A synopsis of our progress through the course
Lecture 11 Visualization in PERL
Lab 2
Based in Part on Previous Lecture of J. Grefenstette
BINF 634 Fall 2013 - Lec 11 Visualization 1
Miles to go …
Program 1, Program 2, turned in and graded
Midterm turned in and graded
Program 3 turned in, Program 4 assigned tonight
Program 4 due in two week (11/25/13)
Quiz 1, Quiz 2, Quiz 3, Quiz 4, lab1 turned in and graded
Lab 2 assigned tonight (11/11/13)
Lab 2 Due next week 11/18/13
Take home final provided 11/25/13
Take home final due to me 12/16/13
BINF 634 Fall 2013 - Lec 11 Visualization 2
Based in Part on Previous Lecture of J. Grefenstette
Viz strategy
Numbers are well and good, but often we get more insight by visualizing data
As always, it's a good idea to break the process down into individual steps: data analysis script => output file => plotting script => chart file
This can all be wrapped for Web access:
CGI script to get user input => data analysis script => output file => plotting script => chart file
=> CGI script displays chart on web page
BINF 634 Fall 2013 - Lec 11 Visualization 3
Based in Part on Previous Lecture of J. Grefenstette GD
Created by Martien Verbruggen
GD::Graph is a Perl module to create charts using the GD module. The following classes for graphs with axes are defined:
-- Create a line chart
GD::Graph::bars and GD::Graph::hbars
-- Create a bar chart with vertical or horizontal bars.
-- Create an chart, displaying the data as points.
-- Combination of lines and points.
-- Create a graph, representing the data as areas under a line.
-- Create a pie chart.
BINF 634 Fall 2013 - Lec 11 Visualization 4
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use GD::Graph::bars;
Based in Part on Previous Lecture of J. Grefenstette
# File: bargraph.pl ( based on http://linuxgazette.net/issue83/padala.html)
# All data arrays should have the same number of entries my @x = ("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug",
"Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"); my @y = (23, 5, 2, 20, 11, 33, 7, 31, 77, 18, 65, 52);
# create a 2-dimensional array, where row 1 is x and row 2 is y my @data = (\@x, \@y);
#create a new bar graph object and give it size (in pixels) my $graph = GD::Graph::bars->new(500, 300);
# set graph features such as labels on the axes, title
$graph->set( x_label=>'Month', y_label=>'Number of Hits', title=>'Number of Hits in Each Month in 2002') or warn $graph->error;
# plot the data to create an image object my $image = $graph->plot(\@data) or die $graph->error;
# print the image as a PNG file format open IMG, ">hist.png" or die "Can't open hist.png\n"; print IMG $image->png; exit;
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Based in Part on Previous Lecture of J. Grefenstette
% open hist.png
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#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use CGI qw(:standard); use GD::Graph::bars;
# File: bargraph.cgi
Let’s create a web version !
Based in Part on Previous Lecture of J. Grefenstette
# All data arrays should have the same number of entries my @x = ("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug",
"Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"); my @y = (23, 5, 2, 20, 11, 33, 7, 31, 77, 18, 65, 52);
# create a 2-dimensional array, where row 1 is x and row 2 is y my @data = (\@x, \@y);
#create a new bar graph object and give it size (in pixels) my $graph = GD::Graph::bars->new(500, 300);
# set graph features such as labels on the axes, title
$graph->set( x_label=>'Month', y_label=>'Number of Hits', title=>'Number of Hits in Each Month in 2002') or warn $graph->error;
# plot the data to create an image object my $image = $graph->plot(\@data) or die $graph->error;
# print the image as a PNG file format print "Content-type: image/png\n\n"; print $image->png; BINF 634 Fall 2013 - Lec 11 Visualization
Based in Part on Previous Lecture of J. Grefenstette GD
BINF 634 Fall 2013 - Lec 11 Visualization
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use GD::Graph::bars;
# File: bargraph2.pl
Plotting points from a file.
# read a file to get the data: my @x = (); my @y = ();
Based in Part on Previous Lecture of J. Grefenstette open FH, "hist.dat" or die; while (<FH>) { my ($xval, $yval) = split; push @x, $xval; push @y, $yval } close FH;
# create a 2-dimensional array, where row 1 is x and row 2 is y my @data = (\@x, \@y);
#create a new bar graph object and give it size (in pixels) my $graph = GD::Graph::bars->new(500, 300);
# set graph features such as labels on the axes, title
$graph->set( x_label=>'Month', y_label=>'Number of Hits', title=>'Number of Hits in Each Month in 2002') or warn $graph->error;
# plot the data to create an image object my $image = $graph->plot(\@data) or die $graph->error;
# print the image as a PNG file format open IMG, ">hist.png" or die "Can't open hist.png\n"; print IMG $image->png;
BINF 634 Fall 2013 - Lec 11 Visualization
Based in Part on Previous Lecture of J. Grefenstette
% cat hist.dat
BINF 634 Fall 2013 - Lec 11 Visualization
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use GD::Graph:: linespoints ;
# File: plot.pl
my @x = (); my @y = ();
Creating a plot with lines and points.
