WLAN-range: - Comparison of theory and measurements By Thomas F. Wiig WLAN-range: Topics Maximum Wi-Fi range (2.4 GHz) - according to the Wi-Fi alliance Indoor – Typical office environment Outdoor – Line of sight Challenges in indoor range calculations / measurements Keenan-Motley path loss model ETSI path loss model between office floors Measurements by Atheros Communication Theoretical performance simulation – range vs. throughput Cisco AP 1240 Range stated by Cisco (indoor and outdoor) Link budget (outdoor) My own measurements (indoor) Result comparisons How to maximize the Range Maximum Wi-Fi range (2.4 GHz) - according to the Wi-Fi alliance Maximum Range Outdoors / open space with standard antenna Office / light industrial setting Residential setting Range at 11 Mbps 230-300 m 45-100 m 75-100 m 30-45 m 40-60 m 18-24 m References: [2] Challenges in indoor range calculations and measurements Obstacles between reciever and transmitter Reflections, diffraction and scattering Materials like metal, stone, brick and heavy woods References: [1], [2] and [3] Defined receiver sensitivity for 802.11 Minimum input level for data link rate: – 6 Mbits/s: -82 dBm b – 1 Mbits/s: -96 dBm (Cisco AP1240) g – 1 Mbits/s: -96 dBm (Cisco AP1240) n – 11 Mbits/s: -88 dBm (Linksys WAP4400N Wireless-router) a References: [8] and [9] Keenan-Motley partition path loss model (in dB) plKeenanMotley fc , , d plfs fc , d d where c 2 pl fs f c , d 10 log10 f c 4d and Linear path loss coefficient (typ. indoor 0.44dB/m) References: [4] and [5] path loss [dB] Keenan-Motley model for 802.11a -60 -62 -64 -66 -68 -70 -72 -74 -76 -78 -80 -82 -84 -86 -88 -90 -92 -94 -96 -98 -100 -102 -104 -106 -108 -110 Keenan-Motley path loss model, =0.44dB/m 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 distance [m] References: [6] path loss [dB] Keenan-Motley model for 802.11b/g -54 -56 -58 -60 -62 -64 -66 -68 -70 -72 -74 -76 -78 -80 -82 -84 -86 -88 -90 -92 -94 -96 -98 -100 -102 -104 Keenan-Motley path loss model, =0.44dB/m 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 distance [m] References: [6] ETSI path loss model - for Indoor Office [dB]: L = 37 + 30 Log10(R) + 18.3 n ((n+2)/(n+1)-0.46) R is transmitter-receiver distance in meters n is number of floors in the path path loss L should always be more than free space loss. Log-normal shadow fading standard deviation of 12 dB References: [7] Path loss indoor with multiple floors (statistical) If 1 floor = 3m in height: ETSI Indoor Office test environment 0 -20 -40 Path loss [dB] -60 -80 Serie1 -100 -120 -140 -160 1 2 3 4 Serie1 -69,6136 -93,8681 -109,216 -120,423 5 -129,35 Number of floors 6 7 8 -136,862 -143,415 -149,276 Range measurements in a typical office environment – by Atheros Communications Measurement Setup The entire office floor is 35m x 80m, with conference rooms, closed offices and semi-open cubicle spaces Data was sent between two Atheros network PC-cards. One card served as the fixed Access Point (AP) while the other served as a mobile station Distances up to 68m (225 feet) were measured Output power was 14 dBm for 802.11a, and 15 dBm for 802.11b. Both used an external antenna with an average gain of 4 dBi For both networks, the same 80 random locations were used for measurements At each location, 100 broadcast packets were sent at each data link rate with a fixed packet size at 1500 bytes. References: [13] Range measurements in a typical office environment – by Atheros Communications Measurement results (1 feet = 0,3m) References: [13] Theoretical performance simulation - range vs throughput (outdoor) Requirements: Transmitt power = 15 dBm, Total thermal noise = 10 dB, using omni-directional antenna 802.11a: 802.11g: References: [14] Cisco AP1240 Stated range by Cisco: Indoor (Office environment) a – 6 Mbits/s: 100m g – 1 Mbits/s: 140m Outdoor a – 6 Mbits/s: 200m g – 1 Mbits/s: 290m (Measured with a 3,5 dBi gain omni-directional antenna for a, and 2,2 dBi gain for g) References: [11] Cisco AP1240 – Theoretical range, calculated with link budget (LoS/outdoor) Setting fading margin = 15, allowing some errors on the link, and a feeder loss = 1,5 dB at both Tx/Rx, We get the distance/range from the free space loss equation: 802.11a – 5 GHz: Parameter: 802.11g – 2.4 