' = '25' ] , [ _nation._n_regionkey ],
MScan (_region = '_region', [ '_r_regionkey', '_r_name']
) [ 'est_card' = '5' ] , [ _region._r_regionkey ], 0
) [ 'est_card' = '25' ] , [_region._r_name, _nation._n_name]
) Confidential — © 2009 Ingres Corporation
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VectorWise – Why is it so Fast?
Primarily a column store – much less data read from disk
Compression techniques highly tuned to modern
computer architectures (multi-level caching, etc.)
Lightweight indexing technique
Other column stores operate on re-constituted rows
VectorWise uses new and novel execution architecture
that retains column structure and processes vectors of
data at a time
–SIMD, CPU cache, …
Research is ongoing and there’s more to come!
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Implementation Goals
 Minimize special X100-only syntax
 Minimize effect on server facilities not directly
involved (e.g. SCF, DMF)
 Localize changes to affected facilities as much as
 (Optimizer in particular) Write new algorithms in
such a way that Ingres tables could eventually take
 Initial thought was to add X100 as a new built-in
Gateway, similar to IMA etc
– Presumably would cause minimal changes to QEF
– Would probably be too slow (every result row filtered
one at a time from GWF to DMF then QEF)
 Better idea, add Vectorwise as a new table storage
– OPF will generate special plans for IVW tables
– Easy to do, minimal new syntax required
 Ingres catalogs carry Vectorwise table definitions
 Parser changes:
• Config default for IVW installations
– Various checks to disallow VW tables in contexts
where they aren't supported (e.g. DB procedure)
– New “CALL VECTORWISE” statement to send nonSQL-related requests (e.g. combine)
– New statement types for VW DDL statements
• Especially for constraint operations
– New query-uses-VW-tables flag(s)
 Front-end utilities changed to recognize VW table
– Some additional work required by VW restrictions,
such as create index only allowed on empty tables
 Essentially no sequencer changes
– Minor change to recognize X100 interface facility
 DMF changes to permit tables with no underlying
table file
 DMF changes for backup/restore
 RDF changes to support (hidden) VW join indexes
VectorWise & OPF
Parsing is “easy”, but why did we think OPF could
compile VectorWise queries?
Optimization is all about row sizes, cardinalities and the
comparison of different plans
optimizedb works on VectorWise tables and produces
good cardinality estimates
The optimizer architecture is designed to work for any
target database engine
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VectorWise & OPF - Changes
Functional dependencies
Dependence relationships can be derived from unique
constraints, referential relationships, joins, group by
Allows identification of DERIVED columns not needed for
duplicates elimination & grouping operations – very
important to VectorWise
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VectorWise & OPF - Functional Dependencies
select c_custkey, c_name, sum(l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount)) as revenue,
c_address, c_phone, c_comment
from ...
group by c_custkey, c_name, c_phone, c_address, c_comment
Project (
As (
Aggr (
Project (
) [ 'est_card' = '56357' ] , [_TRSDM_1 = *(_lineitem._l_extendedprice,+( (_lineitem._l_discount), decimal('1'))), _customer._c_comment, _customer._c_address,
_customer._c_phone, _customer._c_name, _customer._c_custkey]
), [_customer._c_comment DERIVED, _customer._c_address DERIVED, _customer._c_phone
DERIVED, _customer._c_name DERIVED, _customer._c_custkey] , [_revenue_3 =
sum(_TRSDM_1)] , 5636
), __VT_3_0_2_1
), [_c_custkey_1 = __VT_3_0_2_1._c_custkey, _c_name_2 = __VT_3_0_2_1._c_name,
__VT_3_0_2_1._revenue_3, _c_address_4 = __VT_3_0_2_1._c_address, _c_phone_5 =
__VT_3_0_2_1._c_phone, _c_comment_6 = __VT_3_0_2_1._c_comment] )
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VectorWise & OPF - Changes
Aggregation doesn’t need input sorted on GROUP BY,
just clustered
Indexing, joins, other aggregations have clustering
OrdAggr() is much faster than Aggr()
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VectorWise & OPF - Changes
Referential relationships
OPF historically ignored referential relationships
Joins across referential relationships have additional
– Cardinalities, clustering/functional dependencies
 VectorWise join indexes enable very fast MergeJoin
 New iirefrel catalog to track referential relationships
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VectorWise & OPF – Referential Relationships
“select r_name, n_name from region, nation where
r_regionkey = n_regionkey order by r_name” generates:
Sort (
Project (
MergeJoin1 (
MScan (_nation = '_nation', [ '_n_regionkey', '_n_name', '__jnation']
) [ 'clusterid' = '1' , 'est_card' = '25' ] , [ _nation.__jnation ],
MScan (_region = '_region', [ '_r_regionkey', '_r_name', '__tid__']
) [ 'clusterid' = '1' , 'est_card' = '5' ] , [ _region.__tid__ ]
) [ 'est_card' = '25' ] , [_region._r_name, _nation._n_name]
),[_region._r_name, _nation._n_name]
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VectorWise & OPF – Reuse Segments
VectorWise can cache partial results for later reuse in
same query
OPF searches for common table subexpressions
VectorWise materializes them once and caches them for
later reuse
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VectorWise & OPF – Reuse Segments
select s_acctbal, s_name, p_partkey, p_mfgr, s_address, s_phone, s_comment
from part, supplier, partsupp where p_partkey = ps_partkey and s_suppkey = ps_suppkey and ...
