weak entity type

Ch5: ER Diagrams - Part 2
Much of the material presented in these
slides was developed by Dr. Ramon
Lawrence at the University of Iowa
Min. and Max. Cardinality
Understanding Relationships
M-way relationships
Equivalence between M-N and 1-M relationships
Identification dependency
Generalization Hierarchies
Modeling Guidelines
Crow’s Foot Cardinality Notation
Perpendicular line:
one cardinality
Crow's foot: many
Inside symbol:
minimum cardinality
Outside symbol:
maximum cardinality
Circle: zero
Classification of Cardinalities
Maximum cardinality based
A maximum cardinality of 1 is a functional relationship
a functional relationship in one direction
One-to-One (Functional) Relationship
Relationship explanation: A department may have only one manager. A manager
(employee) may manage only one department.
One-to-Many (Functional) Relationship
Relationship explanation: A project may be associated with at
most one department. A department may have multiple projects.
Many-to-Many Relationship
Classification of Cardinalities
Minimum cardinality based
Mandatory: existence dependent
Existence Dependency
Participation determines whether all or only
some entity instances participate in a
Participation can either be optional or
If an entity's participation in a relationship is
mandatory (also called total participation),
then the entity's existence depends on the
Called an existence dependency.
One-to-Many Mandatory Participation
(Existence Dependent) Relationship
Relationship explanation: A project must be associated with one
department. A department may have zero or more projects.
Many-to-Many Mandatory Participation
(Existence Dependent) Relationship
Summary of Cardinalities
Functional or singlevalued
Cardinality Restrictions
Minimum cardinality  1
Minimum cardinality = 0
Maximum cardinality = 1
Maximum cardinality = 1 in
one direction and maximum
cardinality > 1 in the other
Maximum cardinality is > 1
in both directions.
Maximum cardinality = 1 in
both directions.
Understanding Relationships
M-way relationships
Equivalence between M-N and 1-M
Identification dependency
Cardinality of Non-Binary Relationships
The cardinality in a complex relationship of an entity type is the
number of possible occurrences of that entity-type in the n-ary
relationship when the other (n-1) values are fixed.
Example: A supplier may provide zero or more parts to a project.
A project may have zero or more suppliers, and each supplier
may provide to the project zero or more parts.
Challenges with Cardinality of NonBinary Relationships
The minimum cardinality for N-ary relationships (i.e.,
participation) is ambiguous. Example:
 Constraint: A project has at least 1 supplier per part.
 Initial idea: Cardinality 1..* beside Supplier should force there to
be a Supplier for each Part/Project combination.
 Problem: Two different interpretations of Part/Project combination
results in unforeseen consequences:
Actual tuple: All entities must always participate (as have actual
tuples) so minimum values for all entities would be 1.
Potential tuple: 1 beside Supplier implies always a Supplier for every
Part/Project combination. Not true in practice.
Bottom line: We will avoid problem of specifying participation
constraints for N-ary relationships. One way to avoid it is convert
a relationship into an entity with N binary relationships.
Associative Entity Types for M-way
Associativ e
entity ty pe
Use s
Practice Question
Consider the university database developed before. Write
cardinalities into the ER diagram given that:
 A department must offer at least 2 courses and no more than 20
courses. Courses are offered by only one department.
 A course may have multiple sections, but always has at least one
 A student may enroll for courses (but does not have to).
 A professor may be in multiple departments (at least 1), and a
department must have at least 3 professors.
 A section is taught by at least one professor, but may be taught
by more than one. A professor does not have to teach.
 A student may only enroll in a course (and in a single section)
once. (Not keeping track of history of student enrollments.)
Strong and Weak Entity Types
A strong entity type is an entity type whose existence is not
dependent on another entity type.
 A strong entity type always has a primary key of its own attributes
that uniquely identifies its instances.
 A weak entity type is an entity type whose existence is
dependent on another entity type; i.e., it is Identification
 A weak entity type does not have a set of its own attributes that
uniquely identifies its instances.
A common example of strong and weak entity types are
employees and their dependents:
 An employee is a strong entity because it has an employee
number to identify its instances.
 A dependent (child) is a weak entity because the database does
not store a key for each child, but rather they are identified by the
parent's employee number and their name.
Identification Dependency in Crow’s Foot
Identification Dependency Symbols:
 Solid relationship line for identifying
 Diagonal lines in the corners denote
w eak entities.
Partial Key
Superclasses and Subclasses
Java code:
public class SavingsAccount extends BankAccount
UML class diagram:
When to use Generalization Hierarchies?
It is important to emphasize that most database projects do not
need the object-oriented modeling features of Generalization
Remember the goal of conceptual modeling is to produce a
model that is simple and easy to understand.
 Do not introduce complicated subclass/superclass relationships if
they are not needed.
 Only use Generalization Hierarchies constructs if they offer a
significant advantage over regular ER modeling.
Generalization Hierarchies are especially useful when the
domain being modeled is object-oriented in nature and the use of
inheritance reduces the complexity of the design.
