
Allen Hunsberger – P&C
Stephen Samara – P&C
Melanie Caramat – P&C
Lara Kirsch – P&C
Katherine Lineback – AP
Cielo Joaquino – AP
Countywide BPA Changes
Property Disposal
Procurement Card
Procurement Card FAQ’s, Known Issues, Updates, Work Arounds
Purchasing R12 Release Reminders: Calculating Tax, Unreserving and Cancellations
Supplier Site Error in Purchasing Forms
Penny Corrections
Invoice Corrections and Reversals in R12
Tax Rate Variance
Fusion Middleware (FMW) Notifications
Expenditure Item Dates on Non-PO Invoices With Future Dates
How to Correct System Holds on AP Invoices
How to Verify if Your Invoice Is On Hold
How to Verify If Your Supplier Is On Hold
AP Reminders
Countywide BPA Changes
BPAs 539708, 539709 & 539710, Off-Site Conference and Meeting Venues
• Three new agreements as of November, 2011
• Vendors are: Town & Country Resort, Marina Bay Village and Scottish Rite
Masonic Center
BPA 540429, Bus and Trolley Tokens and Passes
• New agreement as of February 12, 2012
• New vendor: San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG), Replaces
Agreement with San Diego Transit
BPA 527861, Propane
• Will Expire on March 31, 2012
• Current RFB is under evaluation for a new agreement to begin on April 1.
BPA 518879, Printer and Toner Cartridges
• Will Expire on March 31, 2012
• Current RFB is on the street and will open February 29. New agreement to
begin on April 1.
Property Disposal
The County has issued a notice of intent to award for a new auction contract.
• Same auctioneer – TNT auctions
What will change:
• Re-utilization will occur virtually through a vendor provided web site
• Property will be sent to a new location operated by the vendor. The
Auctioneer’s site will replace our property disposal warehouse
What will not change
• Same P&C staff
• Form 253
• Vehicles auctions
We will be providing more process details after the contract is in place.
Requisitions Assignment
• Please leave the buyer field blank and attach all documentation
• We are encountering delays due to departments entering a buyer name or
emailing documents to buyers.
Payment – Please pay your invoices on time
• We are seeing a large increase of vendor complaints of overdue invoices
• Enter releases before placing the order
Tax rates on BPAs
• Provide information on whether the item is taxable, and whether the tax is
sales tax or use tax.
• Do not reflect the delivery location. You may need to enter a different tax
rate on the release to reflect a higher tax rate for your delivery location
• Please do not request BPA changes to reflect your delivery locations tax code
Procurement Card
LMS will now send a notification of R12 P-Card course completion to the trainee
and the P-Card unit
• You no longer need to send completion certificates to the P-Card unit
• Please monitor the training report to make sure your training is properly
• Shelly Castle will be on extended leave
• Bernie Udarbe is joining the P-Card unit
• Dyan Rosener will be assisting during Shelly’s absence
We appreciate your patience during the R12 upgrade
• Most issues are resolved. The P-Card unit will still act as approver for
remaining workflow issues with alternate verifiers
• Please let us know of any new workflow problems
• We are working on better reporting
Procurement Card FAQ’s, Known Issues, Updates, Work
Where are my P-Card Notifications?
All P-Card Workflows (for verification, on approvals, on rejects) are
located within the FMW worklist menu
FMW worklist is not the same as the EBS worklist
EBS Worklist
FMW Worklist
Procurement Card FAQ’s, Known Issues, Updates, Work
Arounds cont…
Why am I seeing current p-card notifications in my EBS worklist?
Issue due to a process, runs behind-the-scenes, that attempts to inactivate
old notifications. Please ignore all EBS notifications related to P-Card. You
may forward them to Lara Kirsch or Melanie Caramat. Please e-mail Melanie
Caramat or Lara Kirsch and cc the P-card Unit when this occurs.
Why am I receiving invalid POETA errors in the EBS Verification form?
When the Apply button is selected, the EBS form will perform POETA
validation on any line set to VERIFIED. Inventory items do not require POETA.