Based in Part on Previous Lecture of J. Grefenstette
# read a file to get the data: open FH, "hist.dat" or die; while (<FH>) { my ($xval, $yval) = split; push @x, $xval; push @y, $yval } close FH;
# create a 2-dimensional array, where row 1 is x and row 2 is y my @data = (\@x, \@y);
#create a new bar graph object and give it size (in pixels) my $graph = GD::Graph:: linespoints ->new(500, 300);
# set graph features such as labels on the axes, title
$graph->set( x_label=>'Month', y_label=>'Number of Hits', title=>'Number of Hits in Each Month in 2002') or warn $graph->error;
# plot the data to create an image object my $image = $graph->plot(\@data) or die $graph->error;
# print the image as a PNG file format open IMG, ">out.png" or die "Can't open out.png\n"; print IMG $image->png;
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Based in Part on Previous Lecture of J. Grefenstette
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This can all be wrapped for Web access:
CGI script to get user input (e.g., wrapper) => data analysis script => output file => plotting script (e.g., plot.pl) => chart file (e.g., out.png)
CGI script (wrapper) displays chart on web page
To display a file on the web, it has to be in a readable directory in the ~/public_html directory tree
Create a directory that can be written to by the web server process:
% mkdir ~/public_html/cgi-images
% chmod 777 ~/public_html/cgi-images
Based in Part on Previous Lecture of J. Grefenstette
BINF 634 Fall 2013 - Lec 11 Visualization 13
In the wrapper, create the graphics file in the working directory
Copy it to the images directory
Display it using print img{src=>...} use CGI qw(:standard);
# change to working directory mkdir $dir or die "Can't create directory $dir\n"; chdir $dir or die "Can't change to directory $dir\n";
# create the data file for plotting system "cp /userhomes/faculty/jsolka/binf634/visualization/hist.dat $dir";
# run the plotting program system "/userhomes/faculty/jsolka/binf634/visualization/linegraph.pl";
# copy the output image to the web images directory system "cp out.png /userhomes/faculty/jsolka/public_html/cgiimages/out.png";
# display image file on the web page print img {src=>"/jsolka/cgi-images/out.png"};
Based in Part on Previous Lecture of J. Grefenstette
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Based in Part on Previous Lecture of J. Grefenstette
GD::Graph is good for simple graphs but has some severe limits for scientific plotting
X-axis data assumed evenly spaced
Limited control over labels, arrows, etc.
BINF 634 Fall 2013 - Lec 11 Visualization 15
Based in Part on Previous Lecture of J. Grefenstette gnuplot
gnuplot is an open source Unix application for creating high quality plots from data
Runs interactively and in batch mode
Interactive mode:
% gnuplot
> plot sin(x)
BINF 634 Fall 2013 - Lec 11 Visualization 16
Batch mode
put commands into a file, for example, histogram.plt
run gnuplot with the command file as argument
% gnuplot histogram.plt
% cat histogram.plt
# file histogram.plt
set xlabel "Length" set ylabel "Sequences" set title "Sequence Length Distribution" plot "plot.dat" with boxes exit
Based in Part on Previous Lecture of J. Grefenstette
BINF 634 Fall 2013 - Lec 11 Visualization 17
Based in Part on Previous Lecture of J. Grefenstette gnuplot accepts input files with an x,y pair on each line:
% cat plot.dat
500 22
550 14
600 12
650 13
700 3
750 7
800 0
850 7
900 6
950 3
1000 2
BINF 634 Fall 2013 - Lec 11 Visualization 18
gnuplot gnuplot can create PNG format files, which work in all common browsers
# file hist.plt
# usage: gnuplot hist.plt
set output " hist.png
" # name of output file set terminal png medium mono # type of output file = PNG set size 0.8, 0.8 # adjusts size of text unset key # do not display key set xlabel "Length" # x-axis label set ylabel "Sequences" # y-axis label set title "Sequence Length Distribution" set style fill solid 1.0 # make boxes black set boxwidth 0.9 relative # leave small space between boxes plot " plot.dat
" with boxes # plot the data file exit
Based in Part on Previous Lecture of J. Grefenstette
BINF 634 Fall 2013 - Lec 11 Visualization 19
Based in Part on Previous Lecture of J. Grefenstette
BINF 634 Fall 2013 - Lec 11
Based in Part on Previous Lecture of J. Grefenstette
# File: hist3.plt
# usage: gnuplot hist3.plt
# gnuplot
# assumes data is stored in “myplot.dat"
# set terminal png # type of output file = PNG set output "hist3date.png" # name of output file set title "Hits Per Month" # title of graph set xlabel "Months" 0,-1 # x-axis label (down 1 character) set ylabel "Hits" # y-axis label set size 0.75,0.75 # reduce graph size unset key # do not display key set boxwidth 0.9 relative # leave small space between boxes set style fill solid 1.0 # make boxes solid set xrange [0:13] # control size of x-axis
# fine tune labels on x axis set xtics rotate ("Jan" 1, "Feb" 2, "Mar" 3, "Apr" 4, "May" 5,
"Jun" 6, "Jul" 7, "Aug" 8, "Sep" 9, "Oct" 10, "Nov" 11,