 Most business databases have minimal object-oriented data.
When to use Generalization Hierarchies?
Using Attribute Inheritance
Note that the title attribute indicates what job the employee does
at the company. Consider if each job title had its own unique
information that we would want to record such as:
 EE, PR - programming language used (lang), DB used (db)
 SA, ME - MBA? (MBA), bonus
Using Attribute Inheritance
We could represent all these attributes in a single
Note the wasted space as attributes that do not apply to a
particular subclass are NULL.
Using Attribute Inheritance
A better solution would be to make two subclasses
of Employee called Developer and Manager:
Specialization Example
Using Attribute Inheritance: The Result
Generalization and Specialization
Subclasses and superclasses are created by using
either generalization or specialization.
Specialization is the process of creating more
specialized subclasses of an existing superclass.
Top-down process: Start with a general class and then
subdivide it into more specialized classes.
The specialized classes may contain their own attributes.
Attributes common to all subclasses remain in the
Generalization is the process of creating a more
general superclass from existing subclasses.
Bottom-up process: Start with specialized classes and try
to determine a general class that contains the attributes
common to all of them.
Generalization Example
Constraints on Generalization and
There are two types of constraints associated with
generalization and specialization:
Completeness constraint - determines if every member in
a superclass must participate as a member of one of its
It may be optional for a superclass member to be a member
of one of its subclasses, or it may be mandatory that a
superclass member be a member of one of its subclasses.
Manditory membership in one of the subclasses is denoted by
a C (for completeness)
Disjoint constraint - determines if a member of a
superclass can be a member of one or more than one of its
If a superclass object may be a member of only one of its
subclasses this is denoted by a D (subclasses are disjoint).
Constraints Example
Disjoint constraint
(cannot be both a
developer and a
Completeness constraint
(must be developer or
Constraints Question
Note: What is the completeness and the disjoint constraints for superclass Employee
(with subclasses Manager and Supervisor) given these instances?
Problems with ER Models
When modeling a Universe of Discourse using ER models, there
are several challenges that you have.
The first, basic challenge is knowing when to model a concept as
an entity, a relationship, or an attribute.
In general:
 Entities are nouns.
Attributes are properties and may be nouns or adjectives.
You should be able to identify a set of key attributes for an entity.
Use an attribute if it relates to one entity and does not have its own
Use an entity if the concept may be shared by entities and has a key.
Relationships should generally be binary.
Note that non-binary relationships can be modeled as an entity
Modeling Traps
There are several different "modeling traps"
(called connection traps) that you can fall into
when designing your ER model.
Two connection traps that we will look at are:
Fan traps
Chasm traps
Fan Trap
A fan trap is when a model represents a relationship
between entity types, but the pathway between
certain entity instances is ambiguous.
Often occurs when two or more one-to-many relationships
fan out (come from) the same entity type.
Example: A department has multiple employees, a
department has multiple projects, and each project
has multiple employees.
Now answer the question, which projects does employee E3
work on?
Fan Trap Example
Which projects does employee E3 work on?
Chasm Traps
A chasm trap occurs when a model suggests that a
relationship between entity types should be present,
but the relationship does not actually exist. (missing
May occur when there is a path of optional relationships
between entities.
Example: A department has multiple employees, a
department has multiple projects, and each project
has multiple employees.
Chasm Trap Example
Which department is employee E8 in?
What are the employees of department D4?
Good Design Practices
When designing ER models, there are
several things that you should consider:
Avoid redundancy - do not store the same fact
more than once in the model.
Do not use an entity when you can use an
attribute instead.
Limit the use of weak entity sets.
Good Design Practices Avoiding
Redundancy Example
Good Design Practices Entity versus
Attribute Example
An entity should only be used if one of these conditions is true:
 The entity set should contain at least one non-key attribute.
It is the many side in a many-to-one relationship.
Example: Projects have a department. A department only has a
Good Design Practices Weak Entity Sets
Avoid the use of weak entity sets in modeling.
Although at first glance there are very few natural
keys based on the properties of objects (name, age,
etc.), there are many good human-made keys that
can be used (SSN, student#, etc.)
Whenever possible use a global, human-made key
instead of a weak entity. Note that sometimes a
weak entity is required if no such global key exists.
For example, a database storing the students of multiple
universities could not use a single student# as a key as it is
unlikely that universities could agree on a global
numberingsystem. Rather, student becomes a weak entity
with partial key student# and identifying entity the university
the student attends.
Sometimes it is necessary to simplify some of
the relationships:
Crow’s foot database design tool only supports
binary relationships.
Two common simplifications:
Many-to-many relationship Two one-to-many
Higher order relationships binary relationships
Many-to-Many Relationship Simplification
A many-to-many relationship can be converted into
one entity with two 1:N relationships between the
new entity and the original entities participating in
the relationship.
Simplifying Higher Degree Relationships
A non-binary relationship can be converted into a
weak entity with identifying relationships to the
original entity types.
Associativ e
entity ty pe
Use s