Large Eddy Simulations of Turbulent Spray Combustion in Internal Combustion Engines Farhad Jaberi Department of Mechanical Engineering Michigan State University East Lansing, Michigan Background In-Cylinder Flow: Combination of highly unsteady turbulent flow, separated boundary and shear layers, pressure waves, spray, mixing and combustion in complex geometrical configurations with moving pistons and valves. CFD & IC Engines: The solver should be able to handle complex geometries with dynamic mesh. LES needs high order numerical method and accurate subgrid turbulence models. For spray, advanced primary and secondary break-up models and fully coupled gas-droplet flow solvers with multi-component droplet evaporation models are needed. Turbulent combustion models with appropriate chemical kinetics mechanisms are also needed. Previous Works: Mostly based on RANS or low-order LES. Our Model: LES/FMDF, based on a new Lagrangian-EulerianLagrangian mathematical/numerical methodology. LES/FMDF of Single-Phase Turbulent Reacting Flows Scalar FMDF - A Hybrid Eulerian-Lagrangian Methodology Monte Carlo Particles Vorticity Contours & Monte Carlo Particles dx dz G dy p2 p1 d1 d2 LES/FMDF of a Dump Combustor Gasdynamic Field Wall Various closures for subgrid stresses Nozzle Scalar Field (mass fractions and temperature) Pressure Isolevels Chemistry Lagrangian Monte Carlo Particles Eulerian Grid Filtered continuity and momentum equations via a generalized multi-block highorder finite difference Eulerian scheme for high Reynolds number turbulent flows in complex geometries Filtered Mass Density Function (FMDF) equation via Lagrangian Monte Carlo method - Ito Eq. for convection, diffusion & reaction Kinetics: (I) reduced kinetics schemes with direct ODE or ISAT solvers, and (II) flamelet library with detailed mechanisms or complex reduced schemes. Fuels: methane, propane, decane, kerosene, heptane, JP-10 CO2 and C7H16 Mass Fractions Eulerian: Conventional LES equations for velocity, pressure, density and temperature fields - Deterministic simulations Lagrangian: Transport equation for FMDF (PDF of SGS temperature and species mass fractions - Monte Carlo simulations Coupling of Eulerian and Lagrangian fields: A certain degree of “redundancy” (e.g. for filtered temperature) 3 LES of Two-Phase Turbulent Reacting Flows A New Lagrangian-Eulerian-Lagrangian Methodology Gasdynamics Field Filtered continuity and momentum equations via a generalized multi-block high-order finite difference Eulerian scheme for high Reynolds number turbulent flows in complex geometries Various closures for subgrid stresses Scalar Field (mass fractions and temperature) Droplet Field (spray) Chemistry Filtered Mass Density Function (FMDF) equation via Lagrangian Monte Carlo method Ito Eq. for convection, diffusion & reaction Lagrangian model for droplet equations with full mass, momentum and energy couplings between phases and a stochastic sub grid velocity model Kinetics: (I) global or reduced kinetics models with direct ODE or ISAT solvers, and (II) flamelet library with detailed mechanisms or complex reduced mechanisms Fuels considered so far: methane, propane, heptane, octane, decane, kerosene, gasoline, JP-10 and ethanol LES of Two-Phase Turbulent Reacting Flows A New Lagrangian-Eulerian-Lagrangian Methodology Spray-Controlled Dump Combustor Wall Fuel Injector dx dz G dy p1 p2 dx Eulerian Cell - Eulerian Grid Mass,Momentum,Scalar Terms from Droplets • Monte Carlo Particles Liquid Fuel Droplets • d2 d1 Fuel Droplets dy p1 p2 Monte-Carlo particles Wall dz G FMDF Solver d2 d1 FMDF Solver LES Solver Eulerian Finite Difference Grid Interpolation / Favre Filter Monte Carlo Particles Droplet Equations Lagrangian Filtered Equations - Eulerian _____ ˆf f x, t Gx xdx and fˆ f / J uˆi Droplet terms JS t t i uˆi J uˆiuˆ j P uˆ j uˆi J uˆi e e JSui t t j i i j j j J P uˆi Eˆ J Eˆ uˆi ˆ J E t t i i ˆ uˆi q J S JS E i j ˆ J i M i J ˆ uˆi ˆ J J S JS t t i i xi NS 0 ˆ P ( RT ) TR 1 MW ^ FMDF Equation Lagrangian Reaction terms Two-phase subgrid scalar FMDF: PL / PL ui L PL ~ ~t t xi xi xi Droplet terms l dX i vi dt dvi f 1 (ui* vi ) dt d dTp dt dmp m p dt KH RT L dmp f 2 * T Tp v p mpCL dt f3 p ln1 BM p d p2 CD Re p Nu sh p , f1 , f2 , f3 18 24 3 Pr 2 3Sc dm p dt S 1 V SE 1 m C V P L Sui 1 V dmP vi dt dv dv dTP dmP dmP ) TPCP ) (h0 Lv) mP i i dt dt dt dt dt PL (; x, t ) ( x, t ) (, ( x, t ))G( x x)d x m S PL () KH/RT Break-up Reaction term L P S ()P L L S PL S PL / () () Main Features of LES/FMDF Large scale, unsteady, non-universal, geometrydepended quantities are explicitly computed in LES/FMDF FMDF accounts for the effects of chemical reactions in an exact manner and may be used for various types of chemical reactions (premixed, nonpremixed, slow, fast, endothermic, exothermic, etc.). LES/FMDF can be implemented via complex chemical kinetics models and is applicable to 3D simulations of hydrocarbon flames in complex geometries. FMDF contains high order information on sub-grid or small scale fluctuations. The Lagrangian Monte Carlo solution of the FMDF is free of artificial (diffusion) numerical errors. This is very important in IC engine simulations as overprediction of temperature could cause numerical ignition! Application of LES/FMDF to Various Flows Axisymmetric Dump Combustor Nozz le Inner Swirler Outer Swirler 62 mm 40 mm 33 mm 19 mm Fuel Air, Outer Annulus Double Swirl Spray Burner Air Inner Annulus Atomization Gas Fuel Atomization gas Inner Air Flow Outer Air Flow Spray Controlled Lean Premixed Square Dump Combustor Fuel Injector Wall 10 degree After TDC IC Engines with Moving Valves/Piston complex cylinder head/piston, spray and combustion Temperature Contours 24 Block grid for a 4-valve Diesel Engine Pressure Iso-Levels LES of Cold Flow Around a Poppet Valve Reynolds No = 30,000 Mass rate = 0.015 kg/s Dimensions in mm 5-block LES grid Graftieux et al. 2001 y z Axial Velocity Contours 70mm 20mm Mean axial velocity Dyn. Smag-filtered Dyn. Smag-Averaged x y RMS of axial velocity Smag Cd=0.01 Exp. Data LES of Flow in a Piston-Cylinder Assembly 4-block moving structured grid for LES Piston Grid compression or expansion Morse et al. (1978) Comp. ratio 3:1 , RPM=200 , Re=2000 Crank angle=36o 5th cycle instantaneous axial velocity contours m/s Crank angle=144o LES of Flow in a Piston-Cylinder Assembly Mean values computed by doing both azimuthal and ensemble averaging over cycles Smag, Cd=0.01 Exp. Data CA=36o Dynamic Smag CA=144o Mean Velocity RMS of Velocity Rapid Compression Machine – LES/FMDF Predictions Optical Access Simple Piston Groove Spark Plug Fuel Injector In-Cylinder Piston Main Ignition Chamber Hydraulic Chamber Driver Chamber Non-Reacting RCM Simulations piston Temperature piston Temperature Contours Pressure Rapid Compression Machine - LES/FMDF Predictions Reacting Simulations - Consistency between Finite-Difference (FD) and Monte Carlo (MC) values of Temperature and Fuel Mass Fraction FD MC Temperature Contours FD MC Fuel Mass Fraction Contours Rapid Compression Machine - LES/FMDF Predictions Piston Non-Reacting Flows Temperature Contours Flat Piston Piston Non-Reacting Flows Temperature Contours Creviced Piston Temperature Ethanol CO2 Piston Reacting Flows with Ethanol Spray Reacting Flows without Spray Creviced Piston at 5msec 3D Shock Tube Problem – LES/FMDF Predictions 3D Shock Tube p1 p2 Two-Block Grid p2/p1=15 Compressibility effect is included in FMDF-MC . Without Compressible term FMDF-MC results are very erroneous. Number of MC particles per cell is varied but particle number density does not affect the temperature. By increasing the particle number per cell MC density becomes smoother but temperature is the same for all cases. 