and ps_supplycost = ( select min(ps_supplycost) from partsupp, supplier where p_partkey = ps_partkey and
s_suppkey = ps_suppkey)
Project (
HashJoin01 (
As (
Project (
HashJoin01 (
MergeJoin1 (
MScan (
_partsupp000 = '_partsupp', [ '_ps_suppkey', '_ps_partkey', '_ps_supplycost', '__jpartsupp'] ...
), __VT_6_1_3_1
), [ __VT_6_1_3_1._p_partkey, __VT_6_1_3_1._ps_supplycost ],
As (
Aggr (
As (
IIREUSESQ6, __VT_6_0_3_2 ...
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VectorWise & OPF – Cross Compiler
Optimizer compiles QEP
Code generator converts it to executable (by QEF) code
Native Ingres query plans are fairly simple
transformations from QEP
VectorWise query plans are algebra syntax built from
QEF sees trivial query plan with single action – the
VectorWise syntax
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VectorWise & OPF – Cross Compiler
Cross compiler analyzes QEP much like code generation
does for native Ingres queries
QEP nodes result in VectorWise operators
–ORIG nodes produce Mscan() operators
–Join nodes produce Merge/HashJoin() operators
Generates functions supported by VectorWise
– “not like” becomes “!(like(...”
Challenging issues of scope in name management
–Lots of “invented” table, column, partial result name
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Vectorwise and QEF
select t2.str,count(t1.i) from t1 join
on t1.i=t2.i group by t2.str
The full QP tree in brief:
| 0|
| 1|
| 2| | 3|
The full QP tree in brief:
Vectorwise and QEF
 New QEA_X100_QRY QP action header
 Handles select, update, delete
 X100 algebra text is sent to X100 server, reply rows
(if any) returned to the user in the usual QEF manner
– QEF arranges for X100 interface to materialize
rows directly into SCF buffers
 REPEAT query parameters substituted as text into
the X100 algebra
Vectorwise and QEF
 New action types for X100 create table, create/drop
 New X100 control blocks attached to existing QEF
 Little effect on existing QP nodes
– QEN_QP extended to understand QEA_X100_QRY
for VW → Ingres CTAS, VW scrollable cursors, future
mixed query support
 Transaction interface (start, abort, commit)
– X100 done first as it's more likely to fail
 COPY uses Ingres COPY client side code but sends
rows to X100 rather than DMF
– No worker threads used
– VW COPY obeys constraints, may fail at end
 Bulkload (APPEND) vs single row (INSERT)
– Both use X100 BinaryScan operator to read rows
coming from Ingres
– Append is used for COPY, INSERT/SELECT
– Insert is used for INSERT VALUES
Vectorwise DDL
 DDL does Ingres catalog DDL first, then VW DDL
– Allows Ingres-style name checking, locking (sort of)
– DMF knows that VW tables have no disk file
 Constraints implemented directly in X100 rather than
as system generated rules/DB procedures
– New iirefrel catalog updated for referential constraints
– Will someday be useful for Ingres constraints too
X100 Interface
 back/x100/x100 contains low level Vectorwise server
 (X100) Server and session control
 NetBuffer Ingres ↔ X100 protocol
 Ingres ↔ X100 data type and null translation
 X100 → E_VWxxxx error code translation
 Generation of simple canned queries for some
– e.g. generates Append(BinaryScan(...)) for COPY
X100 Interface
 X100 Server runs as a separate process, one per
– Ingres session does not connect until a VW query is
– X100 Server doesn't start until it's needed
– Once started, server persists until shutdown,
terminate request, or destroydb
– Active servers are tracked globally (in lock-log shared
memory) so dmfjsp can access them (this is new)
X100 Interface
 Simple “NetBuffer” protocol talks to x100 server
– Send (text) X100 Algebra query to X100
• “password” trailer validates the sender
– Receive ack (after query successfully parsed)
– Receive or send rows (if select or insert)
• Receive-with-timeout to poll for FE interrupts
– Receive end-of-query
– Error message packet terminates query
 Interrupt to X100 handled with VW syscall from a
transient connection
 New iivwfastload
– Direct pipe from client to X100 server
– Special COPY variant will be created to handle X100
server checks, table permit validation, etc
– Maybe hook to regular COPY too???
 Mixed Ingres/VW queries
– Mostly an optimizer problem
– Partition query into Ingres and VW parts
– Subquery results pushed into Ingres or VW temp
tables as needed
 QEF bypass (blue sky?)
– Feed results directly to client or GCD
 Apply new optimizer algorithms to Ingres queries
– Reuse, iirefrel, functional dependency analysis, etc
– Antijoins in QEF to reduce the use of Ingres Sejoins
 Merge Ingres main and IVW (codev) code lines!