
Choose three pieces of paper of the same
colour. Choose a pen that will write on them.
Take a seat.
Have a chat.
How can we fairly share the chocolate with
those here?
Does this help?
How do you feel?
What is it like to meet integration on a
Wednesday afternoon?
Did you feel uncomfortable?
Did anyone suddenly understand how to
calculate volumes of solids?
Did anyone switch off?
Did anyone want to walk out?
Did anyone feel like misbehaving?
How do they feel?
Fractions and decimals – Australian Curriculum
Year 1
Recognise and describe one-half as one of two
equal parts of a whole. (ACMNA016)
Year 2
Recognise and interpret common uses of halves,
quarters and eighths of shapes and collections
Year 3
Model and represent unit fractions including 1/2,
1/4, 1/3, 1/5 and
their multiples to a complete whole (ACMNA058)
Fraction notation - delay
Fractions and decimals – Australian Curriculum
• Year 4
• Investigate equivalent fractions used in contexts
• Count by quarters halves and thirds, including
with mixed numerals. Locate and represent these
fractions on a number line (ACMNA078)
• Recognise that the place value system can be
extended to tenths and hundredths. Make
connections between fractions and decimal
notation (ACMNA079)
Fraction notation - delay
Erin Gallagher's Fraction Calculators
• Fold one of your pieces of paper in
• Hold it above your head.
• Open it.
• Frame one side.
• Name it.
Re-fold your piece of paper.
Fold it in half again.
Hold it above your head.
Open it.
Frame one of the smaller pieces.
Name it.
How did you make it?
• Fold a new piece of paper in half.
• Open it. Frame one side. Name it.
• Refold it. Fold the half into thirds.
To fold thirds, move one side towards the
middle until the bit that will be folded is as
wide as the single thickness bit.
• Open it. Frame one piece. Name it.
• Describe how you made it.
• Refold it. Fold it into halves.
• Open it. Frame one piece. Name it.
• Describe how you made it.
• Fold a new piece of paper in half.
• Open it. Frame one side. Name it.
• Refold it. Fold the half into fifths.
• How do we fold into fifths?
• Open it. Frame one piece. Name it.
• Describe how you made it.
• You now have three pieces of paper from the
'half' family.
Thirds family.
• Choose another colour of paper. Take 2.
• Fold one of your new pieces of paper in thirds.
• Open it. Frame one side. Name it. Extension
Make ninths or
• Refold it. Fold the shape in half. Choose another colour
for a fifths family.
• Open it. Frame one piece.
Make tenths by fifthing
Name it.
then halving.
• Describe how you made it.
• Compare it with your sixth from your half
Erin Gallagher's Fraction Calculators
• Great for teaching area concept of fractions.
• Great for multiples of unit fractions.
• Great for equivalent fractions.
• Have been successfully used to fill in gaps in
fraction knowledge up to college age.
• Don't go too far in one lesson.
Fraction Wall Game
Roll one die to see what fraction you can colour.
You may colour the fraction (brick) you roll, or
fractions (bricks) that total your roll. You may
NEVER split a brick.
You need an exact roll to win the game.
Fractions and decimals – Australian Curriculum
Year 5
Compare and order common unit fractions and
locate and represent them on a number
line (ACMNA102)
Investigate strategies to solve problems involving
addition and subtraction of fractions
with the same denominator (ACMNA103)
Recognise that the place value system can be
extended beyond hundredths (ACMNA104)
Compare, order and represent decimals
Fractions and decimals – Australian Curriculum
Year 6
Compare fractions with related denominators and locate and represent them
on a number line (ACMNA125)
Solve problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions with the same
or related denominators (ACMNA126)
Find a simple fraction of a quantity where the result is a whole number, with
and without digital technologies (ACMNA127)
Add and subtract decimals, with and without digital technologies, and use
estimation and rounding to check the reasonableness of answers (ACMNA128)
Multiply decimals by whole numbers and perform divisions by non-zero whole
numbers where the results are terminating decimals, with and without digital
technologies (ACMNA129)
Multiply and divide decimals by powers of 10 (ACMNA130)
Make connections between equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages
Caroline's strips
Similar folding, but in 1D, not 2D.
More transferable to number lines.
Fold a strip into twelfths.
Improper fractions - multiple strips.
Number lines
1 = 1m is helpful.
Do after fraction game and folding
Attach whole numbers first, then
halves, then quarters etc.
Use pegs so fraction position can be
tweaked – sticky tape in place later.
Fractions of collections
Start with conversations • ‘half the class‘.
• ‘We will share the blocks evenly
between the group, let’s have a
quarter each.’
• etc.
Fractions of collections
Which is bigger, one quarter or 5?
One quarter of my class is bigger than 5
This is why many students find fractions of
collections confusing.
Fractions of collections - with strips
• Only attempt after class is
familiar with folding strips.
• Use smiley strip to find half of 24.
• Two thirds of 24.
• Three quarters of 24.
Decimats -year 4
• Only attempt after class is familiar with tenths
using strips and/or fraction calculators.
Decimats -year 5 and 6
• Use to show decimals and add decimals.
Decimats - game (after using decimats in class)
Fraction Wall
Good for relative size of fractions and equivalent
fractions. Ties in well with strips.
Fraction and Decimal Wall
Good for connections between fractions and
 Pencil only, no texta. Take in turns to roll then colour.
 Colour what you roll, or an equivalent fraction e.g. 1/2 could do
 No cutting fractions up e.g. 1/2 can't do 1/3 and 1/6
 Check your partner
Extension - after you roll your fraction, you may roll a 4 sided dice. You
get that many pieces, unless it is 1 or more, then you get nothing.
e.g. you roll 1/3. You choose to roll 4 sided dice. You roll a 4, you can't
use 4/3, so you miss your turn.
e.g. you roll 1/2. You choose not to use 4 sided dice. You colour 1/2.
e.g. you roll 1/6. You choose to roll 4 sided dice. You roll 3. You colour
3/6 or 1/2 or 4/8
• Other ideas
• Keep it real - cooking and science (e.g. 3/4 cup
of water).
• Share pizzas or birthday cake.
• Cut play dough shapes.
• Decimal place value - expanders and sliders.
• String across room to peg fractions on number
• Use blocks/teddies for fraction of collections.
• etc.