deltaDNA template

©deltaDNA. deltaDNA is a trading name of GamesAnalytics Ltd.
Data Structure
Data Mining
– Events
– Users
Direct Access
Querying Events
Querying Users
Joining between Events and Users
©deltaDNA. deltaDNA is a trading name of GamesAnalytics Ltd.
©deltaDNA. deltaDNA is a trading name of GamesAnalytics Ltd.
Aggregated Data
- Counts of events, users, sessions, missions, revenue, items etc..
- Fixed set of Dimensions and Measures
©deltaDNA. deltaDNA is a trading name of GamesAnalytics Ltd.
Aggregated Data
- Counts of events, users, sessions, missions, revenue, items etc..
- Fixed set of Dimensions and Measures
Raw Data
- Not aggregated, contains all events and parameters
- Stored in an HP Vertica Analytics Database
- Very fast ad hock queries against any events or parameters
- Event Data retained for 30 days be default (can be extended on a per game basis)
- User Metrics retained for life
©deltaDNA. deltaDNA is a trading name of GamesAnalytics Ltd.
Aggregated Data
- Counts of events, users, sessions, missions, revenue, items etc..
- Fixed set of Dimensions and Measures
Raw Data
- Not aggregated, contains all events and parameters
- Stored in an HP Vertica Analytics Database
- Very fast ad hock queries against any events or parmaters
- Event Data retained for 30 days be default (can be extended on a per game basis)
- User Metrics retained for life
- All event data is archived to Amazon S3 so you can download
and run longer map reduce queries.
©deltaDNA. deltaDNA is a trading name of GamesAnalytics Ltd.
Data Structure
– Stored in a single wide table
– One row per event there are exceptions! more on them later…
– One column per parameter
– So, simplistically there is a row for each event you send and it contains columns for every
possible parameter the game can send.
– New columns will be added to the events table automatically as you add new parameters to
your event schema.
©deltaDNA. deltaDNA is a trading name of GamesAnalytics Ltd.
Data Structure
– Stored in a single wide table
– One row per event there are exceptions! more on them later…
– One column per parameter
– So, simplistically there is a row for each event you send and it contains column for every
possible parameter the game can send.
– New columns will be added to the events table automatically as you add new parameters to
your event schema.
- The exceptions,
• Some events can span multiple rows (transaction, levelUp etc...)
• Some columns are automatically populated by deltaDNA
©deltaDNA. deltaDNA is a trading name of GamesAnalytics Ltd.
Data Structure
User Metrics
– Each row contains metrics for a user including
Generic Metrics – automatically calculated totalDaysPlayed, totalRealCurrencySpent …
Counts of events eventGameStartedCount, eventLevelUpCount …
Parameter Metrics
Auto fieldMissionNameLast, fieldDeviceTypeLast, fieldUserXPLast …
User Defined.
Any String or Integer Game Parameter. Set parameters as metrics in Game Parameters tool.
(Warning, don’t just set everything to be a metric, it will just bloat your user metrics table and slow down your direct access queries)
Multiple rows per user, use effective date to get the most recent
Updated every night in the early hours (UTC).
This is an archive for you to run queries on, Segmentaion, Targeting etc.. Work against a live, in memory version of
this that has real-time accuracy.
Be aware, some metrics are relative to the user_last_seen_date, e.g. daysPlayedLast7Days . We are
looking to change this at some point to make re-evaluation of inactive users easier.
©deltaDNA. deltaDNA is a trading name of GamesAnalytics Ltd.
Data Mining – Events
Moves Remaining on “First Time User Forest #2”
©deltaDNA. deltaDNA is a trading name of GamesAnalytics Ltd.
Data Mining – Events
Moves Remaining on “First Time User Forest #3”
©deltaDNA. deltaDNA is a trading name of GamesAnalytics Ltd.
Data Mining – Events
Ratio of mission events on the first 5 missions
©deltaDNA. deltaDNA is a trading name of GamesAnalytics Ltd.
Data Mining – Events
Ratio of mission events on the first 5 missions
47% failure rate, mission too difficult!
©deltaDNA. deltaDNA is a trading name of GamesAnalytics Ltd.
Data Mining – Users
Moves Remaining by mission
©deltaDNA. deltaDNA is a trading name of GamesAnalytics Ltd.
Direct Access - Connecting
Direct Access Documentation
©deltaDNA. deltaDNA is a trading name of GamesAnalytics Ltd.
Direct Access - Queries
Event Query
-- Event Mining Query
SELECT movesRemaining, count(eventDate)
FROM events_live
WHERE missionName= 'First Time User Forest #2'
AND eventName = 'missionCompleted'
GROUP BY movesRemaining
ORDER BY movesRemaining desc ;
User Metrics Query
-- User Mining Query
select *
from user_metrics_dev
where effective_date = CURRENT_DATE
limit 20 ;
©deltaDNA. deltaDNA is a trading name of GamesAnalytics Ltd.
Direct Access - Queries
Advanced Query
with JOIN between events and user metrics
SELECT e.missionName, count(e.missionName)
FROM events_live e
JOIN user_metrics_live m ON e.userID = m.user_id
WHERE eventName = 'missionFailed'
AND e.missionName LIKE 'First Time User Forest%'
AND m.fieldLivesBalanceLast = 0
AND m.effective_date = CURRENT_DATE
GROUP BY e.missionName
ORDER BY e.missionName ;
First Time User Forest #3 is causing abandonment
It has the highest number of players where it is
The last mission they play, and fail and have no lives left
©deltaDNA. deltaDNA is a trading name of GamesAnalytics Ltd.