Install - Toshiba

Installation Walk-through
1. Run Setup.exe.
NOTE: Running the MSI installer without installing the pre-requisite will give this message prompt.
Installer Pre-requisites
• Visual C++ Runtime Redistributables 2008 SP1 x86
• Redmap License System
If previous version of Re-Rite (6.2) installed settings within Web Browser
will retain and reflect the original folders.
Installation Sequence
Installing Redmap License System
1. Click Next.
Installation Sequence
2. Fill up the Company Name and License System Port Number field.
This cannot be changed
once installed…
Note: 32575 is the default License System Port Number.
Installation Sequence
• leaving the Company Name field blank:
• leaving the License System Port Number field blank:
Installation Sequence
3. Click ‘Install’ to begin the installation.
Installation Sequence
4. Click ‘Finish’ to exit the wizard.
Installation Sequence
Installing e-BRIDGE Re-Rite
1. The Welcome Screen will be displayed.
Choose a language from the dropdown list and click Next.
Installation Sequence
2. Read the License Agreement. Tick the ‘I accept the terms in the License Agreement’ and
click Next if you accept. Click the Cancel button if you do not agree and to cancel the installation.
Installation Sequence
3. Choose the working directory for the e-BRIDGE Re-Rite installation.
Either click Next to accept the default destination (<SYSTEM DRIVE>:\Re-Rite) or
click Change to install to a different folder.
Installation Sequence
4. Assign a port number for the e-BRIDGE Re-Rite Web Control Panel so that it can
be accessed publicly. Click Next.
Note: 8080 is the default Port Number.
• leaving the Port Number field blank:
Installation Sequence
5. Click ‘Install’ to begin the installation.
Installation Sequence
6. Click ‘Finish’ to exit the wizard.
Environment Changes
Redmap License System
1. Program Shortcut in Start > All Programs > Redmap Networks > License System
containing: Software Activation and Help
2. Redmap RMLM20 Service (dependent on the e-BRIDGE Re-Rite service)
3. The specified Redmap License System Port during installation is saved in the
a. RMLM_Port registry key under
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\e-BRIDGE Re- Rite\Parameters.
b. Port registry key under
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Redmap RMLM20\Parameters
Environment Changes
e-BRIDGE Re-Rite
1. Program Shortcut in Start > All Programs > e-BRIDGE containing the following:
a) Re-Rite (Link to the Web Control Panel)
b) Re-Rite Setup Guide
2. e-BRIDGE Re-Rite specific services:
a) e-BRIDGE Re-Rite (for the Re-Rite service)
b) e-BRIDGE Re-Rite UI (for the Web Control Panel)
3. The specified Port Number during installation is being saved in a registry key
named WebPort under the registry path:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\e-BRIDGE Re- Rite\Parameters.
Software Activation Client
After the e-BRIDGE Re-Rite installation, the Software Activation window will be displayed.
Registration Tabs
Product List Pane
Registration Tabs
There are 2 registration tabs: Registration Keys and the Site Details Tab.
A. Registration Keys Tab
Unique alphanumeric key for software
identification (RR700Q500596615394)
Code generated using your hardware
Generated by the Registration Server
using a combination of the Serial
Number and Site Code entered
Registration Tabs
B. Site Details Tab
e-BRIDGE Re-Rite specific information:
• MFP Serial Number
• Industry
• Dealer
• Technician
Required for
U.S. clients
MFP Serial Number Dialog
Clicking the ‘GET’ button in the MFP Serial Number field will display below dialog:
Manual Register
Opens the Help File.
Launches the web server URL for
manual software registration.
Proxy Settings
Allows user to configure
proxy settings to ensure
connection to URL.
Automatic Register
Allows user to register software
automatically by sending the file
containing the product and customer
information to the web server URL.
Manual Unregister
Allows user to unregister while there
is no internet connection available.
Automatic Unregister
Allows user to unregister
software automatically with
internet connection
Proxy Settings
• Use Proxy
Tick this check box to use the local settings.
Enter the IP address of the proxy server.
• Port
Enter the port number of the proxy server.
By default, the Proxy Settings in the Software Activation Client derive its value
from the Proxy Settings of the Internet Explorer.
Saved in the registry entry ‘ProxyEnable’ and ‘ProxyEnable’ under
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings
Automatic Registration
NOTE: Make sure there is an available internet connection.
1. Launch the Software Activation.
2. On the Product list Pane, click the product you want to register.
3. In the Registration Keys tab, enter the Serial Number then click Apply to
generate the Site Code.
4. Complete the required fields in the Site Details tab.
5. On the toolbar, click Automatic Register.
Manual Registration
1. Launch the Software Activation.
2. On the Product list Pane, click the product you want to register.
3. In the Registration Keys tab, enter the Serial Number then click Apply to
generate the Site Code.
4. Take note of both the Serial Number and Site Code.
5. On the toolbar, click Manual Register. This will open the Redmap online
registration web page using the default browser.
6. Complete the required fields including the Serial Number and Site Code.
7. Click Submit.
Your Site Key is automatically generated and displayed in the registration
confirmation page.
8. Enter the supplied key in the Site Key field on the Software Activation
then click Apply.
Automatic Un-registration
NOTE: Make sure there is an available internet connection.
1. Launch the Software Activation.
2. On the Product list Pane, click the product you want to register.
3. On the Toolbar, click Automatic Unregister.
Once un-registered, the Status column in the Product List Pane will display:
Trial if the product is still covered by the 30-Day Trial Period or
Expired if the 30-Day Trial Period has already lapsed.
Note: A Serial Number that has been un-registered on the same machine can still
be used to re-register the product.
Manual Un-registration
1. Launch the Software Activation.
2. On the Product list Pane, click the product you want to register.
3. On the Toolbar, click Manual Unregister.
Click Yes to continue.
Click No or Cancel to abort the un-registration process.
Manual Un-registration
4. A registration removal file, Unregister.txt, is created in the Re-Rite Working Directory.
5. Copy the Unregister.txt to a computer that has internet access.
Manual Un-registration
6. Go to the Manual Un-registration Page of e-BRIDGE Re-Rite.
Upgrading from 6.2 and below
e-BRIDGE Re-Rite Version Check
Choosing Yes will proceed with the upgrade sequence.
Choosing No will abort the installation.
1. Select e-BRIDGE Re-Rite v7.0.0 from the list of installed Programs in the Control Panel.
2. Click Change/Remove to launch the e-BRIDGE Re-Rite installer for un-installation.
3. If your version of e-BRIDGE Re-Rite is currently registered, you will be prompted this message:
If you choose ‘YES’, the installer will automatically unregister e-BRIDGE Re-Rite.
Note: An available internet connection is required for this.
If you choose ‘NO’, the installer will just uninstall e-BRIDGE Re-Rite from your machine.
If the installer failed to automatically unregister when you choose ‘YES’ (e.g., no internet connection),
manual un-registration will be performed.
Configuration files are retained in its original location:
%ALLUSERSPROFILE%>/Application Data/e-BRIDGE Re-Rite (for XP and 2003)
%ALLUSERSPROFILE%>/e-BRIDGE Re-Rite (for Vista and up)
The following files will be backed up during un-installation:
• Whitelist.txt
• e-BRIDGE Re-Rite Parameters registry
(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\e-BRIDGE Re-Rite\Parameters)
%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\Redmap\Re-Rite (for XP and 2003)
%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Redmap\Re-Rite (for Vista and up)
 Install Re-Rite 7