Procurement Card FAQ’s, Known Issues, Updates, Work
Arounds cont…
Why am I receiving invalid POETA errors in the EBS Verification form? Cont…
Expenditure Org error occurs when I click Apply
Expenditure Org field must be a complete value:
34085 TAX COLLECTION vs. 34085 (with no Exp Org
Frequently occurs when the Exp Org is keyed in (vs. LOV)
quickly and Apply is selected before the form has a chance to
populate the complete value
Form validates the BPA field (when value exists). BPA field is not a free text
Closed BPA’s cannot be entered
Work Around: Reference the BPA in the Description field
Issue – ticket: 9922552
Procurement Card FAQ’s, Known Issues, Updates, Work
Arounds cont…
I already verified my transactions, why has my Approving Official (AO) not seen the
workflow yet?
Make sure AO is looking at FMW worklist, not EBS worklist
Cardholder is required to click the “Submit to Manager” button:
Submit to Manager can produce 2 notices:
Update: HP will try to replace “Error” with the word “Information”
Procurement Card FAQ’s, Known Issues, Updates, Work
Arounds cont…
I already verified my transactions, why has my Approving Official (AO) not seen the
workflow yet? Cont…
You are the alternate verifier
Approving Official may see blank notifications in FMW
Work Around: Complete verification, but P-Card Admin will complete
approval upon receipt of Cardholder log and AO approval
Issue – ticket 9869513 / P&C can request query on all Verified txns
Update: P&C is requesting a report where the P-Card Admin/Dept
Coordination can identify which transactions are pending submission for
Where is the Procurement Card Transaction Activity Report?
Report is available to PUR P-Card Dept Coordinators and Administrators
Report is located in OBI (datawarehouse)
Procurement Card FAQ’s, Known Issues, Updates, Work
Around’s cont…
Where is the Procurement Card Transaction Activity Report? Cont…
Navigation: Oracle EBS Financials  Procurement Card
Report data is a day in arrears
Data appears to be more than a day in arrears
Work-around: Notify P-Card Unit on as- needed basis. PAS group will
request a query from HP
Issue – ticket: 9899650
HP will retrofit this report into EBS (real-time). Currently being tested.
Procurement Card FAQ’s, Known Issues, Updates, Work
Around’s cont…
How do I get rid of FMW notifications?
FYI notifications may be dismissed:
P-Card Employee Transaction Notification
P-Card Employee Transaction Rejected Notification
P-Card Employee Transaction Approved Notification
Navigation (select notification first): My Tasks  Actions  Dismiss
Notifications that require approval cannot be dismissed (similar to 11.5.7).
Notification approvals that are already completed (e.g. P-Card Admin
approved the transaction on behalf of AO) can be forward to PAS (Lara Kirsch
or Melanie Caramat).
Procurement Card FAQ’s, Known Issues, Updates, Work
Around’s cont…
7. I always Approve or Reject my Cardholder’s transaction on the bottom half of the
screen, but can I also do it from the Actions menu?
 Actions taken from the Actions Menu in FMW are not reliable for P-Card
 Workaround: None, do not use
 Issue – ticket: 9922963
Incorrect use of the Approval and
Reject actions. DO NOT USE.
Correct use of the Approval and Reject
Procurement Card FAQ’s, Known Issues, Updates, Work
Arounds cont…
Are there vacation rules in FMW like there were in 11.5.7 for P-card processing?
Vacation Rules functionality is currently being tested in R12
Work around: P-Card Dept Coordinators to inform P-Card Unit of
transactions that need to be completed.
Purchasing R12 Release Reminders: Calculating Tax,
Unreserving and Cancellations
Tax processing in the Release form
Tax is handled in the R12 Tax E-Business Suite – no longer processed in the
core form. See R12 trainings in the LMS.