"Dec" 12)
# plot the data file, creating "hist.png" plot “myplot.dat" with boxes
BINF 634 Fall 2013 - Lec 11 Visualization 21
Based in Part on Previous Lecture of J. Grefenstette
% cat myplot.dat
1 23
2 5
3 2
4 20
5 11
6 33
7 7
8 31
9 77
10 18
11 65
12 52
BINF 634 Fall 2013 - Lec 11
Visualization gnuplot
Based in Part on Previous Lecture of J. Grefenstette
BINF 634 Fall 2013 - Lec 11 Visualization 23
In the wrapper, create the graphics file in the working directory
Copy it to the images directory
Display it using print img{src=>...}
Based in Part on Previous Lecture of J. Grefenstette use CGI qw(:standard);
$ENV{PATH} = "/bin:/usr/bin: /usr/local/bin "; # for gnuplot
# change to working directory mkdir $dir or die "Can't create directory $dir\n"; chdir $dir or die "Can't change to directory $dir\n";
# create the data file for plotting system "cp /userhomes/faculty/jsolka/binf634/visualization/plot.dat $dir";
# run the plotting program system "gnuplot /userhomes/faculty/jsolka/binf634/visualization/hist.plt";
# copy the output image to the web images directory system "cp hist.png /userhomes/faculty/jsolka/public_html/cgiimages/hist.png";
# display image file on the web page print img {src=>"/jsolka/cgi-images/hist.png"};
BINF 634 Fall 2013 - Lec 11 Visualization 24
PDL http://pdl.perl.org/
BINF 634 Fall 2013 - Lec 11 Visualization 25
The next several slides were adapted from the PDL tutorial by David Mertens at this URL
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Adapted from David Mertens at this URL http://www.slideshare.net/dcmertens/p-lplot-talk
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Adapted from David Mertens at this URL http://www.slideshare.net/dcmertens/p-lplot-talk
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Adapted from David Mertens at this URL http://www.slideshare.net/dcmertens/p-lplot-talk
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Adapted from David Mertens at this URL http://www.slideshare.net/dcmertens/p-lplot-talk
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Adapted from David Mertens at this URL http://www.slideshare.net/dcmertens/p-lplot-talk
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Adapted from David Mertens at this URL http://www.slideshare.net/dcmertens/p-lplot-talk
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Adapted from David Mertens at this URL http://www.slideshare.net/dcmertens/p-lplot-talk
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Adapted from David Mertens at this URL http://www.slideshare.net/dcmertens/p-lplot-talk
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Adapted from David Mertens at this URL http://www.slideshare.net/dcmertens/p-lplot-talk
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Adapted from David Mertens at this URL http://www.slideshare.net/dcmertens/p-lplot-talk
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Adapted from David Mertens at this URL http://www.slideshare.net/dcmertens/p-lplot-talk
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Adapted from David Mertens at this URL http://www.slideshare.net/dcmertens/p-lplot-talk
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Adapted from David Mertens at this URL http://www.slideshare.net/dcmertens/p-lplot-talk
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Adapted from David Mertens at this URL http://www.slideshare.net/dcmertens/p-lplot-talk
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Adapted from David Mertens at this URL http://www.slideshare.net/dcmertens/p-lplot-talk
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Adapted from David Mertens at this URL http://www.slideshare.net/dcmertens/p-lplot-talk
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Adapted from David Mertens at this URL http://www.slideshare.net/dcmertens/p-lplot-talk
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Adapted from David Mertens at this URL http://www.slideshare.net/dcmertens/p-lplot-talk
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Adapted from David Mertens at this URL http://www.slideshare.net/dcmertens/p-lplot-talk
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Adapted from David Mertens at this URL http://www.slideshare.net/dcmertens/p-lplot-talk
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Adapted from David Mertens at this URL http://www.slideshare.net/dcmertens/p-lplot-talk
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Adapted from David Mertens at this URL http://www.slideshare.net/dcmertens/p-lplot-talk
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Online documentation for GD::Graph
% perldoc GD::Graph
Online doc for gnuplot
% gnuplot
> help
Also see: http://www.gnuplot.info
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Program 4 due next week 11/26/12
Lab 2 due by next week
No more quizzes
No more programming assignments
Only the final
Read Chapter 11
Exercise 11.1 and 11.2
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