Traveling Waves: Superposition • Wave Superposition: y-axis y y1(x,t) A1 1 y1 ( x, t ) A1 sin(1 ) A1 sin(k1 x 1t ) A f y-axis y y2(x,t) A2 2 y2 ( x, t ) A2 sin(2 ) A2 sin(k2 x 2t ) A f Add the two waves together (superposition of wave 1 and wave 2) as follows: y12 ( x, t ) y1 ( x, t ) y2 ( x, t ) A1 sin(1 ) A2 sin( 2 ) A1 sin(k1 x 1t ) A2 sin(k2 x 2t ) R. Field 11/14/2013 University of Florida PHY 2053 Page 1 Traveling Waves: Superposition • Wave Superposition: y1 ( x, t ) A1 sin(1 ) A1 sin(k1 x 1t ) y2 ( x, t ) A2 sin(2 ) A2 sin(k2 x 2t ) Wave 2 y-axis Superposition! y-axis Wave 1 A2 A12 A2 2 1 A1 1 A1 2 y12 ( x, t ) y1 ( x, t ) y2 ( x, t ) A1 sin(1 ) A2 sin( 2 ) A1 sin(k1 x 1t ) A2 sin(k2 x 2t ) The intensity of the new wave is proportional to A12 squared! R. Field 11/14/2013 University of Florida PHY 2053 Page 2 Traveling Waves: Superposition • Wave Superposition: Consider two waves with the same amplitude, frequency, and wavelength but with an overall phase difference of D = f. y1 ( x, t ) A sin(1 ) A sin(kx t f / 2) y2 ( x, t ) A sin(2 ) A sin(kx t f / 2) sinA+sinB = 2sin[(A+B)/2]cos[(A-B)/2] D 2 1 f y-axis A D A y12 ( x, t ) y1 ( x, t ) y2 ( x, t ) A sin(kx t f / 2) A sin(kx t f / 2) 2 A cosf sin(kx t ) Superposition! y12 ( x, t ) A12 sin(kx t ) A12 2 A cosf 2 A cosD New amplitude! R. Field 11/14/2013 University of Florida I I1 I 2 A2 I12 A122 4 A2 cos2 f I12 4 I cos2 f 4 I cos2 D PHY 2053 New intensity! Page 3 Traveling Waves: Interference • Maximal Constructive Interference: Consider two waves with the same amplitude, frequency, and wavelength but with an overall phase difference of D = 2pn, where n = 0, ±1, ±2,… D 2 1 2pn y-axis A A n 0,1,2, y12 ( x, t ) 2 A sin(kx t ) I1 I 2 I I12 4I Max Constructive! • Maximal Destructive Interference: Consider two waves with the same amplitude, frequency, and wavelength but with an overall phase difference of D = p+2pn, where n = 0, ±1, ±2,… D 2 1 p 2pn y-axis D A n 0,1,2, y12 ( x, t ) 0 A I1 I 2 I R. Field 11/14/2013 University of Florida PHY 2053 I12 0 Max Destructive! Page 4 Example Problem: Superposition • Two traveling pressure waves (wave A and wave B) have the same frequency and wavelength. The waves are superimposed upon each other. The amplitude of the resulting wave (wave C) is 13 kPa. If the amplitude of wave A is 12 kPa and the phase difference between wave B and wave A is fB – fA = 90o, what is the amplitude of wave B and the magnitude of the phase difference between wave A and wave C, respectively? Answer: 5 kPa, 22.62o cos AC AB AA 12 0.923 AC 13 AC AB AC 22.62 AC 90o AA AA AA2 AB2 AC2 AB AC2 AA2 (13kPa ) 2 (12 kPa ) 2 5kPa R. Field 11/14/2013 University of Florida PHY 2053 Page 5 Traveling Waves: Superposition • Lateral Phase Shift: Consider two waves with the same amplitude, frequency, and wavelength that are in phase at x = 0. D 2 1 k (d2 d1 ) kDd 1 kd1 t 2 A = -t Wave 1 distance d1 A A 1 2 kd2 t x=0 Wave 2 distance d2 A = -t x=0 R. Field 11/14/2013 University of Florida D kDd 2pn Max Constructive 2pn Dd n n 0,1,2, k Max Destructive D kDd p 2pn (p 2pn) Dd (n 12 ) n 0,1,2, k PHY 2053 Page 6 Examples: Superposition Dd = /2 max destructive Dd = max constructive Wave Superposition 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 -0.5 0 -1.0 -1.5 -2.0 Wave Superposition 1.0 0.5 0.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -0.5 -1.0 ysum = y1 + y2 ysum = y1 + y2 kx (radians) Dd = /4 kx (radians) Wave Superposition 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 -0.5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 -1.0 -1.5 ysum = y1 + y2 R. Field 11/14/2013 University of Florida kx (radians) PHY 2053 Page 7 8 Example Problem: Superposition S1 S2 S4 S3 P x • The figure shows four isotropic point sources of sound that are uniformly spaced on the x-axis. The sources emit sound at the same wavelength and the same amplitude A, and they emit in phase. A point P is shown on the x-axis. Assume that as the sound waves travel to the point P, the decrease in their amplitude is negligible. What is the amplitude of the net wave at P if d = /4? d d d 3 Answer: Zero d1 x 3d d 2 x 2d d3 x d d4 x D 34 kDd 34 D 23 kDd 23 D 12 kDd12 R. Field 11/14/2013 University of Florida 2pDd 34 2pDd 23 2pDd12 2pd 2pd 2pd PHY 2053 2p ( / 4) 2p ( / 4) 2p ( / 4) p 2 4 2 p 2 1 Max Destructive p 2 Page 8 Example Problem: Superposition • Sound with a 40 cm wavelength travels rightward from a source and through a tube that consists of a straight portion and a half-circle as shown in the figure. Part of the sound wave travels through the half-circle and then rejoins the rest of the wave, which goes directly through the straight portion. This rejoining results in interference. What is the smallest radius r that results in an intensity minimum at the detector? Point A Point B Answer: 17.5 cm At point A the waves have the same amplitude, wavelength, and frequency and are in phase. Wave 1 travels a distance d1 = 2r to reach the point B, while wave 2 travels a distance d2 = pr to reach the point B. Dd d2 d1 (p 2)r (n 12 ) n 0,1,2, Max Destructive (n 12 ) (40cm) r min 17.5cm (p 2) 2(p 2) 2(p 2) R. Field 11/14/2013 University of Florida PHY 2053 Page 9