Similarity theory: Outline • • • • Goals, Buckingham Pi Theorem and examples Surface layer (Monin Obukhov) similarity Asymptotic behaviour and free convection scaling The outer layer training course: boundary layer II Similarity theory: Outline • • • • Goals, Buckingham Pi Theorem and examples Surface layer (Monin Obukhov) similarity Asymptotic behaviour and free convection scaling The outer layer training course: boundary layer II Similarity theory Motivation: •Closure problem requires empirical expressions for turbulent diffusion coefficients (which include dependency on flow characteristics). •Number of independent parameters has to be limited. Similarity theory is an intelligent way of organizing data e.g. from field experiments or large eddy simulations. Note: turbulence closure is based on observations not theory. Procedure: •Select relevant parameters and plot dimensionless functions. •Use constraints from asymptotic cases. •Apply empirical functions as turbulence closure. training course: boundary layer II Buckinham Pi dimensional analysis (Stull, 1988): example U U velocity (m / s) 1. Define relevant variables and dimension (m) their dimensions. W mass (kg ) g acceleration of gravity (m / s 2 ) air density (kg / m3 ) 2. Count number of fundamental dimensions. m, s, kg training course: boundary layer II Buckinham Pi dimensional analysis: example 3. Form n dimensionless groups 1,..n where n is the number of variables minus the number of fundamental dimensions. 1 Wg U 2 2 gravitational force lift force 2 n 53 2 W 3 4. Measure 1 as a function of 2 5. Further simplification; assume: W~ 3 2 constant 1 constant i.e. W ~ U 22 ~ U 2W 2 / 3 W ~ U 6 training course: boundary layer II mass of airplane mass of displaced air The great flight diagram 106 Weight as a function of cruising speed ( “The simple science of flight” by Tennekes, 1997, MIT press) W~U6 Flying objects range from small insects to Boeing 747 Speed (m/s) 10-6 training course: boundary layer II Dimensional analysis example: windmill/anemometer U D 1. Define relevant variables and their dimensions. U velocity (m / s ) D diam eter (m) T torque ( N m kg m 2 s 2 ) angularspeed ( s 1 ) air density (kg m 3 ) 2. Count number of fundamental dimensions. m, s, kg training course: boundary layer II Dimensional analysis example: windmill/anemometer 3. Form n dimensionless groups 1,..n where n is the number of variables minus the number of fundamental dimensions. 1 T U 3 D 2 produced power wind power D 2 U n 53 2 speed of rotor tip wind speed 4. Measure 1 as a function of 2 by changing load. 5. For an anemometer: 1 0 (no torque) 2 constant 2 U / D training course: boundary layer II Similarity theory: Outline • • • • Goals, Buckingham Pi Theorem and examples Surface layer (Monin Obukhov) similarity Asymptotic behaviour and free convection scaling The outer layer training course: boundary layer II Surface layer similarity (Monin Obukhov similarity) h For z/h << 1 flux is approximately equal to surface flux. surface layer Relevant parameters: 0 z height or eddy size | o | / (u ' w') (v' w') g v 2 o Flux profile 2 1/ 2 o ( m) 2 2 (m / s ) ( w' v ')o (m 2 / s 3 ) Say we are interested in wind shear: U z ( s 1 ) training course: boundary layer II o surf . Considerations about the nature of the process: • z/zo >> 1 • distance to surface determines turbulence length scale • shear scales with surface friction rather than with zo MO similarity Four variables and two basic units result in two dimensionless numbers, e.g.: U z z (| o | / )1 / 2 and g ( w' v ')o z v (| o | / )3 / 2 The standard way of formulating this is by defining: u* (| o | / )1/ 2 friction velocity v u*3 L Obukhov length g ( w ' v ') o Resulting in: U z m z u* z L dimensionless shear Stability parameter (von Karman constant) is defined such that m 1 for z / L 0 training course: boundary layer II MO gradient functions Observations of m as a function of z/L, with 0.4 Empirical gradient functions to describe these observations: m (1 16z / L)1 / 4 for z / L 0 m 1 5 z / L for z / L 0 Note that eddy diffusion coefficients and gradient functions are related: if then U u ' w' K m z unstable Km 1 zu* m training course: boundary layer II stable MO-similarity applied to other quantities Quantity z q z u scaling parameter dimensionless function ( w' ')o * u* z h ( z / L ) * z q* ( w' q')o u* z q q* z u u* u* h ( z / L ) f u ( z / L) f ( z / L) * * training course: boundary layer II Integral profile functions Dimensionless wind gradient (shear) or temperature gradient functions can be integrated to profile functions: U u* m z z u* z U ln( ) m ( z / L) zom with: zom integration constant (roughness length for momentum) m wind profile function, related to gradient function: z m 1 , with L Profile functions for temperature and moisture can be obtained in similar way. training course: boundary layer II MO wind profile functions applied to observations Unstable Stable Limit of stable layer training course: boundary layer II Similarity theory: Outline • • • • Goals, Buckingham Pi Theorem and examples Surface layer (Monin Obukhov) similarity Asymptotic behaviour and free convection scaling The outer layer training course: boundary layer II Asymptotic behaviour Limiting cases can help to constrain functions e.g.: for z / L 0 : m 1 (defines von Karman constant, ) for z / L : u* becomes irrelevant Therefore e.g.: zu* h ( z / L) u* ( z / L) 1/ 3 z ( w ' ')o zu* z ( w ' ')o ( z / L)1/ 3 free convection scaling training course: boundary layer II Example of free convection scaling training course: boundary layer II Similarity theory: Outline • • • • Goals, Buckingham Pi Theorem and examples Surface layer (Monin Obukhov) similarity Asymptotic behaviour and free convection scaling The outer layer training course: boundary layer II Above the surface layer (z/h>0.1) •Fluxes are not constant but decrease monotonically with height •Boundary layer height h and Coriolis parameter f are additional scales. Neutral PBL; velocity defect law: U UG zu* V VG zu* fU ( ), fV ( ), u* f u* f where u* / f is BL depth scale instead of h training course: boundary layer II Mixed layer Convective boundary layer (mixed layer scaling): •Effects of friction can often be neglected. •Profiles well mixed, so gradient functions become less important g 1/ 3 w { ( w ' ' ) h } • w* is important turbulence velocity scale * v o v training course: boundary layer II Stable boundary layer Local scaling extension of surface layer scaling, where surface fluxes are replaced by local fluxes, in other words: Surface layer closure applies to outer layer as well v (| | / )3/ 2 local Obukhov length g (w 'v ') U z m ( z / ) 1/ 2 z (| | / ) Z-less scaling far away from the surface, z should drop: U z z m ( z / ) ~ 1/ 2 z (| | / ) training course: boundary layer II Local scaling Z-less regime training course: boundary layer II scaling regions for the unstable BL training course: boundary layer II Holstlag and Nieuwstadt, 1986: BLM, 36, 201-209. scaling regions for the stable BL training course: boundary layer II Holstlag and Nieuwstadt, 1986: BLM, 36, 201-209. Geostrophic drag law Match surface layer and outer layer to obtain relation between surface drag and geostrophic wind. UG 1 u* A ln( ) u* f zom VG B u* drag Wangara data ageostrophic angle Plot A and B as a function of stability parameter. training course: boundary layer II