Numerical and Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation of Pantograph-Catenary Interaction Stefano Bruni, Giuseppe Bucca, Andra Collina, Alan Facchinetti Pantograph Catenary Interaction Framework for Intelligent Control Amiens, France, December 8th, 2011 Introduction 2 The assessment of the performance of a given pantographcatenary system is usually based on line measurements Experimental test runs are extremely time-consuming and expensive The availability of simulation tools for pantograph-catenary dynamic interaction is essential or at least can reduce the number of required line tests for: • design of new systems • optimisation of existing systems • interoperability analyses • virtual homologation (PantoTRAIN) • … A. Facchinetti PACIFIC’2011, December 18th, 2011, Amiens Contents of the presentation 3 1. Mathematical model and numerical simulation of pantograph-catenary interaction 2. Hybrid simulation of pantograph-catenary interaction 3. Comparison of the simulation tools with line measurements 4. Effect of contact strip deformability 5. Effect of contact dynamics on contact wire wear 6. Concluding remarks A. Facchinetti PACIFIC’2011, December 18th, 2011, Amiens Mathematical model of pantograph-catenary interaction 4 The development of a mathematical model for pantographcatenary dynamic interaction started at Politecnico di Milano several years ago Cooperation with Italferr and former FS (Italian State Railways), now RFI (Rete Ferroviaria Italiana) Simulation tool mainly intended for the assessment of current collection quality, continuously updated • • • Software was successfully applied: to the design of the new Italian 25 kV a.c. high speed line for the upgrading of the existing Italian 3 kV d.c. line for the design of several applications world-wide, in support of the main overhead line suppliers. A. Facchinetti PACIFIC’2011, December 18th, 2011, Amiens Mathematical model: the catenary model 5 Traditional wire droppers Elastic ring dropper Finite element schematisation of the contact wire and of the messenger wire Droppers included as non linear element (non-linear characteristic obtained from laboratory tests) [Mc ]x c + [R c ]x c + [K c ]x c = Fcc (x c ) + Fcp (x c ,x c ,x p ,x p ,t) A. Facchinetti PACIFIC’2011, December 18th, 2011, Amiens Mathematical model: the pantograph model 6 FRF - Head Mod. [m s -2/N] 0.4 exp 1mm exp 5mm exp 20mm model 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 f [Hz] 12 14 16 18 20 0 2 4 6 8 10 f [Hz] 12 14 16 18 20 Phase [deg] 0 -50 -100 -150 -200 Pantograph represented as a non-linear lumped parameter system (identification from experimental FRF) Bending deformability of the collectors introduced by modal superposition approach (impact tests on the single collector) A. Facchinetti PACIFIC’2011, December 18th, 2011, Amiens Mathematical model: the interaction model wj Fc Catenary zcc = fwjTmotion (xcj )x j + zirr (t) 7 Contact law (penalty method) Fc zcc w j-1 cj Fc a zcp Collector motion zcp = FT (xci )qi Fc ìï[Mc ]x c + [R c ]x c + [K c ]x c = Fcc (x c ) + Fcp (x c ,x c ,x p ,x p ,t) í ïî[M p ]x p + [R p ]x p + [K p ]x p = Fpc (x p ,x p ,x c ,x c ,t) A. Facchinetti PACIFIC’2011, December 18th, 2011, Amiens Hybrid (HIL) simulation of pantograph-catenary interaction xC 8 FC ksosp rsosp ksosp rsosp ρp, Ap, EJp, Lp, Sp Fpend,i y m x mc m mc ρFc, AFc, EJFc, LFc, SFc Fpant v Real-time catenary model A. Facchinetti PACIFIC’2011, December 18th, 2011, Amiens Hybrid simulation: the HIL test-rig 9 Lateral actuation (stagger) Electromechanical up to ±400mm @ 360 km/h Vertical actuation 2 independent hydraulic actuators up to 25 Hz Load cells A. Facchinetti PACIFIC’2011, December 18th, 2011, Amiens Hybrid simulation: the catenary model 10 f dj compression 3-5 spans (periodic structure) CW and MW represented through modal superposition approach (tensioned beams) Effect of droppers’ slackening “Shift forward” procedure A. Facchinetti PACIFIC’2011, December 18th, 2011, Amiens traction ! lj Comparison of numerical simulation with line measurements 11 ATR95 pantograph - C270 catenary (25 kV a.c.) V = 300 km/h Time histor of the contact force (approximately 3 spans) 1/3 octave band frequency spectra of the contact force CW irregularity was considered in the numerical simulation A. Facchinetti PACIFIC’2011, December 18th, 2011, Amiens Comparison of hybrid simulation with line measurements 12 