A New Tax Law That is Actually Good For You Section 844 of the Pension Protection Act of 2006 Agenda Pension Protection Act 2006 Section 844 Ok, this sounds boring. But the new laws are VERY consumer friendly and you will gain valuable information today. Producer Training Requirements Required for all producers selling any LTC insurance in State – Partnership or Non-Partnership Initial NAIC 8-hour CE course and 4-hours CE every 24 months may be taken online or in person Some states are requiring state-specific Medicaid and Partnership information in addition to the NAIC 8-hour CE course. New Tax Law PENSION PROTECTION ACT OF 2006 Section 844 of Act specific to benefits found in annuity products Allows for Tax Free Distributions of Gain in Compliant Deferred Annuities to Fund/Reimburse Long Term Care Expenses Includes All Types of Care PENSION PROTECTION ACT OF 2006 Withdrawals from Non-Qualified annuities can be tax free to pay for long term care expenses only if the current annuity is PPA ’06 compliant. Withdrawals from Non-Qualified annuities can be tax free to pay for long term care insurance premiums even if not PPA ’06 compliant. Treatment of annuity and life insurance contracts with a long term care insurance feature The above is the official title of Section 844 Section 844 has the following benefits: 1) It allows LTCI benefits from annuities and life insurance policies to pay income tax free (so long as the benefits are tax qualified). 2) It allows for the 1035 exchange of a life insurance policy or annuity to a LTCI policy. 3) It allows for the 1035 exchange of an annuity that does not have a LTCI rider to one that does have one. So What Does This Mean? Suppose you have an annuity worth $150,000 and the cost basis is $80,000. If you wanted to take money from the annuity, you pay ordinary income tax on the gain of $70,000. But if you take money out to pay for LTC expenses or insurance, you pay NO TAXES. It saves you the taxes of the $70,000 gain. That is perhaps a $19,000 savings. What’s the Catch? Most existing annuities do not have LTC provisions in the wording of the contract therefore would not qualify for tax free withdrawals. An annuity must be PPA06 certified for the withdrawals to be tax free. Few carriers have the proper wording in their existing contracts. Exchanging funds DEFERRED ANNUITY TO LTC 1035 TRANSFER AUTHORIZATION • Only individual-owned annuity to individual-owned LTC policy or jointowned annuity to shared LTC policy exchanges are permitted. The proposed/current LTC insured(s) must be the owner(s) of the annuity. • Only annual mode is available with the 1035 partial exchanges program. I/We understand that the above requested transfer of funds from my/our existing annuity contract will be handled as 1035 exchange(s). I/We hereby authorize carrier to process the required exchange(s) on a one time or recurring annual basis, withdrawing necessary funds from the above designated annuity contract(s) to fund the premiums of the Long Term Care Insurance Policy referenced above. 1035x to a LTC policy Existing annuity does NOT have to be PPA’06 compliant. LTC policy should be on annual mode. 1035x is for the annual LTC premium amount. Done each year. Annuity carrier should provide a 1099 but coded LTC so tax free. Check with annuity carrier if compliant Annuities ANNUITY LANDSCAPE 150 Billion Annual Sales 1.8 Trillion in In-Force Annuities (that’s $1,800,000,000,000) Deferred Annuity purchasers are attracted by Safety Favorable tax treatment Guaranteed Avoiding income probate Do you have an annuity? 1) 2) According to an industry study: 83% of non-qualified annuity holders never touch the funds. When asked why they hold an annuity the two most common answers are For emergencies To pass to my spouse or family Annuities ANNUITY LANDSCAPE – WHAT’S REALLY HAPPENING NOW? How many are annuitized? How do annuity owners plan to fund medical emergencies? How do we sell annuities in a low interest rate environment Long Term Care Insurance LONG TERM CARE LANDSCAPE Long Term Care Insurance is a “good idea” 95% of people age 65 or older are not buying it Recent economy – do clients want to pay premiums? More and more boomers every year Whether consciously or sub-consciously: clients are self-insuring LTCI Most Common Objections 1) 2) 3) 4) Too expensive What if I never use the benefits? Insurance companies can raise rates on me I’ve got enough money to pay on my own Linked Benefits WHAT ARE LINKED BENEFITS? Single Premium Products Some Annual Premium Paying Products Available Annuities, Universal Life and Whole Life Better Leveraging Assets for These Benefits Non-Qualified or