PHY2053 Exam 2 PHY 2053 Fall13 Exam 2 80 Number of Students = 621 Average = 11.6 Median = 12 High = 20 Low = 3 Number 60 40 20 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Grade Average = 11.6 High = 20 (2 students) Low = 3 R. Field 11/12/2013 University of Florida PHY 2053 After adding 2 points to everyone’s score. Page 1 Estimated Course Grades 18 students have 100 points! PHY 2053 Fall13 Estimated Course Grades ≥ 40 D≥ 45 D ≥ 50 D+ ≥ 55 C≥ 60 C ≥ 65 C+ ≥ 70 B≥ 75 B ≥ 82 B+ ≥ 87 A≥ 92 A 30 Number 25 20 15 10 5 20% After Two Exams C Average = 74.1 High = 100 B A Percent of Students 35 PHY 2053 Fall13 Estimated Course Grades 15% After Two Exams Number = 646 A or A- = 22.9% >=B = 50.2% >=C = 84.4% 16.3% 13.2% 12.8% 12.7% 11.0% 10% 10.2% 8.2% 5.1% 5% 2.9% 3.3% 2.8% 1.5% 0% 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 Points (100 max) E D- D D+ C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A Grade 1. Assumes that you get the same grade on the Final Exam that you averaged on Exam 1 plus Exam 2. 2. Include the first 8 quizzes and assumes that you get the same average on all your remaining quizzes that you have for the first 8 quizzes. 3. Includes the first 9 WebAssign HW assignments and assumes that you get the same average on all your remaining homework assignments that you have for the first 9 assignments. 4. Includes your HITT scores through 10/31/13 and assumes you maintain the same average on the remaining HITT questions. 5. Includes your first 4 Sakai HW assignments and assumes you maintain the same average on the remaining assignments. R. Field 11/12/2013 University of Florida PHY 2053 Page 2 Traveling Waves: Energy Transport A “wave” is a traveling disturbance that transports energy but not matter. • Intensity: I Ppower v Intensity I = power per unit area (measured in Watts/m2) Area Intensity is proportional to the square of the amplitude A! • Variation with Distance: If sound is emitted isotropically (i.e. equal intensity in all directions) from a point source with power Psource and if the mechanical energy of the wave is conserved then P I source 2 4 r S p h ere w ith rad iu s r S ou rce P S r (intensity from isotropic point source) • Speed of Propagation: The speed of any mechanical wave depends on both the inertial property of the medium (stores kinetic energy) and the elastic property (stores potential energy). Transverse wave on a string: v elastic inertial R. Field 11/12/2013 University of Florida (wave speed) v FT m PHY 2053 FT = string tension m = M/L = linear mass density Page 3 Constructing Traveling Waves y = f(x) at tim e t= 0 y = f(x-vt) v x=0 x = vt • Constructing Traveling Waves: To construct a wave with shape y = f(x) at time t = 0 traveling to the right with speed v replace x by x-vt. Traveling Harmonic Waves: Harmonic waves have the form y = A sin(kx + f) at time t = 0, where k is the "wave number“, k = 2/, is the "wave length". and A is the "amplitude". To construct a harmonic wave traveling to the right with speed v, replace x by x-vt as follows: y A sin( k ( x vt ) f ) A sin( kx t f ) where = kv. y= A sin (k x) 1 .0 A 0 .5 0 .0 -0 .5 -1 .0 k x (rad ian s) Speed of propagation! y y ( x , t ) A sin( kx t f ) Harmonic wave traveling to the right y y ( x , t ) A sin( kx t f ) Harmonic wave traveling to the left The phase angle f determines y at x = t = 0, y(x=t=0) = Asinf. If y(x=t=0) = 0 then f = 0. R. Field 11/12/2013 PHY 2053 University of Florida v k Page 4 Waves: Mathematical Description y y ( x , t ) A sin( F ) A sin( kx t ) y y-axis y(x,t) wave traveling to the right A A F = kx-t f F Vector A with length A undergoing uniform circular motion with phase F = kx – t. The projection onto the y-axis gives y = Asin(kx – t). y y ( x , t 0 ) A sin( kx ) If t = 0 then y y-axis y(x) A F = kx x One circular revolution corresponds to F = 2 = k, and hence k = 2/ (“wave number”). R. Field 11/12/2013 University of Florida PHY 2053 Page 5 Waves: Mathematical Description y y ( x , t ) A sin( F ) A sin( kx t ) y y-axis y(x,t) wave traveling to the right A A F = kx-t f F Vector A with length A undergoing uniform circular motion with phase F = kx – t. The projection onto the y-axis gives y = Asin(kx – t). If x = 0 then y y-axis y(t) y y ( x 0 , t ) A sin( t ) T F = -t A t One circular revolution corresponds to F = 2 = T and hence T = 2/ (“period”). R. Field 11/12/2013 University of Florida PHY 2053 Page 6 Waves: Mathematical Description yy In General y-axis y ( x , t ) A sin( F ) A sin( kx t f ) wave traveling to the right y(x,t) A A F = kx-t+f f F Overall phase F = kx – t + f. y y ( x , t ) A sin( F ) A sin( kx t f ) y-axis wave traveling to the left y(x,t) A F = kx+t+f F Period (in s) T 2 Frequency (in Hz) f R. Field 11/12/2013 University of Florida 1 T Wave Number (in rad/m) Angular Frequency (in rad/s) 2 f PHY 2053 k 2 Wave Speed (in m/s) v f k Page 7 Waves: Mathematical Description y y ( x , t ) A sin( F ) A sin( kx t f ) y wave traveling to the right A vnode f x nth node point on string • Waves Propagation: A node is a point on the wave where y(x,t) vanishes: F kx t f n n 0 ,1, 2 , kx1 t1 f n k ( x 2 x 2 ) ( t 2 t1 ) v node dx dt k kx 2 t 2 f n k x t (wave speed) • Transverse Speed & Acceleration: For “transverse” waves the points on the string move up and down while the wave moves to the right. transverse speed of a point on the string u dy dt A cos( kx t f ) u max A R. Field 11/12/2013 University of Florida transverse acceleration of a point on the string a du dt A sin( kx t f ) 2 a y 2 a max A 2 SHM PHY 2053 Page 8 Waves: Example Problems • A transverse wave on a taught string has amplitude A, wavelength and speed v. A point on the string only moves in the transverse direction. If its maximum transverse speed is umax, what is the ratio umax/v? u max A 2 A v kA u A Answer: 2A/ max v k /k • The function y(x,t) = Acos(kx - t) describes a wave on a taut string with the x-axis parallel to the string. The wavelength is = 3.14 cm and the amplitude is A = 0.1 cm. If the maximum transverse speed of any point on the string is 10 m/s, what is the speed of propagation of the travelling wave in the x-direction? Answer: 50 m/s u max A R. Field 11/12/2013 University of Florida v k 2 v u max 2 A PHY 2053 ( 3 . 14 cm )( 10 m / s ) _ 2 ( 0 . 1cm ) 50 m / s Page 9 Waves: Example Problems • A sinusoidal wave moving along a string is shown twice in the figure. Crest A travels in the positive direction along the x-axis and moves a distance d = 12 cm in 3 ms. If the tick marks along the x-axis are 10 cm apart, what is the frequency of the traveling wave? Answer: 100 Hz v d t 12 cm 4 x 4 (10 cm ) 0 . 4 m 40 m / s 3 ms f R. Field 11/12/2013 University of Florida v 40 m / s 100 Hz 0 .4 m PHY 2053 Page 10