COMPUTER NO. 12 ISMRM 2014 E-POSTER #3206 OPTIMAL UNBIASED STEADY-STATE RELAXOMETRY WITH PHASE-CYCLED VARIABLE FLIP ANGLE (PCVFA) BY AUTOMATIC COMPUTATION OF THE CRAMÉR-RAO LOWER BOUND J.Su1,2 and B.K.Rutt2 1Department 2Department of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States of Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States Computation of the Cramér-Rao Lower Bound for virtually any pulse sequence An open-source framework in Python: SPGR (DESPOT1, VFA) and bSSFP-based (DESPOT2) relaxometry methods are re-optimized under this framework Coefficient of variation for T1 (top) and T2 (bottom) of the optimal protocols over a tissue range with columns (left) DESPOT2 and (right) PCVFA. ๏ซdenotes the target gray matter tissue. Allowing phase-cycling as a free variable improves the theoretical precision by 2.1x in GM ISMRM 2014 E-POSTER #3206 OPTIMAL UNBIASED STEADY-STATE RELAXOMETRY WITH PHASE-CYCLED VARIABLE FLIP ANGLE (PCVFA) BY AUTOMATIC COMPUTATION OF THE CRAMÉR-RAO LOWER BOUND J.Su1,2 and B.K.Rutt2 1Department of 2Department of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States Declaration of Conflict of Interest or Relationship I have no conflicts of interest to disclose with regard to the subject matter of this presentation. OPTIMAL UNBIASED STEADY-STATE RELAXOMETRY WITH PHASE-CYCLED VARIABLE FLIP ANGLE (PCVFA) BY AUTOMATIC COMPUTATION OF THE CRLB ISMRM 2014 #3206 Directory T1 mapping with SPGR (VFA, DESPOT1) Cramér-Rao Lower Bound Optimal Design Automatic Differentiation T1 and T2 mapping with SPGR and bSSFP (DESPOT2) Diffusion? OPTIMAL UNBIASED STEADY-STATE RELAXOMETRY WITH PHASE-CYCLED VARIABLE FLIP ANGLE (PCVFA) BY AUTOMATIC COMPUTATION OF THE CRLB ISMRM 2014 #3206 How precisely can I measure something with this pulse sequence? CRLB: What is it? • A lower limit on the variance of an estimator of a parameter. – The best you can do at estimating say T1 with a given pulse sequence and signal equation: g(T1) • Estimators that achieve the bound are called “efficient” – The minimum variance unbiased estimator (MVUE) is efficient CRLB: Fisher Information Matrix ๐ฟ๐๐ ๐ ๐ฝ๐,๐ = ๐ฟ๐๐ −1 ๐น = ๐ฝ๐ Σ๐๐๐๐ ๐ ๐ฝ • Typically calculated for a given tissue, θ • Interpretation – J captures the sensitivity of the signal equation to changes in a parameter – Its “invertibility” or conditioning is how separable parameters are from each other, i.e. the specificity of the measurement CRLB: How does it work? • A common formulation 1. Unbiased estimator 2. A signal equation with normally distributed noise 3. Measurement noise is independent −1 ๐น = ๐ฝ๐ Σ๐๐๐๐ ๐ ๐ฝ Σ๐ ≥ ๐น −1 ๐ ๐๐ ≥ Σ๐,๐๐ CRLB: Computing the Jacobian Numeric differentiation Symbolic or analytic differentiation Automatic differentiation • Questionable accuracy • Has limited the application of CRLB • Difficult, tedious, and slow for multiple inputs, multiple outputs • Solves all these problems • Calculation time comparable to numeric • But 108 times more accurate OPTIMAL UNBIASED STEADY-STATE RELAXOMETRY WITH PHASE-CYCLED VARIABLE FLIP ANGLE (PCVFA) BY AUTOMATIC COMPUTATION OF THE CRLB ISMRM 2014 #3206 Directory T1 mapping with SPGR (VFA, DESPOT1) Cramér-Rao Lower Bound Optimal Design Automatic Differentiation T1 and T2 mapping with SPGR and bSSFP (DESPOT2) Diffusion? OPTIMAL UNBIASED STEADY-STATE RELAXOMETRY WITH PHASE-CYCLED VARIABLE FLIP ANGLE (PCVFA) BY AUTOMATIC COMPUTATION OF THE CRLB Automatic Differentiation Your 21st century slope-o-meter engine. ISMRM 2014 #3206 OPTIMAL UNBIASED STEADY-STATE RELAXOMETRY WITH PHASE-CYCLED VARIABLE FLIP ANGLE (PCVFA) BY AUTOMATIC COMPUTATION OF THE CRLB ISMRM 2014 #3206 Automatic Differentiation • Automatic differentiation IS: – Fast, esp. for many input partial derivatives Symbolic requires substitution of symbolic objects Numeric requires multiple function calls for each partial OPTIMAL UNBIASED STEADY-STATE RELAXOMETRY WITH PHASE-CYCLED VARIABLE FLIP ANGLE (PCVFA) BY AUTOMATIC COMPUTATION OF THE CRLB ISMRM 2014 #3206 Automatic Differentiation • Automatic differentiation IS: – Fast, esp. for many input partial derivatives – Effective for computing higher derivatives Symbolic generates huge expressions Numeric becomes even more inaccurate OPTIMAL UNBIASED STEADY-STATE RELAXOMETRY