Tax can only be selected after a valid charge account is committed (per
each distribution)
Unreserve process in the Release form
Unreserving Release Shipments can be done at the Header or Shipment
Cursor will determine where the Unreserve process is completed
R12 training to be published before Fiscal Year End
Cancellation of Release
Release Users will have control over Release Cancellations – can be done
at Header or Shipment
Cursor will determine where the Unreserve process is completed
R12 training to be published before Fiscal Year End
Supplier Site Error in Purchasing Forms
Supplier address on the Purchasing document (BPA, CPA or Standard Purchase
Order) is not flagged as a Purchasing site
Notify buyer. Buyer will request to AP to correct the Vendor’s site address
User Access error
Resolution: Oracle R12 now requires an additional SAVING action after every
invoice entry and before scanning. Just after you’ve entered the POETA in the
LINES tab, click on your ALL DISTRIBUTIONS button, click on the SAVE icon (disk)
in the toolbar. Notice that in this ALL DISTRIBUTION screen, the Distribution
Class was Preview before the saving action and Saved after the saving action.
You are now ready to re-scan and should be able to view the attachments.
Xendocs cont…
User can only view the first page of the scanned images.
Resolution : AlternaTIFF repair
Xendocs cont…
Run Remote Synchronization Agent (RSA) --- run this periodically to minimize
problems in Xendocs.
Xendocs cont…
4. Scanned images not attaching to Oracle invoice
Resolution: After making sure that this is not a duplicate invoice, just add a dash
A (-A) after the invoice number to make it unique and rescan again.
Note: Oracle R12 only produces the message –”this value already exists’ if user is
entering an invoice number that has been previously used for the same vendor
and same site.
Xendocs cont…
Note: Oracle allows a duplicate invoice number to be entered successfully in
Oracle for the same supplier yet different site address. But, user will
encounter a problem in Xendocs.
Penny Corrections
Penny Corrections for sales tax – due to rounding up or down of
calculated sales tax, penny discrepancies between Oracle and vendor sales
tax can be expected.
Add another line in the LINES tab with Type = Item
Amount = + or - $0.01
Tax Classification Code = blank
Use same POETA as in the expense Item line
PO Number = blank
Invoice Corrections and Reversals in R12
POETA corrections and reversals are discouraged at this time
Due to the new Subledger Accounting (SLA) layer in R12 and the uncertainty of what
these corrections can do, all invoices with reversals and POETA corrections needs to be
cancelled by Accounts Payable.
------ if POETA correction is for one-time only:
1. Department has to enter the invoice using the POETA set-up in the PO
2. AP will process, validate and pay the invoice as is
3. Department will then have to do an MTBT to correct the POETA under which the
AP invoice was paid.
------- if POETA correction is applicable to future invoices as well (not one time only)
1. Department has to go back to P&C buyer to have the POETA in the PO changed as
a long-term solution
2. Once change is done, invoice can be re-entered in Oracle
Tax Rate Variance
Note: Invoices displaying a tax rate variance (in the All Distributions
screen) for the full amount of the tax may be subject to cancellation.
 When creating releases, remember to always enter a tax code.
 An invoice with a blank tax code in the invoice Lines/Distribution screen
will be placed on hold by AP.
 An invoice with a tax code (i.e. CA Sales Tax) in the invoice Lines yet a
blank tax code in the Shipment Status screen will be cancelled by AP –
tax not encumbered.
Tax Rate Variance cont…
Fusion Middleware (FMW) Notifications
Where to check 'completed' (approved and rejected) AP invoice batches:
1. Go to FMW-BPM Worklist
2. Click on 'Initiated Tasks' tab
3. Change default Status = Assigned to Completed
4. Look/query for the batch name ---batch name would typically
appear on 3 lines (regular AP batch or 4 lines if Wire batch)
5. Click on the latest one amongst the 3 or 4 that appears
6. The next screen would show if it is an 'approval' or a 'rejection' from
AP Central
Fusion Middleware (FMW) Notifications
Fusion Middleware (FMW) Notifications cont…
Where to check 'expired/timed-out' AP invoice batches
 5 days if no dept approver accepts responsibility - goes back to preparer;
 2- days if approver who accepted did not approve nor reject - goes back to the
dept approver pool/queue)
1. Go to FMW-BPM Worklist
2. Click on 'Initiated Tasks' tab
3. Change default Status = Assigned to Expired
4. Look/query for the batch name - if it is there then
5. Go to your Oracle -> AP Dept Invoice Entry -> Invoices -> Invoice Batches
6. Click on F11
7. Paste the expired batch’s name
8. Do CTRL -F11
9. Click on Tools -> Initiate Approval
10. A message would appear "Workflow has been Launched"
Expenditure Item Dates on Non-PO Invoices With
Future Dates
Error message : “Expenditure Item Date and GL Date must be within an
open and future accounting period.”
