West Midlands Key Health Data 2011/12 Launch Event Monday 18 March 2013 Chapter 7 Measuring in 12.30pm – inequalities 3.30pm small area lifeTippett expectancy Michael Room, Staff House University of Birmingham Chapter contributions from: West Midlands Cancer Intelligence Unit Health Protection Agency West Midlands The Perinatal Institute NHS Warwickshire Warwickshire County Council Staffordshire County Council / NHS Staffordshire and NHS Stoke-on-Trent Heart of England Foundation Trust West Midlands Commissioning Support Unit West Midlands Key Health Data 2011/12 Measuring inequalities Chapter 7 Measuring inequalities in small areaarea life expectancy in small life expectancy Daniel Eayres, Jane Fletcher, WMCSU Paul Kingswell, NHS Warwickshire Why measure life expectancy? Longstanding and widely used measure of overall health outcome Quantifies mortality risks in a readily understandable metric Used in previous PSA target to reduce health inequalities between LAs Public Health Outcomes Framework – Overarching outcomes increased healthy life expectancy, i.e. taking account of the health quality as well as the length of life; reduced differences in life expectancy and healthy life expectancy between communities (through greater improvements in more disadvantaged communities). West Midlands Key Health Data 2011/12 Chapter 7 Measuring inequalities in small area life expectancy Daniel Eayres, Jane Fletcher, WMCSU; Paul Kingswell, NHS Warks Life expectancy in the West Midlands Male life expectancy at birth by region, England 2008-10 81 Life expectancy years 80 79 78 77 76 75 SOUTH EAST EAST OF ENGLAND SOUTH WEST LONDON EAST WEST YORKSHIRE MIDLANDS MIDLANDS AND THE HUMBER NORTH EAST NORTH WEST ENGLAND Region Source: Compendium of Population Health Indicators, NHS Information Centre. West Midlands Key Health Data 2011/12 Chapter 7 Measuring inequalities in small area life expectancy Daniel Eayres, Jane Fletcher, WMCSU; Paul Kingswell, NHS Warks Life expectancy in the West Midlands Female life expectancy at birth, England and the West Midlands 1991-93 to 2008-10 ENGLAND WEST MIDLANDS 83 Life expectancy years 82 81 80 79 Chapter 7 Measuring inequalities in small area life expectancy 78 77 76 Time Period Source: Compendium of Population Health Indicators, NHS Information Centre. West Midlands Key Health Data 2011/12 Chapter 7 Measuring inequalities in small area life expectancy Daniel Eayres, Jane Fletcher, WMCSU; Paul Kingswell, NHS Warks Life expectancy by local authority Life expectancy at birth by local authority, West Midlands 2008-10 Males West Midlands Key Health Data 2011/12 Females Chapter 7 Measuring inequalities in small area life expectancy Daniel Eayres, Jane Fletcher, WMCSU; Paul Kingswell, NHS Warks Life expectancy by local authority Male life expectancy at birth vs. Deprivation by local authority, West Midlands 2008-10 81 Life expectancy (years) 80 79 78 Chapter 7 Measuring inequalities in small area life expectancy 77 76 y = -0.1378x + 81.097 R² = 0.7528 75 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Index of Multiple Deprivation 2010 (average score) Source: Compendium of Population Health Indicators, NHS Information Centre; Indices of Deprivation 2010, Department for Communities and Local Government. West Midlands Key Health Data 2011/12 Chapter 7 Measuring inequalities in small area life expectancy Daniel Eayres, Jane Fletcher, WMCSU; Paul Kingswell, NHS Warks Small area geographies Electoral Wards ● Politically relevant ● Frequent boundary changes ● Large variation in population size Super Output Areas - Lower (LSOA) and Middle (MSOA) ● Not directly associated withinequalities admin/constiuency areas Chapter 7 Measuring in ● Stablesmall boundaries area life expectancy ● Little variation in population size West Midlands ○ Wards n = 719, avg pop = 7,800 (LA avg 3,400 - 26,800) ○ MSOAs n = 735, avg pop = 7,600 (LA avg 6,200 - 9,200) ○ LSOAs n = 3,487, avg pop = 1,600 (LA avg 1,50-1,700) West Midlands Key Health Data 2011/12 Chapter 7 Measuring inequalities in small area life expectancy Daniel Eayres, Jane Fletcher, WMCSU; Paul Kingswell, NHS Warks Life expectancy by small area geography Life expectancy at birth by small area, West Midlands 2008-10 By ward West Midlands Key Health Data 2011/12 By MSOA Chapter 7 Measuring inequalities in small area life expectancy Daniel Eayres, Jane Fletcher, WMCSU; Paul Kingswell, NHS Warks Life expectancy by small area geography Life expectancy at birth by small area, West Midlands Metropolitan County 2008-10 By ward West Midlands Key Health Data 2011/12 By MSOA Chapter 7 Measuring inequalities in small area life expectancy Daniel Eayres, Jane Fletcher, WMCSU; Paul Kingswell, NHS Warks Life expectancy by small area geography Male life expectancy at birth vs. Deprivation by MSOA, West Midlands 2008-10 95 y = -0.1673x + 81.718 R² = 0.6386 Life expectancy (years) 90 85 Chapter 7 Measuring inequalities in small area life expectancy 80 75 70 65 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Index of Multiple Deprivation 2010 (average score) Source: Health profiles – local health, Network of Public Health Observatories; Indices of Deprivation 2010, Department for Communities and Local Government. West Midlands Key Health Data 2011/12 Chapter 7 Measuring inequalities in small area life expectancy Daniel Eayres, Jane Fletcher, WMCSU; Paul Kingswell, NHS Warks Slope Index of Inequality Public Health Outcomes Framework life expectancy inequalities Indicator 0.2i: Slope index of inequality (SII) in life expectancy at birth based on national deprivation deciles of Lower Super Output Areas (LSOAs) within England [National level]. Indicator 0.2ii: Number of upper tier local authorities for which the local SII in life expectancy (as defined in 0.2.iii) has decreased [National level]. Indicator 0.2iii: SII in life expectancy at birth within each English upper tier local authority, based on local deprivation deciles of LSOAs [LA level]. West Midlands Key Health Data 2011/12 Chapter 7 Measuring inequalities in small area life expectancy Daniel Eayres, Jane Fletcher, WMCSU; Paul Kingswell, NHS Warks Slope Index of Inequality Life Expectancy by by Deprivation Deciles, showing the Slope Index Inequality Male life expectancy at birth deprivation decile showing the SII,ofWarwickshire 2006-10 Warwickshire, Males, 2006-10 Slope Index of Inequality = 8.3 years (95% Confidence Interval: 6.0 to 10.6) 90 88 Inequality Slope Life Expectancy at Birth (years) 86 Life Expectancy with 95% confidence limits 84 82 Chapter 7 Measuring inequalities in small area life expectancy 80 78 76 74 72 70 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Percentage of population, ranked from high to low IMD score Source: Health Inequality Indicators, Network of Public Health Observatories. West Midlands Key Health Data 2011/12 Chapter 7 Measuring inequalities in small area life expectancy Daniel Eayres, Jane Fletcher, WMCSU; Paul Kingswell, NHS Warks Slope Index of Inequality SII for life expectancy at birth by upper-tier local authority and gender West Midlands 2006-10 ONS Area code E06000019 E06000051 E06000021 E06000020 E10000028 E10000031 E10000034 E08000025 E08000026 E08000027 E08000028 E08000029 E08000030 E08000031 LA Name Males SII Females 95% confidence limits Lower Upper 1.1 8.4 Herefordshire, County of UA 4.8 4.2 9.1 Shropshire UA 6.7 ChapterUA7 Measuring8.2inequalities 5.7 10.7 Stoke-on-Trent 4.3 9.6 Telford and Wrekin 7.0 small areaUAlife expectancy 6.9 9.1 Staffordshire 8.0 6.0 10.6 Warwickshire 8.3 5.6 10.0 Worcestershire 7.8 9.2 12.5 Birmingham 10.8 9.8 13.7 Coventry 11.7 8.7 11.0 Dudley 9.9 7.5 11.8 Sandwell 9.6 8.3 13.2 Solihull 10.8 8.9 12.6 Walsall 10.8 7.4 11.9 Wolverhampton 9.7 SII in 4.1 4.3 4.7 2.8 6.2 7.6 5.4 5.9 7.9 5.7 6.4 10.3 6.9 5.8 95% confidence limits Lower Upper 1.0 2.8 1.0 -1.3 4.0 5.2 4.0 4.3 5.1 3.4 4.3 7.7 3.2 2.8 7.2 5.8 8.5 6.8 8.5 9.9 6.8 7.5 10.8 8.1 8.6 12.8 10.5 8.8 Source: Health Inequality Indicators, Network of Public Health Observatories. West Midlands Key Health Data 2011/12 Chapter 7 Measuring inequalities in small area life expectancy Daniel Eayres, Jane Fletcher, WMCSU; Paul Kingswell, NHS Warks Summary Points LE is a high profile outcome indicator that needs to be monitored by HWBs, including the assessment of within local authority inequality. Life expectancy in the West Midlands is continuing to improve but has remained persistently below the national average for both men and women. The range between the highest and lowest local authority districts LEs in the West Midlands is ~5 years for males and ~4 years for females. Significant variation in LE at the ward, MSOA and LSOA deprivation deciles levels Measuring inequalities in using 5-years ofChapter mortality7data. small area life expectancy At all area levels there is a strong association between LE and deprivation. The association is stronger and the relationship steeper for males than for females. Wide inequalities in life expectancy exist within even those local authorities that have high life expectancies overall. SII values for WM upper-tier LAs range from 4.8 to 11.7 years for males and 2.8 to 10.3 years for females. Measuring the change in the SII over time in individual LAs will be problematic as the confidence intervals are wide and long time periods are needed. West Midlands Key Health Data 2011/12 Chapter 7 Measuring inequalities in small area life expectancy Daniel Eayres, Jane Fletcher, WMCSU; Paul Kingswell, NHS Warks West Midlands Key Health Data 2011/12 END Chapter 7 Measuring inequalities in small area life expectancy Daniel Eayres, Jane Fletcher, WMCSU Paul Kingswell, NHS Warwickshire