Qualified funds NOT LTC Partnership Approved Linked Benefits HOW DO LINKED BENEFIT PRODUCTS WORK? Creating tax advantaged withdrawals from annuities and life insurance to reimburse or fund long term care events Doubling, tripling or creating a lifetime of unlimited benefits Withdrawing from accumulation value first, then extending benefits Going on Claim Similar triggers to traditional LTCI policies Can’t perform 2 of 6 ADLs Cognitively Impaired Doctor recommendation Most are reimbursement some indemnity Daily or Monthly Benefit Payments TAX FREE BENEFITS Going on Claim Tapping into death benefit or annuity accumulation value first, then rider kicks in and provides additional pool of money. Premium paying policies usually tapping into death benefit only and no additional pool of money. TAX FREE BENEFITS Linked Benefits Life insurance with LTC benefits Whole life or Universal life base Single life or second-to-die Single premium or on going premiums Fixed annuities with LTC benefits Accelerated Benefit Riders Commonly called Chronical Illness rider. Similar triggers for a LTC claim. Usually no additional pool of money…just death benefit. No health license or additional CE required. UL or Whole Life product Premium Flexibility- Lifetime payment or single pay Product Samples Without mentioning specific carriers, here are a few samples of how linked benefit products work. Life/LTC Linked Benefits Female age 60 non-tobacco widowed $750,000 in assets such as CDs, stocks, annuities, IRAs, proceeds from husband’s life insurance… Concerned about LTC needs. $100,000 repositioned to a life/LTC linked benefit. Comparing Products Life/LTC Female age 60 standard NT $100,000 16th Pres. Life Guard Money Life Insurance $193,296 LTC monthly benefit LTC duration Total LTC benefit Return of premium Big Sig Life Life Caring Good Things to Life $202,962 $209,520 $8,054 $8,457 $8,730 6 years 6 years 6 years $579,888 $608,886 $628,560 100% 100% 100% TLC Annuity/LTC Wild Kingdom Life Elimination Period 60 months 72 months $102,040 $0 $0 $123,175 $369,525 50 States Life 7 days 60 months $101,023 $254,414 $142 $110,324 $296,752 $168.73 $151,830 $455,491 $162.13 $120,704 $349,328 $207.99 $194.06 Benefit Period Annuity Value Yr 1 LTC Value Yr 1 LTC Daily Benefit Yr 1 Annuity Value Yr 10 LTC Value Yr 10 LTC Daily Benefit Yr 10 Annuity Value Yr 20 LTC Value Yr 20 LTC Daily Benefit Yr 20 What about qualified money? One carrier has a second-to-die contract. Transfer IRA to an IRA annuity 1/20th is withdrawn each year – taxable Withdrawal is used to pay life premiums Life contract has a LTC rider Can include spouse TAX FREE withdrawals for LTC needs So What Do I Do? Go through your existing book of business Identify clients who have NQ annuities, CDs, have interest in LTC insurance, are between 50-80, high cash values in life insurance, have larger gain in their existing annuities… Then what do you do? So What Do I Do? CALL THEM! Sample approach “Dorothy, there has been a tax law change that I think may have a positive affect for you. I’d like to schedule a time to go over this with you.” “Frank, I know you have that old annuity with XYZ Company. Thanks to a tax law change, I may be able to enhance the benefits of your annuity.” Sample Approach “Chuck, I know you are not a fan of long term care insurance but thanks to a tax law change, I would like to share with you a couple ideas or options that may be in your best interest.” So What Do I Do? 1) Review current non-qualified annuity. Is it PPA’06 compliant? 2) Consider repositioning to an annuity that allows tax free withdrawals to reimburse LTC expenses. Could save $thousands in taxes. So What Do I Do? 1) Do you have a long term care insurance policy? How are you paying premiums? 2) Consider a 1035 exchange from your existing annuity to have tax free dollars pay the premiums. 3) Call your current annuity company to see if they will allow for 1035x. How to approach a prospect http://portal.sliderocket.com/AGERJ/LinkedBenefits-consumer This is a powerpoint with audio that you can email to prospects or clients introducing them to linked benefits. UNDERWRITING Linked Benefit products usually no paramed Phone interview testing for cognitive ability TAKE IT SERIOUSLY word recall Often NO medical records needed Contracts issued within days Accelerated Riders usually full underwriting LINKED BENEFITS SOMETHING NEW TO TALK TO CLIENTS ABOUT TAX FREE BENFITS FOR LTC NEEDS AVOID GAIN IN NQ ANNUITIES LEVERAGE DOLLARS AND CREATE MORE KEEP MORE $ UNDER MANAGEMENT Questions? Have questions? Contact me via email. mikes@idcnet.com 1-800-657-0736 Could present at your state or local.