5 MC per cell 20 MC per cell 50 MC per cell Modeling of Engine Configuration MSU 3-Valve Direct-Injection Spark-Ignition Single-Cylinder Engine Bore Stroke Compression Ratio Engine Speed Intake valves 90 mm 104 mm 9.8/11 2500 rpm Injector Spark Plug Exhaust Port 2 tilted with 5.1o D = 33 mm Exhaust valve 1 tilted with 5.8o D = 37 mm Cylinder fuel spray Piston Direct-Injection Spark-Ignition Engine – LES Predictions MSU 3-Valve DISI Engine: Bore=90mm Stroke=106mm Axial Velocity 18-block Grid 2D Cross Section of 18-block LES Grid Valve lift= 11mm Piston velocity=13m/s Crank angle=100o Pressure contours piston Valve lift= 5mm Piston velocity=1.5m/s Crank angle=175o Direct-Injection Spark-Ignition Engine – LES Predictions CA=100 o CA=220o CA=340o piston piston piston Contours of Evaporated Fuel Mass Fraction CA=90 CA=140 CA=270 LES/FMDF of 3-Valve DISI Engine with Spray and Combustion Consistency between Finite Difference (FD) and Monte Carlo (MC) parts of the hybrid LES/FMDF numerical solver Crank angle of 350 5 mm from TDC Instantaneous Values In-Cylinder Temperature Volume Averaged LES/FMDF Predictions of MSU’s 4-Valve Diesel Engine 24 Block grid for a 4-valve Diesel Engine Beginning of Compression CA=190 Pressure Iso-Levels Pressure Contours Temperature Contours LES/FMDF of MSU’s 4-Valve Diesel Engine 14o Before TDC 6o Before TDC 6o After TDC Temperature Contours Contours of Evaporated Fuel Mass Fraction and Fuel Droplets LES/FMDF of MSU’s 4-Valve Diesel Engine Temperature Contours 10 degree After TDC Numerical Simulations of 3-Valve DISI Engine Overall Validation of the model Without Spray air mass via cell volume = air mass via ideal gas Variations of mean Temperature With Spray – Valves Closed mass of liquid fuel+evaporated fuel = injected liquid fuel Simulations of 3-Valve Engine – Spray In-cylinder Spray Modeling: Initial droplet size, position and velocity distribution Droplet breakup and collision models Multi-component non-equilibrium evaporation models Wall collision and film models Primary Break-up Model: Parent droplets injected with specific velocities and diameters (bold model) Secondary Break-up Models: 1) Taylor Analogy Break-up (TAB) Spring, mass and damper 2) Rayleigh-Taylor Break-up (RTB) RT instable waves 3) Kelvin-Helmond Break-up (KHB) KH invisid instable waves 4) KH/RT Break-up model • • • • Stroke: 105.8 mm Compression Ratio: 11:1 Eight nozzles with cone angle of 8 degree each. Initial SMD: 30 m Injection Velocity: 50 m/s Simulations of 3-Valve Engine – Chemistry Ethanol • Detailed Kinetics: e.g. 372 elementary reactions and 57 species for ethanol • Multi-Step Reactions • Global Mechanisms • Ignition delays calculated from detailed Mechanism using CHEMKIN for homogeneous 0-D reactor based on equivalence ratio and temperature conditions prevalent in the cell • By addition of ignition delay, the unphysical phenomenon of autoignition in numerical simulation of SI engines do not occur. Simulations of 3-Valve DISI Engine – Effects of Fuel Vaporization No significant evaporation for ethanol Combustion No combustion for ethanol fuel Operating conditions are the same for both fuels Mixtures are stoichiometric when all fuel is evaporated and mixed Summary and Conclusions A robust and affordable LES model is developed for detailed simulations of various realistic single-cylinder engines: (i) A multi-block compressible LES solver in generalized coordinate system, (ii) Combustion and spray simulations are via a new Lagrangian-EulerianLagrangian LES/FMDF methodology Several test cases are simulated with the newly developed models: (i) flow around a poppet valve, (ii) flow in a piston-cylinder assembly, (iii) flow in a single-cylinder three-valve direct-injection spark engine, (iv) flow in a singlecylinder four-valve diesel engine LES with high-order numerical methods, dynamic SGS models and two-phase FMDF can predict the complex in-cylinder turbulent flows with spray and combustion in realistic engines Detailed experimental data, under controlled and well defined flow conditions are needed for complete validation of LES/FMDF LES/FMDF is used for studying effects of (i) chemistry model, (ii) spray model and (iii) various parameters on turbulence, mixing and combustion,