WITH PHASE-CYCLED VARIABLE FLIP ANGLE (PCVFA) BY AUTOMATIC COMPUTATION OF THE CRLB ISMRM 2014 #3206 Automatic Differentiation • Automatic differentiation IS: – Fast, esp. for many input partial derivatives – Effective for computing higher derivatives – Adept at analyzing complex algorithms Bloch simulations Loops and conditional statements 1.6 million-line FEM model OPTIMAL UNBIASED STEADY-STATE RELAXOMETRY WITH PHASE-CYCLED VARIABLE FLIP ANGLE (PCVFA) BY AUTOMATIC COMPUTATION OF THE CRLB ISMRM 2014 #3206 Automatic Differentiation • Automatic differentiation IS: – Fast, esp. for many input partial derivatives – Effective for computing higher derivatives – Adept at analyzing complex algorithms – Accurate to machine precision A comparison between automatic and (central) finite differentiation vs. symbolic AD matches symbolic to machine precision Finite difference doesn’t come close OPTIMAL UNBIASED STEADY-STATE RELAXOMETRY WITH PHASE-CYCLED VARIABLE FLIP ANGLE (PCVFA) BY AUTOMATIC COMPUTATION OF THE CRLB ISMRM 2014 #3206 Directory T1 mapping with SPGR (VFA, DESPOT1) Cramér-Rao Lower Bound Optimal Design Automatic Differentiation T1 and T2 mapping with SPGR and bSSFP (DESPOT2) Diffusion? Optimal Design • Optimality conditions • Applications in other fields • Cite other MR uses of CRLB for optimization OPTIMAL UNBIASED STEADY-STATE RELAXOMETRY WITH PHASE-CYCLED VARIABLE FLIP ANGLE (PCVFA) BY AUTOMATIC COMPUTATION OF THE CRLB ISMRM 2014 #3206 Directory T1 mapping with SPGR (VFA, DESPOT1) Cramér-Rao Lower Bound Optimal Design Automatic Differentiation T1 and T2 mapping with SPGR and bSSFP (DESPOT2) Diffusion? T1 Mapping with VFA/DESPOT1 ๐๐๐๐บ๐ 1 − ๐ −๐๐ /๐1 ๐ผ, ๐๐ ∝ ๐0 1 − cos ๐ผ ๐ −๐๐ /๐1 • Protocol optimization – What is the acquisition protocol which maximizes our T1 precision? Christensen 1974, Homer 1984, Wang 1987, Deoni 2003 DESPOT1: Protocol Optimization ๐1 ๐0 , ๐1 = ๐๐๐๐บ๐ ๐ผ1 , ๐๐ , ๐12 โฎ ๐๐ ๐0 , ๐1 = ๐๐๐๐บ๐ ๐ผ๐ , ๐๐ , ๐๐2 • Acquiring N images: with what flip angles and how long should we scan each? • Cost function, λ = 0 for M0 – Coefficient of variation (CoV = ๐๐1 /๐1 ) for a single T1 – The sum of CoVs for a range of T1s Problem Setup • Minimize the CoV of T1 with Jacobians implemented by AD • Constraints – TR = TRmin = 5ms – ๐ผ > 0, ๐๐2 > 0 – ๐ผ < 90° • Solver – Sequential least squares programming with multiple start points (scipy.optimize.fmin_slsqp) Results: T1=1000ms • • • • N=2 ๐12 = ๐22 α = [2.373 13.766]° This agrees with Deoni 2003 – Corresponds to the pair of flip angles producing signal at – Previously approximated as 0.71 1 2 of the Ernst angle Results: T1=500-5000ms • N=2 • ๐12 = ๐22 • α = [1.4318 8.6643]° – Compare for single T1 = 2750ms, optimal α = [1.4311 8.3266]° • Contradicts Deoni 2004, which suggests to collect a range of flip angles to cover more T1s Results: T1=500-5000ms OPTIMAL UNBIASED STEADY-STATE RELAXOMETRY WITH PHASE-CYCLED VARIABLE FLIP ANGLE (PCVFA) BY AUTOMATIC COMPUTATION OF THE CRLB ISMRM 2014 #3206 Directory T1 mapping with SPGR (VFA, DESPOT1) Cramér-Rao Lower Bound Optimal Design Automatic Differentiation T1 and T2 mapping with SPGR and bSSFP (DESPOT2) Diffusion? DESPOT2 Using SPGR and FIESTA • These have been previously paired in the DESPOT2 technique as a two-stage experiment • The toolkit creates the CRLB as a callable function and delivers it to standard optimization routines • Finds the same optimal choice of flip angles and acquisition times as in literature1 under the DESPOT2 scheme with 5+ decimal places of precision • A pair of SPGR for T1 mapping and a pair of FIESTA for T2 with ~75% time spent on SPGRs A new method with FIESTA only: phase-cycled variable flip angle (PCVFA) • 2.1x greater precision per unit time achieved by considering a joint reconstruction and allowing phase-cycling to be free parameter The optimal PCVFA protocol acquires two phase cycles, each with flip angle pairs that give 1/√2 of the maximum signal. 3Deoni et al. MRM 2003 Mar;49(3):515-26. DESPOT2 vs. PCVFA Coefficient of variation for T1 (top) and T2 (bottom) of the optimal protocols over a tissue range with columns (left) DESPOT2 and (right) PCVFA. ๏ซdenotes the target gray matter tissue. T1 in DESPOT2 vs PCVFA T1 in DESPOT2 vs PCVFA Discussion & Conclusion