ATR95 pantograph - C270 catenary (25 kV a.c.) V = 300 km/h Time history of the contact force (approximately 3 spans) A. Facchinetti PACIFIC’2011, December 18th, 2011, Amiens 1/3 octave band frequency spectra of the contact force Comparison with line measurements 13 ATR95 pantograph - C270 catenary (25 kV a.c.) V = 300 km/h Line tests - average σF [N] 47.1 σF 0-2 Hz [N] 17.1 σF 7-18 Hz [N] 40.2 Line tests – max. 48.9 20.9 41.5 Line tests – min. 46.1 15.1 39.3 Hybrid simulation 43.7 17.6 37.8 % deviation 7.3% 1.6% 6.1% Numerical simulation 37.0 16.8 29.4 21.5% 2.1% 27.0% % deviation A. Facchinetti PACIFIC’2011, December 18th, 2011, Amiens Effect of contact strip deformability (numerical simulation) A. Facchinetti PACIFIC’2011, December 18th, 2011, Amiens 14 Exp. freq. [Hz] FE freq. [Hz] 60.1 Hz 60 Hz 76.9 Hz 76.2 Hz 136 Hz 136 Hz Effect of contact strip deformability (numerical simulation) 15 V=270 km/h without deformability V=330 km/h V=270 km/h with deformability V=330 km/h Spectra of the vertical accelerations of the front collector A. Facchinetti PACIFIC’2011, December 18th, 2011, Amiens Contact losses percentage Effect of contact dynamics on contact wire wear (numerical simulation) 16 Procedure for the estimation of wear evolution V i Numerical simulation of the pantographcatenary interaction Fc Wear model A=f(Fc,i,V) N pass. Initial irregularity A. Facchinetti PACIFIC’2011, December 18th, 2011, Amiens A Evolution of CW irregularity (single passage) The wear model 17 Wear model A=f(Fc,i,V) Heuristic model of contact wire wear, tuned on the basis of experimental data Electrical contribution Mechanical contribution i Fc V Fc R(Fc )i 2 A k1 1 k2 HV i 0 F0 V0 H A = worn area, Fc = contact force, i = current intensity, V = sliding speed, H = hardness of CW material, F0, i0, V0 = reference value, R(Fc) = electrical contact resistance α, β, k1 and k2 identified from experimental data A. Facchinetti PACIFIC’2011, December 18th, 2011, Amiens Test rig for the study of wear behaviour of contact strip and contact wire 18 The test-rig enables the testing of full scale collectors at speeds up to 200 km/h, imposing electrical current intensity up to 1200 A dc, 500 A ac 162/3 Hz and 350 A ac 50 Hz. A. Facchinetti PACIFIC’2011, December 18th, 2011, Amiens Test rig for the study of wear behaviour of contact strip and contact wire A. Facchinetti PACIFIC’2011, December 18th, 2011, Amiens 19 Test rig for the study of wear behaviour of contact strip and contact wire Rotating fibre-glass disk (R = 2 m) Contact wire A. Facchinetti PACIFIC’2011, December 18th, 2011, Amiens 19 Test rig for the study of wear behaviour of contact strip and contact wire Collector Hydraulic actuator A. Facchinetti PACIFIC’2011, December 18th, 2011, Amiens 19 Test rig for the study of wear behaviour of contact strip and contact wire Ventilation apparatus A. Facchinetti PACIFIC’2011, December 18th, 2011, Amiens 19 Results from wear tests: contact resistance 20 Contact resistance vs contact force kR R( Fc ) Fc A. Facchinetti PACIFIC’2011, December 18th, 2011, Amiens k R 4.97 10 2 N 1 / 2 Results from wear tests: Contact wire Specific Wear Rate CW SWR vs contact force Vlm SWR = s × FC 21 CW SWR vs current Vlm = volume of lost material [mm3] s = travelled distance [km] FC= Contact force [N] A. Facchinetti PACIFIC’2011, December 18th, 2011, Amiens Results from wear tests: Contact wire Specific Wear Rate æ iö A = k1 ç 1+ ÷ è i ø 0 -a b æ Fc ö V Fc R(Fc )i 2 çè F ÷ø V H + k 2 H × V 0 0 k1, k2, and β A. Facchinetti PACIFIC’2011, December 18th, 2011, Amiens 22 Evolution of the worn area of the contact wire 23 Comparison between numerical results for two different values of the mechanical tension of the contact wire, i.e. 17 kN and 20 kN mid A. Facchinetti PACIFIC’2011, December 18th, 2011, Amiens Concluding remarks 24 The numerical simulation and hybrid co-simulation represent useful means to investigate the pantograph-catenary dynamic interaction before line-testing The degree of accuracy that can be obtained with these two techniques is more than satisfactory Mathematical models can also give some insight into some of the phenomena involved in pantograph-catenary interaction, e.g. the effects of collector deformability and wear process concerning contact wire and collector strip A. Facchinetti PACIFIC’2011, December 18th, 2011, Amiens 28 A. Facchinetti PACIFIC’2011, December 18th, 2011, Amiens