When encountering this error message in the LINES screen
Delete the LINE information using the red X icon
Change Invoice Date to a current date (i.e. 15-Feb-2012)
Expenditure Item Dates on Non-PO Invoices With
Future Dates cont…
 Go down to Lines and enter the POETA - Exp Item Date is a current date
(i.e. 15-FEB-2012) and GL date is a current date (i.e. 15-Feb-2012)
 Save
 Go back to Invoice Workbench and change Invoice date to the actual
date which is a future date of 12-Mar-2012
 Save
How to correct System Holds on AP invoices
Qty Received - qty billed exceeds qty received; department has to do the
‘receiving process’. Once done, resubmit batch to workflow
2. Qty Ordered - qty billed exceeds qty ordered; AP will cancel this invoice;
department has to research then re-enter the invoice.
3. Encumbrance Accounting Failed – AP has to re-validate. Just email AP
contact to have this done.
4. PO not approved – department has to fully process (till approval) the
PO/release. Once done, resubmit batch to workflow.
1. FTB Withholding – no action required from department; invoice is being
reviewed by AP for FTB deduction; if appropriate, AP will reduce the
invoice amount by the calculated 7% FTB
2. Levy hold - no action required from department; invoice is being
reviewed by AP for levy reduction; if appropriate, AP will reduce the
invoice amount by the calculated levy amount and create another
invoice for this levy amount in the same batch.
How to Verify If Your Invoice Is On Hold
Via Invoice Workbench
Query your invoice in the Invoice Workbench – click on the ‘General’
tab and look if there is a number in the ‘Holds’ field.
How to Verify If Your Invoice Is On Hold cont…
• Click on the Holds tab and Hold Reason, Hold Date and Employee
Num of staff who held it will be displayed.
How to Verify If Your Supplier Is On Hold
Via the COSD Invoice On Hold Report
How to Verify If Your Supplier Is On Hold cont…
Note: If a supplier is on Hold, the Invoice Workbench will not display
that there is a hold. An indication would be, a validated invoice that is
already scheduled for payment is not being paid.
How to Verify If Your Supplier Is On Hold cont…
Via a supplier query in the Oracle R12 Supplier html
How to Verify If Your Supplier Is On Hold cont…
Query supplier name and click on the Go button
How to Verify If Your Supplier Is On Hold cont…
Supplier information is displayed – note the flag on the Hold From Payment
field and the stated Hold Reason
AP Reminders
Last sequence of scanned images should contain all/the complete
documentation of the invoice. Exemptions: Rescanned documents for
invoices with over 50 pages (i.e travel or petty cash claims)
Appropriate use of AP ‘s Special Inboxes
FGG, APPriorityValidation – used only for requests for expedite,
workaround FMW approval emails and cancellations.
FGG APOverage – used for email requests for cancellation or
reissue of overaged warrants
FGG APSalestax – used for submission of vendors Form 587, Form
590 and CA Sellers Permit
AP Reminders cont…
Always query first to verify if a supplier exists, before submitting a COSD
New Supplier Request (NSR).
Make it a practice to confirm if your invoice ‘Scheduled Payment Date’ is
accurate (via AP Inquiry or AP Department Invoice Approval
responsibilities) to minimize delays in payments. If scheduled payment
date displays an incorrect date, feel free to email AP contact so it can be
changed appropriately.
For Prepayments (Travel) - as a general rule, only per diem items (meals
and lodging) are advanced; any other items such as hotel taxes need
support documents
AP Reminders cont…
6. Petty Cash
Create and submit invoice batch only when TR is actually closed
(submitted & processed in Oracle).
Online purchases, regardless of amount should not be processed via
Petty Cash; should be via GC due to possible USE tax issues.
Attachments should be scanned in the same order as it appears in
the POETA lines of the OC claim form – easier/faster to review
Aside from the approval signature, all claim forms should have a printed
name, approval date and position or title of the approving officer.
Questions and Future Topics
• Questions?
• Future topics?
Future Meeting Dates: TBD