GHz: Value: Unit: Parameter: Value: Unit: Transmitter output power 17 dBm Transmitter output power 20 dBm Feeder loss transmitter 1,5 dB Feeder loss transmitter 1,5 dB Transmitter antenna gain 3,5 dBi Transmitter antenna gain 2,2 dBi Free space loss XX dB Free space loss XX dB 1 dBi Receiver antenna gain* 1 dBi Feeder loss receiver 1,5 dB Feeder loss receiver 1,5 dB Normal input level -72 dB Normal input level -79 dB Receiver treshold -87 dBm Receiver treshold -94 dBm dB Fading margin Receiver antenna gain* Fading margin 15 15 dB To get Normal Input level = -72, the free space loss have to be: To get Normal Input level = -79, the free space loss have to be: L_fs = 17-1,5+3,5+1-1,5+72 = 90,5 dB Which gives the theoretical range 160 m L_fs = 20-1,5+2,2+1-1,5+79 = 99,2 dB Which gives the theoretical range 910 m References: [11] and [12] Cisco AP1240 – My own measurements at the same floor (indoor) Measurement setup The entire office floor is 13m x 45m, with conference rooms, closed offices and semi-open cubicle spaces For both networks, the same 15 locations were used for measurements: Office 10 sq m Office 5 sq m = Access Point = Measured Point Cisco AP1240 – My own measurements at the same floor (indoor) -30 to -59 dB Measurement results: 802.11a 37m -60 to -69 dB – 5 GHz -70 to -89 dB 25m 20m Cisco AP1240 – My own measurements at the same floor (indoor) Measurement results: 802.11g 45m – 2.4 GHz 32m -30 to -59 dB -60 to -69 dB -70 to -90 dB 23m Cisco AP1240 – My own measurements between multiple floors (indoor) Measurement setup The height between each floor is approx. 3 meters For both networks, the same 4 locations were used for measurements: Results: a: g: 5th. floor: No sig. -75 dB 4th. floor: -77 dB -66 dB 3rd. floor: -56 (AP) -55 (AP) 2nd. floor: -76 dB -65 dB 1st. floor: -74 dB No sig. Result comparisons - Between theoretical models and real measurements Indoor (office environment) 802.11a: 802.11b/g: Keenan-Motley model Stated by Wi-Fi Alliance Stated by Cisco Measurements by Atheros Measurements by me 20m N/A 100m ++68m 37m 50m 40-60m 140m ++68m 45m Outdoor 802.11a: 802.11b/g: Theoretical simulation Stated by Wi-Fi Alliance Stated by Cisco My link budget 750m N/A 200m 160m 1600m 230-300m 290m 910m Between floors - 802.11g 1st. 2nd. 3rd. ETSI Indoor Office -70 dB -95 dB -110 dB Measurements by me -66 dB -77 dB Not meas. How to maximize the Range The placement is very important. The base station and its antenna should be high up, off the floor and away from metal, power supplies and electrical outlets and wiring A unidirectional antenna can narrow the overall beam width of your base station, providing much improved range Turn off or remove electrical appliances that emit interfering radio waves Cordless phones Microwave ovens Radio-operated toy controls References: [2] References [1] John C. Stein, “Indoor Radio WLAN Performance Part II: Range Performance in a Dense Office Enviroment”, Harris Semiconductor [2] Wi-Fi Alliance: Wi-Fi Range and Environment Issues; [3] Radio Wave Propagation for Telecommunication, Springer, and ETSI TR 101 112 V3.2.0 (199804); [4] J. M. Keenan, A. J. Motley, “Radio coverage in buildings”, British Telecom Technology Journal, vol. 8, no. 1, Jan. 1990, pp. 19-24; [5] J. Medbo, J.-E. Berg, “Simple and accurate path loss modeling at 5GHz in indoor environments with corridors”, Proc. VTC 2000, pp. 30-36; [6] Ravi Mahadevappa, Stephan Brink, “Receiver Sensitivity Tables for MIMO-OFDM 802.11n – ppt”, Realtek Semiconductors, Irvine, CA; [7] ETSI TR 101 112 V3.2.0 (1998-04), Title: Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); [8] IEEE Std 802.11a-1999 (R2003) [9] IEEE Std 802.11b-1999 (R2003) [10] Linksys wireless 802.11n router, http://www.xpcgear.com/wap4400n.html [11] Cisco Aironet 1240AG Series 802.11A/B/G Access Point Data Sheet, http://www.cisco.com [12] HP Compaq nc6220 Notebook PCs http://www.laptrade.ee/files/lapakad/Compaq/nc6220/nc6220.pdf [13] James C. Chen, Ph. D., Jeffrey M. Gilbert, Ph. D. ”Measured Performance of 5-GHz 802.11a Wireless LAN systems”, Atheros Communications, Inc. [14] Puttipong Mahasukhon, Michael Hempel, Song Ci and Hamid Sharif, “Comparison of Throughput Performance for the IEEE 802.11a and 802.11g”, University of Nebraska-Lincoln