Living With a Single Monetary Policy Germany Living With a Single Monetary Policy The Problem: Economic Inequality Effect on Germany Potential Solutions Policy Recommendation The Problem: Inequality The Problem: Inequality Government Deficit Averages 2000 to 2010 8.0% Eurozone Average: 2.4% 6.0% Germany: 2.2% 4.0% 2.0% 0.0% nd Finla a aki Slov enia Slov al tug Por tria Aus lands her Net lta rg Ma bou em Lux rus Cyp Italy ce Fran in Spa ece Gre nd Irela nia Esto ny ma Ger ium -4.0% Belg -2.0% Comparison of Government Debt, 2010 200.00% 150.00% Eurozone Average: 61.5% 50.00% 0.00% rage Ave ce Gree Italy ium Belg gal Portu nd Irela ny a Germ ce Fran ria Aust a Malt ands erl Neth rus Cyp n Spai nd Finla kia Slova nia Slove urg mbo Luxe ia Eston Germany: 83.2% 100.00% Source: The European Commission The Problem: Inequality Interest on Sovereign Bonds, 1995-2011 Source: The European Commission Germany: 5.8% 10.0 % Eurozone Average: 10.7% 20.0 15.0 5.0 Yearly Inflation Variation, 2011 6.0% d lan Fin kia va Slo nia ve Slo gal rtu Po ria s st nd Au erla th Ne a lt urg Ma mbo xe Lu rus p Cy ly Ita ce n Fra n ai Sp ce ee Gr d lan Ire ia on Est ium lg y Be an rm Ge 1.0% 0.0% d lan Fin akia v Slo enia v l Slo ga rtu Po tria ds n s Au herla t Ne ta urg l o Ma mb xe Lu rus p Cy ly Ita ce n Fra in a Sp ce ee Gr nd la Ire ia on y Est man r Ge ium lg Be Germany: 2.5% 4.0% 3.0% 2.0% Eurozone Average: 2.7% The Problem: Inequality Current Unemployment Variation, November 2011 25.0 0.0 5.0% Source: The European Commission Average Net Trade Variation, 1999 to 2010 € 120 Eurozone Average: 4.7 Billion € 100 € 80 In Billions The Problem: Inequality € 60 Germany: 79.8 Billion € 40 € 20 €0 -€ 40 -€ 60 and Finl ia ak Slov ia en Slov al tug Por tria Aus rlands he Net lta Ma bourg em Lux s ru Cyp y Ital nce Fra in Spa e ec Gre nd Irela nia Esto ny rma Ge m giu B el -€ 20 Gross Domestic Production Trends 20 10 0 Eurozone Average for 2011: 1.4% Germany for 2011: 3.0% -10 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 -20 Belgium Ireland France Luxembourg Austria Slov akia Germany Greece Italy Malta Portugal Finland Estonia Spain Cyprus Netherlands Slov enia Source: The European Commission The Effect on Germany The Effect on Germany Loans to Countries in Crisis France Germany UK Private Exposure Government Exposure US Italy Greece’s debt directly owed to the German Government: 15 billion Euros Japan Spain Millions USD 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 Source: Bank For International Settlements The Effect on Germany German Trade in the Eurozone Total trade within the Eurozone: France 9% 41% United States 7% Netherlands7 % Other 41% UK 6% Poland 4% Italy 6% Switzerland 4% Percent of Workforce in Manufacturing: 29.7% China 6% A ustria 5% Belgium 5% Source: Statistisches Bundesamt Deutschland; The Effect on Germany Private German Exposure to Eurozone 200.00 100.00 Non-bank Priv ate Sector Banks 50.00 Public Sector 150.00 0.00 Finland Greece Portugal Belgium Ireland Italy Luxembou rg Spain Netherland s France Billions USD 250.00 Source: Bank For International Settlements Potential Solutions Potential Solutions Pushing for Stimulus Financial Sector Fiscal Budgets Private Consumption Potential Solutions Drawbacks Costly Unpopular May only have short-term effects Potential Solutions Pushing for Austerity Measures Methods Reducing Government Expenditure Raising Government Funds Enforcement Changing Management Political Agreements Potential Solutions Drawbacks Risks deeper recession Unpopular Slows growth Policy Recommendation Policy Recommendation Europe 2020 Education Green Energy Research and Development Policy Recommendation Implementation Unemployment: 12%+ Government Debt: 90%+ of GDP Ireland, Portugal, Greece Policy Recommendation Drawbacks Uneven financial support Lender Insecurity Policy Recommendation “We will only be able to strengthen our common currency if we co-ordinate our policies more closely…” –Angela Merkel Policy Recommendation Prevention: Standardization Stability and Growth Pact Annual financial inspection Transparency Conclusion Inequality German Connection Stabilization Prevention Implementation References - Economic Data for 196 Countries. 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